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15786179 No.15786179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any books on why asians are cuter than other races(i.e. neoteny in humans)?


>> No.15786198

what am i watching? why are people sleeping being filmed? why do people do this?

>> No.15786207

orientalism by edward said

>> No.15786216
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extensive makeup routines

>> No.15786219

Start by reading some of Andrea Dworkin's fat lesbian rants. Realize that those are the role models for western women

>> No.15786232

If I was there the walls would be dripping with semen

>> No.15786273
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Babies have big eyes and Asians have small ones, so they're not neotenous in that regard. I guess the rest of their faces might be though. Be careful though, because as another Anon already pointed out, much of what is seen as modern Asian beauty is an illusion. They have something called circle lenses that make the eye look bigger as well as routinely getting surgery to make their eyes look like western eyes. That isn't to say the races of East Asia are ugly, but they're making use of the tools at their disposal to trick you when you see them looking like in the OP. There can be a pleasant suspension of disbelief involved with this kind of thing.

>> No.15786308
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Before and after blepharoplasty. Left is what most Asian eyes actually look like (some Finns have eyes like this too).

>> No.15786336

south korea is a nation stripped of its identity and all that remains is shallow propaganda for consumption. it is not historically natural and it's very sad to see it compared to what it once was. there is nothing more false than the aegyo phenomena
t. former kpop connoisseur

>> No.15786340
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>> No.15786348

I think white babies are cuter desu

>> No.15786351
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Doing some googling, it seems that the eyelid surgery isn't as common in k-pop as I thought based on this list. The earlier example I posted may have been extreme as well.

>> No.15786361

isn't there in Japan are very rare surgery where a dentist purposefully twists the fang teeth because it looks cute?
there is something about K-pop that rubs me the wrong way, and their fans are probably in my opinion worse than heavy metal fans

>> No.15786374

crooked teeth are a sign of moe cuteness in japan. kinda pedophilic if you as me

>> No.15786385

it's not just how they look but how they act as well. i saw a video of nogizaka48 members in europe they acted like little kids compared to the european women who were standing around them

>> No.15786390

both kpop and metal fans have not developed their maturity. clear case of lack of father figure, social problems etc. you will never see a male kpop fan who has had any bond with the opposite sex. i know it because i was one of them for 4 years. many come to the point of erotic roleplay since there's avataring with idols. it's all projection of female ideals

>> No.15786397
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Yeah, the type of tooth is called yaeba. I think the surgery was just a trend and isn't that common now though. I like it but I also like being bitten by a girl.

>> No.15786410

>many come to the point of erotic roleplay since there's avataring with idols
i guess this is why kpop and the fanbase seemed peculiar to me, it isn't just about the music i suppose, but also an identity and culture and worship around the popstars themselves

>> No.15786413


>you will never see a male kpop fan who has had any bond with the opposite sex

most male kpop fans are normies as you can see on youtube and anywhere else

> you will never see a male kpop fan who has had any bond with the opposite sex

good. most people have ugly girlfriends and wives. why the fuck would i want to be one of them?

>> No.15786421

1. Dark eyes look bigger and therefore charming
2. They are pale and delicate
3. They have a rich food culture which results in healthy strong bone structure in many cases
4. They also have rich culture that results in better social skills

Westerners have been in industrialism for hundreds of years, resulting in all sorts of mutations

>> No.15786438

>most male kpop fans are normies as you can see on youtube and anywhere else
the ones that comment on youtube and go to concerts, mostly yeah. but not the western ones who watch the variety shows or post on kpop generals (there were even some kpop imageboards) etc. not even in south korea kpop is as glamourous as it appear to the western koreaboo. it's is mentally the same as being an adult aficionado for ariana granda or any pop artist, not exactly healthy for an adult

>> No.15786447
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Example of yaeba or "cute fang" in anime character design.
Metalheads are nice people in my experience , we've just got a touch of the 'tism. You may have a point about the lack of a father figure though. My dad was a drug addict for a large part of my childhood and I perceived metal as masculine. Might be some kind of psychic connection between those things, and it would be interdasting to poll metalfags about this.
We really do need to fix our diets in the west. Seems like we can come up with nothing but consumerist fad diets. Our "traditional food" in America now includes things like boxed mac and cheese.

>> No.15786449


>> No.15786456
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Is this Kpop thread?

>> No.15786457

>4. They also have rich culture that results in better social skills
such as? they were still feudal until japan colonized them introducing western industrialization. culturally korea has been dead ever since and even more since it became a proxy for USA

>> No.15786460

I have been attempting to research traditional foods for awhile, and honestly? The fad movements are trying to do the same thing, it's just they're wildly imaginative and go crazy overboard. I believe that children should be taught cooking much more than they should be taught math, though, since we live in a society where everyone is expected to cook for themselves at some point.

>> No.15786488
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I confess I know not of what I speak... HOWEVER I believe many East Asians have extensive families who were well settled until the past century.. Meaning stronger bonds to the medieval society of their ancestors than your typical Westerner who hasn't seen a farm in his life. However with things like 80% of Shanghai students being nearsighted, it's obvious that they are rapidly nerding out and becoming like us.

>> No.15786496

This is a good idea, though I would target the cooking towards girls. I'm a man eating shitty food, but this shouldn't still have to be the case if I marry. It probably will be though. The fad diets I've seen usually sperg out one aspect of food like "only meat" or "no bread" or whatever. I guess a lot of them are for weight loss though, and I can't comment on that because I've been blessed with a good metabolism (knock on wood) so have never had to worry about that outside of when I was a wrestler.

>> No.15786509

(Men should also be able to cook a little though. What I really hate about it is the cleanup after, and I just find it hard to get into it.)

>> No.15786607


Woah, the country where lolis are a popular design for characters has pedophilic taste? I would have never guessed

>> No.15786634

I'm not sure why you think producing food is feminine

>> No.15786648

why does she look like a porcelain doll? it isn't attractive at all

>> No.15786678

>I'm a man eating shitty food, but this shouldn't still have to be the case if I marry
being able to cook is a skill all adults should be able to do, not just women. you should be able to cook at least equally to your wife. i am not saying you should take turns cooking and cook every second night rotating but your skill set and knowledge should be equal to hers at least. even if she was a housewife she should still show you what she does for when she is unable to.

>> No.15786689
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>> No.15786719

What are you talking about, you stupid faggot? Fuck off.

>> No.15786730

not an argument

>> No.15786749

You yourself presented no argument. Do you honestly believe that unargued and unprovable statements like "you should be able to cook at least equally to your wife" constitute an argument?

>> No.15786762

why shouldn't you?

>> No.15786768

Why should I? I do not need to provide a negative reason, as such is impossible. You need to provide a positive reason. You cannot.

>> No.15786771

It is the female role to cook for the family. That much should be obvious, at least in a historical sense, regardless of your views on feminism or whatever. I don't think people such as chefs or those who like to cook for fun are necessarily unmanly though. Men would typically bring the raw materials to the woman and she would turn it into food. i.e men would farm, slaughter, and hunt and women would not. Maybe they would slaughter. I'm not sure about that. There's a folk song with the lyric "she killed a chicken and gave me the wing this morning" so I guess some women did if that song is accurate.
That last point is a good one. I just don't like to cook. If my wife dies before me I'll just revert back to my current ways, or if civilization hasn't collapsed by then I can be one of those old guys who go to the diner all the time for the senior discount.

I can cook some things, I'm just too "ADD" for it or whatever. Maybe I just need more podcasts to keep my mind busy. The internet is really distracting. I can ignore it if I'm being paid for the work, but housework, at least in the current technological context, is at odds with my personality and it's an uphill struggle to cook something, then eat, then clean the dishes, let alone do this multiple times a day.

>> No.15786795

>cooking is the female role
Thats only in traditional societies, and only sometimes.

A male lion leaves its parents and doesnt immediately find a pride for itself. It has to hunt for itself in the interim. That could last years. A male modern human goes through puberty and doesnt immediately get a tradwife.... Another mans wife leaves him or dies.... A mans wife gets too sick to cook... Most of what we do today would have been considered womens work decades ago.

>> No.15786808

you're right, there is no reason you should be able to cook as equal to your wife, nor is there a reason for a wife to be able to cook. no actions someone must do can be 'provable'

>> No.15786836

They're so cute but their music is so shit. Also I still don't understand why women like it, it is basically just softcore porn and unintelligible singing.

>> No.15786842

>A male modern human goes through puberty and doesnt immediately get a tradwife
The average age of marriage a century ago was 23-24. The average age of marriage in the Palestinian village where my friend lives is at least 25 for men. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>Another mans wife leaves him
Take a look at the legal and social changes that have occurred around us in the past 70 years, and you will have your answer. This is not the work of nature. This is the work of termites like yourself.
>A mans wife gets too sick to cook
Both irrelevant and completely normal. There is no contradiction here.
>nor is there a reason for a wife to be able to cook.
As a matter of fact, there are. The sexual division of labor within the household has proven to be the most efficient and effective manner of both producing and rearing children.

>> No.15786847

This plus a solid dose of attainability syndrome.

>> No.15786859

>The sexual division of labor within the household has proven to be the most efficient and effective manner of both producing and rearing children.

>> No.15786863

>some Finns have eyes like this too
Yes, this is a Mongolian influence.

>> No.15786869
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Go look for yourself and you will see. All evidence points in that direction.

>> No.15786873

>It is the female role to cook for the family.
i believe in ancient antiquity and middle ages the cook was mainly a male profession

>> No.15786928

Traditional sex norms reflect the normal state of scarcity, the nature of male and female power minus modern pretense, etc. under which our bodies and brains evolved and are closer to the essence of masculinity and femininity than the currently emerging moral and normative anarchy.
Are you thinking of "the cook" for people who were of means to employ a cook? If so, yes. Labor in general was the domain of men, and professional chefs today are men. "Ancient antiquity" and "middle ages" can both mean various things, but I have never heard of a society where the norm was that men cooked and women worked, or men cooked and worked while the women didn't do anything.

>> No.15786945

Okay losers go out to the fields and reap what you sow then

Youre so god damn mad you cant even cook

>> No.15786959

My girlfriend cooks for me every single day. Get fucked.

>> No.15786977

are you able to cook what she does? if for some reason she was not there for a couple days, would you be able to cook something on par of what she makes or at least something satisfactory?

>> No.15786989

I bet you also grow the food she cooks with.. And defend her... And fight for your local lord when he calls... And wear rags... And go to church every Sunday...

>> No.15787005

I'm not mad at all. Like I said, I can cook a little. I can microwave a potato or cook some soup or pasta or eggs and stuff. I can make a sandwich and open a can and heat the contents. I can wash vegetables and eat them raw. I'm not gonna starve.
Is that supposed to sound unappealing?

>> No.15787024

I don't need to do any of that. When she is around, she cooks. End of story.
Not only is that actually a very appealing vision - I would love to have the means and ability to defend my family - but it is completely irrelevant. She cooks for me. She enjoys cooking for me. She regards it as a complete and total given that she cook for me. And no blistering left-wing windbag in Heaven or on Earth can do anything to change that.

>> No.15787028
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>> No.15787037

>I don't need to do any of that. When she is around, she cooks. End of story.
and when she isn't do you eat a microwavable, prepackaged meal or are you able to make yourself something nutritious and filling.

>> No.15787040

I am horrified at how stupid you are. What if your wife goes on a business trip to cure cancer in Tokyo and you have to feed your children for 5 days? You just feed them random shit?? If your wife can cook, why cant you? Men are generally speaking more competitive than women so you should be better at cooking than your woman...

Okay, i got it, youre either a basedboy who thinks cuz your lady cooks for you it means youre the bees knees... The fact that youre this petulant about the topic means you probably suck at cooking, and I would guess that if you suck at it, so does your gf... Its not hard...

>> No.15787048
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My family also tends to give me leftovers multiple times a week, which is epic. I ate a lot of microwaved stuff and food from where I worked when I lived far away. Pic related is all fourth of July leftovers and I'm about to heat some of it up in the microwave.
It's good that you like to cook, so dont get mad. I dont know if I said something mean on accident.

>> No.15787057
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I will not entertain that question.
No. Are you retarded?

>> No.15787064
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>Men are generally speaking more competitive than women so you should be better at cooking than your woman...

>> No.15787067

I guess your lack of nutrition caused you to run out of energy

>> No.15787069

>I will not entertain that question.
i pretty much agree with what you are saying but i genuinely don't see the fault in my question. am i missing something?

>> No.15787072

I guess women are better at cooking than men because as we all know women are queens who can do no wrong XD

They can just smell and design things better than us I guess XD theyre just more patient and hardworking than men lulz

>> No.15787079

>I can't believe it's not butter logo shirt
Azns are funny
I wouldn't want a wife that is a businessman (life is full of compromises though). I can cook a bit, and if I had kids I could feed them. Restaurants exist too. Maybe if I had kids I would be more motivated to learn to cook better food, but I'm not self-motivated to do it. I'm just saying how I am, this isn't like a moral statement where I'm saying I'm better than you for not having a skill that you have. Idk why you're being mean.

>> No.15787084

I mean theres two of you here who seem to be justifying your lack of basic survival skills as being masculine.. I can see why cuz the MRA alt right crowd are seriously delusional... All of your forefathers could cook, including the noblemen... Modern people just arent raised right in a lot of cases

>> No.15787097

Hits the nail on the head when it comes to explaining 4chan's obsession.
>Those mean blonde Stacey's don't wanna date me, but maybe these exotic girls that need a green card would

>> No.15787115
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No, you're just disingenuous.
When did I say any of that?

>> No.15787123

i swear i am not being disingenuous, but i would appreciate it if you could explain to me why you believe i am

>> No.15787138

There's no reason why I should explain such a thing to you. You know exactly what you're doing. And I'm not going to play along with it.

>> No.15787149
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sucks. i was really interested in your point of view but i suppose it is you whom is the disingenuous one

>> No.15787173

Cooking to survive is easy. Anyone can do that. I just don't have a sophisticated understanding of cooking and/because I don't enjoy cooking. This whole tangent came from me agreeing with you that both boys and girls should be taught to cook in school. I just said it should be more focused on girls and justified that with traditional sex roles. I think you're exaggerating the actual disagreement here.
I think it's more media driven given that 4chan likes the Japanese and Koreans much more than the South Asians who are actually poor and would jump on a white dick for the money.

>> No.15787215

Cooking is not a gendered thing.

Men are better at hunting and farming, which leaves cooking for women. Thats because men are bigger and sturdier and women are smaller and frailer/fatter.

There is no reason why women would make better cooks than men. If you have the tacit assumption that men are more intelligent than women, which I do, then it also implies men are better at cooking than women. Moreover, if you are yourself bad at cooking, your significant other will probably also be bad at cooking

>> No.15787313

You say cooking is not a gendered thing but then you explain why it is a gendered thing (to an extent). I don't think women are better cooks than men. The highest tier of cooking, i.e chefs in fancy restaurants, is mostly men. It is mostly men have the drive and the autism to master cooking if that is their profession or hobby. Women are actually more intelligent than men on average, but have less variation in intelligence. This means that women tend to be closer to the middle and men have more geniuses and idiots. I don't know why my wife would be bad at cooking if I'm bad at cooking. Traditionally speaking, it's her mother's responsibility to teach her how to cook. Unfortunately her mother was probably too busy stealing jobs from her race's men like an immigrant to have actually had the time and energy to raise a daughter well.

>> No.15787329

Consider that exotic is "exotic".

>> No.15787426

Women also did work. Usually physical labor went to men because they were better at it. In ancient sumeria there were factories crewed by women. Women didnt just sit and cook all day ya god damn troglodyte. The reason women might cook more than men is because both cooking and farming were hard, but men were better at farming which meant women had to cook. In modern times cooking is easy and most jobs are gender neutral sedentary office jobs.

If your partner can cook and you cant well... Sounds like a trash relationship but what do I know about those thingies

>> No.15787602

they look like michael jackson

>> No.15787612

fried rice to indian fry bread

>> No.15789008


>> No.15789152
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OMG they are so hoooooooot!!!

>> No.15789186


>> No.15789198

Worse threat in all 4chan right now. Pathetic

>> No.15789213

are you kidding? they look like flat monkeys. it's weak bodies and fashion/makeup/behaviour that favours an infantile style. there you go.

>> No.15789218

Like dogs and cats they've become genetically predisposed toward acting cute toward their human masters (post-WWII).

>> No.15789229

Mental illness

>> No.15789235

>genetic predisposition in the course of one generation
Consider suicide

>> No.15789260

what's the demographic makeup of the people that avatarfag as korean women? is it some unholy yellowfever /autogynephiliac /transgender trinity? I would really like to see the faces of English speakers obsessed with post-ironically larping as kpop stars

>> No.15789300

There are also a lot of Twitter people that avatarfag with kpop stars. I don't think they have an overlap with the 4chan groups so I can only assume they share in common a mental issue stemming from societal rejection and loneliness

>> No.15789302

Most of men are more sexually attracted to neotenous features (scientifically verified fact), in the West this natural inclination is shunned upon because of its links with pedophilia (roasties on twitter are literally suggesting raising aoc to 21). If you get an cute asian gf you have a legal outlet for your natural desire.