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/lit/ - Literature

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15813103 No.15813103 [Reply] [Original]

Ive never seen one with a book

>> No.15813119 [DELETED] 

because they are stupid niggers

>> No.15813210
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No, I just have a deep appreciation for the cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean.

>> No.15813216

based nognig

>> No.15813218

im black and I read. what point are you trying to make with this thread?
this whole website is so obsessed with us and our culture.

>> No.15813223

Probably because you're a sheltered /pol/tard.

>> No.15813229

All my literary friends are black, except the women. My white friends are more poorly read.

>> No.15813242

using this post to shill that guy's ancient egyptian philosophy website, btw.


>> No.15813243

Because you and your "culture" are so fucking stupid and gives everyone cancer,

>> No.15813255
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dude, grow up.

>> No.15813262
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How about two?

>> No.15813278

Most African traditions are oral.

>> No.15813282
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>> No.15813292

i unironically wish this man well.

>> No.15813296

Check out the Ancient Records of Egypt volumes by James Henry Breasted.

>> No.15813317

Complete BS. I was reading Mishima on the train and it caught a niggers attention because he loved Mishima.
Racial supremacy is a massive cope for feelings of inadequacy. Until you learn to judge people as individuals you will never be free.

>> No.15813321


>> No.15813325

We are busy fucking your relatives.

>> No.15813333

Doubtful. Blacks consistently rank lowest on ethnic desirability surveys among all groups.
None of us blame you spearchuckers for not wanting to even fuck your women either, we all feel the exact same way about you.

>> No.15813335

and yet we live rent free in yalls heads

>> No.15813340
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>> No.15813349

>Ancient Records of Egypt
It only covers the historical documents? Interesting, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.15813351

My head isn't a desirable habitat

>> No.15813354

if you use the n word on blue boards now you will catch a warning

>> No.15813359

Never got one. I even have a ban for baneposting.

>> No.15813365

>and yet we live rent free
don't forget rent free school breakfast and lunches

>> No.15813372
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>> No.15813374

Youre the dumbfucks that think everything is white supremacy and that law enforcement is racist lmfao.

>> No.15813385

there's that haitian guy with gloves that posts here

>> No.15813386

no u

>> No.15813389

prove or you are stupid faggot. do you want us to instantly believe you anonymous shit? fuck you. why do you even bother with self identification in anonymous forum. truly you are brainless dumbfuck. kys.

>> No.15813399

They cover pretty much everything translated from hieroglyphics.

>> No.15813444

>make claim that black swan's don't exist
>black swan presents himself
>wHaT doES CoLOr HavE tO Do wiTH AnYTiNg?

>> No.15813453

Don't even bother. /lit/ is so far gone from what it used to be. Literal retards with no sense browse this board and because of low moderation they don't get weeded out and so their stupidity malnourishes on the board like bacteria. Fuck this board

>> No.15813456

Based mishimafags. Which book?

>> No.15813459

Please. Shut the fuck up you absolute idiot

>> No.15813471

Not really celebrated or respected in their culture, barely is in whitoid culture anymore (at least in the US)

>> No.15813475

Too dumb.

>> No.15814565

idiot is you who has no grasp of reality.

>> No.15814581

You've clearly never talked to the shy black QT3.14's at the back of the class, they're honestly the best girls I've met at uni.

>> No.15814601

"I haven’t read “The Waste Land” for a year, and I never did bother to check all the footnotes. But I will hazard these statements—Eliot contains the same ecstatic vision which runs from Münzer to Yeats. However, he retains a grounding in the social reality/order of his time.

Facing what he perceives as a choice between ecstatic chaos and lifeless mechanistic order, he accedes to maintaining a separation of asexual purity and brutal sexual reality. And he wears a stoical face before this. Read his essay on Tradition and the Individual Talent, as well as Four Quartets, when he’s less concerned with depicting moribund Europe, to catch a sense of what I speak.

Remember how I said there’s a certain kind of conservatism which I respect more than bourgeois liberalism—Eliot is of this type. Of course, the dichotomy he maintains is reactionary, but it’s due to a deep fatalism, not ignorance. (Counter him with Yeats or Pound, who, arising from the same milieu, opted to support Hitler and Mussolini.)

And this fatalism is born out of the relation between fertility and death, which I touched on in my last letter—life feeds on itself. A fatalism I share with the western tradition at times. You seem surprised at Eliot’s irreconcilable ambivalence; don’t you share this ambivalence yourself, Alex?"

t. Obama

>> No.15814621


>> No.15814635
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>this whole website is so obsessed with us and our culture.

only anglo c-ucks, Med BvllS will rip your anus apart and expell you right back into africa

>> No.15814642

I live in Alameda County and have spent a lot of time in both cities he mentioned. I wonder if I've ran into this dude.

>> No.15814649


>> No.15814666

Most of the comics nerds I've known are POC. The only one who I think has my level of knowledge about comics is black as black can get in terms of skin tone.

>> No.15814671
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>> No.15814684

I can only imagine the amount of pussy he reels in

>> No.15814763
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Wops are the niggers of europe

Cope more you disgusting dago shit stain

>> No.15814975
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the Med BVLL will rise again and will defeat the eternal anglo (who allies with shitskin people like yourself ) once it for all and rule the West

>> No.15815061

they read manga.

>> No.15815089

>No, I just have a deep appreciation for the cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean.

That makes you a real KANG in my book, mein neger.

>> No.15815096


Based bro.

>> No.15815102

I meant that in an approving way.

>> No.15815128


I agree with your sentiment entirely but why contradict yourself by referring to the man you caught the attention of as a "nigger" still? That's hardly conducive to seeing us all as individuals, since it's using historical/systemic language.

>> No.15815135

Based Kang

>> No.15815240

because incels on this site are insecure and dont deserve life

>> No.15815336


>> No.15815391

Short answer?
American family politics has completely destroyed the black family unit, and made whoring around / being a single mum more profitable
As a result most blacks grow up in fatherless homes with no stability
Furthermore, caused by the governments support of whoredom and free female sexuality, black males who want to get educated, read and be intellectuals are sexually punished, by never being selected by the freely hypergamous black women (they mostly gravitate towards attractive, dominant gang-members, etc.)

Over 40 years of this economic policy has completely destroyed black culture
Notice how many blacks wanted to be academics back in the 70s-80s when schools really opened up to them, now blacks are bullied and isolated for reading a book

>> No.15815470

/lit/ whitoids seething

>> No.15815626

Well what interests me is the lack of representation from blacks in discussed philosophies and that any influence on culture they have is from the manipulation of white creations. Even from Africa in predominantly black countries they have very underdeveloped mindsets regarding social order.
If their is any evidence that supports the use of a social caste system and top-down regulation of the classes, blacks would be it. They seem to need someone governing them at all times and should be viewed as an inferior people. Without an authoritative non-black figure over them the society collapses into chaos. The most profound example would be the Haitian revolution. The slaves slaughtered the white population, declared independence, and now we see a third world catastrophe in place of where should have been a flourishing territory ruled by Europeans.

>> No.15815658

That actually makes sense. Purpose driven life is like a self help book that uses the Bible.

>> No.15815818
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its the black man´s burden, the inability of adapting in a succesful way when living in a civilization, the black belongs to nature where he´s king, when civilization enraptures them, he becomes a slave, whether from the sate, an ideological group or from themselves. see the movie King Kong 1933 for more information

>> No.15815840

>he becomes a slave, whether from the sate, an ideological group or from themselves

Who does civilization not do this to, really. All men who can claim that they aren't under the power of the respective state or group above them are vastly outnumbered by those who can't.

>> No.15815843

Haiti was also forced into massive debt by France, and only recently paid it off. They had to pay money to avoid being invaded or embargoed to death. You're ignoring how atrocious colonialism and slavery really were. Identifying this as a point of origin for modern black culture instantly gets waved away by people as being too entrenched in history rather than the here and now, as if there was ever a time when this all just stopped and black people were ever 100% made equal in society.

>> No.15815894
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yes but the black men goes an extra mile into being a worthless asset of civilization, Civilization can charm them, give them money, free education, everything but alas he doesn´t want that, why is that? i don´t know, i´m not a black man myself but i can only assume is that he´s rejecting civilization because deep down he knows he belongs to the savagery of nature where at least he can find peace, the most succesfull group of black people living today are the ones living in africa, in tribes, in the wild, only white liberals will deny this

>> No.15815931
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threadly reminder that nigerians are the most educated group in the United States, surpassing all other ethnic groups.


>> No.15815957

That's like asking, "Why don't snakes tie their shoes?"

>> No.15816266
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Imagine penning millions of essays and books on the inferiority and savagery of negroes while being filled with similar rage at the sight of learned ones. Couldn't be me chief. Guess which finger this is?

>> No.15816318

desu I've always admired the Nigerians in my city (Igbo's in particular.) I hope they manage to maintain their culture and avoid getting sucked into these moronic racial categories which Americans are obsessed with. I'm convinced that my mothers community will do better if they avoid labeling themselves as black or white.

>> No.15816323

it´s not in their nature, same as blac pipo, they belong to the savannas of africa

>> No.15816330


>> No.15816387

Ha, you'll notice something about recent black achievements. That Princeton Valedictorian? Bahamian. If you visit a top 40 college campus(A privilege most of the master race ITT do not have), a very large portion of the non athlete attendees will be the children of an immigrant or an entire immigrant family. A very large portion of the much maligned "Talented Tenth" are now African or Caribbean.

No one knows exactly why, as this is a bit of information that neither the left or the right is comfortable looking in the eye. I'm guessing that the absolutely massive inferiority complex beaten into American Negroes prevents them from succeeding in similar numbers. Also Nigerian and Caribbean immigrants closely mirror the financial status of Asian immigrants, which may be all the explanation required. But that will likely be tough to swallow for this crowd.

>> No.15816423

people have been talking about black american "culture" for ages and how it encourages crime, anti-intellectualism and ghettoism. it's really not that surprising that people who come from a different culture with different values do better

>> No.15816468

This would be a valid answer if these Africans and Caribbeans did not come from countries more violent than the vast majority of black cities, with their own toxic aspects, and if American soft power did not exist thus preventing Black American culture from spreading to Black African and Black Caribbean nations, which it has.

>> No.15816502

violence isnt culture. im talking more broadly about hip-hop, their tendency to fetishise gangs, hatred for authority and their never ending inferiority complex over them being ex-slaves. american soft power is powerful, yes, but it's not enough to shape an entire country, culture and ideology

>> No.15816538

why'd they name their country after the n-word?

>> No.15816703

Nigeria is named after the Niger river. The phrase was first used in the 16th century and is believed to be a corruption of the berber phrase ger-n-ger (river of rivers.) The word Nigger comes from romance languages and ultimately derives from the Latin word for black (Niger.)

>> No.15816788

The negro is hesitant to read because the white pages actually hurt their eyes. The negro would read more often if book pages were emerald green or black with gold or red lettering.

>> No.15816847 [DELETED] 

I don't have a good answer but let me assure you of this one thing, there is no doubt whatsoever that wh*te people everywhere on this earth are solely responsible. That's right, all wh*te people now, in the past, and in the future, ALL must pay reparations to the Black man of all their money and wh*te women as well.

>> No.15816853
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>> No.15816938
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See: Actual Kangz

>> No.15816981

OP really posted a bait thread and replied to himself first post to btfo le racists. We need ids.

>> No.15817029
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>> No.15817447

Many of us do but unfortunately there are a large chunk of blacks who see reading as gay ass white shit because black culture is so fucking toxic. Africans read more than akatas I think. A lot of akata lit is just about slavery though. Boring shit in general, and also of no relevance to me or my ancestry.

>> No.15817909

goddamn that's kino

>> No.15818020
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>> No.15818036

I've been posting here for a decade you asshurt niggerloving redditor. Sorry chapotrannyhouse got banned :(

>> No.15818042

They read.
What else are they going to do in prison?

>> No.15818669

please get the fuck off this website you make me nauseous

>> No.15818685

Seethe about it, I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.15818730

like a BOSS

>> No.15818753

i had a black weaboo friend who read all the time and knew a lot about history in general. they're rare but they're there

>> No.15818762


>> No.15818778

Honest question: Why Egypt?
Egypt was so insular they never discovered iron and couldn't defend their territories from Hittites. They got conquered by Greeks and Romans and served as a vassal breadbasket. There is no Egyptian cultural descent in modern day Africa. Most of the African diaspora do not descend from that region.
There are so many interesting African cultures. Ethiopia, Benin, Nubia and so on. Why do so many Afrocentric scholars go with Egypt?

>> No.15818907

I have no explanation for what reasoning exists behind the behavior of Afrocentrists-I can't speak for them, and I'm not going to pretend to.

Egypt for me was because I had already read much about and much of Greece and Babylon. Mythology has always been of great interest me, and as soon as I began to hear about Gnosticism, and Hermeticism, I heard also about what they had inherited from Egypt. So, for these two reasons-the pursuit of religious knowledge, and the desire to know what was passed down from Egypt-I began to read about it. I don't have any real interest in their military history, or their technological level.

>> No.15818920

because Egypt is iconic and recognisable, which is what afrocentrists want: to be recognised

>> No.15820119

You havent seen the picture of HyperNigger reading to books at once while on the subway? Fucking casual

>> No.15820156

They can read but only 280 characters at a time.

>> No.15820376

Dont lie.

>> No.15820635


>> No.15820728


>> No.15820743

they are busy making shit threads on lit

>> No.15820774

Imagine Germany's debts after War. And they're still paying. Why is Germany among the richest countries in the world with Welfare state?

>> No.15820795

America made a lot of effort into rebuilding West Germany post-war as it was the new front line on the Soviet Union and became the poster for the difference between Capitalism and Communism. Had this support not happened, Germany would basically be like Poland is now

>> No.15820805

Regally based.

>> No.15821211

>Black people reading give upboats pls

>> No.15821220

That book on White Fragility isn't looking so ridiculous after all..

>> No.15821242

Yep, Germans are just the same as Poles and Haitians. Clay dolls shaped however. Glad you cleared it up.

>> No.15821273

I mean the state of West Germany, it would not have recovered the way it did. It took a lot of international effort to rebuild Germany

>> No.15821282

Nigga, is there like 40 pages in that shiet?
Read a real book. Try Moby Dick.

>> No.15821774

holy based, thanks anon

>> No.15821808

dangerously based.