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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 162 KB, 1878x846, schizoposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15787622 No.15787622 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to him? he was the best poster in this board

>> No.15788375

The shitposting got to him to the point that he became the shitposts he made up.

>> No.15788386

that was another of his personas talking right

>> No.15788424

That's why this post is genius. Is it a shitpost? Is it the truth? We will never know.

>> No.15789053


>> No.15789463

Truly the modern day Pessoa, it's a shame his talent was wasted on baiting retards like us

>> No.15789481

>are there any books for this issue?
This man was ahead of this time, he saw the downfall of /lit/ coming

>> No.15789491


>> No.15789527

I remember how he wrote a bait excerpt from his memoir in a /lit/ critique thread, I don't remember the context but a quote along these lines stuck with me, it felt like a moment of sincerity slipped in his shitposting
>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."

>> No.15789565
File: 46 KB, 1000x517, 1585576657273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ this is fucking based.

>> No.15789582

Anyone got some screencaps of his persona traveling the world with a USB drive with short stories? Sounds like good fun/bait

>> No.15790633

I felt this one

>> No.15790679

Can someone give me the rundown? I recognize a few of those references

>> No.15790828
File: 22 KB, 735x678, HR emails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a poster who would constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it was back when /lit/ was a much slower board and reaching 100+ posts in a thread was basically the reason he did this, the most memorable part of his shitposting is the lengths he would go to in order to make you believe his character, I remember one thread where he asked if it was legal to sue a publisher for mocking his work, he pretended to have written a 600+ pages novel about WW1 told from the perspective of a carrier pigeon, he wrote an actual chapter just to mess with us and faked some HR emails of the employees trashing his work (pic related).

>> No.15790853

I believe it's the same guy who made that excel spreadsheet trying to justify antinatalism to his parents and pregnant sister, his prose was easily recognizable.

>> No.15790909
File: 1.34 MB, 2532x1366, antinatalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sperglord? doubt it, he lacked the verbose prose of the memoir anon, I think the latter stopped posting on /lit/ at the start of 2016
Thread : https://archived.moe/lit/thread/7608333/

>> No.15791097

He was not the best writer but his autism was salute-worthy.

>> No.15791406

top zozzle

>> No.15791577

for me it was monsieur poster

>> No.15791796
File: 48 KB, 1303x213, autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one man be this based?

>> No.15792141

Do you have some archived threads or screenshots?

>> No.15792181

Now that's some fine modernist literature. A story about a delusional novelist descending to absurdity, told through the medium of anonymous internet shitposting. Thanks for keeping the lineage alive, anon.

>> No.15792214


>> No.15792272
File: 106 KB, 392x534, 2020-07-06-180405_1920x1200_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen the Husserl one. Who has the contemporary New York one and the neet writing six-part memoir on a public computer?

>> No.15792286

Memoir thread

>> No.15792490

Cabin threads

>> No.15792561

>banned 50 times in 3 years
>considers this noteworthy
I get banned from this site 50 times a week easily.

>> No.15792643

Getting banned for being racist, shitposting monosyllables, denouncing the "jannies" or posting porn is not noteworthy in any way.

As a matter of fact, it's a form of cancer.

>> No.15792666

it's the truth. I'm experiencing it myself. More and more i find myself gravitating towards the monastic life. I know exactly what this dude underwent.

>> No.15792684

Nobody ever gets banned for being racist.
Nobody ever gets banned for single swear words.
The jannies are sensitive cunts and (You) seem to be defending them which is suspicious.
Posting porn won't get you many bans most jannies let BLACKED threads 404 no matter what board you're on.
4chan has always been cancer.

>> No.15792710

So why do you get 50 bans a week?

>> No.15792742

I got banned for responding to an off-topic thread and decided to engage in janny baiting for revenge/laughs. If they are going to be that petty I will return the favor.

>> No.15792787

So basically, you contributed nothing except, perhaps, that original offtopic reply.

Great. Thanks for confirming you were a random retard.

>> No.15792793

t. seething ex-janny

>> No.15792852

>banned for responding to an off-topic thread
That is the biggest faggot move jannies pull and it is 100% because whatever is being discussed got them assmad.

>> No.15792893
File: 296 KB, 516x516, product_Hickory_Ham_&_Cheddar_11584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is nothing wrong with goading jannies; they are the lowest rabble and deserve every form of abuse. Of course they're vital to keeping this place enjoyable, but they are like garbage men or sewer cleaners. By performing the job which noone else would want to do they are degraded into garbage themselves. We have to remind them that they are worthless, and whats more, that they do it for free. By their own doing they are equivalent to trash. They are literal garbage-men. And they do it for free.

>> No.15792934

This reminds me a bit of the dude that used the term "intellectually dishonest" with his parents and then had his family shitpost him IRL with the term ad nauseam.

>> No.15792947

>defending the janitor
I'm afraid that's a cringe from me.

>> No.15792958

Holy fuck I remember this
God that was ages ago