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/lit/ - Literature

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15784936 No.15784936 [Reply] [Original]

When will we outgrow this fuckin website and start spending our time actually reading? I'm almost 19, can I escape before I turn 20?

>> No.15784958

Don't escape. Instead, learn how to use this board positively. Read books, make threads about them, learn how to identify the actual educated anons and engage in a dialogue with them. Learn how to mentally filter out 95% of the posters.

>> No.15784967

>Only 19
I'm fucking 25 and I still haven't managed to leave this shithole.

>> No.15784972

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.15784974

I do filter out a lot of stuff and I'm not bad at utilizing this space effectively, but id still rather cut it out completely. I just need to find an external substitute.
but I've been here on and off since I was 14

>> No.15784977

I'm 31, anon. Find some book that makes you want to read. I'm more about some dense stuff atm. So I just spend some time in here while I don't feel like reading more.

>> No.15784982

you can never leave

>> No.15785000

So have most posters anon. I was here in 2009 in the 9th grade.

>> No.15785006

I do actually read a fair amount, but I still feel like I'm wasting so much time here. I read about 3 chapters per day of up to 3 different books, all of which I'm usually pretty interested in.

>> No.15785009

This. I write as a hobby and I make threads every so often when I need some advice

>> No.15785014

>can I escape before I turn 20?
Hahahahahahaha no

>> No.15785018

It's very unlikely to find somewhere irl that has such a big concentration of learned and cultured individuals. As I said, about 95% of anons are quite terrible, but that 5% almost makes up for it. I've seen here dialogues that far exceed the quality of conversations you might find even in the better unis.

>> No.15785035

I'm browsing this site since 2011, I'm almost 25 now. Even though I kinda regret spending time here I embarrassingly admit that 4chan made me get into lifting, reading, languages, music and traveling, so yeah, it wasn't so bad after all.

>> No.15785075

Young anon, you can do anything you set your mind to. Go create valuable habits and benefit your whole life from them. There are no limits

>> No.15785123

this site has gotten me into lifting, reading, and music as well. The blue boards are good.

>> No.15785138

What part of "You will never leave this place" don't you understand?

>> No.15785437

speak for yourself, if you genuinely cared about reading you would be doing it at the expense of other things (especially something as devoid of value as coming to this board). i read about 4 or 5 hours a day and i'm on this shitty ass board no more than 20 minutes.

>> No.15785451

Honestly idk how anyone could say they’re so passionate about something and then brag about how they never, ever want to discuss it

>> No.15786090

Been here since 2006. 27 now. you can go but you can never leave

>> No.15786109

im 29 and use this website very respnosbily

>> No.15786110

Okay guys thats it I'm gone. Goodbye. Thank you all

>> No.15786118

I'm close to 40 and still spending time here instead of reading. It was something I could ignore/write up back when I was still an old SA goon, but these days it's just sad and I'm ashamed of myself and nevertheless I still can't leave.

>> No.15786121

I was done with 4chan. Then Covid happened, which closed my job and on-campus uni.

>> No.15786126

>something I could ignore/write up
>write up

I just wrote that and I have no idea what the fuck I meant.

>> No.15786131

see you tomorrow
good luck bro, do it for us

>> No.15786137

you meant write off

>> No.15786257
File: 77 KB, 480x640, hypersphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can measure the amount of time you spend on this site. If on a given day you spend 20 mins on /lit/ and 2h reading, why would you feel guilty?

Like >>15785035 >>15785123 I've been on this site since I got on the internet as a 13 year old and see it as a positive influence through my life as a 24yo. It's helped me a lot but it requires managing your time and inputs more than other sites. Just manage your time on it like you would jacking off, eating unhealthy food, or taking drugs.

I treat 4chan as a smart autistic memelord friend I would talk to at most a few hours a week. What makes it unique (anonymity and little moderation) also makes him kinda toxic, and spending too much time with him will put me in a bad place and hurt my brain. But if I manage the relationship well, don't take him too seriously, I'll learn something and help him too.

Specifically for this board, the function of /lit/ to me is discovery -- finding interesting books, downloading them from libgen as epubs, and loading them onto my ereader. Discussions can be memey but when people are civil, helpful, and put some thought into their responses, you can learn a lot. I dare you to take a screenshot of better discussion on reddit.

btw I'm reading the autobiography of malcolm X right now, I'd highly recommend it as a fun but deep read.

>> No.15786482

I'm 28.
We're here forever.

I visit the site less frequently, but still do so once in a while. I just want to check if everyone is okay.

>> No.15786515

just don't come on here. This is my first time on here in months, and I stopped going on all other social media too except to check for messages. Feels good to not have all the prattling voices of bitter online people in my head.

>> No.15786525
File: 65 KB, 1543x847, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this board so much, occasionally I still feel the excitement I once felt when I first arrived. Anyone for coffee?

>> No.15786535
File: 65 KB, 498x498, pepe smiling glare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm on this shitty ass board no more than 20 minutes.

>> No.15786542

I'm okay anon, just gotta start some things.

What about you anon, how are you?

>> No.15786589
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i want to escape, which URL blocker works?

>> No.15786953
File: 167 KB, 600x750, 1591938813309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no definitive escape point. The longer you spend hooked in and unproductive, the harder it becomes to feel motivation. So you say, I'll just take tonight off. Then it's today off. It's just a bad patch. I'm sure if I rest for a week straight, then I'll feel motivated again. Doing nothing but browse for a month is relaxing, isn't it? I'm sure I'll feel motivated to make a start next season. Then you remark that it's been 5 years since you graduated high school and you haven't done a damn thing.

Take a week without using any digital entertainment. You'll go through a withdrawal period where you're very bored but also don't feel like doing anything in particular. Then as you recover, some productive activity recommends itself (usually around day 3-5 IME). Then you can engage in productive hobbies or meaningful activities instead of wasting your life on 4chan.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.15787460
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25, no

>> No.15787504

>I'm almost 19, can I escape before I turn 20?
Yes there's hope.
Ignore this faggot.

>> No.15787507

Because fandom culture is fucking cancer.

>> No.15788405

I'm 25 and i'm still here, you're not going anywhere anon

>> No.15788440


Nigga, you're a fucking baby.

>> No.15788446

just go read a fucking book

>> No.15788556
File: 39 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but gonna try this thanks fren

>> No.15788834

Do you have real life friends, how you socialize then?

>> No.15788981

>Almost 25
>more than 2 serious interests

>> No.15789096

Why would that be a bad thing?

>> No.15789100
