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File: 85 KB, 1024x576, populist-guide-2020-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15784467 No.15784467 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15784504

>Crystal Ball and Serengeti
This is a joke right

>> No.15784512
File: 9 KB, 300x300, Vaush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were retroactively refuted by Vaush
Krystal ball is a dirty grifter and a fascist enabler. Saagaer is a weasel fascist.

Populism was retroactively refuted by Zizek

>> No.15784539

The face of the populist right in the US is a second generation pajeet


>> No.15784541

I thought that guy got MeToo'ed and cancelled?

>> No.15784545

The opinions of fat people are retroactively refuted by virtue of being obese

>> No.15784570


>> No.15784968


>> No.15784989

Never. Chapo/Red Scare/Cumtown fanbase doesn't believe in cancel culture especially not towards their Daddy.

>> No.15785027

If he's part of that crowd, then why the fuck is he bashing anti-woke populists?

>> No.15785453
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I was dreading the day when vaushposting was gonna take off on this board.
He was metood but not cancelled, for some reason.

>> No.15785468

Vaush was proactively dismantles by Faulk

>> No.15785484

Vaush isn't really "anti-woke"

>> No.15785497

What are those videos about then? I didn't watch them, but the titles suggest he doesn't like the anti-woke left.

>> No.15785522

Krystal basically doesn't push against Saagar's talking points and the one time she did their audience called her out on the comments. Vaush is mad because they cultivate a right wing audience.

>> No.15785528 [DELETED] 


>> No.15785530

He thinks they're class reductionist/centrist scum who roleplay as very serious people, making people think the right and left have more in common than they actually do.

>> No.15785539 [DELETED] 

>refuting anything
ROFL This guy is the biggest dunning-kruger pseud on jewtube. To post anything by him you must also be stupid af. kys you worthless fucking retard

>> No.15785557

>This guy is the biggest dunning-kruger pseud on jewtube
And yet he's BTFO'd every single r*ghtoid who dared debate him.

>> No.15785567

>He thinks they're class reductionist/centrist scum
Whoah, hold up a second. That's an oxymoron. The "centrists" are the ones who hate class reductionism (the actual left) and cynically promulgate identity politics as a distraction. Being a 'class reductionist' (Marxist or Anarchist) is the very definition of the anti-woke left. Your post raises more questions than answers about this guy.

>> No.15785574


>> No.15785593
File: 52 KB, 850x400, churchill-national-socialism-hitler-germany-nazis-economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring what some faggot "youtuber" thinks is legitimate leftism


>> No.15785597

>being so depressed that seeing smiling or laughing people is ideologically offensive
cheer up, anon

>> No.15785613

That's because there's two of them, ostensibly one progressive and one conservative,and they larp as very serious people reaching across the aisle.

>> No.15785672

But the left needs new allies given that it has to dump the woke idpol shills who have gone batshit insane. I don't personally have a problem with socially conservative people with traditional family values. We'll need to unite if we're going to take on the neolib banker sociopaths that run the world. They only flourish because their victims remained divided.

>> No.15785683
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Not today friend.

>> No.15785701


red (leftist) brown (nationalist) alliance? Anybody have some historical examples?

>> No.15785717

This is exactly what Vaush argues against. Watch the videos if you're interested.

>> No.15785733

lmao how is this real

>> No.15785746

read the whole first chapter of roger woods' conservative revolution, the whole 1920s was basically people trying to set this up

nazbol/strasserism may be a meme but it comes from the real national bolshevist party of niekisch, all the nationalist right wingers admired the soviets and revolutionary elan of the bolsheviks because they wanted to do the same in the west, just on an organic national basis. also see these links: >>15785593 and look up moeller van den bruck

werner sombart was a marxist whom engels said was the best interpreter of marx then living, and he became a national socialist because he believed non-international socialism was the way forward and the mere international terror and total war being pushed by stalinism was leading to totalitarian despotism instead

socialism has always been mostly a right wing thing. very few people have wanted totally internationalist socialism to the point that dissolving the nation and its identity has to go BEFORE (or alongside) proletarian self-consciousness. why should it? why not have an international of nations, with national, cultural, regional identities being secondary to the great international revolution against capital but still existing if people want them? the answer is there is no reason this can't be the case, and most socialists historically have assumed/wanted it to be the case.

it's only in modern day that you get absolute faggot college students whose "internationalism" comes from cosmopolitan liberalism, NOT from socialism. phony utopian internationalism is holding contemporary socialism back as badly as tranny and minority fetishism is, it's a delusion brought in by liberals who don't actually care about destroying financial elites.

>> No.15785768
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1569763821319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some big words anon

>> No.15785785
File: 183 KB, 1931x1855, 1hukga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine watching that video by zizek and thinking he presented anything close to an argument lol

>> No.15785803
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is this fucking bait?

>> No.15785813

so? any retard can do the same with the insipid public. are you seriously using the ben shapiro logic of 2016?

>> No.15785825

>does /lit/ really
i can get getting behind Zizek, but the fucking youtuber “””””debator”””””” Vaush? this has to be a troll right? lol.

>> No.15785826

My point is simply that he's clearly not the worst then.

>> No.15785834
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>> No.15785843

How do you cancel someone that has nothing? He has no value in any respect so why bother?

>> No.15785859

He has a fairly big following that's been growing quite rapidly these last few months. Just a matter of time before he hits one million, we know other breadtubers have gone farther than that.

>> No.15785863

la goblina

>> No.15785879

He seems like a parasite who latches on to more successful people and spergs out if they slightly criticize him.

>> No.15785883
File: 361 KB, 1454x2048, ETV4Wk0VAAAkx2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a bottomfeeder for sure

>> No.15785910

Exactly. Why cancel someone who is an objective failure and depends on external validation from other failures?

>> No.15785931

>Crystal Ball
All nice thinly veiled /pol/ thread OP
Nobody's read that retarded "book"
idek who those people are

>> No.15785941
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>> No.15785966

I can't believe you're actually this mad. God you're pathetic.

>> No.15785969

neither is ben shapiro evidently then, but i would be surprised if you can sceounge up many non-brain deads who would would say that thats much of an achievement in itself.

>> No.15785974

You’re the one posting in a thread about yourself.

>> No.15786034

Vaush is literally live right now you retard lmao

>> No.15786054

his fat fetish is getting out of control

>> No.15786058

hes posting live about himself in his thread? tell him to show his titcow gf milkers on stream

>> No.15786059

no he was just creepy online to some chick, not worth canceling.

>> No.15786087

He sent unsolicited nudes didn't he? Still pretty bad, but just skirting the edge I imagine.

>> No.15786143

There’s nothing sadder than a simp for a breadtuber.

>> No.15786166

They would have to be unsolicited. What kind of masochist would actually ask for Vaush nudes?

>> No.15786608

Is it too much to ask for a new party to form whose platform consists solely of entrapping the soul of Eugene V. Debs in some kind of giant mecha and having it kill every politician in the western hemisphere, bros?

>> No.15786904

man, brittany venti has really let herself go

>> No.15786993

Vaush got demolished by Alt Hype and he promised he would respond, but he never did LMFAO.

>> No.15787002

LMAO. Did you see his response to Big Prickly Steven on Twitchlive? Catboynekolul333 outed him for dating ironicommunist WHILE SHE WAS STILL TOGETHER WITH aidsman. He blocked her on ICQ and she still hasn't made a video response about it or EVEN UPLOADED ANY TWEETS TO HER XCHAT!!! I am interested in politics

>> No.15787046
File: 32 KB, 550x550, BOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try as I might, I can't decipher this post. Am I a boomer now?

>> No.15787110
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>> No.15787171
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>> No.15787172

What the fuck is wrong with his earlobes

>> No.15787181

>I am interested in politics
kek, you had me

>> No.15787232

I'm pretty sure he's a fag.

>> No.15787234

stretched his ears out with faggauges and got them stapled back together

>> No.15787290

They figured out that letting a bunch of barbaians into your country decreases wages but thats about it the bitch tried to call for straight up communism at the beginning of COVID

>> No.15787361

>the bitch tried to call for straight up communism at the beginning of COVID
based if true

>> No.15787371
File: 3.36 MB, 7985x6987, Schizo Core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15787405

Reminder that Vaush is the guy who tried to expose the pervasive rape culture in society on stream and then immediately flipped to berate a victim as it turned out that she had been raped by a POC Muslim.


I don't get why these establishment progressives don't just drop the act and come out as the neoliberal watch dogs they are.

>> No.15787434

Holy shit that was the sharpest 180 I've ever seen. Beautiful

>> No.15787451
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, 1593806685829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what the fuck

>> No.15787487

That's fucking hilarious, but what the hell was he doing in the first place? A fucking livestream let's-play of a rape support group or something? What the fuck is wrong with "political" e-celebs

>> No.15787488

As an ex-fatty, I agree with this statement

>> No.15787492

lmao of course you would know that

>> No.15787498

From my interactions with these "woke but still cool" leftists, this is pretty typical. It seems like their morality comes from wanting to grandstand first and foremost, but because they don't stand on any firm ground (they're looking for any ground to stand on, rather than holding their ground they actually stand on organically) they end up sliding between mutually conflicting stances.

And because they desperately want to be seen as the heroic vanguard or thought leader or whatever it is, they have to be maximum 110% committed to whatever stance they're holding at that moment, acting out their righteous indignation and moral hysteria. So the disjunctions are even more jarring.

Then the natural tendency for drama in these communities gets involved and charges it even further. These tryhard leftist guys always have a bunch of ongoing drama/slapfights with fellow ecelebs, they always have to do long rambling videos with creepily forced sincerity about how sorry they are for raping some tranny in 2015. But they get shrill and hysterical even about that, delivering epic sermons about how they're pieces of shit.

All of these factors come together to form "internet leftist eceleb." It's very consistent. I wonder if the structure of e-leftist discourse just attracts a certain kind of narcissist or it shapes shrill effeminate men into shrill effeminate self-aggrandizing narcissists or what.

>> No.15787500

this man deserves to be strung up by his ankles and beaten with a stick like a piñata by hundreds of rape survivors and then left for dead but i’d take his suicide as a consolation prize. fat ugly leftist fuck, basedjak incarnate, sweaty tits stuck to his stomach, ballsack haircut on head, walrus faced cuckold. if you are reading this Vaush you fat fucking faggot go eat rat poison.

>> No.15787949

i unironically don't see what's wrong with his reaction. does anyone believe her story that australian police (the same people who have been fucking up abbos for decades) leave muslim rapists alone? bongs might have had that issue, but aussies arent that cucked. bitch was lying, and jubilee is propaganda

>> No.15788001

Why do you hate women?

>> No.15788004

>the same people who have been fucking up abbos for decades
that wasn't a countrywide scandal where every police officer was involved and partaking in it so to paint the australian police broadly with that brush is just ignorant. police from different areas and different communities don't always have the same procedures, and given how many of the police int he UK act regarding muslim rapists, which you acknowledged to some degree, why would it be hard to believe that police in australia may have had the same problem? it isn't specific to the UK, just more potent there. police officers near Muslim communities in sydney probably never interact with aboriginals let alone abuse them

>> No.15788050

in case you arent familiar with jubilee, it is basically a right wing forum where leftoids and rightoids come to discuss shit, often ending with the rightoids "winning". the discussion was about metoo, and sydneys story - which on its own would be fairly unbelievable - coupled with the fact that it aligns with her rightoid agenda, and tries to make a conversation about sexual assault into one about "immigrants bad", makes it hard to take her story at face value. sorry, but i dont in fact believe all women

>> No.15788078

>and sydneys story - which on its own would be fairly unbelievable
it really isn't unbelievable that police would deter an accusation like that against a muslim community, but Jubilee pushing that point with that woman specifically to be anti immigrant isn't far fetched, or at least it would be anti islam rather than anti immigrant as a whole, since rape specifically is predominately from muslim immigrants, which is what mostly sparked the cronulla riots

>> No.15788579

Both very surface-level thinkers. Dumb program idea and book is worse. Krystal was a centrist dem pushing Russia-gate and charter schools up until the end of 2018.

>> No.15788619

im not sure about the precedent thats set within the australian police and social services but given its an anglophone colony comparing it to the UK would make the story easily believable

the Muslim grooming gangs and the Rotherham report is one of the most jarring reads of failures in policing in modern times.

given the fucking scale of the issue you'd think that it would be an important facet of conversation about a "rape culture"

>> No.15788636


judging the book by its cover here but this seems like a money laundering scheme because no one in their right minds would actually fucking buy this

>> No.15788695

>From my interactions with these "woke but still cool" leftists, this is pretty typical. It seems like their morality comes from wanting to grandstand first and foremost, but because they don't stand on any firm ground (they're looking for any ground to stand on, rather than holding their ground they actually stand on organically) they end up sliding between mutually conflicting stances.
>And because they desperately want to be seen as the heroic vanguard or thought leader or whatever it is, they have to be maximum 110% committed to whatever stance they're holding at that moment, acting out their righteous indignation and moral hysteria. So the disjunctions are even more jarring.
This is how the Left has worked for a very long time mate, purity spiraling is a core part of the Left.

>> No.15788892

This guy in particular seems very puritanical. Seems to be weirdly common among anarchists.

>> No.15789044

lmao what the fuck, how can someone have so much brain dissonance