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File: 42 KB, 440x207, lidwig_wittgenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15784651 No.15784651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when you realize Wittgenstein is jewish

>> No.15784678

How were you not aware of this?

He also went to the same school as Hitler (Hitler was an idiot and held back though) and was the cousin of the economist Hayek (and despite Witt's autism was way more liked and personable than Hayek).

Oh and had such powerful intellectual reiatsu that Russell nearly committed suicide and Popper imagined Witt had beat him with an iron poker.

>> No.15784718

big brain

>> No.15784726

Why does he look just like Jordan Peterson in this pic

>> No.15784761

cause Jordan’s jewish

>> No.15784768


>> No.15784772

I believe he donated all his money to the church, so, upon learning this, it never bothered me.

>> No.15784774

all of the people besides Hitler you mentioned are non-intellectuals

>> No.15784792
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>when you realize Jesus was a Juden

>> No.15784856

With a name like Wittgenstein I didn’t know he was Jewish until this thread.

>> No.15784888

Yea his family was almost as wealthy as the Rothschilds and he got said fuck it and donated most of their fortune.

>> No.15784913


>> No.15784923

Of course everyone besides Hitler would be, Hitler was in the retard class. You think he'd be next to smart people there?

>> No.15784941

of truth. Wittgenstein also had two siblings that killed themselves, once of which was supposedly as talented as Mozart/Beethoven in music

>> No.15784949

When I realized he was a pseud

>> No.15784952

>obsessed with rhetorical arguments
>a jew
no, really?

>> No.15784962

this is incredibly based

>> No.15784981
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>obsessed with math and physics
>a jew
your point?

>> No.15785023

>reddit incarnate

>> No.15786592

Yes, he was. But he was a very cool guy, very intelligent too.
Assimilated jews with european admixture and unkiked values like him or Bobby fischer are the pinnacle of human evolution.

>> No.15786939

Not him, but Wittgenstein's deconstructions are weak and hollow without superior affirmative replacement theories. see his deconstruction of Frazer for a good example. I am thoroughly convinced that the golden bough truly is a lightning scorched, mistletoe infested oak branch until Hot Ziggety can propose a more reasonable alternative.

>> No.15786950

Wittgenstein was a good Jew

>> No.15786960

I am only familiar with his deconstructions. What else did he do?

>> No.15786964

Fought in WW1 with the Germans just to test if he was ubermensch. He has a massive diary of his life throughout the war.

>> No.15786996

What's his problem with Frazer? I've been wanting to read the Golden Bough for a long time after I read a bit of Jung and got into comparative religion generally speaking.

>> No.15787071

>What's his problem with Frazer?
Frazer's method was one of finding corollaries in adjacent societies to fill gaps in known histories of religious rites. The whole book is a massive manifestation of Occam's Razor. Wittgenstein's deconstruction was "don't explain it - show me", but the gaps, so far as I can tell, cannot be rectified any other way. If you have a gap, then I cannot point to the fact because there is, in fact, a historical gap that cannot be accounted. Golden Bough is as solid as can reasonably be assumed. Just give it room to fail here and there, and judicious use of Occam's Razor is probably the best we can do short of massive archaeological finds that have yet to manifest. As a sidenote, somewhere along the line, Frazer either assumes, or seems to assume, that there is an ontological explanation for certain religious developments. IIRC, Wittgenstein does not address this. Don't wait on Bough. It's a nice little traipse. Just do not take it all overly seriously because, like Witty says, "You cannot prove any of this." Just keep Bough casual and do not get invested in it. Let others get uptight when they cannot prove Frazer wrong - all the while knowing that you will never be able to prove him right.

>> No.15787100

Clean your anti-semitism goy

>> No.15787114

Wittgenstein's family had already converted to Lutheranism, though.

>> No.15787128

>I am only familiar with his deconstructions.
Quintessentially jewish behavior. I can't understand how people don't see through his jewishness. He's the reddit philosopher

>> No.15787131

All great men were jewish or at least part, Jews hold the keys for human genius.

>> No.15787144

The jewish evolutionary strategy still plays a role here. You can't take Africa from a black man even if he's been in America for 300y.

>> No.15787145

wittgenstein was a jewish evolutionary outlier, therefore an european, like 4 other cases in history:
> j. christ
> spinoza
> mendelssohn
> mahler

>> No.15787151

Hitler was jewish?

>> No.15787152

I see, seems like it'll be quite an entertaining read.

Thanks anon.

>> No.15787157

>he doesnt know

>> No.15787174

Literally 15 of the 20 most influential men in history had jewish blood in them, 95% of filmmakers, 90% of great novelists, 90% of physicists and mathematicians. There's no great women in history that wasn't a jew, Jews mog every race by more than 1SD IQ difference on average, literally the gap between whites and niggers in africa.

Hating jews is unironically midwits profession aka whites.

>> No.15787187

You're a very special boy Chaim, people ever tell you that?

>> No.15787191
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No thank you.

>> No.15787199

>no rebuttal to what he said
keep seething, subhumans.

>> No.15787223

I'm laughing at how only a few anons pointed out it's p*terson in the OP

>> No.15787251

Thats a bunch of horse shit. For you, a Jewish outlier is any Jews that conducts themselves like Europeans?
Ill have you know that we Ashkenazi have been living in Europe for thousands of years

>> No.15787282

no, since all races are evolutionarly connected, and the jewish/middle eastern race is just one step under the european race, it might happen a few times in history for a jewish man to have one of those variable focal combinations of genes which brings him to the same quality and "aspect" as a full european man. simple as that.

>> No.15787283
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The original statement was intentionally vague to avoid rebuttal of specific facts. It is a classic "spaghetti on the wall" argument.

>> No.15787295

>He also went to the same school as Hitler (Hitler was an idiot and held back though)
Why do people insist on trying to shit talk Hitler constantly? Whether or not you agree with what he did, and of course you probably don't, you have to respect what he managed to do, and his level of interest in many different things. Hitler was most likely smart enough to pass whatever grade in the school you're talking about, but got held back because of behavioral problems causing him to shirk schoolwork; the same way I've been tested as 99+ percentile IQ but got kicked out of school 4 times for behavioral problems (not trying to signal/appeal to authority or anything of that sort, just trying to make it clear that it's possible to be innately intelligent and learned and still get shit on in school). It's pretty common knowledge that Hitler didn't have a great childhood, was susceptible to quick anger, didn't work very much when he was young, etc., why do you consider this reasoning for his being kicked out less likely than him just "hurr being stupid"?
Most of his failed military operations and such later in the Reich's lifespan are very easily attributed to his drug addiction. Drugs like meth, at the time, were very new and untested, and of course due to the trans-humanist nature of the National Socialists, it was treated as a great tool and ended up being abused.
I don't see why people are so quick to simply hate people they disagree with to the point where it clouds the very nature of their soul. I'm not a communist by any means at all, but I can still respect Stalin for his ultra-utalitarianism and stoicism, there's a reason they called him the Man of Steel.

>> No.15787312

They out themselves as these incredibly unsure of them selves people. That's why they have to "remind us" of their supposed value. They're trying to prevent another shoah but they're doing it wrong. The more I learn about them, the more I hate them.

>> No.15787323

>Why do people insist on trying to shit talk Hitler constantly?
Because modern jews have no other identity than being "anti-Hitler". They're trying to impose this idiotic premise on other people as well. The spell of holohoax is waning.

>> No.15787367

Shouldn't this be the radio car pic?

>> No.15787375

lmao Witty G's entire life was coping with being in the retard class, Hitler read schopenhauer and turned it into life validation while Witty G just felt bad for himself

>> No.15787579
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I do not disagree, but I just do not feel like it tonight.

>> No.15788048

>Why do people insist on trying to shit talk Hitler constantly?
It's a fact that he was held back two years, and they don't hold you in school for being wicked smaht. It's interesting that you want your waifu Hitler to be a Mary Sue, but the reality is he was pretty dumb and intellectually retarded. I would get off this "everyone I like must be academic and intelligent" thing, it's a bit of a weird thing to insist on.

Anyway, the point is that while Wittgenstein and Hitler have less than a week's difference in age, because Wittgenstein was put ahead I think it was only a year, and Hitler was held back two years before being kicked out so it is they would not have had much contact.

>> No.15788058
File: 139 KB, 1300x943, 14-members-of-the-moral-science-club-cambridge-c-1913-KXB7AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Witty G's entire life was coping with being in the retard class

>> No.15788088

His family was atheist and he converted to Catholicism. In his diaries he shows distaste for Jews and loathes his own Jewishness.

>> No.15788097

>In his diaries he shows distaste for Jews and loathes his own Jewishness.
Typical Jew.

>> No.15788123

>Oh and had such powerful intellectual reiatsu that Russell nearly committed suicide
Doubt this is true.
> Popper imagined Witt had beat him with an iron poker.
What does Popper have to do with Witt? Popper was doing philosophy of science

>> No.15788129

>when you realize Wittgenstein is jewish
So when I read his name?

>> No.15788131

Look both up, both are true. There's even a book about Popper throwing a shit fit about it and crying to everyone. An entire book about that one non-incident.

>> No.15788132

>He has a massive diary of his life throughout the war.
Shit, what is it like?

>> No.15788152

Fucking hell

>“All that has gone wrong with me lately comes from Wittgenstein’s attack on my work – I have only just realized this. It was very difficult to be honest about it, as it makes a large part of the book I meant to write impossible for years to come probably … I must be much sunk – it is the first time that I have failed in honesty over work. I have been creeping back towards a better frame of mind all these weeks, but have only really achieved it today. Only yesterday I felt ready for suicide…” (Russell’s letter to Ottoline Morrell, 19 June 1913)
I almost feel bad for this pseud. Took him so long to realise he's a 3rd rate philosopher, but it's almost sad he had to find out

>> No.15788156

>“Do you remember that at the time when you were seeing Vittoz I wrote a lot of stuff about Theory of Knowledge, which Wittgenstein criticized with the greatest severity? His criticism, tho’ I don’t think you realised it at the time, was an event of first-rate importance in my life, and affected everything I have done since. I saw he was right, and I saw that I could not hope ever again to do fundamental work in philosophy. My impulse was shattered, like a wave dashed to pieces against a breakwater.” (Russell’s letter to Ottoline Morrell, 4 March 1916)

>> No.15788164

Yep. I mean can you imagine someone making a little off hand remark about your magnum opus and then being haunted by that remark for years and wanting to commit suicide because of it?

>> No.15788174
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What an absolute chad of a man.
Good lord, fucked all of /lit/ in the ass in one post.
Where the fuck are actual based people like this on the board anymore, all i see all day on here is complete brainlets.

>> No.15788195

What remark did Wittgenstein make?

>> No.15788202

I don't even have to imagine, because I know exactly what it's like to find a mistake that invalidates your theory. Instatriggers anxiety attacks

>> No.15788225

Also he was born in one of the richest families in Europe (comparable to the Rothschilds)

>> No.15788233

1. russell didn't hold any grudge for it. indeed, when wittg. found no editor for the tractatus, it was russell who compelled his own to publish wittgenstein's work.
2. the general meaning of the letter is: im too old for this, let the young generations take my torch. which wittgenstein and carnap did.
3. russell in that book dealt with the question of the acknowledgement of the logical rules. his solution was basically kantian-platonic: logical structure is innate and we intuite it a priori. wittgenstein critique was from the empiricist side, he thought that logic being innate or not was a non-issue and he invented his truth tables, which are the most evident clue of his genius. so, it's quinte pathetic that you use that latter of russell's to mock him from an irrationalist/gnostic/mystical side.

>> No.15788286

Wait what the fuck he did? Is wittgenstein that jewish kid he mentioned was at his school in Mein Kampf? That's hillarious if true

>> No.15788372

Jews are based though

>> No.15788433

You utter spasmoidic retard, Wittgenstein was not trying to "test if he was ubermensch" at all. Wittgenstein enlisted himself to fight in the Great War because he sought to become a better person, which he viewed would happen by placing himself incredibly close to death, inspiring a sort of fear of God within him. During his time whilst serving, he found a copy of Tolstoy's Gospel in Brief which he then read extensively and even tried encouraging his fellow Austro-Hungarian soldiers to read it themselves, warranting him the nickname "Gospel man", or "the one with the Gospels." Where you picked up this Nietzschean power fantasy God only knows.

He didn't write "a massive diary of his life," but he did keep a journal. Within the journal he is touching up on notes of what would become the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, as well as general notes on religiousness, God, etc. (These latter topics, that being religion, would feature constantly throughout the rest of his life after the war, as he was utterly convicted by Christ in the gospels, and so wrestled with God trying to understand the nature of faith and what it means to live out the word of God).

>> No.15788443

Why does Wittgenstein feel more like a cult figure / "intellectual rockstar" rather than an actual philosopher?

>> No.15788486

He hit analytical philosophy’s bedrock. He only came to some few deep conclusions, which were stated elsewhere but he surmised the properly. Viz. Pierce and his work on language and meaning

>> No.15788487

nationality comes from your father
as it should

>> No.15788499

What nationality is God?

>> No.15788512

not juden

>> No.15788527

It was something like "Oh I tried that and it didn't lead anywhere".

>> No.15788542
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I think its safe to assume that the village baker Mary cucked Joseph for and fooled retards into thinking she became pregnant magically was also Jewish

>> No.15788543
File: 119 KB, 640x640, inthecourtofthesoylentking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15788548

This. Fuck /lit/

>> No.15788558

I was there, her hymen was not torn

>> No.15788559


>> No.15788574

People who were openly Jewish but people don't seem to realize were Jewish

>> No.15788656

Kek didn't know about popper

>> No.15788671

hahahaha this made me kek

>> No.15788692

Source about Shaw ?

>> No.15788728

It's funniest when I see crypto-fascists meme Strauss, Rand or use Nozick.

Arthur Miller, Norman Mailer, Rod Serling, and Italo Svevo are others. You miss out on a lot of work if you become a Nazi.

>> No.15788749

>people dont think derrida was jewish

>> No.15788761

But to understand Derrida you must read his work through Jew glasses

>> No.15788782

more liek jew gasses hehe amirite

>> No.15788784

I thought you meant a good Shaw kek
>You miss out on a lot of work if you become a Nazi.
yeah you miss out on a lot of stuff if you don't read you fucking harvester

>> No.15788820

Don't forget Cervantes, Kafka and Montagine.
Jews are the ubermensch.

>> No.15788835

Forgot about Cervantes. But although Montaigne's family was partially Jewish, he was raised Catholic.
And everybody knows Kafka is Jewish.

>> No.15788840

Lmfao so jews basically created modern philosophy and essays?

>> No.15788898

they are all blatant well known jews. well, proust was only 1/2 jewish, wittgenstein 3/4. and when you write shaw the reader is supposed to think george bernard shaw, not that pleb novelist.
montaigne was like 2% jewish. cervantes was full european. kafka was jewish, yes, and it shows.

>> No.15788924

Are there any relevant actual Jewish thinkers before the 20th century?

>> No.15788948

>reader is supposed to think george bernard shaw
I forgot about him when I wrote it. GBS was a Marxist though, which already disqualifies him for people who even care about this.


>> No.15788958

Interesting. So few though

>> No.15788963

Well aside from Marx of course

>> No.15788974

only spinoza and georg brandes.

>> No.15788997

Worth nothing it's Sephardi not Ashkenazi

>> No.15789710

You fucking wish Moshe. Jews were a bunch of retarded inbred cattle herders before they started mingling with native Europeans.

>> No.15789734
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>> No.15789738

>modern philosophy
Are you retarded?
Nice bait

>> No.15789748

Is this the power of jewish schizophrenia?

>> No.15789752

Everyone’s jewish anon. Me, you, your mother and your father. The only person who isn’t jewish was Adolf Hitler, and even that is debatable.

>> No.15789800
File: 45 KB, 227x341, TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No just the reality of IQ

>> No.15789828

Montaigne inspired Bacon and Descartes which gave rise to early modern philosophy

>> No.15789838

>Literally 15 of the 20 most influential men in history had jewish blood in them
Who are the 20?

>> No.15789846

>Jews have a high IQ according to a couple studies so that means literally everyone I like is Jewish
Chinks supposedly have high IQ too but that doesn't stop them from shitting in the street and running over toddlers everyday. I've known jews and most of them are literally no different than the average onions sipping midwit goy you find on the street.

>> No.15789854

Alright, give a list of great novelists, I am waiting.

>> No.15789872

>the reality is he was pretty dumb and intellectually retarded.
I have read Mein Kampf and he was clearly not dumb or intellectually retarded.

>> No.15789876

He inspired him to write his own set of essays but to my knowledge had no influence on his empiricism and scientific method which is what he's most known for

Regardless, both of them had a plethora of other philosophers and thinkers they were inspired by and without a doubt there's nothing specifically modern about Montaigne. He's very much a Renaissance thinker.

>> No.15789908

He just quotes a lot, stop comparing him to greater figures, dam kikes!

>> No.15789928
File: 453 KB, 1382x1196, Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 17.37.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's very much a Renaissance thinker.
Yeah but his work one of the earliest philosophical works after middle ages predating most of the relevant works

>> No.15789986

If you read this very carefully, you will note the author admits no influence on the doctrine of Descartes by Montaigne, but he author claims that Descartes follow the educational method in his essays, which is to travel and experience the world and teach yourself from the ground up. The problem is, I dont see any accurate source why that would even be true.

>> No.15789993

So to sum up your pic, Descartes was not directly inspired by Montaigne's thought (do we even know if he read him or not) but because they were both "free thinkers" who were tolerant of other cultures he must've been influenced by him? Who the fuck wrote this?

Besides, I don't even know why Montaigne gets called a Jew anyway. He's not Jewish by religion or Halakhic law but in these discussions he's always labelled as one because he happens to have a few drops of jew blood in him.

>> No.15790025

>Besides, I don't even know why Montaigne gets called a Jew anyway. He's not Jewish by religion or Halakhic law but in these discussions he's always labelled as one because he happens to have a few drops of jew blood in him.

The core identity of the Jew is that they are special, superior and chosen by God, as voiced by an anon further up this thread.

This is not true, the superior race is clearly the Western European, so the Jews invent, twist and cherry picks to make Jews appear bigger then they really are, because he cant admit belonging to an inferior group.

The fact that both Bacon and Descartes where not Jews proves the inferiority of the Jew.

>> No.15790030
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Ideas travel. The world was a small place: Hobbes was part of the same circles too same with Leibniz and Galileo

Because when people talk about Jews they talk about genetics not religion

>> No.15790046

>Ideas travel. The world was a small place:
Now offer some actual proof that Descartes read Montaigne and consciously decided to follow his lifestyle.

I want proof, not Jew lies and Jew fantasies.

>> No.15790066

btw, this articles does the same thing, it makes claims, but doesnt actually prove an influence of Montaigne on Hobbes.

For example, for all the author knows Hobbes was influences by some minor obscure author that he directly quotes as reading, and the authors just brings in Montaigne because he is Jewish and tries to make Jews appear more important then they really are.

>> No.15790081

Chink IQ scores are flawed, Only singapore is legit. Also chinks lack jews notorious creativity in addition to 10IQ gap.

>> No.15790097

Keep believing your copes holy shit. Jews dominance in intellectually demanding fields is the most prominent and consistent thing we can measure in social science. People fail to remember they're literally only 0.2% of the world population. The statistical superiority of jews over whites are far exceed the ones whites have on niggers.

>> No.15790134

>Jews dominance in intellectually demanding fields is the most prominent and consistent thing we can measure in social science
>social science

Social Science is pseudscience.

But seriously, is this the height of the Jewish intellect, when someone challenges you to find some evidence of an influence of Montaigne on Hobbes and Descartes, instaid of empty claims, you just say cope and hur dur we jew be da smart.

Yeah, thats what all Jews are, loudmouthed, bullshit debaters.

Good luck with your mediocre social sciences, there you and all the other mediocre midwit Jews can blow each other, lick each others taints and pretend you are smarter then the goy, while we superior European males will continue doing philosophy 'n shit.

Go on, respond some more, will you?

>> No.15790147

And white people are autists who can only apply primitive deductive reasoning and literal intepretations with no capability of thinking in abstract terms

>> No.15790171

>And white people are autists who can only apply primitive deductive reasoning and literal intepretations with no capability of thinking in abstract terms
You just made up something random, in order to start a debate, you dont think this is true, you are just saying something.

>> No.15790183

>People fail to remember they're literally only 0.2% of the world population
People who belong to the nobility are an even smaller part of the worlds population, yet the number of their achievements is even higher, therefor the superior individual is the European aristocrat and/or patrician.

This can not be refuted.

>> No.15790194

>Jews dominate
It's all so tiresome. Leibniz, Newton, Fermi, Napoleon, Caeser, Alexander, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Aristophanes, Dostoevsky, Bismarck, Jefferson, Joyce, Goethe, Jefferson, Adams, Napier, Maxwell, Zuse, Turing... I could do this all day. The tragedy is the modern elevation of the Jew as intellectual superpower. Jews will point to ivy stats
>Look how smart we are goyim
And yet progress in the west is grinding to a halt.

>> No.15790213

>And yet progress in the west is grinding to a halt.
Thats because the real superior individuals have always been the 1%< of the population that was part of the aristocracy or in some countries the patricians class, with very often people coming up from the lower classes.

But it was these aristocrates and patricians that created the enviroment for greatness, its Jews tearing it all down.

>> No.15790221
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>tfw genuinely love the Jews
Old testament is best testament. Sucks that the Socialist Zionist tradition was completely dead by the 60s.

>> No.15790233

You are correct and this is an insanely brutal blackpill. We could have transitioned into a meritocratic intelligentsia post-enlightenment. But no. Because juden and their finance.

>> No.15790239

I dont hate Jews, I think they are inferior.

>> No.15790244

>t. midwit chapocel

>> No.15790257

I don't think anyone is inferior, well except for people who spend their time making strange hierarchies for ethnic groups like they were a BuzzFeed editor or something.

I've never listened to a podcast in my life.

>> No.15790266

>You are correct and this is an insanely brutal blackpill. We could have transitioned into a meritocratic intelligentsia post-enlightenment. But no. Because juden and their finance.
Yes, though if you where to study Dutch history, you find that after the Dutch Golden Age, a lot of our merit gets stifled by rigid Dutch calvinism, so its not just the Jews.

For example, Dutch literature doesnt pick up steam again until the 1880's when the influence of religion on Dutch society finally becomes weak enough for there to be some genuine literature again.

>> No.15790273

>I don't think anyone is inferior, well except for people who spend their time making strange hierarchies for ethnic groups like they were a BuzzFeed editor or something.
Typical mediocre, mainstream slob that inferior people peddle instaid of improving themselves.

>> No.15790276
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>> No.15790280

>People who were openly Jewish but people don't seem to realize were Jewish
Maybe 4chan biases me, but I though all most people know about him is that he is "that jewish postmodernist"

>> No.15790288

Now try with the 20th century

>> No.15790293

>instaid of improving themselves
I'm out here reading books and hanging out with friends instead of letting internet fueled hatred and gonzo conspiracy theories live in my head rent free.

>> No.15790299

You're very close to the realization that economics primarily drives history rather than "ideas" or "great men"

>> No.15790309

>I'm out here reading books and hanging out with friends instead of letting internet fueled hatred and gonzo conspiracy theories live in my head rent free.
No.. you.. are.. not....

You know what, fuck you, I like sitting here and debating with people online, I like being challenged, you go hang with your friends, preferably in a noose.

>> No.15790323

Whoever told you that you were gifted as a child needs to be held accountable.

>> No.15790330
File: 28 KB, 643x477, 20200522_214259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No.. you.. are.. not....
Lmao yes I am. I'm literally about to go book shopping with my gf and a friend
>I like being challenged
>Thinks 4chan is challenging
You ever read books? Now those can be challenging
>preferably in a noose.
Angry boy has no friends and has learned to love his prison. Sad. I feel bad for you.

>> No.15790334

>Why do people insist on trying to shit talk Hitler constantly?
Because he tried to genocide the jews

>> No.15790349

This is the dumbest shit I've read.

>> No.15790359

hitler bad

>> No.15790367

>You ever read books? Now those can be challenging
Im sure the book that cant make counter arguments to your thoughts on the book's contents is real challenging bro.
Also mentioning you have a gf and A friend like its an accomplishment is just sad

>> No.15790377


>> No.15790379

post your original philosophical work please

>> No.15790382

>I've read his unhinged tome of racial pornography and trust me, he was no dummy!

>> No.15790383

>Im sure the book that cant make counter arguments to your thoughts on the book's contents is real challenging bro.
Maybe I don't read books lookin for fights like an internet tough guy.
>Also mentioning you have a gf and A friend like its an accomplishment is just sad
This seems like a coping mechanism to defend being friendless but okay bro go off

>> No.15790390

>i haven't read anything but my liberal friends make hitler jokes so trust me he was bad!

>> No.15790405

>Chink IQ scores are flawed
Holy cope Chaim.
>People fail to remember they're literally only 0.2% of the world population
Yeah but compare them to just Europeans in general and that statistic starts to make more sense when you realize that most Jewish intellectuals were European Ashkenazis and before WW2 there were about 10 million of them, so enough to make up a small European country. By contrast the rest of the world didn't have much of a focus on the arts and sciences in the same way that Europe did. Really, Jews were only able to achieve so much in the 20th century because they lived in societies that fostered their intellectual development, not because Jews are inherently smarter.

>> No.15790410

If someone is memeing Rand then they're not a "crypto-fascist", you're just paranoid.

>> No.15790466

The list contains several notable 20th century thinkers. Brainlet.

>> No.15790471
File: 51 KB, 680x713, soytard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is just Buzzfeed stuff, its a conspiracy theory!
Your brain on Jewish media people

>> No.15790491

>Oh no he doesn't like my race ""science""!
>Better whip out the basedjack
Embarrassing brah

>> No.15790497

Interesting. I'll read up on this. I assumed the decline was in part due to the ravages of the 30 year war.

"ideas" "great men" "economics" these concepts are thouroughly intertwined. Enlighten me as to your method of parsing them out. Spengler is required reading for this board.

>> No.15790507

>conspiracy theories
Just blow your shit out already

>> No.15790517

You don't realize how unoriginal and pathetic denying race and unironically using the phrase "conspiracy theory" is. You'll never know because you're a midwit cow brain that has to obey.

>> No.15790521

Not the point you double digit brainlet

>> No.15790535

>Angry boy has no friends and has learned to love his prison. Sad. I feel bad for you.
You'll never understand how pathetic and unoriginal it is to blindly act like socializing with the other is the apex of human existence because you're a cow brain that has to obey

>> No.15790541

Fermi alone was more capable than all notable Jews of the 20th century combined.

>> No.15790551

>Getting butthurt over the phrase conspiracy theory
I could buy call it nonsense, coping mechanism propaganda, etc, your choice. Sorry I don't get my ideology from the internet

>> No.15790552

>I'm literally about to go book shopping with my gf and a friend
You must be at least 18 to post here. I know you're no older than 14 because after that nobody other than the special needs kids still brag about their social life on internet forums

>> No.15790558

Don't apologize to me, I don't care. I've fully internalized the fact that people like you are the majority and your ideology is nothing more or less than obedience and is formed by the signals present in popular media and mass social media

>> No.15790559

Einstein alone was more capable than all notable goyms in the 20th century combined

>> No.15790564

>blindly act like socializing with the other is the apex of human existence
Being with others is the apex. There's nothing sweeter than being with other human beings who you have a genuine connection with, who care about you and you care about in turn. It's all about friendship baby. Even Hegel talks about it.

I like bragging because it makes people poop their pants and feel the need to attack it, for some reason

I don't even consoom pop media. This projection is a bit sad.

>> No.15790585

he's right that your opinions are just reiterations of harvard doctrine. It's tedious talking to people like you because we know everything you're going to say, and your mind is incapable of budging from the acceptable positions.

>> No.15790597

what do you mean? if this is true it totally makes sense why whites would feel jealous. thats not midwittery, that is justified awe at a superior peoples.

>> No.15790610

What am I going to say? It'd solve a lot of problems in my life. Tell me what I think

>> No.15790618
File: 1.03 MB, 1056x1500, John_Von_Neumann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Von Neumann was more capable than all notable goyms in the 20th century combined


>> No.15790629

Abelian von Neumann algebra
Affiliated operator
Amenable group
Arithmetic logic unit
Artificial viscosity
Axiom of regularity
Axiom of limitation of size
Backward induction
Blast wave (fluid dynamics)
Bounded set (topological vector space)
Carry-save adder
Cellular automata
Class (set theory)
Computer virus
Commutation theorem
Continuous geometry
Coupling constants
Decoherence theory (quantum mechanics)
+68 More[hide]
Density matrix
Direct integral
Doubly stochastic matrix
Duality Theorem
Durbin–Watson statistic
Ergodic theory
Explosive lenses
Game theory
Hilbert's fifth problem
Hyperfinite type II factor
Inner model
Inner model theory
Interior point method
Koopman–von Neumann classical mechanics
Lattice theory
Lifting theory
Merge sort
Middle-square method
Minimax theorem
Monte Carlo method
Mutual assured destruction
Normal-form game
Operation Greenhouse
Operator theory
Pointless topology
Polarization identity
Pseudorandom number generator
Quantum logic
Quantum mutual information
Quantum statistical mechanics
Radiation implosion
Rank ring
Software whitening
Sorted array
Spectral theory
Standard probability space
Stochastic computing
Stone–von Neumann theorem
Ultrastrong topology
Von Neumann algebra
Von Neumann architecture
Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
Von Neumann cardinal assignment
Von Neumann cellular automaton
Von Neumann interpretation
Von Neumann measurement scheme
Von Neumann ordinals
Von Neumann universal constructor
Von Neumann entropy
Von Neumann Equation
Von Neumann neighborhood
Von Neumann paradox
Von Neumann regular ring
Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory
Von Neumann universe
Von Neumann spectral theorem
Von Neumann conjecture
Von Neumann ordinal
Von Neumann's inequality
Von Neumann's trace inequality
Von Neumann stability analysis
Von Neumann extractor
Von Neumann ergodic theorem
Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem
ZND detonation model

>> No.15790631

Apparently they were two classes apart, and Adolf was a smart fellow innately, but a poorly disciplined one.

>> No.15790635

>yfw wittgenstein might have started the holocaust

>> No.15790639

There are only what 20 million Jews? Even if they're smarter there are still more smart whites than smart Jews

>> No.15790653

First, great image, hilarious.

Second: How Jewish was Wittgenstein anyway? Yeah they were Jewish in fucking 1805 when Napoleon occupied Austria but they converted to Catholicism and I presume at that point mixed blood.

Hitler granted them Mischling status (and made them pay for it). But it’s not like that was a stretch anyway. The laws a clearly written to allow Jews who are mixed and integrate into German culture which the Wittgensteins had long done for a generation.

And given Wittgensteins hatred of Jewish intellectuals like popper and Hahns Hahn he fit right in with Austrian nobility.

>> No.15790685

Because he came too late and entered the scene a few years before history ended in the 1939 conflict.

Intellectualism (and I use this word sarcastically) was carried on by Popper and the whole enterprise of philosophy died out.

He’s barely understood by the philosophical elite of his era and they all died out quickly after the war and nobody picked up the mantle. Goddel being the last philosophical great and only man alive capable of comprehending and responding critically to the work suffered mental afflictions around the Great War and died in 70s unable to complete his work.

>> No.15790697

I knew Popper was Jewish the second I read about falsification. Pushing such a useless idea far beyond it’s ability to attack european values can only be from one source.

>> No.15790716

They got their by nepotism not greatnesses (necessarily) I don’t personally think anti-semitically, but I also am willing to criticize them. And they are too, considering I learned all this in college in a course on Judaism.

>> No.15791030

What an absolute unit. Such men are incredibly scarce. Doubtless the ashkenazi genetics played a role in his innate genius. More stunning though: these Austrian niggas consistently appear in the ranks of the most elevated minds. Why are all the most potent Jews the European ones?

>> No.15791045

I would love if we could emulate other people's minds with VR and AI. Imagine the headspace of a man like this

>> No.15791051

Jewish narcissism is a very unpleasant quality. You can see how they project this onto white people, who don't have anywhere near as much of the sentiment that they're special and better.

>> No.15791066

>who don't have anywhere near as much of the sentiment that they're special and better.
Wasn't there a whole ideology developed around this very idea

>> No.15791116

so he just gave his jewish money to other jews? what's based about that?

>> No.15791145

Hardly to the degree of choseness. Highly competent Europeans (including Jews) seem to just do their thing and then future generations of mediocrity make endless claims to ownership of their accomplishments.

>> No.15791256

Impossible. Terry's bird.

>> No.15791280

What are you alluding to?

>> No.15791298

File uploading is blocked for me. Anti-sino spam has upset someone.

>> No.15791316

>"What's reality? I don't know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought "That bird has no idea what he's looking at." And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can't really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he's so ignorant? Well, he doesn't really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn't understand the world. You're that bird looking at the monitor, and you're thinking to yourself, I can figure this out.
Terry A Davis (pbuh)

>> No.15791320

Poe's Law

>> No.15791626

>It's a fact that he was held back two years, and they don't hold you in school for being wicked smaht.
Did you not read what I wrote?