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File: 159 KB, 800x800, faulkner pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810277 No.15810277 [Reply] [Original]

You do smoke a pipe while reading, don't you /lit/? There's nothing like kicking back on the porch with a good book, a cup of tea and a /lit/ pipe to puff on. What's anon's favourite blend?

>> No.15810286

Thats that's antismoking slander. I do it to increase focus and concentration. The best is Dunhill Early Morning.

>> No.15810327

>antismoking slander
If you mean what I typed in the subject field, that's just preempting the obvious shitpost.
It is good for the nicotine activating the almonds, aside from the tobacco being tasty and the act of smoking being pleasurable and aesthetic
>Dunhill Early Morning
I might add that to the list of ones to try, right now I ordered a tin of Peterson Old Dublin for the first time

>> No.15810687
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My father always smokes a briar pipe fill of black Borkum Riff while reading.

>> No.15810935
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Its Fribourg & Treyer Golden Mixture for me, my good man

>> No.15810944

No, I smoke cigarettes and I'm trying to quit.

>> No.15810968

why are you trying to bait anti-smoking fags? Just make a thread without the baiting bullshit.

>> No.15810984

I use my juul

>> No.15811546
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I like to smoke weed out of my pipe, and read near my window where I take breaks to use my collapsible telescope and peer into the windows of the skyscrapers outside. That and 6 very dark espresso shots in my hydro flask.

>> No.15811550

I just inject smoke directly into my veins.

>> No.15811558

This sounds hella fun. Voyeurism has always been my greatest fetish.

>> No.15811562

I never learned how to properly enjoy pipe tobacco or cigars so instead I just end up smoking cigarettes when I want to read. I’m thinking about switching to an aesthetic looking vaporizer though as cigarettes smell fucking awful and don’t really taste all that good (in addition to every other negative thing about them).

>> No.15811565

I don't smoke, but I suck dick while reading

>> No.15811566

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.15811568

>aesthetic vape
>tobacco smells bad
You’re a faggot and no longer a man. Go read Hemingway or don’t bother with nicotine>>15811562

>> No.15811575

>(in addition to every other negative thing about them)
There are more benefits to tobacco than there are demerits. Indeed, most literature critical of tobacco is presupposed on very shit tier epidemiological studies, which were refuted by William Whitby in both his books (inb4muh kook).

>> No.15811576

Pipe tobacco smells good and cigarettes smell bad. Why are you even trying to pretend like this isn’t true?

>> No.15811577

cigarette tobacco is way worse than pipes in taste and smell

>> No.15811580

People who speak with “pilled” speak are the real uninitiated and you’d be much too scared of your own thoughts to have to congregate with an intensified version of them. Read Evola and understand that the ancients all used entheogenic substances to expand and distort their way of thinking to escape the entanglement of our daily thought patterns. This isn’t some Joe Rogan faggy “weed cures cancer” bullshit.

Also weed is barely anything to write home about. Try an eight of shrooms you hunted with friends and speak to god, look eternity in the eye and despair.

What good is reading if you’re not willing to expand your regular mode of thinking.


>> No.15811592

>tried weed in high school and had a panic attack
>the kids who smoked weed and fucked girls in high school called you a fag back then

It’s one of these two or both that anti-weed people always had a problem with

>> No.15811597

>eating mushrooms you hunted yourself
Edgiest thing in the thread desu

>> No.15811618

this is very easy if you do a proper spore print. Also cyanescens don’t have too many look alikes and bruise blue, so you’re golden. Don’t bother hunting LBMs, not worth the trouble. You’ll probably never find cubensis while hunting, either.

Look at the edge of treelines, where dead wood or wood chips are. If you’re in a public park, check near cement stairs that are near trees, as this halts the tree roots growth and is a habitable spot for shrooms.

>> No.15812067
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Orchards are also a good place for bluetops
But if you can read when youre tripping on shrooms youre a better man than I. The most I can generally manage is to put on some tunes and stare at the kaleidoscope the ceiling has become ..

>> No.15813138

What baiting?

>> No.15813156
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>> No.15813167

>>tried weed in high school and had a panic attack
Not weed, but after smoking hashish and having a moment of psychosis I was never the same cognitively. Don't do drugs, fellers.

>> No.15813172
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No, I use tobacco-free dip like a real man.

>> No.15813187

>understand that the ancients all used entheogenic substances to expand and distort their way of thinking to escape the entanglement of our daily thought patterns
Source on this? I'm really curious about it.

>> No.15813189
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I roll cigarettes from pipe tobacco like Sir Walter Raleigh and Prince Albert when I'm reading.

>> No.15813200

I puff sparingly on my juul.
Its alright.

>> No.15813327

I don't know which I hate more, pseuds or faggots who can't handle weed. Just how much of a worthless soi faggot do you have to be? "Oh no my consciousness has been altered slightly, I'm going INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANEEE!!!"

>> No.15813512

i smoke cigarettes and vape out of a giant box mod. i also dip copenhagen long cut wintergreen when i wanna go hands free. my pipe is for kronik only.

>> No.15813635

I wouldn't call every thing becoming yellow, warped and distant and constantly hearing echoes to be a "slight alteration of consciousness".

>> No.15813646

>gets to trip harder for free
You could have just enjoyed the ride if you weren't a fag.

>> No.15813650

i exclusively smoke shisha pipes

>> No.15813673

Literal nigger-thought. Only retards like losing control of themselves.

>> No.15813689

yeah thats the first dozen times or so
blaze a few blunts you gay little wiener
based. ruined my expensive hookah by getting drunk and thinking it would be cool to smoke weed out of it, made it taste bad permanently

>> No.15813697

holy cringe

>> No.15813710

Post your top 5 favourite books you stupid faggot

>> No.15813718

>muh control
There's the heart of the faggotry, nothing but the ego's cowardice and obsession with trying to control. It could do you some good to lose what little control you have now and then to put you in your place. Do you also hate and dread going to sleep?

>> No.15813720
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How bad is pipe smoking for you compared to cigarettes and cigars? I really enjoy tobacco, but I do not smoke it a lot (has only done it a handfull of times the last year). Is pipe smoking the right choice for someone who wants to do it every now and then for an occasional enjoyment?

>> No.15813730

It's the "healthier" of the three.

>> No.15813737

Spoken like a true slave. Keep indulging, then. I'm sure your enlightenment will come.

>> No.15813775

I have no problem keeping control when I want, especially when it comes to getting stoned; I haven't smoked in months and it's been years since I tripped. Psychedelics by themselves won't make you "enlightened", but being afraid of losing control to the point where you can't enjoy tripping still makes you a faggot.

>> No.15813777

man up and take 5g of shrooms. at the very least try 100 mics of acid. what, you chicken?

>> No.15813795

Lads how the hell do I keep this thing lit and packed properly. I got a pipe as a gift a few months ago and I enjoy it in theory but I can't quite get into a rhythm where its actually relaxing and I'm not pacing my breathing to keep it going the whole time or scorching it.

>> No.15813797


>> No.15813811

Lol Jesus, how insecure about your drug use do you have to be to think everyone on earth has to enjoy bud?

I smoked weed pretty regularly for about 4-5 years before I realized it was the reason for my depression. Also 9/10 times were makes me enter an anxious state of paranoia that I have no idea how to deal with.

>> No.15813900

No and no.

>> No.15813908


>> No.15813955
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That's exactly what it's for, and pipe tobacco is better and more varied than cigarettes. It's also healthier, and the health risk is minimal if you only smoke a couple bowls a week or less. The action of smoking a pipe is slow and measured compared to a cigaratte, it's more aesthetic and contemplative.
You're going to have to relight it now and then, how much depends on the blend

>> No.15813962

Yeah I like a pipe while I read. Been going through a lot of Reiner 71 lately. The hotter weather makes me want VAs more.

>> No.15814000

you just HAD to go and samefag and i know why, your jealous of my insane 777 get and vast dope smoking ability

>> No.15814006

As for cigars – a good cigar is something I can enjoy now and then, but I wouldn't smoke it with the same frequency as a pipe. You should probably try both and see how you like them; if you only want to smoke a few times per year then you might opt for only smoking cigars.

>> No.15814081

Back when we decided to start damning all tobacco use as a massive societal sin, the average lfe-expectancy of a pipe smoker was actually three years *longer* than a non-smoker. There's some selection bias going on (pipe smokers then were on average more educated and wealthy than the average person), but it wasn't really ever followed up on. Cigarettes are bad for you. Cigars and pipes are overall neutral (though they probably do increase your very slim chances of developing mouth cancer, so your chances there go from super duper unlikely to just super unlikely).

>> No.15814094

getting trips by quantum suicideing into the timeline where the get happens

>> No.15814096

Used to annoy me to no end, but it gets easier. Takes time to figure out a good rate of puffing - will depend on your pipe and your tobacco. Once you get the feel for it you should be able to sustain lights for 10-15 minutes without any difficulty or thought, and longer if focus even a little on it.

>> No.15814167

so /lit/ is really just a bunch of fedora tippers isn't it

>> No.15814319

A thought though, if you choose to lose control are you really losing control? Controlled loss of control. Seems counterintuitive, like going on a rollercoaster or something.

>> No.15814360

didn't see anyone advocating for atheism itt

>> No.15814374

I smoke a pipe sometimes as I sit outside with my dogs. It's too hot outside even in the evenings to do it now and for the foreseeable season, though. Climate change. Truly a hoax.

>> No.15814375

It’s 2020 anon, might wanna unfortunately replace the pipe with a juul.

>> No.15814383

Why would I want to do something that even you admit is unfortunate?

>> No.15814407

we live in a vape society

>> No.15814488

Just a single example but Herodotus claims that the Scythians used cannabis in Histories. The quote is “after the burial the Scythians cleanse themselves as follows: they anoint and wash their heads and, for their bodies, set up three poles leaning together to a point and cover these over with wool mats (περὶ ταῦτα πίλους εἰρινέους περιτείνουσι); then, in the space so enclosed to the best of their ability, they make a pit in the center beneath the poles and the mats and throw red-hot stones into it. . . . the Scythians then take the seed of this κάνναβις (kannabis) and, crawling into the tents, throw it on the red-hot stones, where it smoulders and sends forth such fumes that no Greek vapor-bath (πυρία) could surpass it. The Scythians howl in their joy at the vapor-bath”. In more recent history certain writers like Edgar Allen Poe, Ernest Hemingway, and Oscar Wilde drank absinthe.

>> No.15814508

>The Scythians howl in their joy at the vapor-bath”
ancient hotboxing kek

>> No.15814515

the funny thing about that is marijuana can easily lead you into getting stuck into a pattern. it seems like once it becomes a habit it loses any seemingly positive effect, finding that balance is very hard and i wonder if it’s even worth trying it. plus i don’t think the greeks had everything figured out and it’s sort of weak to appeal to them

>> No.15814578 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15815761
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>> No.15815780


Anyone who hasn’t tripped at least once is either a buttoned up fag or a friendless loser

>> No.15815786

Or both (like me).

>> No.15815814

>friendless loser
that's me but I still got it from the darknets. there's no excuse

>> No.15815891
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>not smoking dmt out of your pipe

>> No.15815903
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The memes write themselves

>> No.15816499
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Dunhill Nightcap, Dunhill Royal Yacht, G. L. Pease - Gaslight; anything with a nice strong Latakia punch to it.
Though I think the Dunhill brand stuff goes under Peterson these days

>> No.15816509

Im constantly drinking coffee or liquor or vaping weed while reading. I mean really constantly. It's terrible. My teeth are fucked

>> No.15816742

Perhaps when I'm older (and not an 18 year old lad), I'll take up the mantle of pipe smoking. For now, though, a pack of cigs a day will suffice.

>> No.15816814

hello, reddit

>> No.15816873

Generally I think that anyone who has a knee jerk reaction to weed just wasn't invited to any parties in high school. The actual effects of weed are so unremarkable and harmless. Getting fussy about weed is like getting fussy about alcohol.

>> No.15816886
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favorite blends are
Rattray's Hal O the Wynd
Peterson's University Flake
and Peterson's Irish Flake
sometimes I'll smoke Rattray's Stirling Flake if I want something heavier, usually as a night cap

pic rel was irish flake on a 72 degree day, basically the most comfy that it's possible for one man to be

>> No.15816902

Maybe, but I think more often it's a reaction to dude weed culture, which is not synonymous with doing weed.

>> No.15816916

I'd argue that in 2020 being a Christian is even more cringy given that atheism or agnosticism is kinda the cultural default in the west currently.

>> No.15816930

It's really not difficult to only smoke occasionally. I smoke at most two or three times a month and it keeps my tolerance low and allows the experience to stay novel.

>> No.15816935

reddit speaks out with a bold new stance

>> No.15816942

The cringe factor of atheism has little to do with its relative popularity

>> No.15816946

That would make sense. I feel like I almost literally never see anti-weed sentiment outside of 4chan. I also feel like I almost never see stoner culture outside of a headshop so I can't help but get the impression these people are culturally stuck in like 2015.

>> No.15816975

Are you sure? Most of the fedora pilled bullshit came from like, libertarian, tech fetishizing obese people. Now that godlessness is pretty much the standard I've found that the same kinds of reactionary neckbeards have settled into their various sorts of try-hard trad Christianity.

>> No.15817004

Holy... based

>> No.15817061

Nice. I like Rattrays and Peterson's as well. I used to smoke Highland Targe until my tobacconist stopped carrying it. Nowadays it's Peterson's Sherlock Holmes and occasionally, Dunhill's Nightcap. I remember Irish Flake being one of the first tobacco's I ever tried, it was strong stuff and being an inexperienced smoker, it nearly made me vomit.

>> No.15817086

I'm a pleb beginner in a country that doesn't have much of a pipe tradition, so it's either meh national blends or imported "pharmacy" blends. Thus far I'm sticking to aromatics, and captain black's regular is my preferred blend, next up I'm thinking of getting some borkum riff or 7 seas - which are pretty much all I can find here.

>> No.15817101

Atheism is always cringe because its core is a dogmatic certainty in nothing even while it attacks the dogmatic certainty of any other beliefs. At least with the Jewish line of religions we see Faith offered up as an open admission of this dogmatism; the atheist is dogmatic while thinking he somehow isn't, he puts himself over others despite being exactly on their level, or actually below it in self-awareness. So you get cringe. The way to not be cringe is to either be agnostic or fully admit to dogmatism.

>> No.15817220

How old are you and from what country?

>> No.15817236

The resin is going to make the wood crack if you do that for too long plus the cleaning process for weed is way more damaging to wood. They use glass pipes for weed for a reason.

>> No.15817252

Based, my man.