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/lit/ - Literature

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15802939 No.15802939 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15802973

most overused and least understood socrates quote posted on this website

>> No.15802997


Much may be lost in translation and removal from context, but the given sentiment as rendered in English is perfectly straightforward.* I call shenanigans on you.

*Quotes are commonly made up or misattributed, another consideration. I suppose for discussion that the sentiment given here is genuinely Socrates'.

>> No.15803010

t. fatty

>> No.15803011

machines do the job better
you will never be stronger than a bull

>> No.15803014

>least understood
care to extrapolate?

>> No.15803022

Yes, I am

>> No.15803030

How is this remotely hard to understand?

>> No.15803046


If the bull dies from heart disease, or from being turned into burgers to give someone heart disease, then I'll be a lot stronger than that bull.

>> No.15803096

>Did the lord say that machines ought take the place of living? And what's a substitute for bread and beans? (I ain't seen it). Do engines get rewarded for their steam?

>> No.15803148


>> No.15803160

>listening to some guy that drank hemlock and died

>> No.15804421

I am fit, but I'm not /fit/.

>> No.15804445

Hit the gym, chubster

>> No.15804454
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>> No.15804457

Not particularly, but I'm not exactly unfit either. I hike and run from time-to-time but not with any real regularity.

>> No.15804458

This is gonna REALLY take off one day, and I'm gonna learn it.

>> No.15804934

being healthy is for normalfags and there's nothing pleasant about exercising

>> No.15805405

>being healthy is for normalfags and there's nothing pleasant about exercising
I don't think anyone here is saying it's supposed to be pleasant.

>> No.15805415

Maybe so, but we can discern from The Republic that Socrates was a supporter of humanity's knowledge of physical health. He stated on at least one occasion (Or at least Plato claims he did) that it would be a tragedy if people had to go to a specialist to be healed rather than having the knowledge to do it themselves.

>> No.15805428
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Yes I go to gym

>> No.15805451

Just because you will not become the best at something doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. You will never be the fastest or most prolific reader that has ever existed, but you should still read to improve yourself. By improving yourself you are by necessity improving the human race.

>> No.15805455


>> No.15805500

The mind is what the brain does. If your brain's efficiency is being spent on maintaining the blood and oxygen flow for your fat ass, guess what it's going to be spending less of its functionality on?

>> No.15805510

Seething fatty

>> No.15805529

i exercise twice or thrice a week, and do 32 pushups and 65 situps on nights where i don't exercise

>> No.15805622

hasn't seen his own dick for at least a decade due to his belly

>> No.15805646

I’m getting there but not there yet

>> No.15805672

I'm pretty /fitlit/. I don't partake in degenerate barbell training and bodybuilding though; calisthenics only.

>> No.15805902

Of course. Sidenote: any of you guys like archery? I wouldn't say that its /fit/ but it's a lot of fun.
>Tfw 20yd bullseye with an arrow I made myself
Fuck knowing stuff that's what life is all about

>> No.15806025

most /fit/ related motivational quote ever.

>> No.15806051

I'm sure that you can somehow twist tis statement to somehow justify your failure to live up to your potential, and it is a shame that you are growing old without seeing the beauty and strength of which your body is capable...

>> No.15806058

I'd imagine there might be Muslim bros about doing the holy trinity of archery, horse racing, and swimming.

>> No.15806152
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what books is /fit/lit/ reading?

>> No.15806218

dude the pic is right, im a faggot and i will pick up the idiot now that caught way too much dust over the months

>> No.15806263

Yes, but I don't go to the gym

>> No.15806313

A homeless woman complimented my abs the other day during a run, so yeah, I'm fit

>> No.15806327

lmao if anyone hasnt been using six months of quarantine to just lift and read

>> No.15806506


>> No.15806640


Are you satisfied with the results?

>> No.15806674

No, I've been using six months of quarantine to try and not go insane from working at home with three pent-up kids demanding attention.

>> No.15807594

Great man last time my gf was sucking machine dick because it's stronger than me

>> No.15807617

>home gym fag

>> No.15807911

You say this ironically but this is the future. At least you're laughing like a man and not weeping like a child, or worse, a woman.

>> No.15807923

Started a great new training program and loving every moment of it.

It's been working for me a lot. Good luck laddingtons. Now I just need to finally and totally quit porn and I think I'll be al ot happier. Sure the metaphysical void is still there, but we have to fight uphill our whole lives so celebrate victory when you can.