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File: 39 KB, 333x500, BAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15789237 No.15789237 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ even lift? No? lol gross
Fit is essential; lifting is key. A man who is not even fit and in shape is no man at all. The path to saving the West starts at the gym.

>> No.15789245

Shut up about the goddamn pissing West already. You people don't even like it and never have.

>> No.15789258

What does this incoherent reeeing even mean?

>> No.15789280

The basis of everything you conceive of as western begins with the enlightenment, which I'm sure you morons mark as the start of the decline

>> No.15789291
File: 1.31 MB, 2175x2048, physique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15789305
File: 231 KB, 860x628, 120-1208698_pepe-the-frog-confused-clipart-png-download-confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a book festishizing the Bronze Age
>"everything you conceive as Western started with the enlightenment"

>> No.15789321

I guarantee you haven’t ever met an actual leftist and just think the left is fat fuck antifa liberals and trannies. Goddamn you must be lonely I can’t even imagine in.

>> No.15789331

This. Socrates is the true alpha. He gave no fucks. He was ripped. Didn't practice "the low and plebeian art of writing." He knew what was essential. Because he had the Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.15789337

You sound like a skinnyfat bugman who's just mad he's getting called out and destroyed by Beauty and Aesthetic. The ugly will always seek to destroy the Beautiful.

>> No.15789348

Sorry if you can't understand what I'm saying

>> No.15789352

I doubt you've read Spengler. The West starts with the death of the old Greco-Roman civilization with the Catholic Church, which knew the importance of Beauty and Strength. We have started to decline recently because of the proliferation of Weak Men in society, enabled by their pacifying Technology.

>> No.15789378

Are you insecure about your looks?

>> No.15789387

If you think I've misinterpreted what you've said please explain, I am a stupid man and your are clearly very wise. I only have a single sentence to go on though so I'm not sure what you want me to understand? Clearly a man as intelligent as you has more to say than that though.

>> No.15789390

Nice use of Capitalization to add some Weight to your Baseless Assertions

>> No.15789396

Post jaw and bmi

>> No.15789399

The Beautiful and Fit are never insecure about our looks. I suspect this is a passive Bugman rhetorical technique used to project your insecurities onto Better Men.

>> No.15789400

And mile time and max deadlift and bench

>> No.15789405

Do you seriously need a book to tell you something as basic as "man was created to be physically active and fit"?
The sheer laziness of internet never ceases to amaze me.
(But I actually quite enjoyed that book that OP is referencing :)

>> No.15789413

I don't want to go to the gym bros

>> No.15789415

exercising is just purposely inflicting discomfort upon yourself, I'd rather watch anime

>> No.15789417
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Now you Bug Boi

>> No.15789419

Book sucks but every man should lift AND practice a combat sport. If you dont, you just havent got to the moment you wish you did.

>> No.15789423

I've been taking a break from lifting recently to focus on cardio and losing fat, been mostly swimming laps every day but some days I'll substitute it with a bike ride or a hike.
I'll go back to lefting once I've slimmed down a bit more.
My current read is American Psycho, I've never read Bronze Age Mindset, should I?

>> No.15789433

Fuckin wop

>> No.15789435

This is Incorrect. Read Bronze Age Mindset and get out of this weak basedness.

>> No.15789437

Normalfaggots get out.

>> No.15789439

All the right wingers I know are either overweight bearded men or weird nerds like Moldbug. The people I know who are into lifting either don't care about politics or are run-of-the-mill liberals.

>> No.15789446
File: 36 KB, 612x612, lele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, the ugly and unfit shrinks back and refuses to post his nasty selfy! Saw that one comming!

>> No.15789447

I have met "real leftists" and you are right, they are by no means simple obese psyop victims. Their uniting feature seemed to be an all pervading sense of resignation.

>> No.15789451

*go back to lifting
I am phoneposting right now from my reading chair

>> No.15789455

Kek. No matter how many hours you spend at the gym, you will never change your genetics. What a pity.

>> No.15789457

Yes. It is the best book ever created. It wasn't even written, just dictated as writing is a Low and Plebian practice for the Ugly and Insecure. Also, follow BAP on Twitter.

>> No.15789458

>he isn't /fitlit/
Enjoy being unhappy for the rest of your life

>> No.15789459

That isn’t you though

>> No.15789460

Running is enough for me.

>> No.15789465

Genetics are the excuse of the Unbeatiful to justify their Sloth

>> No.15789473

Oh wait... it’s bait

>> No.15789475

I will, thank you. "Happiness" is for normgroids.

>> No.15789478


>> No.15789483

Any chance for an answer? >>15789387

>> No.15789484

I think insecurity and narcissism is the motivation behind most exercise. Why do I need to work out if I already know I am healthy? The only answer is because I want to sexualize my body more so I look cooler, and women will notice.

>> No.15789488

What a sorrowful cope.
A healthy body will lead to a healthy mind, and vice versa. Pursuing one alone yields only half the fruit you're capable of cultivating, and leaves you half a man as a result.

>> No.15789504

This is bugman Utilitarian Pragmatism that devalues the fundemental worth of Aesthetic because you are a Liberal who fails to understand Totality. Beauty is the End itself.

>> No.15789503

being healthy or "a man" are just copes

>> No.15789509

if you aren't overweight and you move around at all then your body is already healthy. depression is caused by the mind, weightlifting won't fix your depression unless you change your mind through weightlifting. for example being obsessed with your image and neurotically trying to change it at the gym isn't going to make you undepressed if you are depressed. why do you repeat these slogans such as healthy body healthy mind?

>> No.15789510

Yup, the obsession with health is one of the biggest copes there is.

>> No.15789513

Everything is a cope with reality what is your point? Coping is healthy, an inability to cope is often disastrous.

>> No.15789517

No, pretending to not be a man, and to not care about your health is a cope.
LARP all you want on here about how you don't care about anything, it won't make it true.

>> No.15789520

>Everything is a cope
>Coping is healthy

>> No.15789525


>> No.15789526

OP is the larper

>> No.15789530

Only a Bugged Liberal fails to understand the Totality of the Body and Mind. Imagine considering yourself Intelligent while thinking the Body and Mind are totally Separate Things

>> No.15789535

You think your sound hard but you are really just retarded. Propensity toward sloth is genetics too. And whatever it is that you say next, genetics goes for that too.

>> No.15789547

Why do you capitalize regular nouns?

>> No.15789548

Not OP but I was depressed a few years ago despite having a decent future and when I then I started lifting because internet fascists told me it would make me feel better it unironically made me not depressed anymore. Definitrly helped me build self confidence too.

>> No.15789555
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 0BE0D742-1872-4C1F-B265-7D812335D86F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The West starts with the death of the old Greco-Roman civilization with the Catholic Church
> We have started to decline recently because of the proliferation of Weak Men in society, enabled by their pacifying Technology

>> No.15789557

>lifting for the serotonin

Let’s get it boys

>> No.15789563

For Somebody who has so much Faith in Genetics you would think you would not miss the Totality of the World but yet You Do. Your God? DNA.

>> No.15789574
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1911, nietsche 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read his Untranslated Writings.

>> No.15789580

Right-wingers are funny. Everything you guys claim to love literally gets destroyed by capitalism but for some reason you blame Jews or basedboys.

>> No.15789581

Dios mio mucho basado

>> No.15789583

did the act of lifting itself make you undepressed or did seeing changes in your body make you undepressed. lifting never helped me, my problems were much deeper than my aesthetics, but I am no longer depressed

>> No.15789584
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Mabye I am a bugman. What can I do, maybe it's my fault but here I am

>> No.15789613

Both probably. I was never fat and did sports in high school but I was never ripped either. Nobody ever though I was disgusting looking but now I'm at a point where I know most guys think I'm strong and girls think I'm attractive and it's definitely nice. The act of lifting definitely helped though. Its sort of meditative, just a time where you can sit there and not focus on anything except an easy concrete goal. Also the fact that I now have another activity to spend time doing that isn't just consuming media and has productive goals helps my mindset.

>> No.15789627

so you really are projecting huh?

>> No.15789659

why are this and storm of steel--specifically the original, unedited edition--'frequently bought together', according to amazon?

>> No.15789661

no, I don't feel the need weightlift when I got over my depression, though I play some sports for fun still but it's not related to my mind. i just see a lot of lifters as being obsessed with their self-image because they think it's what will make them happy but it's clearly narcissistic behavior. the way they are obsessed with their body and post it on social media and such, men are becoming like women in this regard. why do you weightlift?

>> No.15789668


>> No.15789671

Both of those books' publishers are far right and try to sell them on Twitter to the same circles of people. They both exist in a similar sort of area on the experimental radical right.

>> No.15789675

could you expand? i'm not on twitter or any other social media beyond this board.

>> No.15789676
File: 465 KB, 500x213, 1593919867489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is beautiful that has no God, nothing is ugly that has God

>> No.15789694

Other guy summed it up pretty well, they both BAP and the publisher of that Jünger translation have a twitter presence and market to the same crowd on there

>> No.15789705

I want to like BAP, but he comes across like a total retard when he writes. His takes are about as childish and surface level as can be.
>dude release the animals from the zoo lol
You're better off reading Junger's "On Pain" if you want a genuinely interesting take on traditionalism.

>> No.15789708
File: 4 KB, 225x225, BAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would love to rape his mouthpussy

>> No.15789767

it is a potentially disastrous commingling of ideas in underdeveloped or maladapted minds.
i don't anticipate violence. only confusion and frustration.

>> No.15789783

>don't expose yourself to too many different ideas

>> No.15789795

Ah yes capitalism, the purposefully nebulous omnipresent boogeyman used to explain away much more concrete things that can actually be changed through organization

>> No.15789809

>Stoicism in the face of artillery
>Disastrous commingling of ideas
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15789829

no, rather it is the timing of the exposure--and the restriction of material! it is precisely that these books come recommended through a marketing filter ("social media"), which sets its targets through browsing and search histories, whereby i expect wide reading will be discouraged. the medium is the message. you feel weak and dissociated from your life? here's your solution! no need to look further.
it is anathema, incidentally, to junger's personal ethos, this receiving a dogma in the guise of 'free thought'. this is what i mean by 'disastrous'.

>> No.15789864
File: 52 KB, 316x475, nigger hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start exercising
>become significantly more right wing
What gives?

>> No.15789877

>arketing filter ("social media"), which sets its targets through browsing and search histories,
You misunderstood what we said earlier, it's not advertisements that pop up, it's that you follow a specific person on twitter to read what they write, they will "retweet" things from other people (expose you to them)
You basically end up with a circle of people who follow each other and promote each other's work, in this case the publisher and the author here belong to the same community if you get what I'm trying to say

>> No.15789893

no. the barrage does offers an opportunity for reflection on the new ways of war, but the arbitrary nature of its destructive force is monstrous and terrifying, and junger understands it as such.

>> No.15789919

yes, you are describing how the marketing filter works. it is a process of self-selected preferences and targeted advertising--which need not take the form most familiar to us i.e. a suggestive image and/or evocative copy. a tweet is an advertisement, regardless of its source. again, the medium is the message. these are all marketing platforms. the ideas are the product. the sense of 'community' here is an illusion.

>> No.15789922

These people are anti-consumerist, theyre not reading these books together because Amazon tells them to, theyre reading them together because they're in the same Twitter circles. Like >>15789877 said it has nothing to do with marketing algorithms they buy them based on personal interactions within the same literary circle.

>> No.15789926

Splitting hairs at this point. He remains collected throughout all of it and despite the monstrosity of the barrage he follows out his orders without fault. He maintains his humanity as the English gentleman shows him a photo of his family at gunpoint.

>> No.15789933

This is your brain on fatalistic scientism.

>> No.15789934

I did call it marketing.
Your idea that it's based on "browsing and search histories" is incorrect though, you make it sound like Youtube ads
There is no algorithm at work here

>> No.15789944

That doesn't happen. I became more left wing as I got in better shape.

>> No.15789952

it is a noted phenomenon, i have seen articles 'warning' people about not becoming right wing from working out

>> No.15789955

Only the two people publishing these books have an actual profit motive and their reach is only as far as their individual Twitter accounts. Most of it is word of mouth by people whove read the books and recommend them to others. If nobody found the books genuinely insightful they would have no pull in the communities they're popular in.

>> No.15789957

post physique

>> No.15789975

i suggest you return to reread. junger is not an ideal soldier, as you might construe it. he deliberately and needlessly endangers men under his charge for his own personal adventure. the war itself is a trial of his own will, nothing beyond that. his display of 'humanity' is not charity in the christian sense, nor is it compelled by any secular moral order. it is an immediate identification with the other--again, an egoism.

>> No.15790003

It has been years since I read it but I distinctly remember passages where he passively refers to the fact he's one of the most well respected officers among the NCMs so his adventuring is hardly some sort of brazen vainglory.

>> No.15790026

you conception of how this all works is far too narrow and linear, my dudes.

>> No.15790067

Wow, BAP BTFO. Tradition BTFO. Conservatism BTFO. Fuckin reactionaries are done now. Everything the conceive about their home was actually derivative of John Locke.

>> No.15790083

a non sequitur, friend.

>> No.15790131

>one '''woke article""
>hurr durr noted phenomenon

>> No.15790132

What do you mean? There are no algorithms or targeted advertising at work here. I bought his books because I know him from his Salo days long before he was anywhere close to writing a book and subsequently have been mutuals with him on Twitter for years. I've recommended people his book because i genuinely liked some of its ideas and takes. I don't get paid to do that and I know plenty of people whove recommended his book who don't get paid either. Its organic word of mouth, I've seen him around long enough to know he genuinely believes the shit he writes.

>> No.15790144

There have been a few of them. Also id bet money you're a communist or something, you are not the average person who thinks of themselves as 'left wing'. Wouldn't be at all surprised if commies become more commie as they work out more.

>> No.15790216

I'm not the >>15789944 poster, but yeah I can concur that I became more 'left wing' as I grew more fit over the years, probably not as a causation though.

Idk if I can be considered a communist but I don't believe in identity politics, not a Murican so the average is probably different here.

>> No.15790243

Socrates was strongfat.

>> No.15790268

Socrates was 8 feet tall

>> No.15790275

BAP is a retard running a retard honeypot. Anybody who takes him seriously or actually reads and shares the book exposes himself as a retard. His "philosophy" is all one big troll attempt that rejects truth for muscles, which is homo

>> No.15790278

This desu
But I still read BAM for Keks and shits

>> No.15790291

>running a honeypot
>explicitly tells people not to join radical organizations and to keep your head down so that you can advance within the confines of the existing system

>> No.15790294
File: 106 KB, 1172x292, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still the funniest thing I've ever read.

>> No.15790300

No buddy you don't get it. I didn't say it's a fed honeypot that traps criminals and radicals. It's a retard honeypot; it attracts and traps retards like you

>> No.15790308

You sound insecure

>> No.15790310

He doesnt mean a glowypot he means a honeypot for retards, as in everyone drawn in is retarded.

>> No.15790319

lmao what a vest

>> No.15790351

Everything's a honeypot

>> No.15790363

Drawn into what? Its one book that prescribes nothing dogmatic. He doesn't create any kind of system, you can agree with as much or as little of what he says.

>> No.15790375

It draws retards into the community and unjustified dogmas in the book that reject truth for muscles, which is homo

>> No.15790387

Post timestamp faggot

>> No.15790430

this board fucking sucks now

>> No.15790437

Fucking book sucks.

No citations for any of his faggot ass claims.

>> No.15790451

What dogmas? There's nothing systematic about the book, there's no progressive argument or attempt to convert you. You're free to agree with as much or as little of it as you want. Nowhere does he say "well if you agree with X then you must agree with Y because Z". A honeypot is an attempt to trap someone, there's no attempt to trap you in his book. Im not even on Twitter anymore, I'm not part of a community, I don't agree with nearly everything in the book. Wheres the honeypot?

>> No.15790462
File: 80 KB, 750x500, lehoneyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a matrix of honeypots if you will, disembodied impulse dissected and apportioned

>> No.15790847

Don"t post this

>> No.15790864

Socrates was depressed and suicidal

>> No.15790879

What? Keep trying maybe you will be able to post something coherent one day.

>> No.15790892
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1593888860138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those hard r 'niggers' he's been dropping on his podcast lately
lmao i guarentee you he got cucked by a black dude recently. literally seething.

not surprising. altright >le epic raycis maymay bois tend to be rather low on the sexual totem pole. in the face of the true masculinity that black men represent all of these LARPers curl up and cry.

also it's funny how he and his internet nazi boyfriends always spout that retarded meme about 'chimping' and yet when the time comes to actually go out and chimp for real they whine and cower and just keep tweeting.

BLM has absolutely HUMILIATED BAP and his frog cronies forever. but keep shouting 'nigger' on your little noname podcast that gets a fraction of the listeners that the ChapoCHADs does. I'm sure you'll accomplish something eventually.

>> No.15790907
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, patrickman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post
>that anime pic

>> No.15790915

Why do you listen to this man's podcast if it makes you seethe so much? I didn't even know it existed
>anime posts

>> No.15790916

very Freudian post anon, you should individuate

>> No.15791028

fits with Jung's theory

>> No.15791134

The assertion that the Catholic Church understood beauty and strength better than, or even at the same level of, Greco-Roman civilization is actually, and I say this with zero irony, the dumbest take I have ever seen on 4chan. How on earth did you reach the conclusion that a cult of world-denying pedophiles in dresses had a greater grasp of beauty or strength than Greek culture? The ancient Greeks were obsessed with beauty in a way that no other people ever had been. Their bones were thicker than many of our competitive powerlifters. No army on earth has soldiers that could perform the march of Marathon with the speech which the greek soldiers did. The Catholic Church (though not the Orthodox) were and always have been caustic maggots rotting European civilization, and the “West” as an entity defining itself as Catholic and anti-Byzantine was an abortion from the day it was founded.

>> No.15791152

the Gothic cathedrals are the best architecture Europe has produced in the past 2000 years

>> No.15791185

I agree. And they were filled with ugly, weak people who were incapable of writing classics or painting masterpieces. The renaissance was caused by the loosening of the shackles of traditional Catholicism and the re-embrace of life. And of course this movement was coopted by Luther, who was not an anti-Catholic but rather a true believer recoiling in horror at the way the Catholic Church was forgetting itself to become something else. Nothing good other than those buildings has ever come from western Christianity, or ever will. Even the best Catholic authors are converts free from the sway of Catholic civilization.

>> No.15791202
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>> No.15791218

>The thirteenth century glass-windows were double. The light therefore remained in them, did not pass through them, gave them the magical effects of precious stones.

>> No.15791229

Catholicism also produced Dante and Raphael, I don't really get the hatred you have here, but I'm not a Christian.

>> No.15791234

>le epic fedora.

One can be a Christian without pretending the Catholic Church is anything less than cultural poison.

>> No.15791249

I read BAM and I don’t understand the hype. BAP’s tweets are more interesting and more engaging. BAM just seemed like Sun and Steal for a high school student (and there is nothing wrong with that), I just couldn’t get into it.

>> No.15791259

Dante belonged to an anti-papist faction of the Guelphs and was heavily influenced by the orthodox. I would contend the Catholics produced Dante about as much as they produced Luther or Calvin. Raphael was part of the early renaissance before it was ruined by counter-reformation and the re-catholicization of Europe.

>> No.15791309

what about a Thomas Tallis or Hildegard von Bingen? To claim the entire church is and has always been rotten is just overly reductive.

>> No.15791327

someone was diddled by a gay priest

>> No.15791350
File: 71 KB, 480x362, giphy_s[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>135 replies
let that sink in.
A thread about a genuine work of literature will vanish off page 10 faster than you can fart.....but this thread prevails.
Post 2016 revels in anti-intellectualism and banality.
Despite all the "you have to go back" rhetoric, /lit/ was destroyed by a bunch of reddit refugees, the mods and janitors......and you all accepted it.

>> No.15791365

What the fuck am I gonna do about it?

>> No.15791418

I wasn't posting to you personally, you spastic.

Sort your life out and stop lurking and shit-posting on the internet

>> No.15791446

What do you want from me? Leave me be

>> No.15791962

So wat is exhortation of BAM even? Get a group of friends together and start an eco-fash (but not too fash) group, and also involve yourself in the criminal underground of the world, and also join the military so you can become a mercenary, but also don't join the military because it's a shell of it's former self?
I found his ideas regarding biology, mastery of space, and the structure of the modern world interesting, if not completely novel.
What do you expect? The people who would actually post about good literature are too busy reading it. Also yeah fuck the mods and jannies they really have been doing a terrible job.

>> No.15792128

lol @ this tripe

>> No.15792135

this is what is known as a "COPE" post

>> No.15792152

Makes you think

>> No.15792422


>> No.15792714
File: 60 KB, 419x505, 1593996341532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the path to saving the west starts at the gym

>> No.15792772

>very gay and faggy psychobabbling nationalist zionist gypsy

>> No.15792909

Clearly you're not an infanteer if you think that's a non-sequitur.

>> No.15792942
File: 42 KB, 750x716, EcHMLRyVcAAp-Mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is his "physique"

>> No.15793064 [DELETED] 

Beauty is for women

>> No.15793119

Hes wearing blush

>> No.15793132

you don't, gayboy?

>> No.15793755

I love seeing leftoids seething over bap, especially the empty ironic shitheads

>> No.15793782

>don't care about politics
They do they just "a political"

>> No.15793845

That's Delicious Tacos.

BAP's podcast is gold btw. Better than the book

>> No.15793883

The cited your claims virgin vs the trust your gut chad

>> No.15793901

>Jews or basedboys
so the capitalists running all of the most influential companies today

>> No.15793943


Not how it works retard

Book is one of the worst things to happen to literature in several decades.

Worse than twilight

>> No.15793963

What is the writing in Twilight like anyway?

>> No.15793972

stay mad reddit spacing bugman
my source for this post: fuck you

>> No.15793978

you know he's right

>> No.15793986

I have dld the book, here is a passage:

When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different.
It was the light. It was still the gray-green light of a cloudy day in the forest, but it was
clearer somehow. I realized there was no fog veiling my window.
I jumped up to look outside, and then groaned in horror.
A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck, and whitened the
road. But that wasn't the worst part. All the rain from yesterday had frozen solid —
coating the needles on the trees in fantastic, gorgeous patterns, and making the driveway
a deadly ice slick. I had enough trouble not falling down when the ground was dry; it
might be safer for me to go back to bed now.

>> No.15793992
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>> No.15793998

This nigga read twilight lmao

>> No.15794006

yes okay but what is a 'bug man' exactly?
it all sounds very
if you don't mind me saying so

>> No.15794023

>Idk if I can be considered a communist but I don't believe in identity politics
You're just a fascist waiting to come to his fullness. The community/group-oriented desire to bind together for the common good is a fascist impulse; it's just waiting to be paired with a desire to bind with specific people rather than the nebulous "group" of humanity. Communists are just fascists who don't have friends.

>> No.15794032

I gotta read this book.

>> No.15794036

Sun and Steel is pretty great, I should read that again.

>> No.15794065

i was a leftist before i got fit and i have roughly the same views now. i think you just had a personal change in worldview anon

>> No.15794125
File: 831 KB, 1148x2202, 20200706_225639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. censored my tats but if you're wondering i have absolutley massive quadruple d titties too :^)

>> No.15794135

it doesn't count for chicks, it's about men becoming more fit

>> No.15794144


Fuck you, kike lover.

>> No.15794147

Taking something universal and claiming it as unique to the in-group is a cult tactic btw

>> No.15794164

Why do you post on an extreme right-wing forum if you're a left-winger, why not go to reddit

>> No.15794165

You still seem to be a convert though

>> No.15794174

retard, what is this, your first day on the internet? what a blunder

>> No.15794175

Replying to me with stupid posts is a cult tactic.

>> No.15794181

>theyre not reading these books together because Amazon tells them to
As far as they know

>> No.15794189

>>I became more left wing as I got in better shape
>>post physique
then i did. sure the op is about alpha males but i'm not responding to the op.

>> No.15794192

it obviously doesn't apply to girls who are way more left in general to begin with, and mostly only become conservative when they marry and have kids. Getting fit doesn't even mean the same thing for them, they don't really gain more muscle

>> No.15794194

Gargle my nuts, that's also a fascist impulse

>> No.15794201

that's a man, man

>> No.15794213

Now who's using underhanded rhetoric?

>> No.15794218

You, with your coy passive-aggresive questions

>> No.15794231

because /lit/ has good book recommendations and i don't mind being exposed to ideas i disagree with. i like that lit is unwelcoming to midwits and i feel some of the snobbery genuinely leads to higher quality discussion. seeing racists/sexists/tradcath larpers constantly posting low quality, idiotic, off topic threads doesn't really offend me. it's more amusing than anything.

>> No.15794233

This book is basically "The Secret" but for midwit right-wing guys. Also the author is some sort of twinkish shabbos goy.

>> No.15794265

Nay, thou.

>> No.15794271

> BAP Thread

It's staggering the amount of shiling that guy does to promote his shitty book.

>> No.15794322

Post tits

>> No.15794332

post tits, whore

>> No.15794337
File: 122 KB, 1080x1081, kantbot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>exposes you as a Homosexual Romanian, and a Straussian subverter and Zionist

Heh...nothing personnel meatheads

>> No.15794338

your opinions are worthless

>> No.15794359

lardass has been typing up really stupid shit on twitter as of recent

>> No.15794373

>The path to saving the West starts at the gym

Why would I want to do that?

>> No.15794374

does this guy even believe anything coherent? He's obviously afraid of being seen as racist or anything like that so he kind of toes the line, but I can't tell if he actually has any real opinions at all.

>> No.15794393

No person who wasn't cripplingly insecure and bipolar has ever written or spoken the words "The Beautiful and Fit are never insecure about our looks." You even capitalized the words jesus christ just get therapy already

>> No.15794477

>niggers blow up and destroy cities
>hahaha based
>some Mexican sets off fireworks
>reeeeee fucking thugs

>> No.15794486

did he seriously start crying about fireworks after praising the riots for a month?

>> No.15794497

t. BAP

>> No.15794511

Yes, he's straight up been whining and complaining about fucking fireworks for a fucking minute
He's been posting garbage

>> No.15794525

Fucking unbelievable. People have their livelihoods destroyed by retarded mobs and he laughs about it, but oh no he has to hear fireworks at night, that's a step too far.

>> No.15794549

Can't sleep the noise is too loud :(

>> No.15794668

Post tits baby girl

>> No.15794690

You're literally just a gymcel. Most BAPfags have ugly faces, like there as an interview with that SerpentMound guy and his face is PSL 3.5 at best. Lmao you're not chads half of you guys are beaners and the other half are chinlet wh*Toids

>> No.15794699

You're obviously low IQ and didn't get Kantbot's point. BAPfags talk a big game about "TURN OFF THE POWER; GIVE EVERY MAN A SWORD" and "U MUST CHIMP!!!!!" but when people are actually chimping out they go back to simping for neoliberalism
>w-wait not like that! Where can I get my protein powder now???

>> No.15794713

He's unencumbered by ideology. Him and Logo have basically gone through every major ideology and come out the other side clearpilled

>> No.15794733

I barely even know who Bap is, I've seen more Kantbot tweets than bap tweets. I only started looking at him since the riots and he strikes me as a weaselly sort of coward. He hides behind this meta-contrarian "i dont believe anything, having beliefs is dumb' kind of thing, but he agrees with progressives about race, he attacks the cops, he defends riots, it's clear who he's aligning with. The fact that he'd then cry about fireworks is just pathetic even from a purely PR standpoint. Don't praise criminals and then act like a middle aged woman about fucking noise complaints.

>> No.15794738

What the fuck are you talking about?
I didn't even read the OP book I'm literally just telling you that this fat retard has been typing up a bunch of horseshit on his twitter account, how are those two things in any way connected

>> No.15794749

You actually don't get it. Kantbot is unencumbered by ideology. He criticizes the left too but you don't register that because most righter wing polcels are literal retards that think any slight at their LARP ideology is some grave threat against muh huwhite identity

>> No.15794789

>beaner and wh*Toids
HI nigger or kike

>> No.15794800

I have never seen Kantbot criticize the Progressives for their inane race delusions, and I doubt he ever will. He will never point out how idiotic it is to get mad about blacks being arrested more when they commit massively more crime.

>> No.15794840

The right can't even identify itself. They have become so arrogant that they can no longer openly debate their ideas without getting BTFO. I guarantee I'm whiter than you and white identitarianism is a meme ideology
Because you're so fixated on his criticisms on the right. The "right wing SJW" critique that libertarians use is correct. You can't make any sort of critique in white idenititarianism without some polfag crying about the jews and how you're akshully a JIDF agent and genociding his people

>> No.15794851

You unironically just don't get it

>> No.15794859

t. Amerimutt spic LARPing as white on twitter
How pathetic must your life be that you need to cling to a racial ideology that you would be recognized as subhuman in?

>> No.15794861

I really do not, please explain what made you sperg out in this way
Did you just pick a random post? I see literally no connection

>> No.15794868

Hi spic. Btw you're not white
>B-but I call out da joos and make fun of niggers! I'm based! H-hey w-white people! I'm one of the good ones! Y-yeah!

>> No.15794900

No i dont care if he criticizes the right. Nick Land shits all over White nationalism for example but he still mocks progressives. Kantbot never attacks Progressive about race

>> No.15794907

Yes he does. He and logo do all the time. Again, you're blinded because you're mad that Kantbot criticized your meme ideology. No, polcel, you're not being genocided because some one criticized white nationalism

>> No.15794939

ehhhhh fugggedaboudit

>> No.15794950

Why are you Typing like This, you Fucking retard

>> No.15794959

that is proper grammar in German, but is retarded to do in English you mongrel

>> No.15794976
File: 232 KB, 1200x1603, Jose_Vasconcelos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooooo you can't support nazism you have to listen the kike media you have to submit to our worldview and act they way we want

Fuck off nigger kikes

>> No.15795021

the riots are FOR neoliberalism, retard

>> No.15795033

Can you link me Kantbot making fun of Progressives for their race fetish about blacks?

>> No.15795075

op is obvious false flag, probably that scrawny fuck logo

>> No.15795090

no one cares or will ever care about your political opinions desu

>> No.15795096

socrates was a pict mutt cryptid goblin that probably crawled out of lost subterranean networks

>> No.15795102

Kantbot is a fat incel who, while a skilled sophist, has not created anything genuinely novel. He hasn't created anything at all really, his entire schtick is to jump boats to a new Twittersphere every 6 months while making fun of the boat he jumped from. At least retards like BAP and Moldbug tried to make something new.

>> No.15795107

I just read it and it was an enjoyable read dude.

>> No.15795181
File: 47 KB, 492x820, gomez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have a personal trainer for more efficient gains. Pic related.

>> No.15795286
File: 1016 KB, 1016x1265, Screenshot_20200606-214913_Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this book not really knowing what I was expecting.
Im only a quarter way through and Ill admit there are insiteful things between the pages but its padded with pyschosis.
It feels like im reading a scrolling feed of 4chan shitposts while coming down off of a cocaine high.

The lexicon, the intentional mispellings and grammatical errors, its kind of annoying to read.

>> No.15795389

I don't lift I just do calisthenics and ring stuff

>> No.15795461

How the fuck am I supposed to lift when all the gyms are closed because of the Fake Chinese virus hoax. Western civilization is already dead, let's face it

>> No.15795515

>his entire schtick is to jump boats to a new Twittersphere every 6 months

Isn't it interesting how after getting invited on red scare all he does is make fun of MAGA milfs and BAP twitter? Nigga told his followers to buy BAM or unfollow him when it came out in 2018.

>> No.15795568

Kantbot's recent behavior is like a kid in high school who ditches all his old friends and does an overnight personality makeover after he gets invited to the cool girls' table in the cafeteria two or three times. Who knows, maybe he's right, it will work and he'll be accepted by leftie NYC art hoes as one of their own.

>> No.15795649

Ok incel

>> No.15795661
File: 197 KB, 547x555, 5_scoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lift quite a lot and am pretty big and strong but Bap has to be some one of the biggest faggots out there as far as right wing Twitter personas go.

>> No.15795676
File: 77 KB, 1024x777, 534E0A6F-DF65-4CEF-81F9-BDA93D48C9AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the true masculinity that black men represent

>> No.15795681

Post physique

>> No.15795858

where do you find these? link?

>> No.15796772

I think working out just makes you truer to your real self

>> No.15796792

he's our faggot though