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/lit/ - Literature

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15803617 No.15803617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

a chip to erase the past, not the mental faculties but just the memories? would that ethically be a good idea?

>> No.15803629

Maybe for embarrasing memories.

>> No.15803630

It's called alcohol my brother, and it's haram.

>> No.15803637

>a chip to erase the past, not the mental faculties but just the memories? would that ethically be a good idea?
No you dumb fucking nigger retard.

I still marvel how someone having the knowledge they do on /lit/ of Western thought and art, and religion, and they still deeply wonder about these petty coping trivialities.

Be earnest.

>> No.15803642

no we evolved to keep memories for a reason, erasing them would serve no practical purpose and in fact detrimental.

>> No.15803645

People would make the same mistakes over and over, they do that with memory

>> No.15803652
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> petty coping trivialities

cant a man decide what triviliaties he chooses to spend his time on?

>> No.15803653

Yes, some people develop traumas that screw their lives. Would be a great thing desu.

>> No.15803668
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sure, but if we are so smart we should be able to evolve further without such things as emotional attachments

>> No.15804096

get alzheimer,or other illness/condition that damages your memory

>> No.15804118
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There's no way that wouldn't have horrible side effects, let alone even be possible. But by all means, keep mentally masturbating about impossibilities.

>> No.15804210

I would pay good money for a chip or some non invasive and safe method to erase selective memories. There are only a couple of books that I have truly enjoyed reading and I have reread them 10 times or more. If I could just erase my memory and be able to enjoy them again just like I did the first time reading them that would be godly.

>> No.15804223

It wouldn't be practically a good idea. You have to grow, this can be weaponized into a state like plastic surgery but for your mind.

>> No.15804241
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton_hits_a_Ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called getting hit in the face

>> No.15804256


>> No.15804259
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>> No.15804907


First of all, this guy is right:

The human mind works by a network of connections, so if you just pull a few random ones out, it's going to mess everything up. It would be like having a road going from A to B and then from B to C, and you just nuke B, but expect to be able to travel from A to C as normal.

I suspect it would produce very nasty psychological damage as the brain tried to rely on connections that weren't there, and then tried to repair the damage. The person would probably go completely insane.

What do you mean, exactly? Let's assume it can be done without any of the above side-effects. Is it ethical to forget something? Ethics is all bollocks, there's only practical cause and effect. So sometimes, practically, it would be a good thing, and much more often it would be a bad thing.

I do think that there would be subtle and under-appreciated drawbacks, so that even if it appeared to be a very good thing in the short term (e.g. removing some traumatic experience) it would be bad overall.

Someone-or-other said something like "memory is the basis of all morality". In other words if you can't remember the past there's no way you can act morally. (You have to remember a debt to pay it, and so on.)