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15801060 No.15801060 [Reply] [Original]

Spengler and the current events in the US:

there's a group, comprised of Democrats, RINOs, ultra-rich elites, and even many low status, poor people, who currently embody the "Civilization" category of Spengler's theory. Most of the world has drifted towards the Civilization end of the spectrum (the opposite end being "Culture"), but this group of Democrats, RINOs, etc. is the vanguard leading the way, pulling the rest of the Culture world(s) in its wake.

As Spengler detailed in his books Decline of the West, the end results tend to always be the same in regards to Civilization-type people. They erase history, they destroy nations (through civil war, invasion, revolutions, etc.), they turn a well-informed, prosperous middle-class populace into a mob of easily manipulated poor people that live a hand-to-mouth existence, and completely unconcerned with improving their lot in life. This mob spends its days obsessing over sports, movie stars, sex and the hunting for ever new sexual partners.
To contrast with this mob, the Culture group is more concerned with husband/wife relationships, the raising of children (with their own values, not the values of public school teachers or tv stars), duty to the family and duty to the nation (a nation of like-minded family oriented people).

The Civilization-type is comprised of two sub-groups: the elite class, and the poor class that they manipulate and control.

>> No.15801061
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Power is what they're after, power through knowledge. Civilization-type is about acquiring knowledge, a scientific type knowledge, knowledge they can learn from a book or by attending a class. Spengler terms it "cause and effect laws of Nature". But *always* the end result is for power. It's not for any love of truth, it's not for the betterment of mankind or the advancement of Science, it's for power. Civilization-type is about utilitarianism, about USING WHAT WORKS, regardless of moral or ethical qualms. Emotions don't factor into it, for the Civilization-type people (at least, with the elite sub-group of the Civilization-type). Civilization-types would say: "It's a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest. You have to be ruthless if you're going to survive. Life is a food-chain, better to be at the top of it. Better to kill and eat someone else than to be eaten yourself." It's a type of ethics I suppose, a very stoical and pragmatic one. It's also a mind-set similar to every career criminal. "I grew up on the streets, the only way to survive the Jungle is to become part of the Jungle."
Of course, this isn't a factually correct ethics, but it certainly is a successful and utilitarian one. Being a criminal pays off. Ignoring your conscience pays off. Lying, stealing, cheating, murdering etc. can pay off. Selling your soul to Satan pays off. It's still a dangerous journey, certainly, but it's more profitable than trying to play by the rules of "the sheep".

>> No.15801071
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The current tactic this group (the elite subgroup of Civilization-type) is utilizing to usher in the destruction of history is by utilizing the very quality of their enemy (Culture), namely, that of emotion, i.e. conscience. Criminals mind-set people don't feel guilty for the crimes they do. They feel bad they got caught, but they don't feel guilt. It's a subtle difference. Civilization-type is currently using the very thing that makes Culture-type people what they are (viz. people with feelings) against them. They're guilt-tripping Culture into destroying their own History. Statues and books and movies being destroyed or banned from being taught, not only Confederate history, but even Union history too. Not only the history of slave-owners, but even of the people that fought against slavery. This is deliberate, it's not a mistake or a miscalculation. The goal isn't to make a more conscientious society, it's to make a society with no History, with no Memory; a compliant and controllable society. A society ruled by the criminal Civilization-type group, where the Culture-type people have been eradicated and their History destroyed.

>> No.15801076
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This explains why "clown world" keeps getting clownier, despite the constant spotlight the Culture-type has on the Civilization-type. Many people (Trump supporters and even non-supporters) keep bringing up all the hypocrisies of the Democrats/Deepstate, yet still the hypocrisies flow forth. Trump supporters are aware they're on a train being driven off a cliff, they can see in the distance where it will end if the train isn't stopped, but all their shouting and gesticulating has little to no effect; the train isn't stopping. (At this point I should probably say that it doesn't matter whether Trump is part of that Elite Civilization-type or not, the majority of his supporters aren't and it's this sub-group that comprises the Culture-type). His supporters are aware that we are living in clown world, even if no one else is.)

Civilization-type and Culture-type can occupy the same jobs, but they have a vastly different method of behavior. Culture-type does a job from conviction, feelings, inner vision. Civilization-type does a job only with a view to acquiring more power for themselves. They can fake conviction, feeling and inner vision, if they think that will acquire them more power. Otherwise, they won't. Just like Hillary can fake a black-accent and talk about how she carries hotsauce in her purse (she doesn't carry hotsauce in her purse btw, she was lying) just to pander to blacks. She's only pandering because she wants power over them. Most of politics is about that, the acquiring of votes/power, and pandering to get it. Pure conviction, actual ethical platforms (and not its bastard brother, ethical pandering) are rarely seen, Trump is the most recent example (again, assuming he's legit). But even then, previous Republican presidents were just more of the Civilization-type, just wearing red ties instead of blue. We've been in Civilization-territory for decades, possibly even centuries.

>> No.15801082
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True religion springs forth from Culture-type, though it is very quickly infiltrated by Civilization-type. Civilization-type seeks after power, but it is not the source of that power. The source of that power comes from Culture-type. Civilization-type concerns itself with learning the "magic spells" allowing them to control reality. Because essentially that's what their cause-and-effect Laws of Nature are, magic spells that bind the Source to their will.
The current "spell" the Civilization-type is using is that of guilt-tripping. They DON'T care about racism, they just see how effective and useful racism is at getting people riled up. It's a control mechanism. Most people believe racism is bad, and so they use the magic spell "you're a racist" to force people to do what they want. Factually speaking, racism has been on the decline for a long time, it's why Civilization-type (Democrats/Deepstate) has to keep fabricating instances of it (Jussie Smollett, etc.). The goal isn't race war. A race war could very well happen, but that's not their END goal, it would just be a partial step towards their end goal. Their end goal is complete control, the enslavement of humanity. An elite class of ipso facto royalty, and the peasant class mob that is addicted to bread-and-circus.

>> No.15801087
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Two key points: one is that History (both the bad history, as well as the good bits) needs to be preserved. It's crucial that History be preserved. A society without a History is like a man with alzheimer's, with no memory. Bad history *should* be remembered, and not altered or erased. Things forgotten are things repeated.
The other key point is not to expect Civilization-type (Democrats/RINOs/Criminals) to feel guilt or embarrassment at being caught in a lie, or caught in a hypocrisy, or caught in a crime. They killed and buried their conscience a long time ago, they sinned against the Holy Spirit (the unforgivable sin). You can't reason with criminal, you can only send in a good guy to arrest the criminal (gee, i wonder why the Civilization-type is so keen on defunding and/or abolishing the police!)

>> No.15801102

Ohhh how profound, you plugged very specific dynamic events into a static view on culture and history to make them fit the model, such unbelievable insight

>> No.15801142

Did you actually read the book OP? I'm thinking of reading it, his view of history against Whig historiography is interesting and seems much better, and he knew a lot about antiquity as well

>> No.15801197

yes, i'm currently re-reading it right now (my third time).
Spengler is definitely well-read on a variety of subjects (math, art, philosophy, politics, history, etc.)

As the title of the book suggests, the primary theme of the book is about the rise and fall of cultures/nations. He goes into thorough detail about certain patterns that affect every culture, red flag warning signs. One of those signs that caught my eye was the "erasure of History and Memory". It reminded me of what we're seeing in the news, and also of what George Orwell ("1984" novel) described.
The destruction of a culture's history is done not because it's "offensive", but because it's an obstacle. A society without a culture or historical memory is easily controlled, a slave population.