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15801620 No.15801620 [Reply] [Original]

Literature to deal with the fact that my country is slowly going into the stronghold of religious fanatics and not far from turning into an Iran?

>> No.15801670


>> No.15802231

Where do you live?

>> No.15802282

In America we have the opposite problem. Rabid Atheism and blind worshiping of SJW causes

>> No.15802296

The issue is loss of values like justice speech etc not atheism or religion

>> No.15802313

>In America we have the opposite problem. Rabid Atheism and blind worshiping of SJW causes
That’s not the opposite of religious fanaticism, it’s indistinguishable from it.

>> No.15802315

Whether this is a bad thing or a good thing depends entirely on which religion it is.

>> No.15802379

You've had your place in the sun, white man. It's time to give in

>> No.15802400


>> No.15802411

Sounds good to me, man. I suggest you find yourself a good loyal wife, for there will soon be many looking for husbands.

>> No.15802419

>In America we have the opposite problem
no we don't.

>> No.15802466
File: 634 KB, 1600x900, LetsGoBoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its India you tards

Also, as always, read evola.

>> No.15802473

what country?

>> No.15802475

>that curry femboy in the middle
also. wasn't india always religious?

>> No.15802485

Look up the BJP, my nigga. India was founded as a secular state for all its residents, but has steadily become an explicitly Hindu and Hindi-speaking state.

>> No.15802500

>a hindu majority country elected a hindu right wing party
not surprising, eh?

>> No.15802505

Modern india was founded on "secular and democratic principals", aka a handful of westernized lawyers got together, declared that a free india was a thing now, and expected everyone else to go along with it.
This is India's first real taste of democracy, when people become educated and wealthy enough to not vote exclusively for gibs.

>> No.15802512

"This" meaning recent history

>> No.15802518
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Sounds based, unlike you. If you're unironically upset about this, go bitch and moan over at reddit, or better yet, kill yourself. You're probably a retard that fondles himself all day, and leads a worthless hedonistic life, and extending this same vein further worse are a sodomite. I stoke catholic, hindu, islamic, falun gong and orthodox/conservative judaic fundamentalism even though I'm an atheist. Why? This world is a disgusting place where people contemplate nothing lofty or sublime. People are WORTHLESS in present era and the only people who have ever heeded my advice, theories, and aspirations were religious people. I don't believe in any of the metaphysical rubbish behind it but I don't care. The world is better off on fire in their hands than rotting in yours.

>> No.15802532


>India was founded as a secular state

India? The word India is Latin derived from India -> Indus -> Hindush. Hindu from Hindu -> Hindush, they're based on the same word.
Surrounding countries literally call it Hindustan, or land of the Hindus.

Laughable lmao.

>> No.15802537

Years from now I think people will draw parallels between their era of McCarthyism and Wokeism

>> No.15802549

> Literature to deal with the fact that my country is slowly going into the stronghold of religious fanatics and not far from turning into an Iran?
>In America we have the opposite problem. Rabid Atheism and blind worshiping of SJW causes
I've often thought that Iran and America have such hatred for each other due their essential similarities as left-wing theocratic republics (despite the opposite theologies of course).

>> No.15802556
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Bottom right.

>> No.15802563

>Years from now I think people will draw parallels between their era of McCarthyism and Wokeism
it's like the Second Great Awakening meets McCarthyism. Ironically if McCarthyism was actually applied with any serious we might've avoided the Fourth Great Awakening (the 60s) and thus the Fifth (now).

>> No.15802582

>modern leftism is nothing but a christian heresy


>> No.15802599

And Christianity is nothing but a Jewish heresy. It all comes home in the end.

>> No.15802615

Wokeness rejects materialism and sees whiteness and racism as evil spirits to be exorcised from society, they are a religion.

>> No.15802618
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I mean, not "all" Christianity, it's derivative from Anglo/American Protestant Revivalism. No one else would have this stuff if they didn't learn English.

But it's very similar to the second great awakening
>outdoor evangelization
>over-the-top displays of emotion
>literal burned-over districts
>Most "converts" are white women
>egalitarianism with special concern for the well-being of Afro-Americans
>leads to social reform with emphasis on salvific institutions, again largely led by affluent white women

Nothing has changed since the 1700s - we're trapped in here with them.

>> No.15802626

Yeah but you can't impose Western values like secularism on non-Western countries and expect everything to work. India isn't even a country, it's an entire separate civilization with its own values like China. I once read that when Ghandi spoke, you don't hear India, you hear Tolstoy. Can't remember who said it though.

>> No.15802630

Every day, I pray for Allah to balkanize the USA and for all the evangelicals and their secular spawn to then move anywhere other than where I live.

>> No.15802632

wokeness is an antithesis to religiousity. it is both a product and reaction against it.

>> No.15802640

So, it's just as I though.
It was the Anglos all along.

>> No.15802641

funny, they hate pRota morw than catha since catholicism might be associated with browns and prot with wasps.

>> No.15802649


>Rabid Atheism and blind worshiping of SJW causes

Stop watching Fox News, Jesus Christ. The USA is arguably the most religious country in the developed world.

>> No.15802658

No, they hate Catholics too, they're terrified of the reactoinary tradcath boogeyman. Every so often they try to cancel a prominent socialist Catholic writer because they see them as a pipeline to tradcath integralism.

>> No.15802666

That's nonsense, it's not a religion, it's the absence of it. Woke politics is purely a nihilistic identity crisis. They have no confidence in themselves or their own culture so they look to another to find it. One thing that has been a constant in America for the last 100 years, intensified tenfold recently, is their veneration of the black man. Blacks have always been an internal proletariat, a culture within American culture. Now they come to the forefront as a distinct culture with their music and celebrity status thanks to white Americans who hate themselves, their country, their culture, and decide to worship black culture instead.

>> No.15802668

American Christians have almost totally lost power outside of a few states and local seats. The Bible thumping USA of the Bush era no longer exists.

>> No.15802672

I mean, the sects which spawned this sort of stuff were a small amount of society, it's just that they have a lot of appeal among the affluent, especially women, which leads to their ideas being implemented in society, and we know how cucked the Anglopshere is by their women. A lot of ministers at the time of the Second Great Awakening though it was pretty degenerate.

>> No.15802693


You're a classic American. It's like you don't even know there is a world outside your own country. Allow me to repeat : The USA is arguably the most religious country in the developed world.

>> No.15802712

Anglos sheltered the Jews, who latter were instrumental in developing socialism and capitalism
Anglos did the magna carta, Anglos did democracy
Anglos made an empire not for glory, or for blood, but for trade and profit.
Whenever you look underneath any progressive development in history you will find a Anglo feeding it.

Albion delenda est

>> No.15802719

Yes, there are a lot of religious people here, but they lack the institutional power that you are implying because almost all of them live in the countryside. Being pro-life and anti-gay marriage were common political positions during the Bush years, now they are both extremely taboo positions that will get you fired from your job if the HR department finds out.

>> No.15802726

They're already destroying themselves, they're just taking everyone in the near vicinity with them...

>> No.15802736


Not him and the two statements don't exclude each other. It is reasonable to argue for the relative cultural impotence of American Christians while at the same time observing that America is one of the most "culturally christian" countries in the developed world/first world/NATO countries.

>> No.15803406

It’s all slave morality.

>> No.15803429

Leftism is a strain of Gnosticism. Gnosticism is its own separate religious tradition, though it has had a parasitic relationship with Christianity for centuries.

>> No.15803693

We need a vent-thread, so I only have to hide these overly-emotional betas once.

>> No.15803727

Hello 2005

>> No.15803903
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Holy shit. That makes so much sense it's kinda scary.

Nah. We going full totalitaranism soon. There are too many international US programs and projects going on for anyone to consider balkanization and get a way with it. Essentially we're going to become like the Romans and have the republic dissolved to start an empire. and China will be the new Persia.

>> No.15804712

You're underestimating the amount of rurals. There's enough to elect trump again and again.
HR departments are not institutions, they are private corporations.

>> No.15804801
File: 3.00 MB, 630x780, americucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Christians have almost totally lost power outside
No, they are the fucktards kneeling down in webm related. Or are those atheists to you lol? Please you retarded religious amerifart go back to crying about sex and nudity and weed lol

>> No.15804809

>Facism is like 2 weeks away
>Only God can save us from imminent communism
Things are better than ever, statistically speaking

>> No.15804811

>American Christians have almost totally lost power outside of a few states and local seats
Yet all their moronic beliefs and laws stay intact.

>> No.15804817

Yeah thats the problem see this post >>15804801
Those are atheists ?

>> No.15804842

No we don't. America is the only remaining religious country in the Western world.

>> No.15805036

How long before 'whiteness of the whale' is discovered for racist connotations?

>> No.15805042

I also blame social media for a lot of the "conversion" of the masses, like you mentioned women especially.

Women naturally crave attention good or bad and inbetween. Social Media is where they can receive unlimited amounts of this attention they seek. It's now more important than ever to hop onto trends to get your internet fun points up. The BLM protests are only a means to an end for these attention starved succubi.

"Look at me fighting against POLICE oppression and RACISM against the POOR and HELPLESS BLACK MINORITIES"

Meanwhile these are the same people who would call the police because their mocha frappe didn't haven enough steamed cream. Additionally, as an individual who has gone to a mixed race and economic school (They used to bus city kids into rural schools [which also had poor white trash kids and well off suburb kids] so they could get a better education, even though none of them actually applied themselves), and interacted with inner city black families as part of a home nursing job. I can say that whatever these white protesters think how black people live is wrong. Instead of getting a real job it's easier to sell drugs and destroy your own community. It's easier to secretly steal from your neighbors than it is to own up to the responsibility of lending. Black people have an intrinsic fault in their communities and they will never be able to further themselves until they fix the festering wound that is their core values.

That's why white and black are currently incompatible. Whites see a vast sea of opportunity and despite their adversity or obstacles still see themselves as weeks away from finally reaching their goals. Where as blacks are constantly told they cannot achieve their goals because of their skin color by the left. They're coddled and provided for because they can't help themselves. If you think systemic racism in anyway prevents a black individual from leading a good life in America you're wrong. Employers are so afraid of "racist" backlash they would never contemplate hiring/firing someone based on race. In fact I'm sure many receive incentive for it. Same with schools. Many colleges have deals where black students go for reduced rates or even on full scholarships. Blacks are just too lazy to apply for such things. The white concept of "Hard work will get you anywhere" is fundamentally opposed to the Black "I don't like work, but I still expect to be taken care of"

>> No.15805068

Kek Hindus took this narrative from Pakistan this time.
Also it's funny how "Nationalist Hindus" start seething the fuck out whenever someone mentions the Aryan invasion theory. They literally deny the emigration.

>> No.15805513

>Appeal only to the most naive and impressionable personalities as a cope for your own personality disorder