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/lit/ - Literature

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15788780 No.15788780 [Reply] [Original]

So is this basically just the Jojo's Bizarre Adventures of literature?

>> No.15788975

I might read it now, thanks.

>> No.15788986

why is this board so obsess with this book? it was good but not 15 threads per day good

>> No.15789062
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>> No.15789182
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It's top 2 of all time.

And it's not #2.

>> No.15790085

If you consider black to be the same as white, then yes, it is basically just Jojo's Bizarre Adventrures

This board has nothing to do but play Infinite Jest conspiracy theorist and write letters to Steeply..

>> No.15790542

>If you consider black to be the same as white
Are you saying that you don't? Racist much?

>> No.15790753

Anon, sometimes a color is just a color and the use of black and white is a common in probably every language and culture to symbolize two extremes, the lack of color and all colors. It could be said you are turning black into white, twisting words to suit your needs.

>> No.15790975

Pretty sure that would be JoJo