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15788336 No.15788336 [Reply] [Original]

>Got into philosophy as a means of self-help
>Kept reading until I was actually wise enough to help myself
>Turns out there's actually no definite "answer" to my "problems" because it's just the nature of being to always be unable to know the future and always be merely interpreting the past, never truly able to see yourself, just making it all up as you go along and coping

what now?

>> No.15788345

Enjoy your newfound powers. Once you know nobody has real certainty you can feel free to use the general indeterminateness of things to your advantage. Or you embrace the quixotic route and lead a doomed fight against error and helplessness. Point is you can choose.

>> No.15788409
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they grow so fast bros

>> No.15788423
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>and always be merely interpreting the past, never truly able to see yourself,
fugg this defines me for the last 28 years even though i read the stoics and plato

>> No.15788438
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Welcome to the insanity of reality, enjoy your stay. Remember, you're here forever

>> No.15788439

>>Turns out there's actually no definite "answer" to
cute but wrong
keep reading

>> No.15788683

Give me some philosophy entry level book (no Plato)

>> No.15788710

Unironically Crime and punishment. The best entry level philosophy is literature that deals with philosophy. Read that, then beyond good and evil by Nietzsche.

>> No.15788714

Far off, kid, but keep at it

>> No.15788720

Descartes but you have to read him like every single sentence is a serious and extremely deeply thought out claim (and it's the case).

>> No.15788734

sophie's world

>> No.15788753

The greeks

>> No.15788757

NOT AT ANY COST. Philosophy is the opposite of gathering information, it's about thinking deep and precise. The gist can't be vulgarized and the gist is the only thing that's not a complete bore. Philosophy is the opposite of vulgarization. Go straight to the big guys.

>> No.15788789

>what now?

read the last psychiatrist and stop thinking about nothing but yourself all the time

>> No.15788824
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Now you realize that pragmatism is the only worthwhile philosophy to actually help yourself

>> No.15788833

What's the point of reading Nietzsche if you know nothing about the philosophical tradition he's going against?

>> No.15788838

Fun fact: crime and punishment was a big influence on BGE

>> No.15788849

This. The endpoint of philosophy is the recognition that contradiction is intractable and thus the death of all substantial authority. This is also the endpoint of Christianity. God dies and only collective and subjective human activity produces the Holy Spirit.

>> No.15788862

>Got into philosophy as a means of self-help.
So you never got into philosophy.

>> No.15788882

This is unironically incredibly reassuring.

>> No.15788884

If you want to figure out some purpose, read some biology books, textbooks and key works (like Darwin). It can’t help you answer the greatest questions but it’ll make you understand that one of our purposes is to reproduce, and properly raise our children. There is more purpose in reality than that, something more divine, but that is certainly part of our purpose

>> No.15788894
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What more is it than a cope for human life, anyway...

>> No.15788906

>ought from is

>> No.15788914

Jokes on you, I'm here till I die.

>> No.15788918
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''Philosophy is the cope of mankind'' - Plato

>> No.15789495

I've read TKB and I enjoyed it, I'll take a look on Nietzsche, thanks.
Not a fan of him but I'll read him too.

>> No.15789599

sure there is
you just arent asking the right questions correctly

>> No.15789863


Then Plato.

>> No.15789927

>>Turns out there's actually no definite "answer" to my "problems" because it's just the nature of being to always be unable to know the future and always be merely interpreting the past, never truly able to see yourself, just making it all up as you go along and coping
Wrong, that conclusion has been come to by a man thinking he has not, where he dust; believing himself to have been drilled out of all pubescent radicality by the modern neoliberal, lukewarm and languid times. Radicality is manifested unthought in much of youth, especially of today as lost sheep they are, taken to drugs or sex or criminality, or in past the all-too common imperative of young men to bear arms, for the viking boy to get onto that boat, or for a young Muslim to join Isis; But it is true also that the first aim for anymore, to even be a man in definition, is to get fear under ones belt, and there can be no courage without Earnestness and the Sincerity of Radicality.

>> No.15789978

>Once you know nobody has real certainty
Cringe & bluepilled

>> No.15790016

>tfw slave to the dialectic

>> No.15790038

-Notes from the Underground
-Crime and Punishment
-pick some poetry you like
-On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History
-Edith Hamilton Mythology
-Plato Five Dialogues
-Aristotle's Poetics
-The Three Theban Plays
-The Works and Days
-Augustine's Confessions
-On the Wisdom of Life(Schopenhauer)
-On the Basis of Morality(Schopenhauer)
-Hesiod's Histories
Then dive into Homer(though be aware there is no good translation into English, Lattimore is uncomparingly the best, but Fagles may be better to start) and the rest of Plato, then read the rest of the presocratics. After which you can start with Aristotle. I would advise you to buy the The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy: The Complete Fragments and Selected Testimonies of the Major Presocratics, the Complete Works of Plato and the Complete Works of Aristotle.

This is an easy list you can finish within a term or two.

>Only the love that springs from pity, and carries its compassion to the utmost breaking of self-will, is the redeeming Christian Love, in which Faith and Hope are both included of a—Faith as the unwavering consciousness of that moral meaning of the world, confirmed by the most divine exemplar; Hope as the blessed sense of the impossibility of any cheating of this consciousness.

>> No.15790053

So from what conclusions and propositions led you to this next conclusion? In conclusions and conclusions, this looks like a very much cop-out conclusion. It's neither Schopenhauer tier in the recognition of the suffering of the world, nor Plato tier in great metaphysical or religious revelation.

>> No.15790059

Sorry that's *Herodotus Histories*, not Hesiod for a second time.

>> No.15790076

You keep reading and realize there is certainty but that you are too afraid to face this head on because of your existential dread. Free yourself from nothingness. Become eternal.

>> No.15790090
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You can always have a educated guess, but surprises are still a thing. You just need to enjoy simple things.

>> No.15790105

I think it's a nice history summary for kids

>> No.15790109

You already know god objectively exists and that you need to accept Jesus for your sins if you did do all that, but you likely didnt and you are actually a falseflagging tranny hoping to undermine heterosexuality Even further

>> No.15790113

Bro he's probably just young.

>> No.15790569

>durrr huuuuur chirst

>> No.15791125

Even if this guy is trolling this is what christians dead seriously believe, without a hint of irony.