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/lit/ - Literature

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15808694 No.15808694 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: essential /lit/core podcasts?

>> No.15808734

/x/ had a good thread going on this topic for them, wondering if you guys have any recs. shame /x/ is just a bunch of schizos looking at tarot cards telling them when to kill themselves and send the bombs to their favourite Bjork artist

anyway, highly recommend what's left of KulturKampf, phenomenal wignat philosophy

>> No.15808751
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there's only 6 episodes of this around but it's amazing stuff. ebert was always better in a mp3 format. highly recommend his google play files he's recently recommended too on bergson, heidegger, hegel, etc

>> No.15808754


>> No.15808857

Look at the archive. This is the OP of the last thread shilling.

>> No.15808860
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Death is Just Around the Corner is the GOAT /lit/ podcast. It's been dead for over a year now but basically it's an extremely epstein-brained academic-burnout ranting about the intersection of 20th century literature and satanic elite conspiracies in his Missouri drawl. I listen to it at x2 speed because it's funner to hear him coke-addled than to be on downers.

He achieved a tenure track position in Purdue's English department but quit within 24 hours because he realized his job was just to lie to students. Now he just publishes books with obscure presses that immediately go out of business and talks about how Pynchon interprets the Kennedy assassination and why the Penguin translation of Dante is bad. It fucking rocks. He also talks about music and gnosticism, but I'm less into that.

I consider him authoritative on Pynchon, Don Delillo, and the Modernists (esp. Pound and Eliot). Also great to hear gossip about inside academia

Besides that, The War Nerd is a former literary critic turned podcaster. He has episodes on both pulp and literature pretty often, and often includes it in his analysis of conflicts.

Literature and History is extremely good; dude has a PhD in literature and is slowly working his way up through the canon. He also is entertaining and an extremely meticulous researcher; an extremely rare podcasting combination. Right now he is doing the New Testament, after spending 20+ hours on the Old Testament. Definitely skim through his episodes for the first one on a topic which interests you: he does the Ancient Near East, the Greeks, the Romans, the Hebrews, and now he is doing Late Roman/Early Christian.

I agree Adamson's The History of Philosophy w/o Any Gaps is great.

History of English is mostly history, but there is quite a bit of literature (especially enjoyed the middle ages episodes, like on Beowulf, Arthurian Legend, Robin Hood, and Chaucer).

The Mirror of Antiquity is the best podcast on Classics I've listened to, but they sadly do not update very much.

Liz Bruenig posts solo episodes on The Bruenigs about history and literature from a Catholic perspective. Her recent episode on the Black Death, as well as on the history of vampires in media, Augustine, Free Will and others. She has one of the worst twitters I have ever seen, but she is a Marshall Scholar at Christ College, Cambridge studying theology, and is extremely entertaining to boot.

I listen to almost exclusively history podcasts (literally subbed to 100+ though many of those I stopped listening to because they were amateurs or sucked); please ask if you have a historical time you are interested in.

>> No.15808872

Perfume Nationalist, Containcontaincontain

>> No.15808873

sauce / name of the thread? i think you're referring to me shilling it before but that thread didn't provide me anymore, we can only find like 6 episodes

i did get rec'd kulturkampf which is incredible tho

>> No.15808876

Sleepycast, dont listen to pseud shit

>> No.15808883

Anyone have a Neoplatonist or a Western Vedic metaphysics podcast / content creator? I like that guy on YouTube Aarvoll a lot but I have no idea where to go with his shit it's v big brain.

Also anyone have a rec to understand anything about Christopher Langan? The guy seems incredible

>> No.15808903

Eberts series on Decline of the West top notch. Haven’t seen this podcast

>> No.15808912
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Some of that stuff sounds interesting (DiJAtC sounds peak tismy stuff tho lol) but unfortunately I'm mostly interested in philosophy. I'll check out that PhD student guy as I'm just currently reading The Old Testament.

Thanks for the rec fren

>> No.15808932

will check out your funny phd guy and report here tomorrow.

>> No.15808940
File: 11 KB, 132x180, john_david_ebert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're willing to put up with them rambling about mass shooting and terrorist attacks (in a Spenglerian analysis) for the first few episodes you'll be grand. When they get deep into Spengler it's incredible stuff. Darryl Cooper keeps Ebert from going off too much, it's fascinating stuff. There's only 6 episodes but I can guarantee you'll get something out of it. You'll just be depressed they only made so few episodes because the Cooper guy got scared about being alt-right cause of his shitlib gf

>> No.15808956


>> No.15808970
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The extremely autistic podcast I mentioned above (Death is Just Around the Corner) is run by a guy who I would certainly describe as neoplatonist/gnostic; he talks about the demiurge a lot and he is clearly influenced by Plotiius

Lmao you're welcome. Mirror of Antiquity is run through with philosophy (being a Classics cast), and even episodes on like translation definitely have a strong philosophical bent.

based. Definitely skim for a topic you find interesting; the whole show feels like a stunt because he becomes more and less lucid and seems constantly on the brink of offing himself as you learn more and more about his life, but that liminal confusion is a big part of the appeal for me.

>> No.15808986


>> No.15809141

YOOO this guy literally just replied to my comment on yt, god speed on this lad.

>> No.15809244

based ebert

>> No.15809370

So much of Michael's content is paywalled though

>> No.15809383

I wish there was a libgen for paywalled podcasts

>> No.15809410
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Go back to where you came from. This is a publicly available lecture board, not a friend simulator for numales board.

>> No.15809629

Yeah it's not ideal. You can subscribe to the patreon, get the link, and unsubscribe before paying anything; I've done that before b/c I didnt have enough money in my account before payday. (Being a student teacher fucking sucks, let me tell you).

I'm glad someone else is a fan of Death Corner. I'm surprised it isn't more popular here.

>> No.15809656

Zero Books podcast, of course

>> No.15809952


>> No.15811519

Did we ever find the mysterious 7th episode on Sloterdijk?

>> No.15811527

Rogue Insider?

>> No.15812177

He is a really nice person also.He had send me his episode on Bowie's Station to Station when i had no money to subscribe .

>> No.15812198

That's sweet. He always struck me as really legit, but I try to avoid creating parasocial relationships these days.

>> No.15812889
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No unfortunately all we found was the first 6 here >>15808956
Sounds alright but idk if I care enough to listen to some of the cooks he has on there like Greer. Irl current year druids is a tad wacko to me.

>> No.15812995

Myth of the 20th century
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