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/lit/ - Literature

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15793110 No.15793110 [Reply] [Original]

Where is that promised land of /lit/ alternative platform? Tired of the incompetent mods here letting low effort threads run loose.

>> No.15793120

Just go back to your reddit home, the less newfags the better.

>> No.15793139

We should go back to writing letters.

>> No.15793140
File: 115 KB, 570x701, 7E22846F-462D-4B6B-BCFB-575128D6C7EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People seem reluctant to leave the anonymous cult, and there was no mass exodus to 8 chin’s lit...
But you could try there. Real slow is fitting enough for a literature board

>> No.15793152

t. useless monoglot retard

The German and French equivalents are okay but they still are far from peak /lit/.

What happened to that anon who posted about making a new lit type board?

>> No.15793194

When was the post? That might have been me back when Hiro was talking about consolidating/shutting down boards....5ish(?) years ago or so. Never ended up going anywhere with it given how /lit/ never actually shut down though.

>> No.15793220

within this week

>> No.15793229

Oh, not me then.

>> No.15793243

i think a new board can work. just keep spamming links on goodreads and lit over a month and 80% of the active lit oldheads will know about it.

>> No.15793251

people who consistently badpost to be assigned algebraic problems as captchas

>> No.15793257
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>> No.15793268

Come at me macaroni dicked faggot

>> No.15793564

Sure, but what's the point? It's doubtful that anything I put together would be any better than /lit/ (it would probably be more earnest and more pseudy and much slower). /lit/ is shit and a pale reflection of its past self but so is literally every other board, forum, website, group, culture, society, and people. I'm too tired to struggle against it.

>> No.15793599

Quality is important. I'd rather have a slower anonymous board where I can still get real answers by other readers, than /lit/, where i have to filter 90% of threads for pol bait and other shitposting.

>> No.15793622

You can't separate the quality from the anonymity and the (relatively) free hand that most posters are afforded here. Either we have free and open anonymous speech or eventually we have a board moderated by butterfly equivalents. I would rather have the ounce or two of quality posts we have here among the two tons of shitposts than the groupthink morass of literally every other place online to discuss books and literature.

>> No.15793731

I'm not that anon, but I'm thinking about making an internet latrine better than this one. I'm still designing it. I can honestly take any suggestions. The main thing that I want to have in it is at least the option to remain anonymous (maybe the site will keep track of you but other users won't be able to see anything, or add a 'toggle' option to it) and being open to everyone.

I'm thinking about something on the lines of stackexchange but as a forum. There will be some rules, that I'm still thinking about it too, but I want it to be mostly free of moderation. I'll probably make it open source too so other people might want to use the platform or just contribute to it.

>> No.15793761

How will it work with lax moderation?

>> No.15793775

Based latrine poster

>> No.15793822

>maybe the site will keep track of you but other users won't be able to see anything, or add a 'toggle' option to it

4chan has 17 years of 'trust' built up that it's not going to release its logs to identify ips or people to posts*. Your new site doesn't, and in a society where you can now be cancelled/fired for admitting that you laughed at the dialect Twain used in Huckleberry Finn, you're going to have few people who are reasonably intelligent/successful/have prospects for success willing to post anything that might be construed as controversial on a new site, especially one that admits that it will keep track of its users and their posts. For better or worse (mostly worse) this is the world we live in today.

*Obviously 4chan has a mixed record here, but the point is that it's better than most other sites and is among the 'most free' places we've had since usenet to post in terms of putting up ideas without fear of getting cancelled.

>> No.15793823

Lax moderation? How would it deal with low effort pol bait threads? The population of posters at any time should always be a majority of readers. IPs that get consistent warns for low effort posting should have to do harder captchas or get extended bans.

>> No.15793838

I made terminalphilosophy.com because lit is so bad.

I have a plan to host essay contests with cash prizes, but I haven't had the motivation to contact judges and keep working on it.

>> No.15793856

So *you're* the one who registered mydiarydesu.com after I let the registration lapse!

>> No.15793867

you cant even use a vpn or tor to access the site, they do not allow you to post if you are really anonymous

>> No.15793875

>not using a wok antenna to post using the burger king wifi 12 blocks away

>> No.15793879

See the footnote. 4chan is not perfect here. But it is better than most other sites, and certainly better than most other sites with a comparable amount of traffic.

>> No.15793898

You're telling me you like /lit/ the way it is? Either you're dopamine deprived or have bad taste, either way you're a retard

>> No.15793929

Lol! What were you doing with the domain?

>> No.15793950

Was planning on starting up something like lit quarterly (i.e. online journal with regular [quarterly or semi-annual] print editions), but never got around to it because of life/job commitments.

>> No.15794061

Hah! Yep I had that idea as well. I hope Lit Quarterly does well. I should probably buy one to check it out.

>> No.15794083

I'll need some control because I want to make a system of layers. That while people can be free to express their opinions, it also rewards effort posts. This is one of the flaws of reddit design too. Effort posts are rewarded with fake internet points, I want to make a system that makes effort posts get effort responses.

I was observing some threads and I saw some potential on a lot of them, but the main problem is that things run too fast. A really good thread would ideally run for months on the way I'm trying to design my latrine. I'm still thinking about it, anon. It is definitely not something simple but I want it.

But ultimately, it is basically that. Maybe even put money rewards or some other bs for people who are writing the best stuff. I want to make people quit trolling, anon.
Something like that, anon. I thought about a system of layers too. So shit can coexist with quality. I'm still thinking about a system to make people jump into other layers and how they are going to be divided.

>> No.15794093

You can, you just don’t know how.

>> No.15794131

Things that I'll probably do:

> Limiting the lower number of words on higher layers.
As in a mean to prevent simplistic bs to get into.

> An user can lose layer privileges.
So nothing is taken for granted. As in you get status with an account and start trolling shit. You might get them back though.

It will be based on some aspects of not getting too emotional over certain aspects of it if you want to get into the next one too. So no people getting triggered on certain layers. And if you do you'll lose your privileges.

>> No.15794151

So, anything?

>> No.15794257

We should start a /lit/ text newsgroup.

>> No.15794260

keep it anonymous

>> No.15794451

why not create a homing pigeon circular group and exchange shitposts on 4 inch by 1/2 inch strips of paper sent on the birds?

>> No.15794484

wow omg ur so funi

(reddit faggot)

>> No.15794503

Are you by chance asking this because people made you seethe by mentioning the NRSV Bible?

>> No.15794521

What is with it, anon?

>> No.15794584

Wrong thread? I'm not that thread's OP.

NRSV is the academic and ecclesiastical standard. I prefer a poetic translation, but its standing as a standard is fine.

>> No.15794660

I'm a bit on doubt on that one, anons. Which philosopher could help me out on deciding rules for moving people between layers? Kant, right? I'm a bit ignorant on those regards and I think I'm only aware of him desu.

I'm the latrine, anon.

>> No.15794755

Oh, you can move between layers. So it is not like you lose your rights of shit posting. But you have to do it on the right layer. That is the reason why it is ultimately a latrine.

>> No.15794770

Peak lit was people like Dante Chart anon effort posting then getting responses from like minded people who were doing it for free, and unlike with useless jannies like Butterdyke, doing it for free meant something. Modern lit still has projects like translating the Library of Babel series, which is pretty incredible, but it's pretty overrun with pol. Sometimes the mods actually do their jobs and the trash threads are less than half of threads, but those are infrequent. Figure out a way to filter badposting semi automatically.

>> No.15794792

There was an anon freaking out over it ealier

>> No.15794994


Serious question, does anyone know why butterfly isn’t banned? I feel like their presence as been nauseating on this board recently, far more than usual. Their tripcode is literally an avatar for low quality discussion.

>> No.15795001

its probably a janny.

>> No.15796083
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Even when filtered a number of their posts show up

>> No.15796090
File: 358 KB, 928x244, molly-bennet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing has an onlyfans showing dilating sessions

>I was observing some threads and I saw some potential on a lot of them, but the main problem is that things run too fast. A really good thread would ideally run for months on the way I'm trying to design my latrine. I'm still thinking about it, anon. It is definitely not something simple but I want it.
Reddit also has another feature promoting posts rather than giving internet points. These posts are featured on the subreddit depthhub. A user starts a thread on depth hub linking to another user's post he wants to promote or discuss. What it misses though is that you link a discussion but that isn't what reddit is for.

>The main thing that I want to have in it is at least the option to remain anonymous (maybe the site will keep track of you but other users won't be able to see anything, or add a 'toggle' option to it) and being open to everyone.
When you want to track your users then you will create a site that needs you to signup or how else will you track users?

>> No.15796223

>That thing has an onlyfans showing dilating sessions
pic related >>15794101

>> No.15796532

>/lit/ is shit and a pale reflection of its past self
When was /lit/'s golden age or >>15793152 peak lit?
There have been good and bad threads for as long as I can remember and the tripcodes in the early days were as obnoxious and mundane as butterfly today. It's not the first time I'm asking this and I have never gotten an answer.

>> No.15796646

name the German and French equivalents, senpai

>> No.15796658

I actually think rapture’s project on here is worthwhile
He seems to be doing something like this, formalizing reading lists and shit. He;s been lurking lately, seen him in a couple of threads shilling his site:

Not the worst effort on here the desu. Want to see where he takes this.

>> No.15796670

You can use a VPN if pay $20

>> No.15797922

It's really simple, don't go to low-effort threads and continue posting in ones you consider good. Alternatively, go to Reddit or something.

I see most low-effort threads die out before they pick up any traction.

>> No.15798431
File: 127 KB, 853x243, 25807531876_953726e43b_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing wrong with /lit/ desu
We've always had shitposting, the difference is now we have a spook.png instead of
>x is a spook

>> No.15798489

Add filters for swear words, derogatory terms, and other words which gross people here post and it cleans everything nicely.

>> No.15798916

what kind of echo chamber are you little snowflake searching for?

>> No.15800768

One where everyone tells me how smart I am and gives me a lot of (you)s.

>> No.15802021

>Tired of the incompetent mods here letting low effort threads run loose.

It's the jannies. The mods, who are fewer in number, are in charge of the jannies so for the most part it's up to the jannies to delete threads or not. In /lit/ the interesting threads get deleted and the shit ones are allowed to stay.

>> No.15803165

and the mods are in charge of the jannies and incompetently picked bad ones. im starting to suspect no one in the admins actually read, otw false positives wouldnt get caught in the crossfire so often.

youtube auto has filters to catch bad posts, yet nothing like this has been implemented. id be down for something like that and a 2 minute post rate at this point.

>> No.15803172

shut up rapture you faggot

any retard could have made those bibliographies, just like any retard can make a shitty chart here.

>> No.15803533

Is goodreads good for discussion?

>implying most of the bad posting isn't coming from Nazis with a STEM fetish


Not the worst idea, having toggleable anonymity but still allowing for easier moderation.

ehh, I'm not worried someone is going to leak my IP address. No one is going to figure out who I am in real life from that. It'd only be if I had to enter my phone number or like a real email address but like that's sicko shit.

sounds good

he's funnier than you. stop posting this shit it's boring.


Yeah lit sucked in 2016-19. It has been getting better recently desu. I think it was also better around 2013-4ish, but that is probably just nostalgia.


Damn I forgot I could do that. Brb removing all the racists

>> No.15803575
File: 31 KB, 607x405, Filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit feels great. thanks for the tip anon!

>> No.15803602

Split-dick homolusting coons.

>> No.15803942

man I just want lit discussion not thinly veiled (if at all) /pol/ shit

>> No.15804687

>e-everything i dont like is muh pol
>t-those nasty rightwingers
how about you go to reddit?

>> No.15806141

Except he’s fucking right. That shit is clogging up nearly every board, even when I agree with it it comes across as autistic and schizo when it’s spammed everywhere.

>> No.15806627

just make an imagebard that requires an account but is anonymous. accounts cost $1 and each account must be bought separately. all processed go towards paying hosting fees and finances are made public. spammers and shitposters would either not clog up the discussion or end up paying to keep the website up.

>> No.15806748

>non free
stupid as fuck, as stupid as the pol posting
should be free by default, but like 4chan a premium account goes toward perks like faster posting rate, other niceties.