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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 960x481, philosophytroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1580432 No.1580432 [Reply] [Original]

1. What you majored in
2. What you expected
3. What you got

>> No.1580436

1. Political science
2. An informative and provocative overview (and explanation) of the political systems and those they affect.
3. Complete and utter bullshit.
(NB: I am now a letters major)

>> No.1580441

1. Women's studies
2. Pussy & ass all over
3. Hipsters, lesbians

>> No.1580446

1. Philosophy
2. Philosophy
3. Trolls

>> No.1580449

1. Neuroscience
2. Employment in Research, understanding consciousness
3. Unemployment, learning that there is no such thing as consciousness

>> No.1580450

1. Psychology
2. Freud and how to fuck with people
3. Feel-good bullshit and how to do statistics

>> No.1580457 [DELETED] 
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1. Philosophy
2. An edifying and informative education
3. An edifying and informative education

>> No.1580456

What do yall bitches intend on doing with your philosophy majors? Serious question, I am looking to minor in it or something.

>> No.1580461
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1. Philosophy
2. An edifying and fascinating education
3. An edifying and fascinating education

>> No.1580475

1. Philosophy, psychology, religion
2. Existentialists, Freudians, Hindus
3. Modernists, Skinnerians, Christians

>> No.1580482

1. Philosophy
2. Ethics
3. Artificial Intelligence

>> No.1580490
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Lol, I took a philosophy class for my core. Fun class. MFW I found out my professor was a Mormon.

>> No.1580508

Two sets as I'm a double major:

Creative Writing
People criticizing each other and working to improve, cool professors
30% are genuinely shit that don't improve, 30% are snobs who write okay but are intolerable in person (they have to live their lives acquiring material, oooh) and 40% of the people actually love writing, love rewriting, and are fun to be around and talk with. Some professors are uber-biased, especially towards southern fiction, middle class blue collar white male subjects and family problems, others are open to new and exciting stuff and create enthusiasm/go to cool events. (Like classes with George Saunders and open genre magazines)

Art History
Museum Trips, Slide IDs, Research Papers, Professors
Museum Trips, Slide IDs, Research Papers, ???

>> No.1580522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1580528
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1. Comp. Sci. and Engineering
2. A.I., advanced technology, etc
3. Pic Related

>> No.1580537
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>> No.1580543

1. English
2. Amazing classes, but no hope of a career
3. One awesome class, no hope of a career

>> No.1580550
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>> No.1580553

>Creative writing
>Learning new ideas for writing and how to stay focused, publishing tips, bouncing some of my work off of people


>> No.1580563

1. FILM.
2. Stanley Kubrick
3. Free strippers and coke

>> No.1580565

That sucks. Don't you have form-based classes? We have specific classes for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, plus extra ones for full length memoirs, novels, writing for children, etc.

>> No.1580567

>I want to be a writer but will limit myself to the preconceived notions I had going into the program instead of expanding and learning!!!!

>> No.1580569

environmental engineering technology

>> No.1580570

>instead of expanding and learning!!!!
I don't have a problem with expanding and learning. I have a problem with 90% of the class being focused on poetry, and only getting to write two short stories, one of which doesn't get peer reviewed.

Where do you go?

>> No.1580580

My cousin graduated from BU with a masters in EE.

She works at starbucks.

>> No.1580585

1. Philosophy
2. Answers
3. Years and years and years of thought centered around God and attempting to prove crazy bullshit with arguments that amount to furious hand waving.

Sometimes the classes are enjoyable, most of the time the professors don't bother though.

>> No.1580589

Nothing at all. Seriously.
It's taken more for the experience and the learning, rather than any career afterwards.
Or you could get lucky and get university funding.

>> No.1580591

Get an internship every summer if you want a job, buddy. Good luck out there.

>> No.1580593

1. International Relations

2. Easy spring board to HR Law

3. Hot women in all of my classes. Fuck yeah.

>> No.1580594

I highly doubt this.

>> No.1580599

1. Philosophy
2. Ethics and Logic
3. Non-majors and religious nuts challenging the teacher with the same rehashed bullshit arguments. Anytime a class touches any topic concerning religion, someone has to bring out a poor rebuttal to the Euthyphro dilemma or the problem of evil. Start talking about ethics and someone starts championing moral relativism. The only good philosophy classes are at 8 am because very few people will come to school that early. Out of those that do, very few of them show up enough to ruin it.

>> No.1580600

1. Sociology
2. Nothing much.
3. Twits everywhere.

>> No.1580607

So I see many of you have had bad experiences with philosophy
This is sad, as I was hoping to major in it.
Do the places you guys go to have fairly large philosophy departments?

>> No.1580612

1. Accounting
2. Learn how to make mad money
3. Incredibly tedious bullshit

>> No.1580615

1. English
2. Tons of reading assignments, finding great new authors, fun talks with teachers.
3. Pretty much what I expected, barring a few meh classes. But I love how passionate all my professors have been about their topics.

>> No.1580617

I took a philosophy course once to fulfill my GE requirements. It was bullshit. First thing he asked us was, "What is God?"

Every time someone attempted to answer something like "the God of the Abrahamic religions" he would get pissed off. So then some random cunts started saying shit like "God is love" and "God is happiness" and he was NODDING HIS HEAD IN AGREEMENT.

>> No.1580619

1. History with focus on medieval
2. Blood, sex, political intrigue
3. Religion, religion everywhere

>> No.1580620


For me, my issues with Philosophy classes are mostly the problem with about 95% of college classes:

Professors don't know how to teacher, they only know how to talk and how to write papers. So they are boring as shit and don't really make you excited in anyway for the content.

And yes, you will get conspiracy theorists and generally stupid people that push rather stupid ideas with poorly thought out arguments. But this is part of philosophy, it's filled with pseudointellectuals, and you get to know enough to protect yourself from them.

>> No.1580622

I think it's pretty awesome; then again I have a professor who is basically slumming it at our university and I take pretty much every class he teaches.

I switched from English though and although you still get a decent amount of douchebags who have no idea what they're talking about, it's in a significantly lower percentage. That and most of my classes are lecture-oriented which means less of my least favorite part of college---listening to other people talk. The best part is that reading the shit is like talking to a bunch of dead bros 4 life I never had. The English department is so sedimented in their multicultural shit we have to read some piece of shit written by a half-literate Native American Woman.

>> No.1580625

You took "philosophy for people looking for an easy GE." You didn't take a real philosophy course or subject yourself to a rigorous philosophy program.

>> No.1580629

I only ever hear good things about my local universities professors
I even had a pint with my friends chem prof (nice guy).

>> No.1580633


I'm talking about systematic error, not really personal error.

>> No.1580641

Got any rage inducing stories?

>> No.1580656

>1. philosophy
>2. answers


>> No.1580666


None really rage inducing but there is an adult learner who manages to be in just about every single one of my classes who lost his house due to poor financial planning. He bought a house, and when the economy turned south, he couldn't keep up apparently when the price of everything else went up.

So at some point around then he became a conspiracy theorist based around the idea that the Oil Companies and various other rich people which he terms "The Elite" manufactured the economic downfall to keep everyone down.

So now about once in every class he will speak up and say something blatantly crazy.

When talking on the subject of bullshit pseudoscience (like those magnetic wristbands and the healing power of crystals) he started mentioning how "computers are run on crystals"

And during one class he shows up like 30 mins before the end of class, really sweaty and redfaced and starts talking about how there is a cloud outside with a rainbow inside it (I dunno, it was a weird description).

He actually did speak up and say something correct once, but I was so shocked by it my brain erased it immediately.

>> No.1580669


Nah, not really solid answers, but philosophy did help me define myself a lot.

>> No.1580675

1) Psychology
2) Jedi Mind Tricks
3) Abstracts, statistics, awkward silences whenever psychoanalysis is mentioned.

>> No.1580684

i hope youre not a nihilist. although, the irony could be worth it in itself.

>> No.1580685
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1.Biology/Chemistry with concentration in Premed
2. Knowledge of how the world works, the way of things and laws behind them.
3. Turns out we don't know jack shit, and we can't explain almost anything

>> No.1580703

1. Musical theatre
2. Singing, women
3. Women, music theory

>> No.1580706

1. Comparative literature and literary history
2. Lots of understanding of classic literature
3. Deconstructive theory every class

>> No.1580730

1. Literature
2. Reading, forming your own opinion and voicing it in essays
3. A cage full of capuchin monkeys with expensive electronical equipment and nowhere to discretely conceal waste

>> No.1580736

I've been around the college block a bit, but nothing more than a 2 year degree. Started out in theatre (planning on going into film)

1. Theatre
2. reading fuckwin plays, doing behind the scenes shit
3. creepy ACK-TOR teacher who knew nothing about how to direct or keep an audicence engaged. The people were cool, but the only reason they stayed is because there was a huge theatre scholarship. And the only plays we did were absurdist/post-modern 13 page scripts clearly written by a college student trying to be edgy. After I directed a short play that was better reviewed than the teachers, I decided I wasn't learning anything more and moved on to:

1. Philsophy
2. Logicin', debatin' metaphysics
3. Fuck da police. Professor was fucking awesome, and master troll. He also was very political in the 60s as an anarchist, so the philosophy of law and social political philosophy classes were great. He also made his son chainmail for his halloween costume of Boromir, which was one of the most detailed, perfect costumes I have ever seen.

Got my associates in philosophy, moved to LA to study film when I found a good school.

1. Film
2. hipsters and self important idiots thinking they're the next tarentino
3. prettymuch that. But the teachers are awesome, and I found a good group of guys to work with.

>> No.1580737

1. Computer science
2. Computability theory
3. Model theory

It's all good.

>> No.1580742

1. Biology
2. A molecular understanding of human thought and behavior
3. Evolutionary cladograms

>> No.1580744
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1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Pro Artist, Versatile Musician, Lyricist and Martial Artist.

Yeah. Think of your life as an MMO that doesn't limit you by classes.

>> No.1580747

1. Physics
2. An understanding of the natural laws that govern our universe as well as practical applications for said laws
3. Abstract mathematics out the ass and a class full of aspies

>> No.1580762

This thread is /lit/ in a nutshell.

I was contemplating doing psychology. Not for a career (I already have one) but mainly as a hobby.

What do psychfags think of this?

>> No.1580763

1. macroeconomics
2. macroeconomics
3. jews are bad

>> No.1580774

1) Business
2) Eh, not sure what I want to do, but seems like it'll pay.
3) Congratulations! You now know how the entire modern world works!

>> No.1580775

Cognitive Science major here. At my school this was the Bachelor of Science version of the psychology major (which was a Bachelor of Arts).

You'll get to take a lot of interesting classes, mixing abstract theoretical fun stuff (like judgement theory, which starts with Freud and goes to modern day empirical data in journals) and mathy experiment design courses. If you do it right and do research as an undergrad (ask your professors, freshman year if you can) you can get a high-paying job by the time you graduate. Microsoft is the largest employer of Cognitive Science majors in the world. Lots of tech companies have Cognitive Science and psychology people on staff for user interface design and experimentation. Any company that involves people interacting with machines hires psych interns in the industrial research and development laboratories: car companies (to design dashboards and visual indicators), airplane companies (for the same thing), etc.

Most important part: do research while you are at school. You must. You'll be a lab monkey running subjects on your PI or grad student's experiments but you'll be able to attend the weekly research meetings and see what research really is. Start early (freshman year if you can) so you can get a solid 4 years in working with the same group of people. Do that and you might even get your name put on a paper.

>> No.1580776

1. English/Creative Writing
2. Other people interested in writing, people to bounce ideas off of, workshop with, and maybe get advice about publication/submissions
3. People who almost never take constructive criticism nor can they give it effectively, shitty poetry and short stories about high school drama bullshit or shitty relationships that nobody but the author could possibly give a flying fuck about, and pretentious assholes who think they are God's gift to literature. At the very least the professors are pretty cool.

>> No.1580778

Ummm I read the post I was responding to a little more carefully and see that you already have a career lined up and only want to study psych as a hobby. In that case: sure, go ahead. There are a lot of women in psych classes. A ton of students of both genders are taking these classes to work out issues in themselves or their families. Some people are cool, some are not so cool. No different from other majors, really, except people are pretty open about sex in psych classes. That's cool.

>> No.1580779


Where do you study?

>> No.1580783


Are the skills they teach translatable into every day life? I get the feeling that most people that take up the reigns of psychology are expecting to come out as mind readers. To be completely honest, I'm not going to spend 3/4 years with a hobby unless there are benefits at the end; however the general consesus is a disappointment so to recap:
What can I expect to learn in a psychology course? And what skills are translated into modern day living?

>> No.1580784

Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville. Not a particularly bad school, but the further I've gone towards my degree the more confused I get how any of these people stuck with this major.

A girl in one of my classes once told me a professor outright told her she should consider finding a new major. After reading her work I couldn't help but agree with him.

>> No.1580786

Do you expect to come out of a biology course with skills that translate into modern day living?

In psych courses you'll read textbooks or long confusing papers. You won't learn how to control your girlfriend or defuse your mom when she's pissed off.

The most useful classes you can take are probably social psychology and statistics. With social psych you can see how stupidly people act in large groups. With statistics you will learn useful math.

>> No.1580788
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That's why I'm not doing a biology course I guess.

This is /lit/ though, and if your post is true then a psych course isn't for me so:

Any interesting books psych students recommend? This is all studying as a hobby remember, I'm pretty fond of evolutionary psychology but any suggestions are welcome

>> No.1580789

This thread makes we wary about college. I wish I could just pick and choose awesome professors instead of taking what the uni I go to has to offer only.

>> No.1580791


sums up school and life.

>> No.1580796

Maybe read the books we had to read for the weekly discussion sections of my social psych class:

Difficult Conversations - Stone, Patton, Heen, and Fisher
White Bears and Other Unwanted Thoughts - Wegner
Tipping Point - Gladwell
Stumbling on Happiness - Gilbert

There was another one but I can't remember what it was. These books aren't very sciency but Gilbert and Wegner are very well respected psychologists and present a lot of evidence to back up their views. The Gladwell book was interesting, even if he likes to stretch the truth a little to make his point. The Difficult Conversations book might be the sort of real-life skills you are looking for.

>> No.1580800


Thank you, kind anon

>> No.1580806

1) Business
2) Eh, not sure what I want to do, but seems like it'll pay.
3) Tax law, generic marketing strategies, accounting and HURRRR teamwork DURRR

>> No.1580813

The last book was Mindfulness by Langer. Conversational but well-informed (she's a PhD) book on emotion and well-being.

>> No.1580815

Yes, accounting is incredibly dry to learn. But once you get a job in the field, it is quite different.

What I studied: Accountancy
What I expected: No bullshit, practical major
What I got: No bullshit, practical major that is quite dry at times. Couldn't wrap my head around management accounting, either.

>> No.1580821

HAHA! Yeah, the whole HURR teamwork DURR can be pretty stupid at times.

I'll be doing tax law in second semester this year. Any advice?

>> No.1580840


>> No.1580842




>> No.1580852

1. Games Technology
2. Mostly programming, and a little math, graphics, and design.
3. Mostly programming, and a little math, graphics, and design. And incredibly high drop-out rates due to students assuming that we would be playing games for three years.

>> No.1580870 [DELETED] 
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The only thing that I hate more than lawyers are the accountants. (nothing personal, kid)

>> No.1580872
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The only thing that I hate more than lawyers are the accountants. (nothing personal, kid)

>> No.1580873


oh don't you even DARE open that can of worms

>> No.1580874

don't worry. even acocuntants hate accountants.

>> No.1580875


>> No.1580876


>> No.1580878

they love lists. russian authors lists.

>> No.1580879

1. Software Engineering
2. Designing some serious shit
3. Indians and civil engineering.

>> No.1580881


>> No.1580883
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lol, so many people itt who don't get what college is about

>> No.1580885

1.weed, internet addiction, conspiracy theories, the paranormal.
2.too many theories to list, and the public reactions towards them, and the politcal propaganda surrounding them. the subjects at hand being warmed up for belief by hollywood and t.v as to be more palpable when executed for real. i didnt expect illuminati symbolism to saturate pop videos a such an insane rate, its actually farcical.
3.lots and lots of ticked boxes.

>> No.1580890

>Cultural Studies
>Examinations of tribal customs or something
>Anti-everything propaganda

>> No.1580901
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well, you must be the specialest one

>> No.1580909

1. BS in Biomedical Science
2. Learn the body inside-out.
3. Well, I got that in lectures and loved every second of it. But no small portion of the course was fucking hours and hours and hours in labs doing stupid, boring, redundant shit that you don't learn anything from and then have to write it up for 30% of the fucking final grade. This was because they assumed everyone doing a BS wanted to condemn themselves to labs for the rest of their lives. In reality most were just doing it to step up into med and the lab work was 100% useless waste of time.

I stopped going to the labs, didn't do the write ups. Failed so many courses because of that. Couldn't stand it, dropped out. So now I have an extensive knowledge and understanding of biological systems and anatomy, but no degree. Fuck.

>> No.1580930

1. Sociology
2. How society works.
3. Pretentious yuppies condemning the bourgoisie... then going on to study law.

>> No.1580956



Philos Sophia

love of knowledge

"What is knowledge?" = 1st question

>> No.1580958

1. Bourgeois degree.
2. Solid knowledge of every social science.
3. Tricks to pretend you know stuff.

>> No.1580961


I didn't know universities offered degrees in owning the means of production.

>> No.1580962

1. Physics
2. Hoping to gain an understanding of reality.
3. Realise that there are a few, hugely different, theories of reality (namely Quantum and relativistic worlds, strings, super symmetry..etc..), all of which are crazy, none of which can be explained in a way we can comprehend and only come from model dependant realism.

>> No.1580965


It's called business and finance.

>> No.1580968


Niel Bohr - "It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature."

>> No.1580971


Why did a think a degree in business or finance would give you knowledge of the social sciences?

>> No.1580974



Not a. Damn brain.

>> No.1580975

There are several meaning of reality. Physics (or rather natural sciences) try to question empirically accessible version of reality.

>> No.1580977

It teaches you how to minipulate the stupid in society (sociology), it teaches you how to minipulate others (psychology) and you learn how the greats did it (history).

I'm lying of course, I ahve no idea what the fuck is happening here.

>> No.1580982

1. Graphic Design
2. To end up in a studio apartment in New York city, being a borderline insane artist and getting those dolla dolla bills, y'all
3. no job at all.

>> No.1580983

1. polsci/his
1.5 lawschool
2. money
3. coke habit

>> No.1580984


What? Are you retarded?

>> No.1580987


That makes no difference.

>> No.1580998

sounds like me
or all the jobs are for web design (i'm into print design) and I don't know shit about web stuff

>> No.1581023
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>> No.1581026

1. History
2. Tons of papers, sleepless nights, getting into grad school through hard work, eventually getting a tenure track job somewhere
3. Tons of papers, publishing as a undergrad, getting into grad school like it wasn't no thang, the worst academic job market in American history

>> No.1581034

1. Computer science and software engineering
2. A salary
3. The ability to laugh at people who actually majored in philosophy

>> No.1581037

1. Philosophy
2. To expand my knowledge and be happy with my choice.
3. The ability to watch as engineerfags think they're better then kill themselfs at 30 because they're so alone and unhappy with their decissions.

>> No.1581038

1. English
2. To eventually become a successful and revered author
3. Proofreader at an engineering firm

>> No.1581039
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>i need a physics degree to operate a lightswitch

>> No.1581042
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Wait, they taught you Python in software engineering?

>> No.1581043
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I take extra classes. I even did IT (lolomgsrslypplactuallyneedtaughtthis) for few month just to get shitty certificate. Also Python is better than Java for learning, despite that being used in my main course.

I think MIT start with Python too. I was watching some of their tuts on it on youtubes.

>> No.1581044


Aren't you just doomed to soul-destroying coding monkey / IT support bullshit though? (unless you're programmin genius, make a sick app and get big bux like zuckerberg)

>> No.1581049 [DELETED] 
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>IT support
god no.

>soul-destroying coding monkey
i was always more into just getting on with one task in high school than posters or whatever less focused stuff. I think a Java job would be soul-destroying but good money, or at least for getting experience. Anything else would be great though, not as repetitive. And once I get experience i might get some sort of managerial position in it since i am a male UK native, commanding a legion(or 20 ppl lol) of code-monkeys.

also big bux out-of-nowhere apps never come from good programmers just shitty hacks like noft, bill gates, zuckerberg etc. I wouldnt mind contributing to the open sores for free.

>> No.1581050
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>IT support
god no.

>soul-destroying coding monkey
i was always more into just getting on with one task in high school than posters or whatever less focused stuff. I think a Java job would be soul-destroying but good money, or at least for getting experience. Anything else would be great though, not as repetitive. And once I get experience i might get some sort of managerial position in it since i am a male UK native, commanding a legion(or 20 ppl lol) of code-monkeys.

also big bux out-of-nowhere apps never come from good programmers just shitty hacks like notch, bill gates, zuckerberg etc. I wouldnt mind contributing to the open sores for free.

>> No.1581060

>programmin genius


>> No.1581062
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>implying mark zuckerberg isn't a programming prodigy

>implying his $12.5 billion isn't testament to this fact

>implying he's not a jewish genius polymath as well

>At Ardsley High School he had excelled in the classics before in his junior year transferring to Phillips Exeter Academy, where Zuckerberg won prizes in science (math, astronomy and physics) and Classical studies (on his college application, Zuckerberg listed as non-English languages he could read and write: French, Hebrew, Latin, and ancient Greek) and was captain of the fencing team.[12][13][14] In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as The Iliad.[12]

>> No.1581072

1. Ph.D. Chemistry
2. Stable employment
3. Cuts, cuts, cuts and no job

>> No.1581077

I am truly sad. I always thought that chemistry was one branch of science that would assure jobs. What chemistry? Organic, Inorganic or physical?

>> No.1581080

1. English/History
2. A meaningful philosophy of life/a richer understanding of the human condition
3. Poverty, or a life of teaching (which will actually be pretty alright, if I can finally get into AP stuff)

>> No.1581083

Why the silences when ppl mention phycoanalisis?

>> No.1581084 [DELETED] 

Inorganic with some Physical thrown in. I've got 8 years experience in Environmental Radiochemistry, and am an internationally published author, and yet I still cannot find any nuclear consultancy based jobs yet due to pretty much everyone halting recruitment in the run up to the Spending Review. Things still haven't recovered yet.

>> No.1581087

1. Theatre arts.
2. Being a broke ass bitch the rest of my life.
3. I'm a broke ass bitch.

>> No.1581092


Inorganic with some Physical thrown in. I've got 8 years experience in Environmental Radiochemistry and have several publications, and yet I still cannot find any appropriate consultancy jobs due to pretty much everyone halting recruitment in the run up to the Spending Review. Things still haven't recovered months later. Thank you Conservative Government!

>> No.1581094

psycoanalisis,sorry about that

>> No.1581100

/lit/ to D&E is a really crazy party?

>awkward silences whenever psychoanalysis is mentioned

>> No.1581105

Whyyyyyyy, answer mee please!
why the silence!

>> No.1581109
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1. Communication Arts (B.A., M.A., almost PhD.)
2. Writing for a living.
3. Adjunct boozy Prof at 3 colleges. Lotsa of spare time, not a lot of cash.
Feels good man.

>> No.1581110
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calm down baby, i'm here for you xX

some people think psychoanalysis is a joke because it's less scientific. like interpreting dreams and reading metaphors from events in people's lives is considered silly compared to taking hard statistics, training people in coping methods, shit like that. they think it's out-of-date and only odd-balls are still into it.

>> No.1581111

> Lotsa of spare time, not a lot of cash.
sounds like my type of job. i need the fallback though or i cannot relax.

right now i am relaxed.

>> No.1581116
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Philosophag here...

>> No.1581117

So fucking thank you!
My post number is:

>> No.1581118

My post number is

>> No.1581123 [DELETED] 
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>guessing your post number during day time /lit/
also, check zem

>> No.1581126
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I hate captcha...

>> No.1581133
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>> No.1581137

>tea and no-pressure situation, maybe even feeling of superiority to your peers
better than expected.

>> No.1581148

Maybe, but I'd still prefer some pussy.

>> No.1581150
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1. Math
2. Math
3. Math

>> No.1581155



And no, we don't learn Poli Sci. only, in fact it's only 1 course.

>> No.1581157

>Learn how to make mad money

>> No.1581163

>degrees in owning the means of production.
that was what I wanted to do as an adult

>> No.1581169

>he goes to parties for sex
oh wait, that's why they're so boring :D

>> No.1581174

lol this is how all my Metaphysics teachers were like.
I used to troll them in their classes arguing about that we don't have any special magic power that makes us inherently different to animals. They used to get mad as fuck.

>> No.1581186

but, we have, like, .. souls man?! isnt that kinda magic?

>> No.1581191

It isn't. If by soul you mean consciousness, most animals do.

>> No.1581193

1. Media Arts
2. 3 years free equipment rental.
3. 2 years free equipment rental. Working in most pretentious industry

>> No.1581195

most animals have consciousness?

>> No.1581201
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>> No.1581202

have you ever seen a dog?

>> No.1581208

lol at filename

>> No.1581210


>> No.1581211

it's a kinda magic
it's a kinda magic l lallas singi sngsdoublleovoeduuuu

>> No.1581213

what is this dog you speak of

>> No.1581215
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mercy me.

>> No.1581219

Like a chair that needs to it constantly, barks and shits everywhere. And sometimes it destroys your shoes.

>> No.1581221


>> No.1581222

It's a very fine creature which helps old ladys crossing streets (even when it's dark).

>> No.1581223

I knew it was about D&E even before looking at the filename

>> No.1581224

this is something less than 5% of the dogs do

>> No.1581225

i knew everythin gbefore even looking at a thing

>> No.1581226

Dogs are really intelligent and the fucking own

>> No.1581228
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>> No.1581229

my dog is named Major Bones and he bites off all the neighbours balls. all the neighbour boys are faggot man living on eunich street. i am the king. major bones will poop on the dark corners of your sidewalk

>> No.1581231

listen, dogs are fucking morons

>> No.1581232

i knew everythin gbefore even quoting any post
>Dogs is a pretty cool guy he eats your homework and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.1581233

I am getting really sick of seeing that guy's big head.

>> No.1581235

Yeah, he obviously doesn't own a dog lol

>> No.1581237
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>> No.1581239

He's freaky as fuck, no joke

that's some Twin Peaks shit right there

>> No.1581242
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>> No.1581243

He would probably rape Laura Palmer
>before being killed

>> No.1581244
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>> No.1581249

...and this thread's plot is thickens

>> No.1581251
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>is Dickens

>> No.1581252
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>> No.1581253

now our plot are thicken D:

>> No.1581256
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>> No.1581257

All appearin' only in mirrors, or visions, freaking me the FUCK out and grinning and shit

>> No.1581258

Whoa! His hair turned white!

>> No.1581260

>majored in
political science
I dunno man some sort of bureaucratic shit I guess.
unethical tug jobs in a strange land.

>> No.1581262


>> No.1581264

Sure there's some Bob involved in it...

>> No.1581267
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>> No.1581270

please stay on topic -_-;

>> No.1581280
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>mfw idiots expected to go into psychology and/or philosophy and come out knowing magic, without expecting to do any work or thinking of their own

>> No.1581286

but that's pretty much what you'd expect from going to magic school

>> No.1581287

i.... i can do magic?

>> No.1581293

good thread

>> No.1581300
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Thread confirmed for Epic Awesomenessness.

>> No.1581305

his arms are like a fleshy tie-fighter

>> No.1581343

1. Electronic Engineer
2. The ability to build cool things like robots and stuff
3. The ability to build cool things like robots and stuff ... after 6+ months of designing, building and wanting to kill self because the fucking thing doesn´t work,

>> No.1581346

shit sorry.
I wasn't paying attention.

>> No.1581367


Oh God, this! It's so frustating, but at the same time so inspiring, when shit you build don't work.

>> No.1581372

Computer science

>> No.1581386

should have took those business classes bro.

>> No.1581395

1) Law Degree (UK bro here, no majors/minors) - with legal philosophy as my research module

2) Learning laws, obscure cases, advocacy, debating, mock trials

3) Learnt laws, obscure cases, advocacy, debating, mock trials once a week, brilliant legal philosophy classes, funding for masters in law with potential position as a legal philosophy tutor.


>> No.1581396

>uber-biased, especially towards southern fiction, middle class blue collar white male subjects and family problems,


Cant write something interesting? Obsess over mandatory metaphors and smother your work in twangy diction of the uneducated. FUCKING BRILLIANT

What school?

>> No.1581405

BB why do you always link comments twice?

Is it just a habit?

>> No.1581818

Okay, okay, I'll go. Let's hope it doesn't post because my internet is being a dick.

1. Psychology
2. A possible springboard for a career into research
3. Job opportunities that include babysitting retards and telling drunk and high people not to do what they like

>> No.1581875

Incredibly funny with the lads.

>> No.1581985

UK bro
1. English/Maths/Philosophy
2. Unification of the universe
3. Preserving what remains of my childhood, tenaciously

>> No.1581993

1. Law
2. 90k+ Salary
3. No job

>> No.1582001

1. Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Computer Sciences (I overdo things)
2. Lots of boring classes about transistors, lots of boring glasses about gears, lots of fun classes about computers
3. Understanding how everything ever works and basically gaining the tools to become Iron Man.

>> No.1582027
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>> No.1582030

1. Physics
2. A more complete understanding of the world, and a community of intelligent people that wish to further the knowledge of humanity.
3. A more complete understanding of the world, and a community of idiots that pose as intelligent people that care nothing for anyone but themselves and their GPA.

>> No.1582858
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1. Philosophy
2. Insights into life, expansion of my knowledge and how to rationalize and conceptualize things.
3. see attached

>> No.1582964

1. History
2. An understanding of how the world came to be
3. EVERYTHING is analyzed this way: political, economic, social. No exceptions.

also i'm set on being a teacher so i'm not worried about finding a job at all

>> No.1583007

majored in
>an education, followed by a job
>turns out that if you don't know what you want to do when you go into college, no one's gonna tell you

>> No.1583013

1. economics and history
2. a greater understanding of why the world is the way it is and where it might be going
3. no hope for the future at all

>> No.1583022
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itt why i'm not in college

>> No.1583023

A greater understanding of the past
Didn't read, lol.

>> No.1583106

1. Biology
2. Cellular mechanisms, cool medical applications
3. Infantile state school where obedience=knowledge. I learned the entire Cell Bio class in 3-4 hours the night before the final but earned a B in the class because I didn't attend the lectures.

>> No.1583148

1. Philosophy
2. No real job opportunities, but great classes.
3. The best classes I will ever take and lots of time to smoke weed. No real job opportunities.

>> No.1583388
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1. Nothing.
2. To make less money and have a less fulfilling career than my peers.
3. I make more money and have an equally unfulfilling career as those of my peers.

I'm still young enough that going to school would be an option but I really don't see the point. I read a lot and can keep up a conversation with all my graduated friends and feel less... brainwashed. Of course, it's not like any of them have useful degrees, just /lit/tish ones.
Just though I'd let u guise kno

>> No.1583401

Parents Basement

>> No.1583462

1. Government
2. A teacher who'd spend most fo the class time telling us about how Government works
3. A teacher that spends most of the class time telling us how everyone and everything is wrong.

>> No.1583469
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1. Electrical engineering.
2. See picture.
3. See second picture.

>> No.1583471
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>> No.1583497
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>> No.1583503

Oh, come on.

>> No.1583931

Can you tell a little more about cognitive science? For now I went for major economics, but I guess it was only because of my incertitude and fear to fuck everything up with a wrong decision.
What kind of research do you do there, how hard are there to preform and classify? How strong math is involved in there?

>> No.1583935

1. History (contemporary military and international)
2. The exciting, if dusty life of an academic
3. Pushing a mop around.

>> No.1584332

Haha I like math and even I find that fucking hilarious.

>> No.1584340

I can kinda see why you guys think Maxwell's Equations are harder than Fluid mech now. I guess Maxwell is kinda more boring and monotonous.

>> No.1584349

1. Philosphy
2. Interesting facts about modern philosphers, debates, etc.
3. Bullshit from the pre-socratics who were drunk most of the time and fiddled with little boys. I go to this bullcrap day after day and it just makes me hate it more.
Ngl, ethics lecturer is pretty hot though.

>> No.1584351

go to grad school or stop taking those classes

>> No.1584355

>took those classes
>not in grad school

>> No.1584356


Gonna finish it, I can get good marks, and hopefully next year willl be better. Only first year atm, and we're made to do ancient philosophy.

>> No.1584359

1. English
2. Fun time while in school, ticket to business school, a need (and willingness) to work my ass off to find good jobs
3. Fun time while in school, ticket to business school, my hard work to find a good job already starting to pay off, met a whole lot of hot chicks

>> No.1584366

>Ngl, ethics lecturer is pretty hot though.
You need to come up with a convincing metanormative argument for why sleeping with students is a-ok.

>> No.1584371
File: 28 KB, 452x308, Seamus_Heaney_LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. English Literature
2. Books and chicks
3. Books and chicks


>> No.1584393

1. Law
2. Debating constitucional matters like free speech etc...
3. "If A signs a contract with B to sell a propriety already belonging to C, who had not registered his propriety blah blah blah..."

>> No.1584414
File: 334 KB, 1322x573, Urban Planning, apparently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Urbanism. New Urbanism everywhere.

>> No.1584600


Tunes, strings, composers, bitches

All of the above, plus a lot of Lutheran hymns

>> No.1584607

1. Media studies
2. I had no fucking idea
3. Pseudo-philosophy and irrelevant bullcrap about movies

>> No.1584608

1. Physics
2. Insanely intelligent colleagues
3. A better knowledge of how to deal with people suffering from Asperger's syndrome then I can remember of ever having asked for

>> No.1584614

I hope you now have a deep appreciation for Bach. Did you ever compose any chorales yourself? If so, how'd they turn out?

>> No.1584634

same as OP

spending time re-reading Huxley because I love that guy.

>> No.1584644

1.English Lit and Film Studies
2.Vast knowledge into the world of lit and cinema.
3. Studio apartment with a bunch of hipster-hoppers.

Shit is tight.>>1580432
1.English Lit and Film Studies
2.Vast knowledge into the world of lit and cinema.
3. New York apartment with a bunch of hipster-hoppers.

Shit is tight.

>> No.1584672

1. Physics
2. How to describe the world
3. AQFT, more maths, category theory

>> No.1584684

1. Linguistics

2. A better understanding of language and the how it affects our ways of thinking

3. A class of eight people doing jack shit and having barely any lectures.

Fuck that, I'm dropping out.

>> No.1584692
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i not even mad

>> No.1584693

1.) Physics
2.) Developing a better understanding of mathematics, since I can't comprehend any above high school algebra. Wanted to have a handle on art and science, so I could teach kids that really struggled with math, like myself.
3.) Dropped out.

People that are only proficient in Liberal Arts should stay the fuck away from hard science.

>> No.1584701

1. Information science and dissemination of culture
2. Knowledge in how good information architecture is organized and a general broad academic education
3. Marc formats all over the place

>> No.1584945
File: 7 KB, 275x251, 1295373487041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

my major is Chemistry and I've been planning to eventually get a PhD in either Chemistry or Biochemistry.

you just scared me off that

>> No.1584947

You don't have to worry as long as you do some fundamental Organic, Inorganic or Physical chem. Don't specialize in Radiochem or environmental chem just yet and that means even in your Ph.D. Go for some Synthesis (Organic) or Quantum Chem in your PhD and you should do fine.

>> No.1584948

1. Liberal Arts
2. Enlightenment
3. Body Chemistry

>> No.1584953

1. Visual Art
2. An outlet for personal expression, finding new media and gaining insight into how to expand visual imagery.
3. Professors who are walking hypocrites. Demand "originality" but salivate over any assignment that resembles work done by the Modernists over 50 years ago. Praising students with no talent who can BS and looking down on talented students who grow tired of "fine art" bullshitting.

>> No.1584959

Seems like you just can't art it.

>> No.1584979

Oh I could. This was years back. I was the golden child of the department until my senior year when they tried to force me to submit beginning painting projects by rejecting all of my book illustration (original subject matter) submissions. I unfortunately went to a state university and they don't accept all areas of art as an art school would.

Comparable to writing professors who only like literary or regional story writing and refuses to pass anything remotely sci-fi.

>> No.1584982
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How do you know your art is good if everyone else hates it? Are you sure you're just not an extremely self-entitled snob?

Ha, ha! Chamois cloth!

>> No.1585004

Law or business school. I know plenty of philosophy and liberal arts majors who have done well in both.

I really hate when people mockingly ask what I am going to with my philosophy major(this isn't directed at the anon who asked in thread) simply because they think philosophy is no more than just sitting around and thinking about useless junk. It's the structure of the argument that is important in most philosophy texts. Fucking hate ignorant people...

>> No.1585018

1. Liberal Arts
2. Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Music, Rhetoric, Logic, Grammar
3. Philosophy

>> No.1585021

Don't you fucking research the program you enroll in?

>> No.1585032

I recommend anyone who truly wants to study philosophy apply to St. Mary's College of California and enroll in their Integral program. I graduated few years from there and the Integral program has classes based on discussion instead of teach lectures. Worth it if you want to pursue philosophy or liberal arts.

>> No.1585034
File: 1.30 MB, 200x150, epileptic hungarian man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. English + Finnish Language
2. Literature/theory + crazy soulless people
3. Pseudo-intellectuals and great teachers + bro-tier Finns who like to party


>> No.1585039

1. Maths
2. Maths
3. Maths


>> No.1585048


You should check out St. John's. They're syllabus gives me wet dreams.
Music theory & composition, life sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, theology, philosophy, ancient Greek (as a language), french (as a language), and the literature of the Western Canon for a liberal arts degree.

Fuck your state school bullshiiiiit.

>> No.1585076

Where are you studying Finnish? / Missä opiskelet suomea?

>> No.1585080
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>mfw I see that gif while listening to Golden Years by David Bowie

Erm anyway

>What I studied=Engineering
>What I got=Vomiting and panic attacks, vomiting and panic attacks EVERYWHERE

>> No.1585192
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Minä opiskelen suomea Indianassa. Indiana University - Central Eurasian Studies dept. I've taken several classes outside of the Finno-Ugric track and they're great as well (one of my professors was Turkish and pretty awesome). I'm trying to go to Vassa this summer to study the language.

>> No.1585202

1. Biotechnology
2. Fucking amazing engineering.
3. Complete mental breakdown. Left in 3rd year to pursue computer science.

(i'm sure there's nothing wrong with biotech. but goddamn, that program raped me.)

>> No.1585377

Not to have to study too hard, which was needed working fulltime and taking 12 hrs per semester. And a Management job in customer service at the place I worked at junior and senior year.
Everything went as expected. I took a lot of Industrial/ Organizational classes instead of clinical classes, since I don't want to go for a Master's etc. or really work in the field :) I like customer service, am good at it, and there are still a lot of jobs. Not always the best paying, but eh, some money beats no money.

>> No.1585463



>Prejudiced, half-formed opinions and/or total disinterest

why do people take philosophy classes who aren't interested in philosophy?