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File: 34 KB, 295x500, atlasshrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15791543 No.15791543 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, is this book worth reading once?

>> No.15791550

I think it is. Some people shill it and others shit on it. You can probably talk to both if you are a sober reader.

>> No.15791644

>All memes aside, is this book worth reading once?
Yes. Read it and make up your own mind.

Not a Randian myself, but AS is interesting. It drags at times, but I like the conceit behind philosophical novels. Although I much preferred The Fountainhead.

>> No.15791970
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>> No.15791975

rand is a fundamentally poor writer. this isnt like IJ, GR or Ulysses. it's a poorly written diatribe, which repeats itself over and over.

>> No.15792132


>> No.15792160
File: 249 KB, 1348x1243, libertarianpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sincerely this
If you're curious, I'd only really say it's worth reading for insight into the Burgerland pathology

>> No.15792170

Yes. Rand is an extremely talented novelist and people only hate her because of her autism. Though The Fountainhead and We the Living are her best books; they feel more universal in their theme and characters.

>> No.15792238

>all memes aside, is this meme worth...

>> No.15792257

I read 50 pages of the Fountainhead and then threw in in the bin. No matter the validity of Rand's ideas, she is too shit of a writer to present them properly.

>> No.15792279

Rand is a WOMAN??? WTF

>> No.15792281

No, anon. She is trans.

>> No.15792292
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why do my leftard buds down at the socialist bingo parlor always snicker when I bring up that this is my favorite artistic work of all time?

>> No.15792297

>Rand is an extremely talented novelist and people only hate her because of her autism
She might've been autistic but you sure are retarded.

>> No.15792337

I'm so sorry. I couldn't help it.
But when one of my friends, which is a very self-made man, and a believer in the spirit of that, I didn't think he ever had the time for books.
He told me he had read Atlas Shrugged.
I was like; you what?!
I couldn't help but burst out in laughter, he's exactly the kind of guy I'dd imagine would love Rand's books, but I didn't know he actually read them.

>> No.15792357

That is the point of the book, anon. He might be some drunk loser if he hadn't ever read it.

>> No.15792406
File: 16 KB, 297x445, human-action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


save yourself some time and just go straight to the source

>> No.15792413

thanks for this been looking for literal years

>> No.15792471

read stirner and some freemarket economics, the ideas she had are best represented by their originators desu.

>> No.15792474

>10 am, I got off a call with mr Shekelberg. He's a great investor
>2 pm, I called Goldstein at the New York Times to thank him for the beautiful piece he did on me the last week
wtf, should I continue reading this?

>> No.15792499

Now, THIS is satire

>> No.15792514

Guy knows his stuff, he went on to become the presidents of United States of the Americas

>> No.15792521

You have no right to criticise what you haven't read, so yes. Just please do not pay for it. Borrow it from your local library for free.

>> No.15792531

if you're interested in train logistics from the perspective of an autistic, sure.

>> No.15792662

And you are a parrot mindlessly repeating the dominant opinion. There has never been a serious critique of Rand as a novelist. It's always a critique of her political vision and stringent personality disguised as literary criticism.

>> No.15792673

Rand is not a Stirnerite. She fucking hated Stirner. Her egoism is a bastard mixture of Nietzsche with Aristotle with her own autism and experiences in the Soviet Union.

>> No.15792675

>Borrow it from your local library

>> No.15792732

>There has never been a serious critique of Rand as a novelist. It's always a critique of her political vision and stringent personality disguised as literary criticism.
There’s a lot of truth in this. I think much of the criticism against Rand comes down to a negative view of her philosophy and politics. I have seen some criticize her for wooden dialogue and black and white characters, but that seems more a matter of taste than anything. Once I read The Fountainhead and how it sought to show the ideal man and derivations from this ideal I got what she was going for. Her characters represent people stripped of the irrelevant parts of themselves so that they may be seen in a clearer view.

>> No.15792808

One thing seems like a much more salient target of criticism than the other,,,