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File: 34 KB, 320x347, 93307ca444ba57bf59a45850c8fe78d19d19d44cb199ea57e3943fb499ccc349_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15815112 No.15815112 [Reply] [Original]

What books do right libertarians read?

>> No.15815119

Hoppe Democracy the God That Failed

>> No.15815132

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

>> No.15815141

That book's just stoicism for millennials and zoomers.

>> No.15815151

raising wages across the board without thought to value and need is bad for certain employees, it inspires menial tasks to be replaced with automation, and decreases the overall hours for employees, or cuts them down to an amount the market can afford to hire.

>> No.15815154

white genocide when?

>> No.15815169

If you need elaborate arguments that you are not a slave then you are, in fact, a natural born slave.

>> No.15815176

But that's all good because then you can tax the hell out of the companies that automate and use that money to give those menial workers a basic income. That way they get money without doing degrading work.

>> No.15815189

why isn't automation helping the workers and making their work easier instead of a means of cutting off some of work force so that the owner can pocket more of the profit?

>> No.15815192

then you're inspiring companies to relocate, or not innovate/ come into being in the first place

>> No.15815207

automation has typically done just that, made workers more productive and produced for jobs.

in states like new york minimum wage requirement increases killed human car wash businesses, and now automated car washes are the rule

>> No.15815211

>Give me free stuff!
you are beyond retarded

>> No.15815213

Idk OP I'm a neon yahtzee. I have a pynchon tattoo and also like Gaddis, Swift and Cervantes the best. Calvino and Borges are breddy gud too.

>> No.15815229

No you're not because even with the taxes on automation they're still saving money.
>Give me free stuff!

>> No.15815234

Why do neither the Left nor Right seem to be in favor of 'national projects' like FDR and the Nazis did. Isn't that a very sensible thing to do, create/fix infrastructure, pay people a wage, they have something to do, learn skills, don't get involved in crime, etc.

>> No.15815238

if you're subsidizing someone to be unemployed then you are creating a crack in society

>> No.15815250

Basic Economics - Sowell
Money and Banking - Rothbard

>> No.15815251

If right libertarians read then they wouldn't be right libertarians

>> No.15815270

Remember when Sanders was running for president and talked about the Green New Deal

>> No.15815283

literally hitler here, the capitalist economy has "failed" already and what you believe is happening is not real. There are more assets than people with money to buy them, see: housing and real estate. The fed pumped trillions of dollars of liquidity into the market and it's so detached from people actually working that nothing happened other than some slight increases in the prices of meat as gas plummeted and is holding low. We are well beyond MUH SUPPLY AND DEMAND MUH BOOTSTRAPS. In america we burned the oil and shot the cows rather than ever have that supply and demand curve favor the consumer. We let chinese nationals speculate our real estate. We gave trillions of dollars to the jews. Every municipality in the world is running at a deficit. New York City, the "financial capital of the country" is operating at a 13 billion dollar deficit
>but that's not real capitalis-
Okay kike

>> No.15815288

That's one way to look at it. Or you could say you're freeing them from the shackles of menial labor.

>> No.15815294

Also Trump's wall.

>> No.15815299

the left is

>> No.15815302

you're a nut

>> No.15815314
File: 1.54 MB, 1904x1131, 1588741410014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I run my own 1099 and do quite well for myself working 4 hours a day so you can spare me with the rhetoric about getting a job or whatever and worry more about how to beg your boss for a 50 cent raise

>> No.15815323

He was right until he threw in the antisemitic slur.

>> No.15815325

>Also Trump's wall.
good meme

>> No.15815326

>why isn't automation helping the workers
sometimes, automation improves the productivity of workers (i.e., an actuary who uses a program to collect, transfer, and analyze a large sum of data). other times, it renders workers obsolete (i.e., the data entry worker who was programmed out of a job).

>> No.15815330

Take out whatever emotional/political investment you have in it. If that wasn't a national project then what is.

>> No.15815332

Nice response, you must be wicked smaht

>> No.15815340

Automation is only fine if the government lau ches programs to retrain the people losing their jobs. The history of the Rust Belt shows that this is not how it plays out in reality.

>> No.15815342

Imagine being this much of a total pussy

>> No.15815353

Who would make such a post?

>> No.15815354

I don't need to suffer fools, and I don't see a reason to mince my words

>> No.15815361

what do you do?

>> No.15815362

What’s national about a border wall in Texas?

>> No.15815367

I accept your concession and I'm sorry you have to work 8 hours a day for a paycheck. You're basically a junkie lol. Hey today's probably payday, you probably got your hit! Nice buddy don't shoot all $370 at once

>> No.15815376

I play banjo and argue with communists and then if I'm drunk enough I fuck my pregnant wife sometimes but our boy is due in two months so that's pretty gay
>but I meant your job
Idk man figure out how to make people give you money ;)

>> No.15815386

The wall would've been in Arizona, New Mexico and California originally according to Trump.

>> No.15815399

The construction of a large wall is not enough to mobilize a nation and is in no way comparable to the New Deal.

>> No.15815404

A 4-state border wall spanning one of our nation's 2 borders would have been a great national project, but partisan politics don't allow for grand ideas.

>> No.15815423

I thought grand ideas would help citizens, not ostracize immigrants

>> No.15815425

Nobody said that, but it would certainly be a national project. The kind of dictatorial power necessary to pass something like the new deal is not possible anymore.

>> No.15815434

it's a grandly retarded idea

>> No.15815443

The people building the wall would be citizens. The original post about grand ideas gave the Nazis as a literal example of what we're talking about >>15815234 so however racist or xenophobic the project is seems irrelevant to the conversation.

I'm against the wall personally but it is an example of a national project.

>> No.15815449

Nigger I don't care about your petty views on how brown people feel or how you want to feel like the dragon bitch from the HBO show, a 2000 mile long wall is objectively a national project.

>> No.15815471

Read the post you responded to. The anon was asking why neither the left nor right proposes national projects like FDR's or the Nazis'. Trump's wall is not like those.

>> No.15815481

The idea of the wall as it was originally proposed in his campaign was absolutely like those, read the original post again that talks about FDR and the nazis.

>> No.15815492

I mentioned the Nazis because of the Autobahn and stuff, they were doing something similar to the New Deal. In both countries it worked fairly well.

>> No.15815495

It's not at all like those, even if the wall went from Texas to California. Perhaps you're not aware of the scale of the New Deal.

>> No.15815516

Well unless you're talking about the highway specifically wouldn't it be almost impossible make a program that touches literally every state in some shape or form? The wall wouldn't cover every state of course but equivalents (in the sense of multi-state projects) could be done in a variety of areas.

>> No.15815549
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If a judge in Hawaii can federally block the wall then the wall must be a unifying factor among the states. Does it make sense? No, but it being fucking retarded doesnt seem to matter. Just like the CDC originally saying masks are worse than useless and the media ridiculing bigots who wore masks but now your have to wear a mask that explicitly says it doesnt block COVID transmission by law.

>> No.15815575

You're literally retarded.

>> No.15815578

I just meant the basic idea of having people do stuff for the state rather than just sit around collecting welfare, that's all. It could be state level instead of federal I guess, I'm not too informed on the US state structure. It could even be municipal.

US has a lot of degrading infrastructure and the work involved could be done by people without much training.

>> No.15815579

The New Deal was a series of different projects and programss spanning a decade. A 2000 mile border wall is absolutely on the scale of something like the TVA or the Autobahne. Unless you're going to sit here and tell me those are not grand national projects, you're flat out wrong. I don't give a shit whether you'd take trumps cock in your ass or you'd take Pablo's cock in your ass, it is objectively a national project.

>> No.15815606

I have no need to epeen with you, enjoy your fantasy world my good lad

>> No.15815618

That still sounds like something a wall being built by the federal government hiring mass amounts of citizens would qualify under. Mind you, I'm sure Trump would hire corporations to do it. But as an idea of a national project I'm not seeing how it doesn't qualify. Is it as big as the new deal? Of course not. But the New Deal wasn't just one project, it was a variety of them. And the wall could be considered an equivalent to one of the smaller projects.

>> No.15815631

If automation is this great job killer, then why is there no data showing this correlation?

>> No.15815632

Capitalism and Freedom

>> No.15815640

What a win for public infrastructure

>> No.15815642

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell is a good start. Most Libertarians I've met however do not read.

>> No.15815647

Can it become the case that automation claims too much of the market where people would have previously been employed thus ballooning the permanently unemployed?

>> No.15815653

You have nothing to say dude. Why are you even bothering to reply to me?
>lol ur so crazy man I can't even reply
Get the fuck out of here you cumguzzling retard. You're a fucking moron and you have absolutely nothing to say. I'm sure you'll reply to this post saying its evidence of why you don't need to engage me, but you are the person who chose to go down this path of interaction. Either reply to the first post and it's contents or accept you're a faggy idiot.

>> No.15815663

Well like I said, grand national projects really aren't possible anymore. Trump didn't get the wall he wanted just like democrats will never get the green new deal. Grand projects require an amount of dictatorial control that the present system will not afford.

>> No.15815665

what I had to say is already written, it's you who ejaculated a lot of crazy nonsense non sequitor trash, ergo you're nuts

enjoy writing your raving dissertation to this one

>> No.15815674

I have no issues with your wall example, I was being deliberately as broad as possible. There is a lot of stuff that could be done.

>> No.15815688

The irony of pic related

>> No.15815692

Kill yourself dude. You are the absolute worst kind of poster. So to reiterate. These are the posts you are saying "are what you had to say"
>I have no need to epeen with you, enjoy your fantasy world my good lad
>I don't need to suffer fools, and I don't see a reason to mince my words
>you're a nut
>if you're subsidizing someone to be unemployed then you are creating a crack in society
This is the post you are refusing to actually engage with
>the capitalist economy has "failed" already and what you believe is happening is not real. There are more assets than people with money to buy them, see: housing and real estate. The fed pumped trillions of dollars of liquidity into the market and it's so detached from people actually working that nothing happened other than some slight increases in the prices of meat as gas plummeted and is holding low. We are well beyond MUH SUPPLY AND DEMAND MUH BOOTSTRAPS. In america we burned the oil and shot the cows rather than ever have that supply and demand curve favor the consumer. We let chinese nationals speculate our real estate. We gave trillions of dollars to the jews. Every municipality in the world is running at a deficit. New York City, the "financial capital of the country" is operating at a 13 billion dollar deficit

>> No.15815701

I mean anything is possible in the long term but that really doesn't seem the reality in the short term future. The problem is that corporations have realized that its cheaper to simply import already trained foreign labor rather than retraining native labor, so whereas 100 years ago technology would only create frictional unemployment nowadays it creates structural unemployment. I cant imagine a future where automation doesn't require a human backend of its own, which means a retrained workforce could simply scale up.

>> No.15815706

I can't help but feel you either have no friends, or you hide your mania from those around you.

>> No.15815719

Why are you like this? Can you do anything other than be sarcastic and delusional? Again, this is what you are trying to avoid responding to:
>the capitalist economy has "failed" already and what you believe is happening is not real. There are more assets than people with money to buy them, see: housing and real estate. The fed pumped trillions of dollars of liquidity into the market and it's so detached from people actually working that nothing happened other than some slight increases in the prices of meat as gas plummeted and is holding low. We are well beyond MUH SUPPLY AND DEMAND MUH BOOTSTRAPS. In america we burned the oil and shot the cows rather than ever have that supply and demand curve favor the consumer. We let chinese nationals speculate our real estate. We gave trillions of dollars to the jews. Every municipality in the world is running at a deficit. New York City, the "financial capital of the country" is operating at a 13 billion dollar deficit

>> No.15815724

>imagine a world where a man doesn't talk to real people the same way he posts on 4chan
You're just as retarded as him

>> No.15815729

>The problem is that corporations have realized that its cheaper to simply import already trained foreign labor rather than retraining native labor

That is true and worrisome.

>> No.15815731

Oh why don't you tell me why I'm retarded then buddy?

>> No.15815735

I'm immune to your barbs, I am genuine in my posts, he wears a nutso mask.

>> No.15815746

what irony?

>> No.15815750

You're genuinely a feminine idiot

>> No.15815758

I am not a projection of your subconscious insecurity

>> No.15815771

You're still missing the point. Obviously a large wall is a national project but the person you were replying to was clearly talking about a grander vision than that. Hence the references to FDR and the Nazis. Trump never proposed anything like the New Deal.

>> No.15815797

>The fed pumped trillions of dollars of liquidity
What are you even bubbling about, government interventionism is anti-thesis of capitalism; all the fucking pro-capitalism writers for the whole fucking century have been continuously criticizing it (and New deal too if you wonder).
You repeated this retardation three times already?

>> No.15815801

When you couple this with the ideological push on the left to econonically disenfranchise white people, I think you've got a powder keg. Were sort of in a transition stage where even though blue collar whites were fucked by offshoring white collar whites could ignore it because they had their safe office jobs. But now most immigrants are white collar Indians and cancel culture is abound. When you can no longer brush off white disenfranchisement by saying "just learn to code bro" you're going to start seeing weird shit happening.

>> No.15815812
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So what is true capitalism then Chaim? The United States isn't capitalist? I accept that axiomatically but that makes you no better than a tankie bud.

>> No.15815821

No, youre reading into the original pose and inferring things that aren't there. The comment doesn't talk about the new deal, it talks about "national projects" like what fdr and the nazis did. The wall is absolutely a national project on the scale of the autobahne and TVA. Unless youre going to argue that those were not national projects, you are wrong.

>> No.15815860

I'm inferring what he obviously meant. National projects are planned and carried out under literally every single president. He mentioned FDR and the Nazis because he's talking about something on a much larger scale. A large wall might be a step in that direction but it's not at all comparable. FDR completely transformed the country (for better or worse - I'm not interested in a New Deal debate).

>> No.15815864

The irony is that frat boys here think they're going to be your boss so they're going to pay you an inferior rate

But in reality it just means that they're going to be paid whatever minimum wage is for managerial positions.

>> No.15815900
File: 47 KB, 185x215, liberty_burger_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depress wages with mass immigration for the past 50 years
>make it difficult to save money with high inflation rates (dollar has inflated to half it's value since 1990)
>meanwhile insurance companies make the cost of living much more expensive by inflicting hospitals with incurred costs
>trying to fix all this with a cute lil minimum wage bandaid
we need to go back

>> No.15815918

Projects like the TVA, CCC, and Autobahne are absolutely not carried out by every president. You can sit here and say "its obvious he MEANT to say what would make me right" but it really isn't obvious at all if we're arguing over it. All we can go on is what he actually said and going on that there's nothing wrong with what I've said.

>> No.15815920

Oh no i would have to work less hours for more pay the woe

>> No.15815925

>So what is true capitalism then Chaim?
Zero taxes in USA in 1776 would qualify, since the establishment of the Federal Reserve, income Tax and 10 years of gov destroying tyhe free markets during New Deal the US is officially a social democracy. Any critique of "capitalism" since then is nonsense (and total total abolishing of gold standard made it worse).

>> No.15815939

its happening already which is good

>> No.15815940

Good? If half of millennials and zoomers actually get into and practice stoicism and stop being retards I can't see how society would do anything but benefit.

>> No.15815942

the economy is being undermined by numerous interests
minimum wage increases ignore the underlying unsustainable choices of the current political sphere
there is too much manipulation of commerce, coupled with unwise labor devaluing from illegal immigration tolerance
the market should be supplying the cheapest and highest quality experience in health care, and elsewhere

>> No.15815964

Your posts are pretty gay.

>> No.15815984
File: 367 KB, 320x240, 1580359276128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, the problem is now land is developed. To get what you want we need to get rid of all of the real estate speculation and the welfare programs etc. The problem with you libertarian types if you dont see that the people who dont agree with you are becoming a unified front. They have already begun to tread upon you, they form coalitions that announce they will tread upon you, and try and continually succeed to enact legislation to tread upon you. Of course every white man of good sense wants a ranch and to be left alone. The problem is, that isn't an option right now. We can focus on it after we deal with the immediate and also existential threats to that ever being a possibility.

>> No.15815990

Yeah I mean I was describing fucking a woman who is carrying my almost fully developed son, and like I said yeah it's really gay which is why I try not to do it much.

>> No.15816006

What I mean is it doesn't particularly have a political bent. The author follows relatively left leaning figures on instagram more than the reverse if that's anything to go by.

>> No.15816019

Nobody is going to let you create 1776 America peacefully.

>> No.15816039

Lot of good suggestions for libertarian philosophy itt, but in a day-to-day basis:
We read The Bible, Fact-based sociological reports, Law, (know where you are,)
American History and protestant history, (know where you've been,)
Ayn Rand, and lots of Science Fiction (know where you're going.)

The main difference between us and conservatives is that we don't become hysterical when a black woman shakes her ass on tv, so even though we might read the same stuff, we don't think about it the same way. And we don't keep senile old wives past their prime, so there's less romance books and more, like, John Green or Harry Potter or Siege if you look at the data per household, I would imagine. Basically what pretty women are reading instead of what dried out bags are reading.

>> No.15816049

Didn't you hear, Harry Potter is officially for bigots now.

>> No.15816051

Cringe and boomerpilled

>> No.15816052

The Left is, but they have no power and no representation in media

>> No.15816068

>Projects like the TVA, CCC, and Autobahne are absolutely not carried out by every president
That's precisely my point and presumably the anon's who asked the initial question. But you keep insisting that because the wall is a national project that it somehow belongs in the same category as the New Deal projects which were part of a much larger vision. Following your logic ARRA would also have to be mentioned.

>> No.15816069

Isn't UBI a leftist idea? It's been gaining traction, even Romney said he's for it. And even though Romney voted to impeach Trump he's by no means a liberal.

>> No.15816077

This has to be a /pol/ falseflag

>> No.15816085

Probably means the economic left, not the woke cultural left-liberals.

>> No.15816106

not really. some people on the right support it based on the belief that it's inevitable and would drastically cut down government bureaucracy

>> No.15816111


Literally been happening for about 100 years now

>> No.15816129

The communists don't seem to like it, either because it will help capitalism avoid socialist revolution, or because they think it will actually take away benefits from people.

Has UBI been tried anywhere with success?

>> No.15816157

all minimum wagies should make 6 figures.

>> No.15816177

>If x would read then x wouldn't be x

Apply at your leisure

>> No.15816194

>ostracize immigrants
you're a cuck, it's called having a border so you can actually vet immigrants

>> No.15816203

100 years and they're still largely majoritary in their home country? Whoever is in charge of this is sloppy as hell.

>> No.15816226

Theres no difference anymore

>> No.15816228

Why not just put money towards vetting them faster?

>> No.15816240

>from 90% to 56% in 60 years
>"well they're still largely the majority"

>> No.15816254

literally hitler here, the capitalist economy has "failed" already and what you believe is happening is not real. There are more assets than people with money to buy them, see: housing and real estate. The fed pumped trillions of dollars of liquidity into the market and it's so detached from people actually working that nothing happened other than some slight increases in the prices of meat as gas plummeted and is holding low. We are well beyond MUH SUPPLY AND DEMAND MUH BOOTSTRAPS. In america we burned the oil and shot the cows rather than ever have that supply and demand curve favor the consumer. We let chinese nationals speculate our real estate. We gave trillions of dollars to the REDACTED. Every municipality in the world is running at a deficit. New York City, the "financial capital of the country" is operating at a 13 billion dollar deficit
>but that's not real capitalis-
Okay porky

>> No.15816259
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>> No.15816261

How about no immigrants?

>> No.15816268

see >>15816240

>> No.15816270

>Just like the CDC originally saying masks are worse than useless and the media ridiculing bigots who wore masks but now your have to wear a mask that explicitly says it doesnt block COVID transmission by law.
Don't say this kind of thing without even including statements from the CDC. Otherwise you are a fucking faggot

>> No.15816271

lol that wall is not getting built

>> No.15816287


>> No.15816289


>> No.15816365

Green New Deal isn't going through either. Irrelevant to the conversation at hand.

>> No.15816418

He literally gave you an example of real capitalism. Thank you for your meaningful input and critique.

>> No.15816428

Race mixing isn't even that common
What really kills white people is when you mix Hajnal's line customs with feminism to generate birthrates lower than Japanese tier, and then throw that into the same system as exo-Hajnal's line ethnics who pop out 4 poverty stricken kids with affirmative action benefits for every one spoiled-privileged Euro-American birth
I'll be lucky if I get to live on anything resembling an Indian reservation by the time I die.

>> No.15816430

How about disassociating from reality?

>> No.15816442

your pay is at best the same, or much lower

>> No.15816445

How is "real capitalism" not a utopian fantasy just like "real communism"?

>> No.15816447

Hopefully a book filled with anthrax.

>> No.15816452

The assumption government has quietly spiked everyone's punch with over the past several decades is that the problem they should be working to slove is figuring out how to best give people fish and not how to give them the best opportunity to fish for themselves.

There's been upwards of 200 miles built so far and nothing really standing in the way of finishing it. Now backpedal and say that what you really meant to say is that it's getting built slowly.

The New Deal was never intended to pass. If they'd wanted it to pass, it wouldn't have been filled it with completely irrelevant social justice bullshit that had nothing to do with the alleged goals of supplying jobs and protecting the environment. There was no scenario where that would've passed and everyone knew it.

>> No.15816462

it's 70%

>> No.15816473

These libertarian fairy tales are nice to think about if only white people were involved but unfortunately it's simply not going to happen in a multiracial society.

>> No.15816481

there is no such thing as right libertarianism. right libertarians are closeted conservatives and fascist enablers.

>> No.15816490

>anywhere between 60% and 72% depending on the definition of "white" (kek) in the US
>81% of ethnics russians in Russia (not to mention other types of whites)
>Eastern Europe as a whole is so white the category isn't even really used and people use finer distinction among whites instead
>A conservative estimate in France in 2004 puts it at about 85% whites
>Almost 90% of whites in Germany as of 2017 excluding people with German nationality but African ancestry

Want me to continue?

>> No.15816512

>That book's just stoicism for millennials and zoomers.
What an odd compliment.

>> No.15816522

I've read it recently and it's pretty accurate, although it only covers the spirit of stoicism, not the actual doctrine, which is in line with millenial and zoomers appreciations of ancient doctrines.

>> No.15816537

Human Action or Man, Economy, and State for the libertarian econ, Hoppe for the "right" part

>> No.15816655

c'mon, we were still building suspense.

>> No.15816729

you sound like a climate change denier
>bro some study I read said the problem was happening slightly slower than you think, you can totally just ignore it lol

>> No.15816752
File: 830 KB, 1732x1910, Ancap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816874

>more assets than money
yes, that is how banking works. would you like to know the formula?

>> No.15817152

Lmao maybe if you count arabs and mestizos as white. The us hasn't been 70% white in decades.

>you'll be old by the time it's a problem your kids can deal with it!
Literally this >>15816729 you stupid boomer

>> No.15817166

>viking age Iceland
Quick rundown?

>> No.15817568

>bro you have to prove I was alive 3 months ago lol
Fuck off

>> No.15817607

>no Bruno Leoni

>> No.15818029

As a whole your average libertarian reads nothing. What did I read as a libertarian that set me on the path to being one? Nietzsche.

>> No.15818090

It was made right by only that word.

>> No.15818577

Did Nietzsche told you to respect the nap

>> No.15818619

In case somebody was looking for legitimate suggestions and not a /tvpol/ thread, I asked my friend and the best listed were Milton Friedman, F A Hayek, Frederick Bastiat, Nozick’s Anarchy State Utopia.

>> No.15819254

kek leftoids and conservacucks deserve everything coming to them

>> No.15819267

>caring about the employees

>> No.15819277


>> No.15819279

Ayn Rand

>> No.15819288

Dust masks and respirators work. Meme cloth and meme surgical, much less if they're reused, do not.

>> No.15819795

I don't give a shit about the NAP. I hate the government and love owning shit. A free capitalist society would have fluctuating morals dependent on the will of the people.

>> No.15819847

Based understanding of economics anon. Be careful, the local vermin here dont take kindly to rational explanations of supply and demand.

>> No.15819865

lolita, but they miss the point

>> No.15819868

They do.
I design robots. The arm kind that assembles shit in factories.
We spend an absurd amount of time trying to simplify instruction to ensure the robot can be set up and operated by a 85 IQ street shitter.

>> No.15819879

>I don't give a shit about the NAP. I hate the government and love owning shit. A free capitalist society would have fluctuating morals dependent on the will of the people.
And how exactly do you think these "fluctuating morals" are going to secure your property rights without the government enforcing the nap?

>> No.15819886

Yeah show me the formula that will prove to me that boomers jews and chinks renting out speculated mortgaged properties and NYC operating at a $13billion deficit is good. Let's see the formulas, I expect math specifically related to these things.

>> No.15819892

not him but all the government does is shove niggers and faggots down everyone's throat and keep the border open and the jews in power. Defund the police, gas the bikes and race cars now!

>> No.15819901

If I cannot defend my property then it was never really mine to begin with.

>> No.15819925

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

>> No.15819952

then you are not really a lolbertarian

>> No.15819957

follow the conversation before you post irrelevant /pol/cuck shit

>> No.15819972

I am what I am. Libertarian just seems the closest defining term. I don't care much for -isms and the like.

>> No.15819975

The Anglo-American Establishment
The Nag Hammadi
Brave New World
Brave New World revisited
The Kybalion
The Emerald Tablets
The writings of the founding fathers
Literature on Natural Law
Murray Rothbard etc

>> No.15819994

>I am what I am. Libertarian just seems the closest defining term. I don't care much for -isms and the like.
If you believe that "If I cannot defend my property then it was never really mine to begin with" your position is better described as "disordered chaos" or "gang mob rule" rather than libertarianism. It is also really stupid, so you should probably find a better one.

>> No.15820031

Just trying to live free brother. It's just what I want. I could care less about abiding by principles and thoughts that are not my own.

>> No.15820056

nice non-response thanks for admitting defeat

>> No.15820097
File: 48 KB, 400x600, Palin Socialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and Sarah Palin implemented UBI in Alaska around 2006 based off of state oil profits. UBI isn't inherently left-wing.

The thing about minimum wage is just really counter-intuitive and is why people immediately think reducing or removing the minimum wage is a bad thing.

>> No.15820168

They didn't work.

>> No.15820193

Because he gave you real example that worked on a large scale

>> No.15820214

You are the one who needs to respond properly dumbass your comments did not address the points I was making

>> No.15820241

Left wing vs Right-wing is retarded commie BS

All taxation apart from tariffs is socialism/feudalism

>> No.15820249

Well all I'm saying is that if you want your property rights secured you cannot abide by the principle "If I cannot defend my property then it was never really mine to begin with". The only thing that is secured by that is the right of looters to take your shit if they have guns.

>> No.15820272

Also they tried it in Finland and it crashed and burned
An ideal system would be making it mandatory law for all people to be given equal stocks in a large surplus of resources if you live in a place like Alaska, putting it into infrastructure would be average minarchism

>> No.15820418

Pretty cringe.

>> No.15820422

Silence, shitskin.

>> No.15820437

That's why I have guns and faith in my fellow man.

>> No.15820633
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x913, indo aryans conquer india.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad was like this, instead of rebelling against him by becoming a communist I rebelled against him by becoming a national socialist. AMA

>> No.15820716

Look at the OP image and tell me you don't want white genocide. Tell me that they are your brethren. Go on.

>> No.15820770

Why would anyone want white genocide? Theyre literally the tit that the rest of the population suckles from

>> No.15820780

That would be the laborers in third world countries working for a dollar a day

>> No.15820798


>> No.15821336

actual hyperretard. you are the reason humanity's future is in shackles. absolute blithering moron. please never speak or type until you've thought deeply and critically about literally anything

>> No.15821423

Found the city rat with a liberal arts degree

>> No.15821431

Why are lefties so entitled to other peoples labor?

>> No.15821434

The green new deal was more about banning and destroying things than building things.