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/lit/ - Literature

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15809109 No.15809109 [Reply] [Original]

What are your reading habits, /lit/?
>Where do you you usually read?
>Do you eat or drink anything?
>Do you have a favourite time?
>Do you listen to music?
>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
>Ereader or physical?
>Buy, rent, or pirate?
>Favourite genres?

>> No.15809126

>download pdf
>download audiobook
>listen to audiobook at work
>read pdf where I left off when I get home

>> No.15809146

In my library
coffee or water/fruit or nuts
the Renaissance
a 10 hr vid of rain drops
one at a time
buy and pirate

>> No.15809195

>a restaurant exit stoop
>by a planter near a restaurant’s sign
>a chair by a fountain.
>Now. Outside seating at a cafe
I miss the air conditioning of these places

>> No.15809199

My study room, train, most quiet floor of uni faculty
Occasionally a gin & tonic, never eat
When it's raining
No music
Max three at once spaced out through the day
Always pirate
(Irish) comedy, psychology non-fiction.

>> No.15809798
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>Where do you you usually read?
Kitchen table
>Do you eat or drink anything?
Tea. Usually green, soaked for almost ten minutes.
>Do you have a favourite time?
Early before my loud family are about
>Do you listen to music?
Almost always. Usually classical, instrumentals, or foreign -- never something with English lyrics. I also choose music that fits what I'm reading: Russian book, Russian composers; Western novel, western soundtrack; Japanese novel, Japanese music.
>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
One at a time
>Ereader or physical?
>Buy, rent, or pirate?
Buy. I hope to have really large library one day where all the books have been read.
>Favourite genres?
I've found myself enjoy black comedy stuff more recently. But I don't think I have a favourite

>> No.15809888
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My entire reading habit is contingent upon any sexual actions that occurred recently. If I've ejaculated, I won't read a single page. The mind goes out and it's not capable of anything worthwhile for another day. If I'm aroused, I can't read. If I masturbate I can't read. If I have sex, I can't read. My life revolves around when my last orgasm was and the only time I'm able to muster any vigor to do intellectual heavy lifting are those increasingly rare days where I wake up, avoid incurring a single instance of sexual arousal. These days are mostly gone. I wake up most days thinking of sex, masturbating, and this leads to menial existence. I can get by just fine but the wherewithal I once had for reading, the clean mind, farewell to them all. I don't find gratifying these base urges at this point all that great and long for a return to my pre sexually active self. This is why I torture myself so, hoping to again recapture this rare state. The moment I cope with this, is the moment I surrender.

>> No.15809941

kek, I haven't been here since a long time but this made me remember why I used to like this place so much.
My life is pretty much the same but I actually can read after ejaculating. Reading and consuming information is my base state.
I wonder how many men are addicted to masturbation like you, almost all 4chan and me.

>> No.15809943

in my computer chair our out on my front deck if its a nice summer day
water or tea
not really
sometimes I listen to classical on low volume but generally i find it distracting
mostly into history, sci fi, and classics of western canon

>> No.15809961

>At my desk
>Buy and pirate.

>> No.15810071

>brain stops functioning after a single ejaculation in the morning for the whole day
pleb. I jerk off twice in the morning and twice at night every day, and I am still capable of some light work throughout the day.

>> No.15811614

>Where do you you usually read?
on my couch or bed. sometimes outdoors
>Do you eat or drink anything?
>Do you have a favourite time?
whenever i'm not tired
>Do you listen to music?
no, too distracting
>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
yes, I usually read something on the boring side at night to help me fall asleep.
>Ereader or physical?
almost always physical. e-readers are nice for travel and in bed
>Buy, rent, or pirate?
>Favourite genres?
Nazi occult shit

>> No.15811658

I don't read
I wish I did
But I can't bring myself to
I haven't finished a book since December

>> No.15812691
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>Where do you you usually read?
In a chair, leaned back against it, or over a desk.

>Do you eat or drink anything?
I drink coffee between hourly reading sessions, cogitating via meditation --during, and after, I drink my coffee-- what I had just read, until I feel that I want to resume reading, or to engage in another activity.

>Do you have a favourite time?
Shortly after waking up.

>Do you listen to music?
Whilst reading? No.

>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
It depends on what I am reading/what I want to read.

>Ereader or physical?

>Buy, rent, or pirate?

>Favourite genres?

>> No.15812749

>laying on my bed
>if i'm hungry or thirsty, yes
>afternoon, or whenever I feel like it
>no; but I have before, with classical/relaxing type music, kept it on in the background
>depends what i'm reading and want to read
>poetry, literary fiction, speculative fiction, and russia literature

>> No.15812771

>at my desk or on the deck
>late afternoon
>listen to rain ambient or nature ambient
>if only read two at most: a work of fiction and non-fiction
>both. physical if I have it
>buy second-hand or pirate

>Favourite genres?

>> No.15812800

How do you pirate physical books?

>> No.15812838

Most of the texts that I read are in electronic format, but I prefer to read from physical books.

>> No.15812856

>Where do you usually read?
bedroom, in the subway, absolutely anywhere as long as I am not bothered
>Do you eat and drink?
I don't eat and rarely drink
>Do you have a favorite time?
at night
>Do you listen to music?
no music, sometimes I listen to hums and rain pouring
>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
several, but only one at a time for physical ones
>Ereader or physical?
both because I can't avoid getting physical books at my birthdays
>Buy, rent, or pirate?
buy or pirate, ngnl
>Favourite genres?
comedy and/or fantasy, mystery is great too

>> No.15812864

>Where do you you usually read?
Laid out on my couch at home. Maybe on the balcony if the weather is pleasant.
>Do you eat or drink anything?
Wine, coffee, earl grey. Don't tend to eat.
>Do you have a favourite time?
Any time.
>Do you listen to music?
Occasionally classical or jazz. Very quietly.
>Do you read one book at a time or several at once?
>Ereader or physical?
>Buy, rent, or pirate?
>Favourite genres?
Nonfiction; politics, economics and international relations. Fiction; sci-fi, classical.

>> No.15812958

>laying in my bed
>I sometimes drink a red wine when I feel like it
>after waking up or 3 hours before going to bed
>some ambient music like William Basinski, OPN, Grouper, etc.
>used to read one at a time, but currently it's three
>buy used
>no favourites but I mostly read literary fiction