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15804558 No.15804558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can help me understand why this argument is bad?

>> No.15804562

There aren't any. It's the only valuable thing that knee grow has ever done, too.

>> No.15804564

No such books exist because it's a flawless argument.

>> No.15804572

Hahaha just walk away from your workplace or school dude. Just go outside the tribe and exile yourself lol why even solve issues and correct behavior we could just like walk away lol hahahaha

>> No.15804577

workplace and school are real
internet is just fake virtual shit

>> No.15804585

>workplace and school are real
No it's not. They are made up by humans.

>> No.15804597

But then I won't have safety and protection and food. How do I lack essentials by ignoring cyber bullying?

>> No.15804606

the internet is scientifically proved to be real

>> No.15804609

Why should we allow others to act like horrible toxic people when we could instead be civil and respectful to each other?

>> No.15804613


>> No.15804615


>> No.15804616

I don't know who's "we". If I'm cyber bullied it's just me alone and I close the tab

>> No.15804622
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>hurr nigger nigger nigger
>tranny you mad?
>you mad?
>women belong in da kitchen xD

>> No.15804626

this but unironically

>> No.15804627

It is easy to dismiss your own reputation and worth in society when you are already worthless.

>> No.15804629

Where did you find this picture of me?

>> No.15804631


>> No.15804633

uh oh ur doing a cyberbullying sweaty!!!

>> No.15804638

Sticks and stones may break my bones but false words will make me literally kms

>> No.15804639

Internet is an expansion of social life for millanials and later. I understand that as a boomer it may be hard to understand, but they have real problems when their whole circle of relatives create groups to badmouth over them and plan funny little pranks, even when it's on the web.

As for totally unrelated randoms, I don't know how it could affect them either.

>> No.15804650

Hes actually handsome if he had a normal haircut and didn't smile like an idiot, so I would say he is absolutely based.

>> No.15804656

I'm not a boomer... just a mid 00s kid who missed the social media train... ok, so social media is toxic? ok lol? so is smoking and it was "normal shit everyday life" for a few generations... I maintain my position lol.

>> No.15804657

Then go suck his dick

>> No.15804660

ebin reply ashy shit skin lover

>> No.15804669

Okay! I tolerated this place for a little bit but I just can't handle the blatant homophobia, transphobia, and racism! Can we please talk about books again??

Wow! Just ... wow...

>> No.15804670

It's only an expansion of your social life if you make the choice to integrate the two. When I was a kid it was "don't tell anyone your real name on the Internet," and now everybody is cumming in their pants for verification checkmarks. If they don't like what that actually entails then they are free to revert, nothing is stopping anyone from being anonymous at any point they choose, except their perceived sunk cost from investing themselves in being their real-life personality online because they don't want to lose "followers" and their completely imagined clout.

>> No.15804682

Because morality is subjective

>> No.15804685

For real now I'm starting to lose more hope in humanity every. single. day.

>> No.15804688

>their whole circle of relatives create groups to badmouth over them and plan funny little pranks
Just don't go in those circles. If the bullying extends to real life, it's no longer cyber bullying

>> No.15805255

Just don't participate in social events and spend your life alone and depressed bro, just go live on a desert island bro.

>> No.15805262

How does it feel to have double digits IQ?

>> No.15805290

are you faggots serious

>> No.15805297

That's not even a rebuttal all you did was deflect away from the argument

>> No.15805311

>no, you have to view bullying as a social event
I wish we were still allowed volcano people as a group activity

>> No.15805324

we live in a collision of subjectivities, should I be able to kill people if I think it is ok?

>> No.15805355

loaded question lmao

>> No.15805385

Nice post retardus maximus

>> No.15805418

nice non argument, subjective morality is dumb as an argument for building a society

>> No.15805656
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>> No.15805669

I guess it kind of makes sense for Middle School Kids because it’s a case of people you know IRL posting and saying shit about you all night and then you would have to go to school the next day and get laughed at whether you looked at the posts or not

>> No.15805685

Why not if you are unhappy just walk away. It's actually a good advice what is stopping you why live in a toxic workplace or whatever. There a other jobs schools citys.

>> No.15805703

how about developing a sense of humor

>> No.15805706

Children legally and practically can’t walk away from school.
He’d probably have to convince his parents to move and gamble that he won’t get bullied as the new kid at a different school. Or do some kind of long distance arrangement.
School taxes is just one reason why homeschooling and private schools are impractical for most people

>> No.15805710

Did you grow up surrounded by women? What a fucking pussy lmfao

>> No.15805711

People will never forget how you made them feel

>> No.15805719

Kids that bully nowadays don’t really run any risk because the punishment for punching another kid in the face are so high

>> No.15805735

I feel sorry for your mother

>> No.15805740

One always needs a balance. Being raised by women alone is just as bad as being raised by men alone.

>> No.15805774

Yea for school is a bit harder and not that applicable I agree.

>> No.15805787

>What a fucking pussy lmfao
Fuck off youre not smart or witty your just fucking annoying

>> No.15805805

and you're just fucking dumb lmfao

>> No.15805808


>> No.15805814

Lol btfo

>> No.15805823

I feel sorry for your mother. She deserved better

>> No.15805836

You should have been bullied more faggot

>> No.15805840

And turn out like you? No thanks

>> No.15805846

today there is no way to have a social life without using social media where you use your real name

>> No.15805854

>When I was a kid it was "don't tell anyone your real name on the Internet
that concept is dead and buried.
I remember it too, the big fear was someone stealing your information with a virus. now we just give all our information to google/facebook for free

>> No.15805880

allow others to act toxic?

first starters, anyone who uses the word toxic in the manner in which you are, is a literal faggot.

2, people should be able to say whatever in the blue fucking hell they want so fuck you

>> No.15805892


>> No.15805897

hahha how are water bottles real bro just keep rapping to the song no need to get so mad hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.15805898

Well, you're both on /lit/. So, you're not very unalike.

>> No.15805918

shut the fuck up Donnie

>> No.15805923

Like your life is going great pseud

>> No.15805940


Imagine being THIS mad

>> No.15805949

Hell ya bish now get off my dick faggot this right here is out of your league

>> No.15805957

words have causal power

>> No.15805978

stop wasting time on instagram (snap is ok) and work out so you can beat up the cyber bullies irl

simple as

>> No.15805999

Apparently it happens a lot? Kek

>> No.15806035

Shaming does not have to be experienced directly for it to harm you. Simply being aware that your cannibalistic shit for brains peers are prancing around the remnants of your social corpse with gobs of your reputation in their claws and lodged between their fangs is enough to cause distress.

Also it ensures that you can't open any social media app without coming across hate comments.

>> No.15806325

It's acceptable advice in as so much that a true (and perhaps only) way of escaping something that is causing you to suffer is to dissociate yourself from it entirely, to remove yourself from either the physical space (in this case digital) or the line of thinking which is generating the suffering (i.e the opinions of randoms on the internet are important to me). Changing your line of thinking is always difficult but removing yourself from a digital space is much easier practically and, unlike school and work, you won't be sanctioned for just walking out.

It becomes a problem when you consider two issues:
>the importance of social media in today's society
We are in the midst of an enormous human paradigm shift, perhaps the biggest since we first planted seeds in the ground or perhaps even the biggest since we first stood upright. What we term "online" is gradually becoming more and more central to our everyday lives whilst our "offline lives," like a cliff face against ever surging water, is slowly eroding every passing second. Where once social media, like Myspace and Facebook was mostly a means to maintain offline social relationships, now social media, through things like Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, are a legitimate means of not only establishing new social relationships but establishing considerable cultural clout. The younger and more online you are, the more and more likely it is that "online" will feel more real and exciting to you than "offline." For many people, "offline life" is merely holding room in which we can quickly satisfy our bodily needs so as to quickly plunge ourselves back into the new digital reality. In these circumstances, stepping away from the internet (or even a major social media platform) can feel to many like the equivalent of never leaving your house. Once properly exposed to online life, the feeling of missing out when not there, whilst illusory, is nevertheless keenly felt. The fact that most digital discourse is mere spectacle and junk is rationally acknowledged yet emotionally ignored by all.
Also, if one wants to be a public figure, in the sense that your work requires you to be plugged into general trends and zeitgeists (e.g public servants, academics, businesses, entrepreneurs, artists, etc.) then having a social media account is crucial to maintaining your influence. Try being a writer under 40 without a major publishing house and agent behind you, AND without a social media account. Try being a business without one.

>the "fuck you" impulse
There's a natural human inclination towards recompense. A slight must not and cannot be ignored and it certainly mustn't be placated. I've seen, as you all have, countless pointless petty arguments on 4chan that clog up thread after thread and go on for whole days, most of which started because one poster called the other a retard and neither ego could handle walking away. Ignoring a bully or even blocking them can feel like a victory for the bully.

>> No.15806344

depends on the context of the cyber bullying. on 4chan, facebook, twitter, you can and should walk away and, even better, never return. if you are being bullied over zoom by your collegues however, that is a problem. at that point its not really different from normal bullying though. cyber bullying is usually about being bullied by rando strangers on the internet that you don't have to talk to, which is why the OP image is a flawless argument. its just normies can't comprehend life without the validation of social media, so they think its impossible to walk away from those shitholes.

its the same shit as "I have a black friend". Despite that being a perfectly good argument, all it does is make normies think you are racist because thats how the MSM programmed them.

>> No.15806352

this. all you gotta do is bitch slap a nigga overstepping their boundaries

>> No.15806382

To wrap up quickly (because yet again I'm spending too long on another junk conversation that I won't ever remember a week from now), in the absence of more authoritarian moderation, your only recourse really is to tune out. Social media is fast becoming the world and its poisons as destructive as the most terrible of meatspace ones. Tune out of the digital rat race or zone out of your ego.

>> No.15806388

Has anyone actually read all of this?

>> No.15806422
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>> No.15806934

wanna know how you've never even thought a single thing is wrong with cancel culture?

>> No.15806980

Faggot nigger

>> No.15806988

Yes and it fills me with existential dread.

t. hates social media and is trying to get published

>> No.15806999

the supposedly empathic people arguing for being 'decent human beings' always say stuff like this at the drop of a hat lol

>> No.15807623
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Take the blindpill anon.

>> No.15807874

absolutely false. more and more people are deleting fb/twitter and realising how shite it all is. today there is no way of being heavily invested in social media in which your real name is used and simultaneously withhold a healthy sense of self worth and your place in the world.

>> No.15808527

Graduate high school first.

>> No.15808564

hes right

>> No.15808823

Probably not, but I wish they were

>> No.15809001

Maybe if you're a faggot?
I don't have any social media but still have friends

>> No.15809029

>You don't understand I NEED to use the social media
You're just a social retard who can't keep up with their friends, all you need is a phone number.

>> No.15809390

Some people are sensitive and can't easily brush it off

>> No.15809428

There's nothing wrong with it unless you're an asshole

>> No.15809856

People remember things, even after they stop seeing them. It's the memory that bothers the victim, in addition to the act of seeing. So removing the initial source of discomfort won't stop the discomfort. Or as an oldfag might say,
>what has been seen cannot be unseen

>> No.15809864

You're actually correct though. Just leave my society and self-segregate.

>> No.15809865


>> No.15809881

"Toxicity" or shaming immorality was a force for good and it was better when we had it. Now we shame people for being too nationalistic and too moral. "Civility" and "respect" sound likes euphemisms for racial treason and secularism.

>> No.15809891

Nicholas JJ Smith's laws of logic

>> No.15810092

You DO have a problem when they get you phone number.
Source: Got cyberbullied a few days ago (kinda deserved it since I was being a cunt, kek)

>> No.15810119

It's true. If you're getting "cyber-bullied" then just close the tab and get on with your life. They have no power over you unless you let them.

>> No.15810157

There's people who get fired because of this kind of shit.

>> No.15810162

>list of human rights:

lol nice try stupid faggot prick

>> No.15810204

>2, people should be able to say whatever in the blue fucking hell they want so fuck you
That's one of my favourite things in America. Your Constitution grants you freedom of speech.

>> No.15810954

irrefutable satirical take

>> No.15811042

This board has really gone to shit

>> No.15811062

too long for you?

>> No.15811095
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I don't care what banned reddit sub you're from but you have to leave.