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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.84 MB, 1407x1272, 1576116892874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15787350 No.15787350 [Reply] [Original]

I hate knowing the future that waits for them. I hate watching that spark burn bright and true, lighting up the creeping hollow that will eventually fill their souls. I hate knowing about the world and what it does to that spark, and all the wicked things you have to do to keep it. I hate knowing, that one way or another, it will leave you one day, just as you will leave this world without a thing to show for it.

i believe god made children so he could delight at crushing that spark and watching the suffering it causes, so he could surround them with dead, fish eyed peers to mock them and drink their tears.

>> No.15787359

how could i ever live with myself, bringing that spark into the world only to watch it slowly disappear? Better for it to remain where it is, bathed in all the light of that eternal spring which birthed it.

>> No.15787390

i thought you were gonna say you're envious. are you? also, my blood will inherit this earth while your remain broken, confused, pained, and decadent. good luck.

>> No.15787396

I hate that artist. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Hey, OP. I’ve had similar thoughts when I was younger, and that’s why I turned to socialism. No sense on moping.

>> No.15787399
File: 52 KB, 329x500, A98347B5-B10E-4F0B-ACB1-0CB9ACE23384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my blood will inherit this earth
Not if capitalism has its way

>> No.15787452

don't care. i am poor and tired of richoids trying to chain me for their own mistakes and mental instability while they continue fucking up. i will kill you.

>> No.15787458

Have sex.

>> No.15787467

What's this from? Sounds Russian, or like some cynical Japanese guy

>> No.15787521

Same, partially because I'm jealous they've had a superior upbringing to get opportunities to truly shine, and partially because I know in some shape or form they are (or will be) my superior.

>> No.15787527
File: 48 KB, 500x676, 7DAA742B-1C66-4D51-9CB4-E9AF5B1C9EDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of the most retarded niggers on this board in one thread: OP and butterfly

>> No.15787530

is that butters on the right

>> No.15787538

Pic unrelated, I love G

>> No.15787577
File: 662 KB, 876x1444, Wittgenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things haven't always been this way.

>> No.15787961

Yes they have. This way or even worse. Shove your pipedream philosophies where the sun dont shine.

>> No.15787997
File: 57 KB, 600x360, AtbwbddCAAAMUf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better for it to remain where it is
you mean wanked into one of the tissues on the floor around your desk
fuck off saddo, not everyone is as desperate and lonely as you are
also /lit/ - literature, so double fuck off

>> No.15788234

No, my friend, you don't understand me. If you read the links I posted, you'll get what I'm saying, but basically, there were times when it literally did not matter what sort of person you were. If you were intelligent, diligent, and committed to whatever cause or field you were a part of, you would be welcomed and nurtured. Wittgenstein behaved like a complete and total lunatic, and Einstein could neither drive a car nor find his way back home much of the time. Yet they were recognized for what they were, given the guidance and resources they needed, and grew into the finest minds of their generation.
Could you imagine that happening now? No. For a variety of reasons, it's largely impossible. There are few men willing to take on students as unruly as those two, and other issues make it difficult for even those men to accommodate them. Such men are completely uninterested in the issues that motivate the average person, and our system of values has become so distorted that others are unlikely to see and appreciate them for who and what they are. They may even become self-hating chad-worshippers like some of the people we see here on this very website. There are other hurdles in their way as well, like the intensely boring grind that is school.
Basically, things have changed. Normal people have always regarded such people a certain way, but there used to be ways for them to establish themselves and be accepted. Those paths are increasingly closed. If you really, really care about this issue, you should read the pages I linked and then start looking at other aspects of our society and see if you can't come up with a solution to our problem.