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File: 81 KB, 673x1024, georg-orwell-1984-673x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15815194 No.15815194 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty funny that you can find real life examples of the Left using almost every concept from this book

>> No.15815205

Reminder that Orwell was a democratic socialist.

>> No.15815210

Big Brother is donald Trump.

>> No.15815233

We need to get the word out that it wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual!

>> No.15815277

#Newspeak #1984 #Orwellian
@bigJew_Nose341 what's your take on this hot subject? i think all this gobbledegook is absolutely crazy. is this reasonable?

>> No.15815292

It's fucking satire. Idiot.

>> No.15815296

@retarded_consoomer5291 Yes, this is necessary for racial equity in America. I understand that your response is yet another form of internalized racism, but I can assure that attending these classes will help alter those negative thoughts into something more productive.

>> No.15815301

>guys guys guys leftists can be totalitarians!!!!!!!
this thread again

>> No.15815317

Inb4 not the ACTUAL left

>> No.15815318

Modern Leftism is totalitarian by nature

>> No.15815322

Excuse me sir, sarcasm is a coping mechanism for white fragility. If you want to come to the light of your internal racism, attend one of my seminars.

>> No.15815347
File: 322 KB, 632x710, Leftism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how the modern left ISN'T Totalitarian

I'll wait

>> No.15815359

Donald trump is more totalitarian than obama was.
Whats your excise?

>> No.15815369

>he jokes as he strikes you

>> No.15815395

>attend one of my seminars.
Honestly we all should've seen this coming a mile away. The idea that all these gender/racial studies majors would just resign themselves to be baristas was hubris on our part.
While they were pouring coffee with one hand, they were infilitrated HR and running a woke racketeering ring on the other.

Now if you don't hire an overpaid, useless, and ruthless "Diversity Department", your company gets shoah'd.

>> No.15815410
File: 135 KB, 670x718, bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama deported far more refugees than Trump, signed bills allowing torture and approved more military bombings than any other president since WW2

>> No.15815435
File: 210 KB, 586x477, Leftism tota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15815453

>watching CNN

>> No.15815504
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>neo fascists trying to paint pogressives as totalitarians somehow
that trick is getting old. take your sexual frustration out some other way

>> No.15815527

imagine green lighting drone strikes at weddings

>> No.15815528

this guy was a mass murdering schizo. really showing your true colors today

>> No.15815538

Guys! Guys! Hear me out!

The left is totalitarian! The only way to fight it is to be a nazi!

I want to be free to be a nazi! Woo woo

Trump is awesome. You should see Obama, he wore a tan suit once. The Fox news lost it's mind. I mean can you believe Obama?

Oh and 135,000 Americans have died but it's all fake. A coordinated conspiracy of every single nation on this planet. But they are nig nogs so it's OK.

Trump is Jesus.

...stop calling me racist you are oppressing me.

>> No.15815554

>passive aggressive
roastie detected

>> No.15815699

Reading this again right now and it really is mirroring current events, it doesn't matter what side you're on. Found the part about the churchs funny with all the people flocking to destroy monuments and rewrite history wherever they don't agree with it.

>> No.15815722
File: 513 KB, 6818x2206, 0e6vojob9a931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that most of 1984 is turning into reality isn't really that funny due to how expected it was, its like already knowing the punchline before you hear the start of the joke. Of course Liberalism, which is an irrational ideology based on feelings, requires the artificial support structure, which then naturally comes into existence in the form of censorship, propaganda and tyranny

>> No.15815730

Is this the famous leftist meme I heard so much about?

>> No.15815815

>mass murdering
more like ass murdering

>> No.15816425

>Still believe in political economy
>Not gonna make it.
Orwell is based and current era is beyond Orwell unironically.

>> No.15816453

Libertardians ITT claiming the left are at it again, wherein reality it's just authoritrarians they're referring to and which they fear, yet they incorrectly label libertarian leftists and the ENTIRE left spectrum as totalitarians.

Orwell was a socialist and a fucking left wing anarchist sympathizer. You have to be the dumbest, most selective motherfuckers on the face of the planet to not get this by now. It's on every fucking wikipedia page about him for fucks sakes. Kill yourselves.

>> No.15816463
File: 59 KB, 763x809, 1563573649568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american hands typed this abomination of a post

>> No.15816477

>democratic socialist
Literally an oymoron, just like libertarian socialist

>> No.15816484

have you ever considered that lumping everything you dont like under Left might be a new form of speaking that collapses nuance and renders some important insights unformable

>> No.15816489

Ted keeps getting proven right every day

You didn't refute any of his points

>> No.15816498
File: 37 KB, 403x403, 1581827535247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop oppressing me you filthy fascist!

>> No.15816514

>libertarian leftists
Again libertarian leftism/anarchism/socialism is an oxymoron. The only libertarian leftists you'll see are burnt out hippies who have reasoning of a child and want everything for free. They want the government to give them stuff without taking anything which makes no sense. So if you're an anarchist who believes in freedom you can't also believe in the government taking care of you. It's a contradiction.

>> No.15816545


It literally isn't. Libertarianism was a historically anti government, anti-capitalist position. It wasn't until the Austrian economists and the Ayn Rand types co-opted the term in the 50's and 60's that it become synonymous with distrust of the state but best buddies with laisse a faire economic policies in the United States. Fuck off with your historical revisionism.

>> No.15816561

Then explain how nearly all libertarians today are right wing and all modern leftists support censorship and larger governement

>> No.15816568

Ah yes
A workplace where the boss makes every final decision is obviously democratic while a worker co-op is an authoritarian system
How could I have never thought of that myself

>> No.15816583

Orwell was naive because he didn't realise that socialism always ends with two ways, either by becoming like Venezuela or USSR

>> No.15816670


I'm not going to bother. If you're too lazy to google search Libertarianism and to read up on the history of the term, then I'm not going to bother responding to your misinformed clickbait style postings.

> nearly all libertarians today are right wing

Again. Outside of the United States that term does not mean what you think it means.

> All modern leftists support censorship and larger government

> libertarian socialists want the state completely dismantled over time (some asap). I personally want the state to be abolished as well, but a strong social safety net is not authoritarian. Healthcare should not be a for profit industry. It's literally inhumane and violent. 45,000 people die annually in the united States because they can't afford private health insurance. they can't afford to see a doctor so they leave medical issues untreated until it is too late. A national healthcare system would solve this issue overnight. That's one example of how not all centralized state programs would be a bad replacement for a "free" market.

Left wing anarchists also hate the surveillance state. The military industrial complex is run by a bunch of criminals and crooks. As a lib soc, I oppose the surveillance state entirely. PATRIOT Act needs to go now. Wanting people to not die because of lack of healthcare access is not authoritarian or mean I want larger government, if I want there to be cuts in our outrageous and un-necessary military spending and illegal, warrant-less spying on its citizens.

What exactly do leftists want to censor?

>> No.15816698

Woah, did I fall through a time portal? I appear to be back in 2015!

Uh, hello? Yeah uh, is this the Feminist department? 1984 wasn't supposed to be a step by step guide on how to ruin my video games, THANKS!

>> No.15816717

A guy with the surname "Benjamin" complaining about the US dropping bombs in the Middle East? Yikes!

>> No.15816734

Why are shitlibs so bad at satire

>> No.15816772

Because they have zero engagement with what they're satirizing. It's like rightoids going on about marxism

>> No.15816776
File: 86 KB, 421x517, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his newspeak has a nice ring to it though


>> No.15816797

I'm not a liberal, I'm a paleoconservative. Lol, you faggots are incapable of moving on from gamergate, it's ridiculous.

You really do have to have a sub-100 IQ to still be talking about 1984 and "LEFTISTS ARE TOTALITARIAN HYPOCRITES!" in 2020.

>> No.15816872
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-i-see-nothing-but-a-world-of-ruins-where-a-kind-of-front-line-is-possible-only-in-the-julius-evola-72-63-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

socialism isn't democratic and never was

the only reason some socialists allied themselves with liberals (social democrats) is because they saw this as an alternate path closer to socialism/communism

liberals believe people are equal
socialists want to make people equal

this worked in America only to an extend if you look at the movement surrounding Martin Luther King
the problem is liberals only see individuals participating in a market and socialists only see suppressed groups that need to be freed
we can literally see right now how America is being split apart over race

>> No.15816974

What mental problems do you have?

>> No.15816991

Pathetic attempt at gaslighting subhuman

>> No.15817006

Oh look another abominable thread that belongs on /pol/

>> No.15817024

Progressive Left = 1984
Multinational Corporations = Brave New World
Both together = Neoliberal reality

>> No.15817070
File: 1.54 MB, 2200x2200, iconoclast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found the part about the churchs funny with all the people flocking to destroy monuments and rewrite history wherever they don't agree with it.
the first part is basically what happened in the french revolution
this isn't a new thing the left does lol


>> No.15817092

they are certanly implementing newspeak for sure

>> No.15817294
