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File: 320 KB, 1707x2560, white fragility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15812039 No.15812039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this was the best selling book in america last week

>> No.15812047

Good. White people need to realize how privileged they are and to recognize what a mess racist agendas have had on the world

>> No.15812054


>> No.15812060

Black lives matter

>> No.15812069

one of my coworkers was reading this in the break room today. how odd that I see this thread on the same day I found out this book exists.

>> No.15812071



how hard is it to keep one clean board without this bullshit

> inb4 this is a book and related

>> No.15812079

It's true though. You guys have had it way too easy for too long. Good for you but your ass is gonna be devastated when the master-slave dialectic commences and you become inessential. Or you could just focus on your own personal immediate life instead of being an incel tuned into jewish subversion. It's just a part of nature to be overthrown and then rise again

>> No.15812088

this is a book and related and very relevant

>> No.15812100

Describe that coworker, please.

>> No.15812109

You clearly haven’t read the book. It was assigned reading in my “logic and critical thinking” class (community college) and the entire thing is about micro-aggressions and interpersonal relations. It isn’t at all about economics or systemic racism.

>> No.15812116

you're just making the division worse by propagating this bullshit everywhere you go, both sides in this conversation that give more than a rats ass about the issue are completely retarded and delusional

>> No.15812151

Right and according to iMDB, The Dark Knight is the 4th greatest movie of all time.

The tastes and trends of the mob signify nothing and should be disregarded out of hand.

>> No.15812152

This your attempt at convincing me you’re right and everyone else is wrong. Try again

>> No.15812172

What's her endgame, though?
Let's say she manages to raise white people's consciousness, then what? Fascism?

>> No.15812173
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I am not right, but neither are you or anyone else for that matter in this debate

However it does fuel peoples confirmation bias creating a mass of idiots that believe everything they see on TV no matter how extreme and absolutely retarded it is. This is problematic in more ways than one, which you could have realized if you weren't a dumb cunt

>> No.15812181

America is racist and most white people and others are so fragile talking about their privilege it comes off as an attack on America. It’s a very simple and straightforward fact which is why this book is as popular as it is

>> No.15812196

You can't be any delusional than this. If you are living in amerishit you are privileged no matter what race you are. Stop blaming others for you inadequacies, disgusting minority.

>> No.15812200

Most of the US school system Admins/teachers are being forced to read this. The goal is to force it into standard teaching for grades K-12 across the country. That's why it's a bestseller right now, schools buying them up.

>> No.15812208

*but only when police kill them
t. CNN

>> No.15812216

>Please, let me into your country! I beg of you! You must have compassion for me as I am surrounded by my own kind!

t. Every brown nigger on the face of the planet

>> No.15812221

White people need to read history and destroy the system that established racism and tyranny over non whites. It’s very basic, it’s not new, and now it’s gonna happen

>> No.15812224


>> No.15812227
File: 85 KB, 500x437, IUJNMCPUMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Ill bite, again

I am white, well educated and make a decent penny doing what I love. I also happened to have come from abject poverty. I had to start working when I was 12 to get anywhere in live and paid my own way through everything. I did not have any privilege because I am not a shitskin or a darkie. Everything I own I worked extremely hard for.

Tell me what privileges I had in this scenario? If I have received even a tiny portion of what blacks get in US on welfare in America I would have considered myself lucky and escaped way quicker.

>> No.15812231

Minorities have it so easy in america, even easier than whites do. They're just lazy and need a scapegoat.

>> No.15812237
File: 62 KB, 600x447, Zero-Fucks-Given-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is so disgusting, why would you brainwash a child like that about race, it would scar the next generation for life

>> No.15812238

>Ok, Ill bite, again
>I am white, well educated and make a decent penny doing what I love.
> I also happened to have come from abject poverty.
Sorry to hear that
>I had to start working when I was 12 to get anywhere in live and paid my own way through everything.
Dam that must have been really tough on you. No child should have to go through that
> I did not have any privilege because I am not a shitskin or a darkie.
You did, and I can see why it’s difficult to understand since you came from low means. But if you were were any other race, it would have been immeasurably worse. That is a fact.
>Everything I own I worked extremely hard for.
I believe you
>Tell me what privileges I had in this scenario?
You are white. It’s as simple as that.

>If I have received even a tiny portion of what blacks get in US on welfare in America I would have considered myself lucky and escaped way quicker.
I don’t know the details of your life but welfare was there for you as an American

>> No.15812240
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White and asian people are literally the only ones at a real disadvantage in america. How many black or brown people have lost their jobs or have not been admitted to college because of their race? Zero. On the other hand, there is plenty of factual evidence of white people losing their jobs or not being promoted based on their race, as well as not being admitted to college and being systemically disadvantaged simply because of their skin colour.
The US is systemically racist against white and asian people and that's the only form of systemic racism that can be factually proven to exist.
A lot of companies even brag about their initiatives to raise diversity. What does that mean in the end? It means some white dude will not get the job because a less qualified PoC will be taken to increase diversity. They're flaunting it in your face. I can't believe there are still people as deluded as you who think institutions favor white people.

>> No.15812244

>But if you were were any other race, it would have been immeasurably worse. That is a fact.

You cant state something and not say a single thing about how. This is your point right. Tell me how its a fact?

>> No.15812245
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>> No.15812246

>White people
Don Lemon himself said BLM wasn't about violence and squalor in black neighborhoods, and was only about police brutality.

>> No.15812251

>Tell me what privileges I had in this scenario?
Higher IQ, lower impulsiveness and violent tendencies, just to name a few.

You didn't do shit to earn those, they were given to you for free.

>> No.15812255

You were white. Meaning if you were black or any other minority from low means, you would of been even less likely to achieve whatever it is you achieved. And minorities come up and become billionaires too, but the injustice they see as a result of their race is not something whites have to worry about. Im not down playing your struggle, but this is about racism. White people dont have to worry about being systematically disadvantaged because of their race. This isn’t new, this has been here, it’s older then your great grandparents

>> No.15812258

Okay m8 so I'm not the guy you're responding to but white privilege as an idea is basically a shit-ass way if phrasing the fact that white people do not face any meaningful oppression as a result of their race while other races do. It doesn't mean you don't face class oppression or ableism or anything like that it just means that like, you aren't actively fucked over by systemic forces because of your race. Niggers are fucking terrible at explaining this concept because they're usually mad when they're talking about it or they're just being fucking stupid.

So basically the privilege you have is that you're not more likely to get fucked with by cops and your family background of poverty is more likely due to labor exploitation rather than being the subject of redlining or shit like that.

>> No.15812259

>Higher IQ, lower impulsiveness and violent tendencies
All of those are racist memes. They don't exist, you neonazi bigot. Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15812266

I really don’t care what Don Lemon supposedly said

>> No.15812275

>white privilege as an idea is basically a shit-ass way if phrasing the fact that white people do not face any meaningful oppression as a result of their race while other races do
White people have more privlege than any race in the world and only because of the violence perpetrated against non whites. This is not up for debate

>> No.15812281

Yes my man that is basically what I said.

>> No.15812283

>>Higher IQ, lower impulsiveness and violent tendencies
>All of those are racist memes. They don't exist
How do they "not exist"?
You think some people aren't smarter and less violent?

>> No.15812294

>white privilege as an idea is basically a shit-ass way if phrasing
No it’s not. It’s privilege, white privilege. A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a white person or white group

>> No.15812295
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People that have determination and free will to decide what they do will succeed, that's a fact

what does this tell you about black people then? if you're able to put A and B together

>> No.15812307

There's not much decent empirical evidence to suggest that intelligence or violence are essentially more prevalent among people of one race versus another when you control for socioeconomic factors. Some people are definitely smarter than others though, on an individual basis.

>> No.15812308

Well then don't quote my post, nigger.


>> No.15812317

Holy fuck you pedantic fucking faggot. I am not saying that the term is inaccurate. I am saying it is a bad way of phrasing it. It literally is cause it makes retards seethe over feeling attacked. The term is a rhetorical landmine because every time you mention white privilege there's gonna be some retard saying "How privilege if my dad was broke hurray durr." I agree with you on what it is I just think lefties are fucking shit at convincing people of anything cause we all talk like faggots.

>> No.15812322

This is about racism. Either you acknowledge it and stand against it or you don’t. It’s that simple

>> No.15812331

This is White Fragility.

>> No.15812334

Its impossible to remove dislike of different, that's literally fighting against human nature and tribalism

>> No.15812336

>There's not much decent empirical evidence to suggest that intelligence or violence are essentially more prevalent among people of one race versus another when you control for socioeconomic factors.
But there is.
At this point there's no denying that whites are privileged in this regard compared to some groups (certainly blacks, but not Asians).

>> No.15812339

>intellectuals pay thousands of dollars to see a woman call them racist
Is there a book on this intellectual masochism?

>> No.15812340

>People that have determination and free will to decide what they do will succeed, that's a fact
We don’t live in vacuums, and life is a constant negotiation between will and the world. You can’t just materialise your will in the world. There are systems and institutions that you have to confront daily. Racism is one of them. Being exempt from having to deal with racism grants whites immunity from dealing with the bullshit associated with repressive systems and institutions predicated on racism. The world isn’t some mystic randian utopia, where all that matters is the magnitude of your will. You’re living in a fantasy land.

>> No.15812342

White priviledge doesn't exist. Black disadvantage - specifically in financial terms and intergenerational wealth - exists. Blacks don't suffer because they're disproportionately poor in a country that eats the poor. Should we be working to fix this, mainly by making the system less shit in general? Yes. Is the best approach to this constructing discourse around a narrative of white advantage which suggests divestment of white power instead of elevation of impoverished blacks? No.

>> No.15812346

~do suffer because

>> No.15812353


>> No.15812357

Name one instance of institutional racism today which blacks must navigate to be personally or professionally successful.

>> No.15812359

I don’t care for your excuses as to why you are a racist.

White priviledge exists, and it’s what got Trump elected.

>> No.15812360

Even that is a bad analogy. A better analogy would be "Minions is the 8th highest grossing movie of all time, therefore the 8th best movie ever made"

>> No.15812363

>At this point there's no denying that whites are privileged in this regard
A bunch of trannies told you so for seven years straight so it must be true "at this point"

>> No.15812365


>> No.15812368


>> No.15812369

White people live in countries other than America, anon

>> No.15812372

This is one of the better ways I've seen this explained. This is basically my feelings on the matter. "White privilege" in almost all normal use refers to a freedom from certain things that are unjustly imposed on others, or access to something that is unjustly denied to others.

I'm totally chill with the socialist elements of BLM because they have a focus on addressing the common cause of suffering among disadvantaged people(that happens to fuck over black people more): capitalism. The liberal elements of BLM are genuinely insidious and terrible to white people. If you achieve racial parity under capitalism you really will make things materially worse for white people who are already struggling. If you're uncompetitive even when others are operating at a handicap, you have exactly zero material reasons to support removing their handicaps because you're just going to be even less competitive.

>> No.15812374

The police

>> No.15812375

This is nigger insufferability

>> No.15812380

And your point is?

>> No.15812381

The criminal justice system/police.

>> No.15812385

>White privilege exists, and it’s what got Trump elected.
Disillusionment with a broken system and ineffectual career politicians combined with Trump's big man personality and lack of a record to defend got Trump elected. The fact that everyone hates Trump and Biden is going to win this year despite being a corpse is proof enough your thesis is full of shit.

>> No.15812387

Literally most of the US institutions, like schools and offices and most jobs?
They were created by white people and tailored to white people's mental capabilities.
If you don't have 100IQ and low impulsiveness you're not going to do well.

>> No.15812390

>Resorting to name calling because you lack any semblance of intelligence to make a rational point
white fragility

>> No.15812394

You're either a low effort(albeit effective) troll, or a complete retard.

>> No.15812396

Trump got elected because he was white. If he was any other race it would have been over from the first day. Not only that, but trump used racist rhetoric specifically to mobilize white people because America is racist, and white people want to keep the status quo, privilege.

>> No.15812400

>A bunch of trannies told you
No, I looked at the data. There are many IQ and crime stats, for example.

>> No.15812401
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The nu-canon

>> No.15812403

>I don’t understand you
I can see that but I don’t see you really putting that much effort

>> No.15812404
File: 87 KB, 640x480, SeriousCat_oscar_wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you're a dumb pedantic cunt

I am assuming your gender studies degree didnt end up paying out, otherwise you wouldnt be here shilling so hard

>> No.15812405
File: 139 KB, 518x326, 20200708_014012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to just take a moment to say that I will never read this book. Ever. Not because of the subject matter, but because it was written by a woman, and an ugly one at that.

>> No.15812406

White Fragility

>> No.15812409

I doubt anyone is anticipating your opinion about anything

>> No.15812411

In what way? Banks do not discern between prospective lendees or customers on any other basis that finances. If you think they value race over money you're deluded.

You're going to have to list substantive examples.

All statistical evidence suggests that disproportionately negative outcomes for blacks arise from equally disproportionate encounters due to higher crime rates and repeat offending.

>> No.15812416

Write us a three paragraph summary of what the fuck you want us to understand. I'll read the whole thing. If you aren't going to write something of at least some substance please kill your whole family and then yourself immediately.

>> No.15812419

Banks accept less loans to niggers

>> No.15812423

So how do you justify where things are now? His opponent is still white. America is still racist you would suggest, and Whites still want the "status quo" you would suggest. Trump has increased his racist rhetoric if anything. Why then is he apparently losing, and badly?

>> No.15812427

Your note about disproportionate black crime fails to recognize the socioeconomic causes of crime. You also ignore a disparity in sentencing for similar crimes, and a disparity in incidence of police violence against non-criminals.

>> No.15812428

>You're going to have to list substantive examples

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1868) granted African Americans the rights of citizenship. However, this did not always translate into the ability to vote. Black voters were systematically turned away from state polling places. To combat this problem, Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870. It says:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Yet states still found ways to circumvent the Constitution and prevent blacks from voting. Poll taxes, literacy tests, fraud and intimidation all turned African Americans away from the polls. Until the Supreme Court struck it down in 1915, many states used the "grandfather clause " to keep descendents of slaves out of elections. The clause said you could not vote unless your grandfather had voted -- an impossibility for most people whose ancestors were slaves

>> No.15812433

You’re a bureaucrat.

>> No.15812438

Notice how bringing up racism and white privilege makes you weak in the knees? You are better than any example I could make up. White Fragility on display for everyone to see

>> No.15812439

It's also worth noting that voter suppression continues to this day. You can see this with things like voter ID laws, deproliferation of polling places, and Trump's recent well poisoning against voting by mail.

>> No.15812443

I don’t care about trump. This is about Racism and your either actively against it (and not just on social media for scene points) or you’re not. It’s really simple for the non racist to understand

>> No.15812445
File: 40 KB, 640x358, melian-quote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary- that it was assigned in a course with that name I mean. Scarier still that its as big as it is.
This is a good point. We pay the book [and the ideas it represents, i.e. complete intellectual and spiritual poverty] too much credence by even talking about it. To even consider upon the book's strain of thought is to subject oneself to a regime of banality. We shouldn't poison ourselves with such victim narratives.
The pawn doesn't know the strategy of the person playing the game anon. Generally these types are part of a concealed movement toward heightened forms of hegemony for certain groups. In this case its probably to dilute and make weaker other races [homogenise them] so that "ours" can be triumphant. Shes probably suffering from her own white guilt complex and working to compensate for that in the service of the black nationalist agenda- although nationalism is of itself an economic agenda for the plutocracy.
This is a good point.
You need to read history anon [pic related]. Jesus guide you to humility, poor seething hylic.
> well educated
> to get anywhere in live
choose one.
Im not the other anon, but are you fucking serious? the proof is in the pudding. Look at who is the majority of the prison population in america [not that i agree with prison system but if people can't be civil of themselves why should we let the wicked ones run a muck?]. In this case if you cant see that there is smoke where there is fire, frankly you deserve to pass out from the smoke and burn to death for the idiocy of ignoring the signs.

Shit thread OP. Go back to pol. Its not worse than you deserve imo.

>> No.15812446

I really hope you're white. I've actually been trying to be anti racist to some extent these last couple of months but every time I hear a black person speak it really tries my fucking patience. If I didn't believe in class solidarity I'd probably be trying to figure out a way to weasel minorities into gas chambers.

>> No.15812454

>not only is racism against whites not racism, but reverse racism.
>But also reverse racism doesn't exist

>> No.15812455

Didnt Thucydides write in Ancient Greek on scrolls of papyrus 2000+ years ago? When I said history I meant local history, relevant history. History that matters, and not his story that helps you cope with being a fragile racist

>> No.15812459

kek niggers be all seethe

>> No.15812460

Controlling for financial factors?

Disproportionately black crime is fundamentally socioeconomic, but no one wants to discuss it in those terms anymore. Class-based solidarity of the kind Malcolm X and MLK advocated has been thrown out the window. We can discuss the extreme flaws with policing in the US without resulting to racializing the issue.

Something from this century please. And before you say voter suppression, attempts at this are essentially always blocked by the courts, and since they generally target those without ID are more socioeconomic than anything in practice.

I'm tired of ineffectual, corporate-sponsored Idpol is what I am.

>> No.15812464

Your making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Regardless of how others are putting it (wrongly even), to yourself you should know what racism is and that white privilege needs to be addressed and corrected

>> No.15812470
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I have no problem discussing privileges of either individuals or groups.
But it has to be a holistic discussion that includes genetic predispositions. Otherwise it's just dishonest.

There's no doubt that certain individuals and groups are born with an advantage in various areas. But what to do about it (if anything at all) is an entirely different question.

>> No.15812471
File: 11 KB, 300x300, ED7C190E-BEFD-4AA9-BE3C-9976778D4983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something from this century please

>> No.15812473

This is not true

>> No.15812476

No. No one is obligated to tip toe around your safe space in order to address injustice.

>> No.15812483

Oh shit I absolutely agree with you on the note about crime now. I think we just disagree on methodology then. I think that directly addressing racial disparity alongside socioeconomic factors is very important cause it helps with like, coalition building and shit. I like black people in so much as they can be allies in class struggle. Aside from that I don't really care about them.

>> No.15812484

This is not an argument

>> No.15812488

You listed explicitly 20th century manifestations of Jim Crow/voter suppression. I'm open to being wrong, I just want to hear examples in currently political practice.

>> No.15812489

Okay then correct me you flaming homo lala man.

>> No.15812491

>I’m too smart and these groups are too stupid for me to take racism and white privilege seriously
That’s fine. We aren’t waiting for you anymore

>> No.15812492

>tip toe around your safe space
Can you speak English?

>> No.15812498
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I fucking hate americans

>> No.15812508
File: 290 KB, 531x710, Savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, im proud to be white, I'm proud of my Irish heritage. I'm not the going around trying to grind other people down and paint others as weak. Rise above these petty issues anon. Also all history is relevant. Don't cherry pick your narratives like a child.

I sense that deep down you hate yourself. Remember, even if you can't love yourself, God loves you and you are here to love as He loves us, unconditionally.

Peace be upon you poor hylic. I shall pray for you.

>> No.15812509

The subject of racism in politics is not just a timely issue in US political culture, but one that recurs with depressing frequency in the era of Twitter, 24-hour cable news, and perpetual presidential campaigning. The calls for immigration reform after the Republican losses among Latino voters in 2012 have given way to the immigrant-bashing of Donald Trump and his rivals, the branding of Black Lives Matter protestors against police brutality as “domestic terrorists,” and, most recently, Ben Carson’s belief that a Muslim is unfit for the presidency; all are indications that racial and religious wedge appeals are not relics of the past

The United States is a contradiction. Its founding principles embrace the ideals of freedom and equality, but it is a nation built on the systematic exclusion and suppression of communities of color. From the start, so many of this country’s laws and public policies, which should serve as the scaffolding that guides progress, were instead designed explicitly to prevent people of color from fully participating. Moreover, these legal constructs are not some relic of antebellum or Jim Crow past but rather remain part of the fabric of American policymaking.
Over the centuries, even as the nation struggled to prohibit the most repugnant forms of exclusion and suppression, it neglected to uproot entrenched structural racism. The inevitable result is an American democracy that is distorted in ways that concentrate power and influence. For example, according to a new Center for American Progress analysis, in 2016, 9.5 million American adults—most of whom were people of color—lacked full voting rights.

>> No.15812514

Please stop fucking posting here you vapid boot licking retard.

>> No.15812519

Read Sowell. If you care about black people, or black lives, defund the welfare state so that hood rats can't collect foodstamps while they're gunning down their neighbors in the wrong colors. Stop single motherhood, another result of the welfare state, which tears communities and societies apart - as it is now doing to the West. Do anything but remove competition - to win, you must compete, no matter what your position is when you start.

>> No.15812524

Something asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.15812527

I flatly do not care about black people AT ALL. I only want socialism, sorry dude. I want the gibs, and I'm happy to sacrifice middle class suburbia to get my fucking gibs.

>> No.15812530

As an Irish man you should know full well about having your land taken, language erased, and people tyrannized by violence fueled by racism and motivated by colonialism. But your not Irish, your someone who hides and tries to personally attack people who disagree with you. We have a name for that kind of behavior. Fear

>> No.15812534

We are legitimately being raided here.

>> No.15812536

Damn faggot I didn't realize I had to cite a scholarly source to explain what a fucking word meant.

>> No.15812537
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>america gets worse the more nonwhite it becomes

>> No.15812539

Feeling fragile?

>> No.15812540

> oh no the white land is being taken by foreign invaders

>> No.15812547

Nah, it's a constant, never-ending stream of sewage upon the world since early 1920s

>> No.15812551

Is that when your

>> No.15812556
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Ok, now that we've determined that systemic racism exists and that it's a problem, we try to think of solutions.

>> No.15812561

That’s makes absolutely no sense whatsoever

>> No.15812566
File: 40 KB, 450x710, XUGWFBSWUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is dead and being raided by feminazis

also 0/10 pasta faggot

>> No.15812567

How about white people adress the privilege they’ve revived from systematic racism, not become frightful And fragile
when discussing white privilege, and making a stand together with all people against all racism.

>> No.15812571

But blacks are the most privileged people in the states, anon. Don't be delusional.

>> No.15812573

Doing this better than you could even when you could. I’m not here to to pamper my ego just to drive home to you that you are a privileged fragile idiotic racist

>> No.15812574

>Tell me what privileges I had in this scenario?

People don't call the cops on you simply for existing. Or have you been oblivious to how eating lunch, taking a nap or collecting trash in front of your apartment complex leads to the cops being called on your ass because you're acting "suspicious." Or how white people will threaten to call the cops on black people in order to intimidate them, like how the central park woman did when the black guy told her to keep her dog in a leash because they were in a bird watching area and it wasn't allowed for dogs to run free there? That woman literally starts acting like he was about to be attacked when she calls the cops on him. For just telling her to keep the dog on a leash.

>> No.15812581

Your parents are delusional if they think they did a good job raising you to be an intelligent and compassionate person rather than a bigot with cheap insults

>> No.15812596

>Or how white people will threaten to call the cops on black people in order to intimidate them
They're passing legislation to make that a hate crime, so you're going to have to come up with a better example. Also, just because there is a high profile incident doesn't make something commonplace. It's the same as suggesting that Jussie Smollet and Bubba Wallance mean every supposed racist incident is fabricated.

>> No.15812600

>How about white people adress the privilege they’ve revived from systematic racism, not become frightful And fragile when discussing white privilege
Sounds good. Whites need to know about how privileged they are to be born white.
Although let's not go full Nazi. There are good people of all races.

>making a stand together with all people against all racism.
Like what? Saying "racism is bad"?
Wouldn't segregation be a good idea? That way people of all colors are free to live on their own terms.

But that's obviously wrong. Aside from playing certain sports and a few other isolated areas, blacks in general aren't privileged.

>> No.15812603

Maybe you'll do better when the ass-baby imma fire off in you hatches.

>> No.15812614

>That way people of all colors are free to live on their own terms.
You mean after you’ve disenfranchised minorities for centuries and are now established in the blood and bone of work you forced by violence and death? What home do African Americans go back to? Or Vietnamese?

>ya ya racism is bad and uh, get away from me non whites (unless you work for me)
White racism thrives unbeknownst to itself

>> No.15812616

I do understand all those things, but I chose not to let my people's past make me a victim in the present. I wont take the bait anymore. God humble you for his sake.

>> No.15812622

"9.5 million predominantly nonwhite American adults lacked full voting rights in 2016 due to a prior felony conviction or residence"
Typical leftist propaganda. Show part of the statistics without the necessary context sandwiched between a load of bullshit.

>> No.15812623

You are estranged from your own history and now cling to 3rd rate speculative Metaphysical readings to fill your mind so you’re not condoned with the injustice that has been made by your abstention and blind eye. I pity the foool

>> No.15812628

> adress the privilege [sic]
Its not their fault they're white.
>making a stand
Its as if it thinks that the protest actually achieve anything. Why don't you get off the internet and go and actually help some disadvantaged people?

What seems fragile to me is OP's sense of reality and their fishing rod.

>> No.15812630

yeah yeah yeah we get it. You’re fragile because everything revolves around you

>> No.15812639

Funny. I don't see it. God humble you.

>> No.15812645

No one is blaming them for being white, just ignorant.

You don’t have to protest in the street, but if you made an attempt to protest any racial discrimination wherever it arises youde be very very busy. It’s not a war, there’s no fight. Racism is wrong and it will be taken down. Fragile white egos are being broken as this entire thread proves

>> No.15812647


>> No.15812649

How does my meat hammer taste on your boipussi ass-tongue?

>> No.15812652

He has, or else I wouldn’t give you the time or day

>> No.15812656

Did your parents teach you to speak like that?

>> No.15812658
File: 143 KB, 676x380, blacks that stayed in africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you want to play the history game...
Black Americans are currently benefiting from slavery if you compared them to Africans.

Current whites can either take credit for all the historic stuff their ancestors did (good or bad) or reject it all and start from scratch. Which one would you prefer?

>> No.15812660

>dumb marxist pseuds himself for the xth time this thread
fuck off with your materialist view of history you fucking lowbrow dumb cunt, this is /lit/ not your boyfriend's pride parade you fruit up the ass stubble legged mush brained neanderthal, trash metaphysics elsewhere faggot, fuck you and read books

>> No.15812664

Or what? You won’t believe me? And I’m eager to please some idiot? Naw

>> No.15812666

Everyone knows though blacks are immensely lazy and dumb and very privileged, so I don't get this book.

>> No.15812667

Yours did during our last session. Your mom taking my hammer and your dad licking my Mjolnuts.

>> No.15812668

Oh no, those poor blacks got to grow up in a first world country that literally discriminates against its founding race in order to give blacks more opportunities. The alternative was they were never sold to jewish slave traders by their brethren, and would instead grow up in a poverty and aids ridden continent filled with highly dysfunctional and illiterate cultures and nations. The best thing that ever happened to american blacks was getting brought over here, my family spent 14 years playing the green card lottery before we got to move here. Watching ungrateful idiots complain about oppression when billions of people on Earth would kill to be born with the same citizendhip and opportunities is fucking hilarious. If blacks dont like it here they can move to a black majority country like Haiti, Ghana, or Zimbabwe.

>> No.15812670

This isn’t a game. That’s where you fucked up

>> No.15812674
File: 538 KB, 698x772, 0EC61358-AE01-46DE-A668-E715E2D00D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White fragility.

>> No.15812678

Why do black people cause nothing but problems? Hell, they even destroyed this little thread.

>> No.15812681

I'm pardo you faggot

>> No.15812682

Is the nurse here?

>> No.15812685

Not as fragile as your boipussi fortunately

>> No.15812688

>destroy statues of Lincoln, Washington and Grant
I know this is bait but I hate these faggots so much, I actually can't think of many political opinions I actively hate no matter how extreme or insane, but these "people" do it for me.
Fuck the charlatan who wrote this ankle deep Kafkatrap and all the retards who recommend it.

>> No.15812693

You’re a racist who can’t even argue your point without resorting to petty Ad hominems

>> No.15812696

>ad homs
Like, say, white fragility?

>> No.15812700

Ironically the white amerifarts are the cancer in that image.

>> No.15812703

Imagine churning out this hemmoroid of a book and raking in the cash from, gulliable, stupid trash.

>> No.15812704


God be with you and I’m sorry your parents and society failed to teach you how to be cool

>> No.15812706

No your fragility around matters of systematic racism and white privilege is a fact. You scroll up to read you pathetic replies

>> No.15812709

Daaam thats cringe you can’t fake

>> No.15812711
File: 81 KB, 574x561, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to figure out a way to weasel minorities into gas chambers.
>White priviledge exists
if white priviledge is getting merc'd by a gaggle of niggers when you defend your property and livelyhood then sure

>> No.15812713

You live in his rotting corpse. Every time I fuck your mother I jizz in God's remains.

Not an argument.

>> No.15812716


>> No.15812717

I'm slavic in a slavic country and i want to know where my fucking white privilege is you disgusting burger-eating trolley-pushing flouride-washed fuck? stop acting like your country sets the model for people because that is exactly the reason for all the things you supposedly argue against. fuck off with your skin color, you're literally being racist against millions of my kin living in worse conditions also because of western exploitation. and when we protest against inequality and systemic oppresion we condone those who destroy and fight, not justify them, because our moral compass hasn't yet been spun by your anti-white agenda. you're literally discriminating against most Europeans and some Asians, even North Africans and you're doing so with your "positive" action which seeps into our world which doesn't even want you around through consumerism and marketing you push. So accept that we will continue to be pro white as a rejection of your values. simple as. but youll probably get shot before obtaining any clue about the world beyond your front lawn

>> No.15812718


ouch, id delete that if i were you

>> No.15812722

pretty sure you calling almost everyone in here racist is ad hom

>> No.15812724

t. Sharter

>> No.15812725
File: 82 KB, 634x425, 24693728-7997861-image-a-15_1581596795514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black fragility is accusing an immigrant of white fragility when he points out that blacks have no sense of personal responsibility and continually fail when other minorities in the United States thrive despite the racism we also experience. Blacks are lucky white people treat them like they do their pit bulls. Any other race would have already genocided them.

>> No.15812728



>> No.15812731


>> No.15812734

Sorry didn’t mean to leave you guys out.

>> No.15812737


>> No.15812742

You too>>15812734

The fragile ego shutters
With every slur a stutter
And every thought a disease

>> No.15812743

ah so youre just baiting. later nigger

>> No.15812744

So this is the power of modern discourse on race... woah...

>> No.15812752

this is just sad now
meanwhile i'm enjoying my life around white people in a white country venting over amerishart rethorics

>> No.15812753

That’s exactly what the book white fragility is about.

>> No.15812756


>> No.15812759

Yea you are sad albeit for different reasons. And what you enjoy you took from what wasn’t yours and what privilege you have you will lose

>> No.15812760
File: 135 KB, 640x615, 1578546544393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go molest your sister macaco

>> No.15812765

>no you’re gay because that’s all I got left

>> No.15812772

White Fragility. Bring up racism, and white privilege begins to crack, and the false ego roars it’s ugly head out of the mere semblance of human dignity

>> No.15812773

Surrender the ass

>> No.15812775

Bend over faggot

>> No.15812776

you see that wigga in the washroom, what do?

>> No.15812784

The book is part of the problem.

>> No.15812788

No thanks

>> No.15812792

all races are equal by law, racism is almost gone and yet you still complain?
maybe we made a mistake by making you equal

>> No.15812794

What problem? Racism? Or coping on 4chan

>> No.15812798

First off I doubt you have any real authority anywhere. Second, we are merely addressing racism, and we are addressing it while a racist is president. No one is worried about what you are going to do lol

>> No.15812799

The innability to have academic discussions on race that don't devolve into ad hom and grandstanding.

>> No.15812806

This thread is proof to the fragile ego’s racists have in discussing racism and white privilege. That’s the problem. Hence the book White Fragility

>> No.15812807
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>> No.15812810
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My favorite white privilege is a triple digit iq

>> No.15812811

>lick thinks he has a choice

>> No.15812815

>we are merely addressing racism, and we are addressing it while a racist is president
the fog of delusion which you surround yourself is so thick one could cut it with a knife

>> No.15812816

>Whites are so fragile LOL
>Whites are so meanie because they colonized nigger-land and and enslaved them and still control much of the third world.
Pick one, motherfuckers.
We are either superior and we dominate or we are fragile.

>> No.15812824

There's no discussion in that framework, there's just the command to accept a narrative and follow prescribed solutions unquestioningly for be labeled racist or "fragile." The in-built kafka trap is slick, though.

>> No.15812826

That test white people made up for aptitude? your capacity to follow rules and complete tasks within a certain amount of time doesn’t qualify as intelligence

>> No.15812833

nope, i am from an exploited country that was never colonialist and has only in the last years turned self - insufficient. In fact we helped plenty of black republics with favoring exchanges of goods and workforce. so what little privilege we have we will keep and keep gaining as we have since other nations stopped oppressing us. stay mad

>> No.15812843

Ok Steinbeck

Interesting argument I wonder who stole it from? Anyway I’ve been thinking this a lot myself recently, and true superiority includes justice. The privilege whites have isn’t legitimate, that’s why it’s crumbling. It isn’t secure, that’s why it’s fragile.

Ok but why you mad tho?

>> No.15812845

Perhaps it doesn't measure intelligence but it does show that blacks are not as good at following rules or completing tasks as the huwhite man.

>> No.15812848

because its a generalizing statement based on race - racist against white people. It's even antisemitic.

>> No.15812855

Like Kwame Nkrumah? You can barely keep it together for a discussion.

>> No.15812860

Exactly, you’re a racist, and your a happy slave. That’s what separates you from the movement of people’s liberation from false power

>> No.15812861

the white races is the most just of all and least fragile of all thats why we allow such behavior, it doesnt really threathen us, we are simply being disgusted in this thread.
checkmate creatura

>> No.15812862

You can mince words all you want, racist. It doesn’t matter.

>> No.15812873

Going mad on that boypussi

>> No.15812874

what are you implying? im just saying you're wrong. nothing to be ashamed about, yanks are known to be shit at geography

>> No.15812878

>the white races is the most just of all and least fragile
I suggest you begin from the top of this thread and work your way down. Abusive language and racial slurs in attempt to hurt my feelings for bringing up what this book is about and agreeing with it. Fragile

>> No.15812883
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>people’s liberation

>> No.15812885

Did your dad really do that to you?

I’m implying that you arent even wrong your argument is non existent

>> No.15812893

Lmao I am living evidence that people of color can start with nothing and thrive in the United States provided they are responsible, work hard, and make intelligent decisions. The black communities inadequacies are not anyone else's fault and their failure to accept this and grow is why we'll be having this same discussion in 30 years while latinos, indians, and asians are successful.

>> No.15812894

The test Nazis made up and yet Jews dominate.

>> No.15812895

its you who's being racist, i don't discriminate generalize or prejudge based on skin color

>> No.15812896

Sorry that your college party politicking ended badly for you. Believe it or not, what's going, what this is really about, isn’t a fashion statement or a way to get social points. The spirit of history is moving again

>> No.15812897

All you need to worry about is what this whale cock is gonna do to you

>> No.15812906

>Why do they persecute me so?
>I just want them to agree they're evil and do what I say even though I have no evidence or argument to speak of

>> No.15812908

Good for you. You must know a lot about how non-whites are disenfranchised abused because of their race.

And your point is...

Yeah I’m the racist! Weeeee

>> No.15812915
File: 232 KB, 1024x614, ourrrrirrrguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your movement is astroturfed and almost daily someone rams their car into a crowd with approval of most Americans.

>> No.15812918

Is this butterfat?

Awww, you think I’m calling you evil because you can’t discuss racism and white privilege without completely devolving into cursing and slurs? Maybe I am calling you evil

>> No.15812921

Clown world is going down too

>> No.15812925

my argument is that we took nothing from black people or any other people and that we wont lose anything over it. the only thing we are losing is our sovereign media because of american neocons including you. but that doesnt really affect meas much as it excites me as Im debating it for my amusement.

>> No.15812932

cringe racist drivel

>> No.15812933

>Sorry that your college party politicking ended badly for you
i was never a bootlicker, in fact i want the us government to be reduced to a fraction of it's current power because frankly, it's just gotten out of hand with all the shit they pull.
>Believe it or not, what's going, what this is really about, isn’t a fashion statement or a way to get social points. The spirit of history is moving again
look at what happened with that joke of an event called CHAZ and tell me it will succeed
this whole thing is a giant fashion statement, in the end it's participants shall eat themselves for they won't have anyone else to feast upon
almost forgot to mention that the top brass of BLM are trained marxists and that i am bewildered that anyone would support those with how everything that stemmed from that particular cesspool turned out

>> No.15812940
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>> No.15812942

The only acceptable discussion of racism within the framework of this book is admittance of being racist (evil) if you are white, failure to do so is fragility (and racism). It's a joke, and you need to fuck off.

>> No.15812952
File: 3.00 MB, 630x780, americucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to amerifart.

>> No.15812953
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I was so disenfranchised that I was allowed into the US despite being from a shithole of a country and was given the opportunity to earn a full academic scholarship, and then was able to make 85k USD my first year out of college as an engineer. These racist white americans are so evil, I can't believe they would do something like this...

>> No.15812966
File: 403 KB, 828x622, 5EED4458-7B1F-4B52-B15C-21A4B2995E5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I win faggots. I have huge issues with this book and the movement myself, but decided to just play the spokesperson and see who could go toe to toe. And not one of you could do shit. Absolutely pathetic attempts are sustaining an argument or delivering strong rebuttals. You guys should read more. I’m going to sleepy town. Again, I win. I beat all of you. You had an easy book to tear apart, and you couldn’t even do that. You guys are seriously pathetic I hope none of you paid to go to school cuz man this was an absolute demolishing. You niggers are absolutely worthless. Goodnight

>> No.15812974

404 argument not found

Only thing you are good for is polishing my nuts

>> No.15812977

>I was just pretending to be retarded
You got me; totally didn't think this.

>> No.15812985

Cope harder darkie

>> No.15813012

You literally just spammed the thread with non arguments and accusations od fragility.

>> No.15813020

this is why i don't post in threads about nigger and anything nigger related. there's literally no point arguing with these subhumans and about their issues
all you have to know about blacks, is never relax

>> No.15813023
File: 115 KB, 1080x854, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing chief

>> No.15813024

very nice great success

>> No.15813025

I'm sad for all the non-whites in this thread that think this whole movement is about them.

PROTIP: It's about getting leftist white people to vote for Biden.

There's a reason they're mainly burning down poor and black neighbourhoods while leaving rich democrat areas untouched. You're never going to get special treatment, they'll just keep stoking out until there's a race war and expulsion.

>> No.15813038

>There's a reason they're mainly burning down poor and black neighbourhoods
Thats because that's where the nignogs live, so they just vandalize their own part of this city. Blacks are just dumb

>> No.15813039
File: 75 KB, 960x684, IMG_20200709_132913_155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this kind of bullshit post getting quads.

It was white people that ended the the practice of slavery around the world. Fought wars to end it. Paid massice amounts of money to end it.

Africa, india, saudi arabia, china has slves to this day but you dont talk about these countries. You attack white christian countries because they are the only countries with a population empathetic enough to be exploited by this nonsense.

Once our standard of living drops drastically becauae of all tgese entitlement programs and we figure out we have been scammed by race hustlers then a real dark time will dawn on people like you. Now go ahead and double down on your ignorance and speed up this process.

>> No.15813043

Correct, this is why I'm still voting trump

>> No.15813054
File: 58 KB, 720x587, IMG_20200709_133308_593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is how much of a fucking joke blm really is lmao

>> No.15813055

>I'm sad for all the non-whites in this thread that think this whole movement is about them.
But they don't need a movement they have all the privilege in the word in Americrap and commit most of the crime there as well lol.

>> No.15813072

I'm a person who's racist to an extreme degree.
Can someone explain what this "book" tries to convey, and what's this fragility and privilege I'm supposedly too afraid to even discuss?
Pro tip: you can't shame on "racism", because I genuinely believe racism is one best and most desirable traits a Caucasian could possibly have and genuinely wish whites could go back to racial brotherhood instead of worthless liberal garbage.

>> No.15813078
File: 36 KB, 720x432, IMG_20200709_133944_407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is affirmative action you fucking retard.

>> No.15813082

>white fragility
>all I have to do is post fbi crime stats on twitter and a certain group of people chimp out

>> No.15813105
File: 112 KB, 1280x640, IMG_20200709_134527_673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason niggers get stopped by cops more often is because niggers do much more crime per capita.

America pulverized 5 trillion dollars since the 50s by giving it to africa. No other nation has this insane amount of private donations.

If america was so racist why the fuck want all the brown people in???
This "oppression" the conspiracy theorists in this thread talk about must be quite the good deal.

>> No.15813116


In India, a multicultural, multiethnic, multicaste poor society, every citizen is expected to get a voter ID.

Why is it “suppression” when white m-founded countries do it?

>> No.15813134
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, _103897772_npc_meme_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Media tell you to read book
>Read book

>> No.15813148
File: 89 KB, 702x1024, obey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15813154
File: 38 KB, 536x392, IMG_20200709_135528_093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White privilege is a myth and a racist concept you conspiracy nut. For you all differences in outcome is "because wypypo bad". This is empircally not the case. You have been brainwashed. IQ, culture and strong bonds within the family explain invinitely better why the are differences in group outcomes than any of your divise conspiracy theories you fucking loon.

You will never have the balls to admit to this reality because you are too weak and too brainwashed.

>> No.15813158

My friend, you can't argue with double digits programmed bots.
If these subhumans truly wanted to out of this system, they would get a ticket back to the ethnic shithole they came from.
Shitskins just want privilege and be the oppressors they fetichise in their primitive hypervictimized minds.

>> No.15813183
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White christian countries are the least racist countries in the world but you will only start to see that once you and people like you have destroyed them.

>> No.15813205

>White privilege is a myth
>proceeds to list white privilege

>> No.15813234

Are niggers getting paid for rape?

>> No.15813239

This meme needs to end.
No race is as fragile as the negro. You can send them into a complete fit by saying a single word, even a single letter.

>> No.15813240

Its called biology and culture, no such thing as white privilege hun.

>> No.15813259

Biology and culture don't give you privileges?
Is a healthy person not privileged compared to a handicapped one?

>> No.15813263
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>> No.15813276
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So as long as there are dumb negroes around this race hustle will continue and i will be attacked, shamed and exploited for my god given abilities. Noted.

>> No.15813289

I think the only take on this book I agree with is racism is real, but Robin Diangelo is probably super weird around Black people and they secretly resent her presence

>> No.15813291


>> No.15813419
File: 130 KB, 559x778, 1593829450152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is nothing more than spectacular race realism akin to what you'd find in fascist readings, just twisted and distorted into its far-left equivalent. While it may present genuine problems regarding race and its treatment in the United States, the fetishistic, foaming tone is completely off-putting, and the fact that DiAngelo can't go one sentence without mentioning someone's race is a clear indication of the intention of the book.

This is nothing more than pseudo-race-marxist bullshit. It's selling rn because people want something new they were told to read. In a few months they'll forget about it.

Or they won't. Idk

>> No.15813440

Blacks are the most privileged though and cry when things don't go their way. I don't get this book.

>> No.15813442
File: 45 KB, 324x499, 51fHDiSQOaL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, better get used to it.
As long as there are less fortunate groups of people in a society, there are going to be some tensions and there are going to be 3rd parties who exploit those tensions and so on.

You can't take a society functioning smoothly for granted and just be complacent. Societies require maintenance and active participation and sometimes radical change.

The US didn't just appear out of nothing. Its institutions didn't just magically start existing. They were created (by white people) with a specific purpose and vision.
I see a lack of vision in today's white Americans. They want to be comfy and have no responsibilities and they expect things to just work like they did 50 years ago, even though their country is now 40% non-white, among other things.

I don't want to blame anyone personally, though. The community life in America is kinda fucked up and it produces fucked up people.
Pic related is a good read, regardless of your political orientation.

>> No.15813506
File: 35 KB, 600x600, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book titled [...]black dignity[...]
>author is called brown

>> No.15813520


>> No.15813532

Her endgame is to generate revenue for her consultancy practice. Her book identifies problems the corporate imagination could see as the sources of lawsuits re: racial bias in the workplace, but thankfully she herself can sell you all the answers.

>> No.15813576

I mean the inverse could be asked as well.
Why are other groups ineffective at developing their own privilege; especially considering they make of the majority of the world.

At face value, "white privilege" elevates white people to a demigod status that other groups can't attain without destruction.

>> No.15813595

Is there a "Han Privelege" in china?

>> No.15813611

Bear with me for a thought experiment:
If all occasions of "white" were replaced by "jewish", how long would this book last before being self-censored from sale and review?

>> No.15813619

I feel like this book abuses the English language so badly.

I read this and White Rage when this shit started happening to understand what was being said, and they both assert that the drawback of the 60’s civil rights movement was that people began to assert the term “racist” with segragationists shooting black children with firehoses. White Rage calls the consequence “a cloud of racial innocence over white people” because they don’t think of themselves as comparable to the more outspoken racists.

And it’s like, what? Isn’t there maybe some degree of gradation in prejudice between Joe Schmo whitey and George Wallace or the Klan? The term “racism” obfuscates the issue with implicit bias, which can be measured and in the aggregate has consequences for Black people. Maybe locking one’s doors when a Black guy is walking by is “racist”, but maybe that’s a loaded, nebulous, and unhelpful term if a better word exists?

Assertions that “all white people are racist” don’t seem to be helpful in describing or discussing this issue. But I guess it seems to be working in cowing insecure white people into reading and supporting the unhinged, totalitarian ideas espoused by, say, Kendi in the Orwellian series of policy proposals being marketed as a self-help book.

>> No.15813678

Honestly, I’m pretty conservative, I did read this book, and I do think white fragility is a helpful concept. I think the terror white people feel toward meaningfully discussing race or being called racist has lead many of them to adopt the absurd positions du jour. If you’re talking about abolishing the police or capitalism, who can accuse you of being unwoke? You don’t have to engage if you just accept a priori the dumbest and most unreasonable possible positions.

“Listen to Black voices.” 70% of Black voters chose Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders less than a few months ago. Which black voices are you listening to?

>> No.15813685

Why do you people always resort to condescension?

>> No.15813695

Based. Lasch is a giga-chad.

A lot of the social dysfunction we’re experience is people withdrawing from community and civic participation in droves. In the late 90’s, Robert Putnam attributed 25% of this to television. God knows how much worse it is with the Internet.

>> No.15813743

This is pure gaslighting

>> No.15813869

real americans will choose secession into a comfy confederacy and tell the federal totalitarians to go fuck themselves. jews and white socialists can have a few states to live in with their nigger pets, the future they chose

>> No.15813889

By you people I hope you mean 4channers in general.

>> No.15813890

didn't you see what happened to the basketball player recently lmao?

>> No.15813906
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that's not how this works, adolf

>> No.15813970

Fetishism as well as idolatry. Protestantism was a mistake.

>> No.15813978

Who cares especially in the USA, whites are losing numbers. Either latino privilege starts being a thing or we finally conquered the white devil

>> No.15813983

No surprise the world is collapsing into absurdity and irrelevance.

>> No.15813996

I know being White is great but if Whites bother you so much you should have considered leaving a White country or living in an area without Whites, which exist. But no surprise, this "white prvilege" mythos is just about antagonizing whites and destroying civilization. As we see from history, Rome falling isn't going to produce a utopia and especially now that Rome exists in the era of nuclear weaponry. Humanity is a generation or two from extinction.

>> No.15814011

>trying to approach a propaganda book with calm composure and rationality
the agenda is "deconstructing whiteness" which really just means exterminating white people. That's exactly where it ends and we all know it.

>> No.15814019

>white privilege
You make it sound like communities don't favor an in-group. If I immigrated to Nigeria and started complaining about the "black privilege" there would it change anything or would it just expose me as an idiot for moving to a country filled with a different people both ethnically and culturally from me?

>> No.15814022

nigger (im not white btw)

>> No.15814028


>> No.15814034

>White Fragility
This is a good word because it exposes just how desperate anti-Whites are at trying to slight every aspect of white people living. If whites stay silence you say, "Silence is violence" - if whites complain it's "White fragility", only if whites do what you tell them are they "allies" and even then as we've seen from BLM rallies doesn't exclude them from looting or assault. The bottom line is the only people who are buying this "white fragility" propaganda are those who were either indoctrinated from the neo-marxists in universities (e.g. see KGB "active measures") or are just another racial group (e.g. hispanics or blacks) trying to compete for the position of top dog. However, it's an irrelevant competition because the longer this goes on the greater the chance for a fall.

>> No.15814046

>Clown world is going down too
You kidding? It's alive and stronger than ever.

>> No.15814057

I think this is arguably the best solution. Re-institute a Confederation and divide people based on race. Blacks are already demanding a "separate but equal" policy and I think it's the best way to handle things going forward. If white leftists want to live with them, they are more than welcome too but I doubt the blacks will accept them (e.g. in CHAZ white leftists were beaten up or threatened for trying to enter those "Black Only" spaces lol)

>> No.15814067

white people = bad
white people who question globalhomo = fragile and don't understand their privilege
solution the author presents: whites should kill themselves culturally and stand down from doing anything and constantly kneel down

>> No.15814087

>whites are fragile
>complains about language
Which is greatly ironic coming from a neo-Marxists who have based their entire world view on manipulation of language and even instituting NewSpeak (e.g. "Silence is Violence" being a great example of contemporary Neo-Marxist newspeak seen at BLM rallies/worship sessions).

It's the same ridiculous logic neo-Marxists use when they say people who don't like transgenderers as "transphobic" - a phobia is a specific thing but the meaning is warped under NEo-Marxist revisionism. Instead of understanding most people simply are disgusted with trannies, not afraid/scared, they try to use this Freudian nonsense to suggest that one has a "phobia" because they don't approve of something. Of course this only is used against enemies of the ideology/wrongthinkers and never against themselves.

I see a lot of neo-marxists like yourself try to take a moral highgrund in the era when god is dead. how far do you think your materialist religion can go before it comes crashing down the same way the bolsheviks did?

>> No.15814101

white and east asian people end up on top everywhere, wonder why…

>> No.15814108

I don't really get the end goal, Racism is such a nebulous concept and poorly defined/redefined concept, when does it truly go away? is it when we have 1/1 representation? Is it when prejudice is truly gone? (Is this even possible?) As far as I'm aware blatantly racist laws don't even exist anymore. I guess when truly equal opportunity is a thing, but how long will the different outcomes be tolerated?

>> No.15814109
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>Why yes, Whites should become conscious of their Whiteness as a distinct component of their identity that is inherent to all white people, and irremovable
>Also Whiteness is the cause of all our problems and should be removed by any means necessary
>Also any response other then complete submission to all above means you are the problem

>mfw when I'm not even white and I can see where this will go

>> No.15814113
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Best selling book in history!

>> No.15814135

Yep. It was obvious from day 1. Jesus even those fucking morons at Stormfront connected the dots when they used to spam back in 2011, "They say they're anti-racist but what they mean is anti-white." I saw this unfold from its infancy when it was critique about white people living together and now I see its 100% about white people existing at all.

>> No.15814143

does it really surprise you that amerimutts have a racial fetish?

>> No.15814152

>and other conversations about race
>an entire book of ideology demanding you accept it or get branded for wrongthink

>> No.15814163

>Racism is such a nebulous concept and poorly defined/redefined concept, when does it truly go away?
When people are no longer able to gain money or political points from it.

>> No.15814172

Black Lives Matter is a cult that uses Kafka Trap 101 to scare normies into joining them.
>Your movement is filled with Marxists
>What? No?
>But your movement is compromised

the whole thing is entrapment. it's retarded and anyone who actually believes in this shit is, in the immortal words of Terry Davis, nigger cattle.

>> No.15814188

Case in point another Kafka Trap.
>disagree with me and you're a racist hah! proved it! america is racist because Americans critique neo-marxist movements masquerading as civil rights!!
The whole thing is a cult. Watch those videos of packs of white neo marxists kneeling down together chanting in unison, "Black lives matter... black lives matter..." talk about surreal. Maniacs.

>> No.15814204

I mean let's also just take "Antifa" and those neo-marxists/globalhomo movement. We all know it stands for "Anti-Fascist" but this doesn't really mean anything at the end of the day (especially in contemporary America where there is NO Fascism).
Complaining about Antifa, their objectives, methods, beliefs ,etc means that you are "Against Anti-Fascism" and therefore is yet another Kafka Trap they use against you.


>> No.15814215

White PPL btfod

>> No.15814263

>It is important for white people to acknowledge and recognize our collective racial experience.

>> No.15814269

My state is genuinely proposing reparations. If it goes through and it's paid off over the course of my lifetime am I officially exempt from the 40 acres and a mule criticism?

>> No.15814283

> If it goes through and it's paid off over the course of my lifetime am I officially exempt from the 40 acres and a mule criticism?
You already know the answer.

>> No.15814284

No, they're just going to demand twice as much money next time. Every single concession to blacks in the US has both increased black resentment and led to demands for even more concessions. Enjoy your white tax in CA now that it's legalizing discrimination based on race, kek.

>> No.15814289


What does this even mean? You used this term like eight times. How is this even related to Marx? I see a lot of right-wing mongoloids whose entire worldview is based on the Road to Serfdom and see the world as some great historic dialectic between collectivism and individualism (i.e., “huuurrrr they treat racial minorities as a class!!”). Read a book.

Really, I think the abuse of the term “neo-Marxism” today comes from people mythologizing a set of circumstances they can’t understand (i.e., chaos must be the product of some deliberate plan). Really what is happening is that the condition of Black people in America is comparatively abysmal vis a vis that of whites, and many people are angry about it. Mass unemployment, its attendant idleness, and widespread economic hardship has precipitated the chaos that it always does.

White privilege has existed as a concept since the 1960’s. The Soviet Union, at that time actively poised to overtake the United States, was funding subversive activity throughout the world. Assata Shakur, inspired by the Algerian revolt against French colonial rule, lead a terrorist campaign against the United States government. In addition to race riots, in 1969 alone, there were 3,000 bombings in the continental United States.

It took a major disruption to civilization to civilization (i.e., pandemic) for us to even come close to the conditions of the 1960’s. Calm down. The right always oscillates between the view that antifa are safe space, blue haired pussies from the suburbs and the view that they’re the greatest threat Western civilization has ever faced. They’re the former.

>> No.15814294

What state anon?

>> No.15814305

>The right always oscillates between the view that antifa are safe space, blue haired pussies from the suburbs and the view that they’re the greatest threat Western civilization has ever faced. They’re the former.
These aren't mutually exclusive. And they are the latter precisely because they are the former.

>> No.15814312


>> No.15814314

Post Marxist whatever floats your boat. Communism came and went these after biters are the remnants. I call them neo Marxists because most receive their ideology via kgb active measures in the 60s and were exposed therefore by the original batch of indoctrinated types in the 90s and early 2000s

>> No.15814318

Don't pay it whatever you do it's extortion for neo Marxist occultism

>> No.15814381

I'm not in the right wing either. Both are French revolution traps to destroy human creativity

>> No.15814384

a few years ago Chuck Schumer introduced a bill called No Social Security For Nazis. that's your future, whitey