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15808313 No.15808313 [Reply] [Original]

> ywn win glory fighting alongside Achilles, Ajax, Odysseus and Diomedes on the windy plains of Troy
> Ywn return to Greece with a host of princesses and plunder

UNIRONICALLY books to cope with this feel???

>> No.15808336

you'd be the first one to be raped, killed and then raped again silly boy

>> No.15808345

The Horus Heresy

>> No.15808350

You realize that a ton of the kings from the Trojan War met ruin and disaster on their way home, or when they actually returned home, right?

>> No.15808390

Unironically they were sitting on a beach for the better part of 10 years trying to determine if Helen was actually in Troy (she wasn’t) and then just said fuck it let’s go check for ourselves. That much has been determined and refuted by Greek Historians.

If you’re gonna seethe about anything, seethe that you weren’t at Thermopylae to witness the death throes of lacedaemonian heroism.

>> No.15808398

the iliad?

>> No.15809377
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>> No.15809633

> Agamemnon is murdered by his wife
> Odysseus spends the next several years on a harrowing journey. Later murdered by his illegitimate son.
> Achilles is killed by Paris of all people.
> Meanwhile, the losers (Trojans) wind up becoming the Romans and curb-stomp the Greeks a few centuries later

The Greeks are massive losers lmao, keep on reading the classics. You'll cope well enough.

>> No.15809829

>Thermopylae to witness the death throes of lacedaemonian heroism.
As opposed to Marathon, where they told the Athenians the equivalent of 'My mom says I'm not allowed to go outside after 7pm' and then sat and watched as the Athenians stopped the Persian invasion all by themselves?

>> No.15809838
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>ywn have a big-tiddy demi-godess witch gf

>> No.15809895

Diomedes is a real G. I feel honoured to have even a little genetic proximity with him. Such a chad, it's insane

>> No.15810728
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I would unironically do it for that sweet sweet Pallas Athene pussy

>> No.15810761

Greeks were constantly going on about achieving fame and glory as a highly desirable good

They really were total simps about certain things. Smart on lots of things, brain-dead stupid on others. This attitude falls squarely in the latter category.

>> No.15810781

I actually sided with Hektor and Troy.

>> No.15810987

Achilles and Ajax died before the end of the Trojan War, they never got to enjoy the glory of winning it.

>> No.15811003
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Leiden des Jungen Werthers

>> No.15811008

Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, it deconstructs pretty well the heroes of the Trojan War and the whole ordeal and it's generally a rather depressing and pessimistic play even though it's technically a comedy.

>> No.15811017

Because Hector is the real hero. Achilles is an arrogant bitch with cheat mode on and the gods on his side.

>> No.15811037

>and the gods on his side
Uhhh Aphrodite and Ares don't count or something? Apollo doesn't count?

>> No.15811066

Diff, anon. Achilles had two fates luke the special boy he is. Hector has one. Hector has a wife and son. Achilles dressed as a woman to avoid the war.

But really. Hera is the villain of the Iliad.

>> No.15811086
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bagavad gita

>> No.15811093

Is this supposed to be Jason? If so, look up how it ends for him. She kills his kids, as well as future wife number 2 and runs off, leaving Jason who goes and cries under the Argo. The rotten mast falls off and kills him. Media was a psycho

>> No.15811103

Diomedes and Ajax are the greatest heroes of the Trojan war

>> No.15811113
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I was going to say anything by Buyron or Mishima ( especially spring snow & Run away horses) or de Maistre but >>15808345
Is unironically good for this feel.

>> No.15811135

>free will makes you special
Damn. I kind of pity you now
>Hera is the villain of the Iliad
It's either Eris because who starts a world war over not getting invited to a wedding, or it's the three goddesses for getting so worked up about an apple. However, there is villainy in all the characters really. Agamemnon for lusting for glory, Achilles because duh, Priam for not having forced Paris to give Helen back, etcetc.

>> No.15811184

Good, fuck those guys. I could throw a thousand spears at them dead center to the heart but they’d just get swept away by some god/goddess. Why don’t you come out from behind Athena’s skirt and talk your shit Diomedes?

>> No.15811282

Herodotus treats Thermopylae so elegiacly, with this beautiful description of the Spartans grooming themselves and exercising before the final battle, in a style that is reminiscing for Homer. Xerxes asks his commander why the Spartans do this, if they know they will die, and he replies that they want to go to the Gods beautiful. This is the essence of the Homeric nomos-to die with glory and beauty. That nomos, here embodied as Spartan heroism, dies at Thermopylae. That’s all I meant.

>> No.15811284

whose death is this? abhimanyu?

>> No.15811458
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I have often had the very same fantasy or one might characterize it as a problem, a disease, an infirmity or a noxious devil squatting heavily upon my chest making my every waking moment a laborious struggle.
I want to be like the hero of old like Acheiles, Hector, Marcellius, Scipio, Scipio, decimus mous and so on. Yet i live in an age where it seems heroism is denied to me, Mishima, of course, is the apostle, the personification or one might more properly say avatar of this feeling. The revolt against the safety, harmony and gentility of modern life in favour of dark fantasies of blood, death, gore and ceaseless struggle against ones fellow man.
I cannot with truth say, in truth, that this feeling is constricted to modern times,FDR famously use to tell the story of the time a German uboat came with in sighting distance of a ship he sailed in, ever in his mind teddy's maxim that a man wasn't a man until he fought in a war, dicing with death. Do I even need to mention Byron? so why this feeling, why this ache?

I suspect two reasons firstly what Hobbes would call vainglory " Vain-glorious men, such as without being conscious to themselves of great sufficiency, delight in supposing themselves gallant men" & that these vain-glories Vain-glorious men, such as estimate their sufficiency by the flattery of other men, or the fortune of some precedent action, without assured ground of hope from the true knowledge of themselves, are enclined to rash engaging" & " thought them too mean for the good parts which they thought were in themselves and more there were, that had able bodies, but saw no means how honestly to get their bread. These longed for a war" that is we believe that we shall be, or do, better, have greater wealth, greater prestige, greater access to sex, in the brutish society of violence than in world of civil gentility as emphasised in the stories of Robert Howard.

Secondly it might be that this feeling is a natural humour which effects a significant portion of the male population regardless of the bloody brutality of the age or lack thereof. Take for example Caravaggio, a man of million times more talent and prestige than you or I could ever hope to achieve, a man who name was held in high regard before we both but twinkle in the milkman's eye and will be long after we have shook off the mortal coil and passed beyond the veil of tears. Caravaggio, the man who painted for Popes, Cardinals and Kings was a thug, a brute, a murder and a homosexual who delighted in violence and bloodshed, in hazarding his life against fellow Bravos( Italian ronin) all this inspire of his success, his fame, his wealth and riches. montaigne quotes from some former thinkers on the matter "to serve for a blood-letting to their Republic, and a little to evaporate the too vehement heat of their youth, to prune and clear the branches from the stock too luxuriant in wood; and to this end it was that they maintained so long a war with Carthage."

>> No.15811528
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He further says "In the treaty of Bretigny, Edward III., king of England, would not, in the general peace he then made with our king, comprehend the controversy about the Duchy of Brittany, that he might have a place wherein to discharge himself of his soldiers, and that the vast number of English he had brought over to serve him in his expedition here might not return back into England. And this also was one reason why our King Philip consented to send his son John upon a foreign expedition, that he might take along with him a great number of hot young men who were then in his pay.

There—are many in our times who talk at this rate, wishing that this hot emotion that is now amongst us might discharge itself in some neighbouring war, for fear lest all the peccant humours that now reign in this politic body of ours may diffuse themselves farther, keep the fever still in the height, and at last cause our total ruin; and, in truth, a foreign is much more supportable than a civil war."

As in all things a combination of these too factors is closes to the truth, Men weight down by poverty, by unfulfilled ambitions or by delusions of grandeur and the strange madness of the Spanish knight which comes upon all readers of the ancient romances are all the more want and want war and bloodshed so that they may prove themselves, to themselves and to society and that this is exacerbated by some god given flaw in man as central to the sons of Adam and vanity is to the daughters of eve, a flaw that demands the blood of a brother and the hazarding of life, a restless heart that never beats content except in the very jaws of death and the door Hades, unless the bells of hell are resounding in its ear. its only balm is also the very fan which feeds the fire, namely fame, the need to be known and to know that others know that you are brave, that here is mad who dices with death at noon, Ladies, set aside your dress, your bras, your panties and lay bare your charms open up your pearly gates, gentlemen your drawing rooms, kings your knightly orders and children see here comes the conquering hero, the man who dances with death.

>TLDR Life sucks bro.

>> No.15812327

Lol, you wouldn't last a second in a real battle and you are talking shit about the greatest badass to ever badass, what the actual fuck.

>> No.15812504

woah, that's le epic badass moment. pogchamp

>> No.15812599

> Menelaus valiantly duels Paris for the outcome of the war and almost kills him
> Aphrodite teleports him to his bedroom before the killing stroke

> Ajax duels Hector and takes the upper hand
> Apollo quickly turns day into night so they'll be forced to call it a draw

> Countless spears thrown which would have found their mark
> Flicked away by the gods because they liked that person

> Aeneas is beaten the fuck out of so many times it's like Kenny from South Park
> Each time the gods whisk him away and heal him, bring him back and he still talks shit

> Average Joe fighting, maybe take 1 or 2 kills, desperate to stay alive and see family again
> Out of nowhere this fucking Chad gets leveled up by the gods and starts killing people in video-game numbers, even wounding gods

Makes for based reading but the system was so broken. It's summed up really in the bit where Athena, the immortal god, calls Artemis, another immortal god: " you shameless bitch. How do you have the gall to challenge me here?". If your own god's spoke and acted like that, and you didn't have ten thousand pristine goats to offer them a "smoky Savoir" then what the fuck hope did you have. Hera and Athena were the OG mean girls

>> No.15814150

The original capeshit

>> No.15814200
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that's what he gets for being a traitorous cunt but I agree, her killing their kids was OD