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1579825 No.1579825 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most important event in history my World Civ 2 Honors teacher said it was world war 2 but I think he's wrong

>> No.1579828

no it's probably world war 2

>> No.1579832

Probably ww2

>> No.1579837

definitely ww2

>> No.1579835

haha, hivemind. This is the third hivemind in one night!

>> No.1579840

The birth of the messiah.

>> No.1579841

From an American perspective it probably is.

>> No.1579843

Those other two were me as well! haha, oh man

>> No.1579846

There's only one conclusion...

>> No.1579850

We're gay

>> No.1579851

I'm literally the greatest poster on 4chan?

>> No.1579852

haha yep. get over here and i'll slob your knob

>> No.1579853

Just think about, the most important event in human history ends being WW2, a conflict where millions died in the name of greed, stupidity and madness. It just makes me feel so depressed, you know?

>> No.1579857

The most important event in history occur on 28 June 1914.
On this day the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated.

>> No.1579861

Actually it's 9/11

>> No.1579862

They're all connected, thus they are all equally as important. Determinism.

>> No.1579864

the day someone put lime flavoring on tortilla chips

>> No.1579872

and thence went on to inspire the name of the biggest, most influential band of the aughties. The Killers.

>> No.1579873

lol fag

>> No.1579869


Those chips are disgusting.

>> No.1579871


Your trip is "in hoc signo vinces" and you think the most important event in human history was the assassination of FF?

>> No.1579884

hahahaha this was a good post (although i actually really liked the first killers album and still do)

>> No.1579892

He might have a point without WW1 we would of never seen the rise of the nazi party in germany.

>> No.1579898

I'm just saying that having that trip would imply that you think, you know, the birth of christ is the most important event in human history.

>> No.1579900

fuck you homo

>> No.1579902
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Y u mad brah?

>> No.1579910

Everything is connected. Haven't you seen the film Pay It Forward?

>> No.1579909
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Well this was a fun thread but I guess it's time for another edition of Tripfag Arguments

>> No.1580431


>> No.1580440


>> No.1580445


>World Civ 2 Honors

Get out of here you fucking underage ban. Come back when you have experienced life a bit and are less retarded.

>> No.1580605

I'm not retarded I'm an honors student

>> No.1580608


Mikael, do you have Begchan's email?

>> No.1580637

my name is not mikael but i'll answer your question anyway no i don't, I don't think amazon gives that stuff out

>> No.1580642

The day the monkey stood up straight. Everything just went downhill after that.

>> No.1580647

The big bang.

>> No.1581514

they're two different word for something

>> No.1581511

>Everything just went downhill after that.
Nope. It didn't really start going downhill until the Neolithic.

>> No.1581528

the most important event in history was creation.

>> No.1581532

There are a lot of important moments in History... I don't think there's something like THE MOST important one. WWI and WWII were maybe the 2 most important moments after the fall of the Ancien Régime (this including USA's independence). The fall of Berlin Wall was fucking important moment too, maybe important like WWs I&II

>> No.1581533

spread of farming through europe and asia

>> No.1581534


>> No.1581542

the settlement (Sedentism) of the tribes of the stone age was definetly the most important event in human history.

>> No.1581551
File: 62 KB, 300x300, trisomy21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we created language.

>> No.1581565

the creation of the phoenecian alphabet, 100% fact.

every war, every invention, every event in the last 2000 years merely exists as a branch on the tree of western civilisation, and the phoenecian alphabet is the seed.

first alphabet to use a small amount of characters for each sound, whereas before with runes, heiroglyphs, kanji etc, every word had a character and so the language is much harder to mass produce if you will. especially seeing as how the only literate groups were preists or scribes. with the ease of the phoenecian alphabet style the military achieved literacy, shortly after alexander the great set out on his famous campaigns. as these individual sound alphabets trickled into more and more career types the mechanical interchangable nature of the writing style has been implanted in every facet of life. along with our numerical sytems similar technological ease (try writing 295957373858 in roman numerals or tally) our minds and how we see the world have been forever changed. mechanised. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.

>> No.1581567

the founding of the Persian empire is the most important event in history

>> No.1581571

that was not an 'event' though. it happened over time

>> No.1581574

The day USA got to the moon.

>> No.1581583

Maybe 1789 when Hegel's End of History started. That was the beginning of the extension of the Aufklärung globally.

>> No.1581596


id call it an event, if your thinking in terms of evolution or universal movement an event becomes a larger and larger period of time, whereas if your looking at molecules it become smaller. the creation of that alphabet was on the scale of our evolution rather than the scale a war would be placed on. the difference between modern society and ancient society is as large as the differnce between ancient society and cavemen.

>> No.1581601

this, but less faggy. theres a perfectly good explanation to why every rock rolls down any hill. shit happenned to make that happen and etc etc.

everything is caused by something. to say FF caused the world wars is right and wrong. to say the rise of the nazi party after ww1 was the cause of ww2 is right and wrong. could you say that his assassins just had good aime that day because they got good sleep that night? well, then it's because their neighbors werent fucking loudly til 5am. where does it start and where does it end? determinism, man. the shit had to happen. this post had to happen. OP had to be a faggot. HAD TO.

tell your teacher that you dont like his question, first. then tell him whatever you want because he probably wont get it.

>> No.1581611

The main issue that I see here is the vagueness of events versus inventions. For example, I have seen the Phoenician alphabet brought up, and, at least to me, that is an invention rather than a specific event in time.

Also, there is no differentiation between long term demographic events (also vague) that are extraordinarily important (such as the city migrations), or short term events like WW2.

Take in mind that most all of us here are not experts in these subjects, and there are all our opinions (therefore subjective),

For me, the greatest invention would probably be the Phoenician alphabet, because it allowed for abstract thought to be demonstrated amongst many people. The greatest long-term change was the implementation of quarantines, because it allowed for the implementation of cities, which brought us the massive levels of efficiency in modern culture.

The greatest short term event is a toss up between a variety of things, such as the Battle of Tours (needed to look up) by Martell that stopped encroachment of Islam, or the revolutions of 1844 (because they influenced Marx, and gave Europe nationalism) or when China gave up its shipping projects in the 1500s (they would have been the discoverers of the New World)

But, all of there are subjective in the end.

>> No.1581624


good post what.

>> No.1581644

>when China gave up its shipping projects in the 1500s

i think this is one of the more significant short term events. along with the rome defeating carthage

>> No.1581651


Think about it... people were wallowing away in ignorance for hundreds of thousands of years until He came along to make everything better.

>> No.1581669

False. His Rebirth was more important than his Birth. And I thought fictional characters didn't count.

>> No.1581683


u cant prove it didnt happen

>> No.1581685

just wanted to add, the tale of cadmus sowing the dragons teeth and skeleton soldiers popping out describes the military adoption of literacy. the rows of small similarly sized letters look like rows of teeth in the mouth of a reptile compared to large vertically arranged half pictures. the skeleton soldiers are proffesionals, specialist career soldiers. unlike the barbarian warrior who was an all purpose member of his tribe. a star reading, fire making hunter gatherer by day, they saw this new breed of person as a skeleton soldier, an unfilled uniform lacking a soul. they were the some of the first true killing specialists. the barbarians merely picked up their weapons when it was time for the tribe to fight, and every man did. the greeks actually killed as a job. i keep finding a lot of legends turn out to be true in really obscure ways.

>> No.1581698

You can't prove it did. I can't prove you're not a pink unicorn either.

>> No.1581701

I'm blue.

>> No.1581702


theres only one way to settle this


>> No.1581703

what, in ALL history?

invention of writing. derp.

>> No.1581707

Invention of History.

>> No.1581709

that happened before history

>> No.1581725
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The correct answer is the invention of the atomic bomb. I won't even get the chance to say I told you so.

>> No.1581742


the invention of writing is basically the phoenecian alphabet. sound letters would be writing as we know it, before that it would have been calligraphy, and in the case of the egyptian heirroglyphs, metaphor art. those heiroglyphs and characters would be a single step away from drawing pictures, instead of drawing what you see you draw something that represents something, you make a metaphor. in chinese characters the symbols are still often very basic drawings of the things they represent. to actually call some writing means substituting the visual nature totally. you cant draw a sound, the metaphor is purely mechanical. what we have is an actual technology. what came before was a highly visual multiple sense form of communication that involved internal visualisations and stemmed from your personal experience wirth the world. for instance the character for chi means blood-breath-air-life-power, and makes the person think of all of these things on some level. but for us the letters C, H and I are the code for the sounds your mouth makes. you dont need to know what something is in order to say it. the magic of writing.

>> No.1581749

There's no such thing as one single important event. Every single thing that has ever happened on Earth has led us to where we are today. If you were to eliminate even the tiniest event from our entire history, we wouldn't have the world as we see it.

Plus, how do you define important?

>> No.1581751

The first industrial revolution.

Nothing changed the world as much. Try taking screenshots of different times of history, and you'll see what I mean. Now of course, there are earlier happenings without whom the industrial revolution wouldn't have happened at all, but those moments are dependent of other things as well, so the only way to pick the most important event, is the event that caused the biggest change on its own.

>> No.1581755

The invention of the printing machine.

>> No.1581882


best be trollin