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/lit/ - Literature

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15793036 No.15793036 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.15793047

>zero books

>> No.15793053

A hack "intellectual" and writer teaming up with a hack publisher.

>> No.15793069

Durr sources? Can I get a source? Duurrrrr source?

>> No.15793461

What is there to source? 4chan posts on 4plebs?

>> No.15793475

Sounds pretty based honestly. Citing sources is accepting the academy's--a political institution bereft of rigor--claim of authority.

>> No.15793487

>write a book about a website
>"s-s-s-should I cite c-c-content from the w-w-w-website?

>> No.15793495
File: 173 KB, 837x960, 4chan on footnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the best philosophers and intellectuals knew that citing is a bunch of bullshit. Pic totally related

>> No.15793514

holy based

>> No.15793531

have you read the new york times lately? pay attention to the sources. if anything is sourced it's invariably anonymous.

>> No.15793558

I don't understand the obsession college professors have with citing

>> No.15793573

They're hoping that they will some day be cited. Norman Maclean put it best when he said that all academics - even those who focus on teaching and have been able to avoid the 'publish of perish' world of modern academia - still have at least a "hankering for immortality in a footnote."

>> No.15793583

so its done more as a courtesy thing?

>> No.15793592

More of an unconscious 'if I MANDATE that everyone cite everything they use or gleaned some information from, eventually I'll end up being cited (even if it is only in a third-rate dissertation that is never read by anyone but the panelists who are evaluating it)'.

>> No.15793600

>at least post the full version

>> No.15793603

Cervantes was visited by extraterrestrials from Uranus when he was astroprojecting into the 6th dimension. From them came the inspiration for Don Quixote.

>> No.15793612

We have archives so yes.

>> No.15793633

the archives are illegitimate, they aren't even associated with 4chinz

>> No.15793648


>> No.15793708

Citing past works is something of an extension of Aristotle's artistic proof ethos, whereby writers build a relationship with their audience through displaying their expertise or knowledge (this is why each discourse community seems to have its own citation style anymore: they telegraph to the community that the reader is a participating member). To this heritage, we should probably also consider Kenneth Burke's parlor or unending conversation metaphor for discourse. Subjects of study likely have been and will be discussed beyond a writer's individual contribution to the discourse. For this reason, identifying the audience, the conversation, and a writer's position within it via quotation, paraphrase, summary, and citation have become common moves.

>> No.15794464
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Hasn't Nagle since been cancelled for opposing open borders on surplus labour wage suppression grounds? Should have cited Baldurs Gate bitch.

>> No.15794478

What is she supposed to do, reference thousands of individual posts as proof of general trends?

>> No.15794750

There are ways to represent and attribute such data, but I don't know if I'd expect even a table of that data in a book for a general audience.

>> No.15794902

Even Plato cites sources, as much as he misquotes. Men are fallible, and intellectual honesty demands that one should consider themselves inferior to those who came before. We probably are anyway.

>> No.15794923
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>> No.15794932

When it helps manifest a politically convenient scapegoat.

>> No.15795162

I know it's not quite on topic, but I actually like it when aspiring authors write things without sources and before getting exposed to literature in general. There's something to be said for essentially codifying your experiences in writing before being influenced by external works, and then acquainting yourself with said works.

When I was still in high school and not yet exposed to a lot of /lit/, I still wrote and was surprised just how much of what I wrote was covered by other authors, and just how similar it was. While that obviously does not indicate "truth," it does lead some insight into the progression of thoughts and experiences that shape our perception of the world. It sort of like everyone begins outside a tower with a maze like interior, fumbles around for a way in, and then takes the twists and turns of the path they've set on when they finally find a door, advancing further and further to an unknown destination.

Will all paths lead to the same exit? Will the paths diverge and lead us all to different conclusions? Or will some paths simply dead end and force us to retrace our steps to the exit, perhaps to take a new door into the tower and work from a new perspective?

>> No.15795172

Is the book any good?

>> No.15795182


>> No.15795265

It could simply count the niggers.

>> No.15795415

it builds good habits for when their students get into research

>> No.15795435

10 Bucks they focused on the autistic screeching and couldnt discern between troll/actual posts

>> No.15795447

Here's the requirement for your book getting published:
>It sells.

Voila, now kill yourself sperg.

>> No.15795471


If I had a self worthy of killing, and of raising another in its place, perhaps I should do just that.

>> No.15795509
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anon, I...

>> No.15795546

that Kaczynski one lmao

>> No.15796063

but all of these are citations

>> No.15796092
File: 338 KB, 2048x1536, 62AEB7DE-E385-4FBD-8E37-6568E5DF6C7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek the dumb bitch made a typo 8 words into the book

>> No.15796963

It's alright, not world-breaking though. It pains the alt-right as way more competent and organized than they actually are in my opinion.

It also has a pretty good bit about the failings of the left for falling into a pure identity politics view of the world contrasting off Mark Fishers Vampire Castle Essay.

You might learn something from it if you weren't on the front-lines of the period it covers. It puts into plain english the way the alt right mindset took hold as well as it did and how the left failed to/is still struggling to respond. It's a solid 3/5, not great but not terrible either, it's only short so you can power through it pretty quick.

>> No.15796967

Academics have to treat their papers like scientific "research".

>> No.15797067

Yeah I'd imagine it's written for the general public that doesn't understand / hasn't followed internet culture closely in the past 10 years or so.

>> No.15797069

>T.J. Kaczynski
>Better known for "other work"

>> No.15797077

Anon all literature died at least a few decades ago. Most books now are heavily political, Neo-Marxist in flavor and tone, and are used to brainwash people. Sources = racism and imperialism etc etc.

>> No.15797103

>how the left failed to/is still struggling to respond.
They usually just dox people, work with government agencies, NGO'S or report people to their employers for wrongthink.

>> No.15797108

she's making prescriptive statements and using concepts to make such statements, those ought to have been referenced
this is fucking academic standards 101 here

>> No.15797111

To add to this Hegel always quoted from memory, so often the quotations would end up as either paraphrases or interesting rewrites.

>> No.15797125

Not all non-fiction requires sources. Academic texts, sure. Criticism even should cite the work in question and perhaps a couple adjacent/relevant works. But political commentary like this appears to be can just be pure opinion/essay.

>> No.15797179

It's more the hard left the author talks about, rather than the establishment liberals. The libs welcome the shift to identity politics because it keeps the proles from attaining class consciousness

>> No.15797190

>But political commentary like this appears to be can just be pure opinion/essay.
Is it really "political commentary" or "opinion"? Given the way the news portrayed it, it seemed like a historical or sociological text.

If nothing else, somebody certainly COULD write a historical text on 4chan, the alt-right, and Trump. The development of the movement is certainly historically interesting. Maybe even sociologically interesting.

During the Bush administration, 4chan was generally notorious for American-liberal causes. E.g. Anonymous, project chanology, atheism, et cetera. That's certainly changed.

>> No.15797351

>class consciousness
ah yes because class is the first and foremost thing people identify with and should be the basis in defining human societies. lel

>> No.15797378

class isn't the foremost thing people identify with. that is why class consciousness is a struggle to attain. class conflict defines the relation between classes, and classes are the relations of people to production. it is possible for people to work in production and not understand the significance of it.

>> No.15797437
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>> No.15797488

My book "Pwned: Mark Fisher, Minions, and the Horizon of the Real." is getting published this year on Zero Books. It has like 12 sources.

>> No.15797508

It's a social commentary you retard. Literally everything in that book is true

>> No.15797522

Neither of those sentences are true

>> No.15797553

they both are

>> No.15797557


Oooh edgy

>> No.15797559

harambe??? how'd she get away with this!!!!

>> No.15797607

Everything people say about 4chan is true.
It should be banned and everyone here should be put in prison.

>> No.15797623

I'm working class and it's the first thing i'm identified as and identify people as. You really think Britains first defining trait isn't class?

>> No.15798001
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>> No.15798031

It's important when you're working with data because it shows you didn't pull those numbers off your ass. For all other things, though? Ego stroking.

>> No.15798198

based department

>> No.15798607

I remember sources being cited, albeit inconsistently (e.g., she mentioned some shitty take on Bataille and Blanchot's transgression), but I read the ebook. Yes, it's a rather poor (and dated) book from a shit publisher. Still kind of interesting. So is Nagle beyond this opuscule. Normie leftists don't like her.

>> No.15799035

Holy shit, I didn't realize/notice that middle one is Wittgenstein.

>> No.15799078

So you can check where those claims come from

>> No.15799149
