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/lit/ - Literature

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15780974 No.15780974 [Reply] [Original]

and is it any good?

>> No.15780984

Just started reading Faust.

Its quite good so far yes.

>> No.15780988

My aunt started getting headaches after drinking decaf, food for thought.

>> No.15780997

Finished Boule de Suif by Mauntpassant a while ago. Liked it very much though it made me sad. He is great with descriptions

>> No.15781000

God against the gods. It convinced me that Abrahamists are the niggers of the ancient world

>> No.15781001

i tried reading Bronze Age Mindset to see what the memery was all about
i couldnt get pas 30 pages. the content is interesting, but i just cant stand the prose.
did i download a bad edition? or does he purposefully write like a caveman in order to hit home the bronze age theme?

>> No.15781017

>addicted to caffeine
>stops drinking caffeine
>suffers from caffeine-withdrawal headaches
Yeah, a veritable banquet of the mind

>> No.15781031

1001 ways to reward employees. It's alright, bit repetitive but I enjoy the subject matter.
He writes like a tard on purpouse, but it does get a bit more bearable after the first quarter or so.
Why anyone would want to drink decaf is beyond me, coffee is not a particularly tasty drink, so why would you take away the one benefit.

>> No.15781058

anatomy of human destructiveness by e fromm hes going thru and shitting on all his priors in the social sciences atm

>> No.15781059
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About 30 pages from finishing it now. Liking it more than in the first half. Still pretty slow and bit dry, but a very interesting read. Still don't really know what all the outrage was at the time of its release, yes there quite a bit of sexual violence but its never written about in any detail and mostly dealt with with euphemisms and inferences. Apart from the one chapter when fuckin Barsini starts cuddling up to Torless. That part was so fucking grim, I just sat there grimacing in disgust for about five minutes after I read it. Interested to see how it finishes off.

>> No.15781063

dracula by bram stoker
its fucking boring

>> No.15781066
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About to finish 1984 either today or tomorrow. It's not a bad book, it's more like a novella meant as an introduction to political science with themes of psychology spread throughout. What I find interesting is how similar the book is to Communist China, even though it was more focused on the USSR and authoritarianism in general. Things like the hate week and Big Brother seem ripped out of the Cultural Revolution, with Mao acting like a Big Brother figure.

>> No.15781068

I'm reading Don Quixote.

I'm going through "hard" times and I am so glad I have this book as a refuge from my mind (relatively speaking according to my point of reference, I am so blessed in many aspects of life that it feels wrong to use the word hard and thus I have had to clarify myself!)

It's so cozy, I'm sat on the sofa reading and giggling.

I highly recommended it to anyone who has not started it.

It has become a life goal now to learn Spanish fluently just so I can read it in it's original language, feel that English loses a lot of the fun tone that Spanish would add to it!

Anyone read it in Spanish and can confirm if it reads entirely different?

>> No.15781277

Just finished reading Huckleberry Finn. The ending was beautiful and I enjoyed it immensely. A shame Twain didn’t have Sawyer and Finn go on an adventure in Injun territory but it’s still an incredible look at the American South at the time.
You need to stop writing like you do on plebbit. Yes DQ is a hilarious book and a great refuge even during good times but it being ironic because the entire point is that don quixote himself went too deep into his books. I personally found the second part much funnier and the meta humour was great but the first part is undeniably better written. Enjoy every page because there’s nothing else like it

>> No.15781310

Decaf doesn’t necessarily mean it’s caffeine-free you neanderthal

>> No.15781538

Reddit fag

>> No.15781553
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Goethe’s? I loved it.

>> No.15781657

Indeed yes. Im trying to read his most important works this summer along with starting the bible.

>> No.15781698

Right, little update and that, I've finished it now, and I really don't know what to think anymore. Just feel a bit lost and a bit strange. Sort of like when a seagull steals a chip from you and you haven't realised what's going on yet. Maybe I'll know how I actually feel about it in a few days or so. Definitely something I want to come back to in a couple of years when I'm hopefully less of an imbecile. Definitely need to try and read some Kant beforehand. I think that it's at least got me more interested in reading The Man Without Qualities sooner than if I hadn't read it.

>> No.15781739

Just started Part 2 of Demons. I'm enjoying it so far

>> No.15781766

I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.15781767

Just started atlas shrugged. Not far enough in yet to form a solid opinion but I like the feel.

>> No.15783313
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>> No.15783412

Thanks anon

>> No.15783567

I've been rifling through Onision's literature.
It's fascinating.

>> No.15783601

Confessions of a Yakuza
It's alright

>> No.15783663

Imagine the smell

>> No.15783680
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>> No.15783738

I don't think that I've read in months.

>> No.15783759
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Currently reading Levrero's La novela luminosa and Peri Rossi's Solitario de Amor. I'm still in La novela luminosa's 400-page preface which I'm enjoying. Somehow I feel reading about Levrero's shitty habits and addictions are worsening mine, my sleep schedule is deranged right now and I've spent way more time in my computer than I usually do.
I definitely do think one loses a lot from not reading DQ in spanish (as I guess happens with most translated books). People normally mention how the refranes and the humor in the book is not translated easily, but I feel there's aspects of Cervantes' prose which could not be translated into english. I think about some of my favorite dialogues in the book and I think that in english they would just not be as effective. But, as long as you have a good translation, you really shouldn't worry much about it, you are most probably still getting the "essence" of the book.

>> No.15783790

I’m on Book V of Plato’s Republic and so far I’m a bit underwhelmed. People were describing it as life-changing, and although I loved the bit where Socrates draws the parallel between the three classes of the city and the three parts of the soul, the rest of it was less insightful and engaging. Does it get better in the later books?

>> No.15784662
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I typically read around 3 books at a time and lately its been The Bible, The Knight (Gene Wolfe), and Le Morte D'Arthur.
That being said, I took a break today and read some Lovecraft, mainly The Hound, which I really liked.

>> No.15784823

Finished a warhammer book about tech priests because in that one thread I got dubs so I had to finish it today so I could post on /lit/. It was a good mind coom

>> No.15785591

half-way through The Idiot
~475 pages into The Savage Detectives
~225 pages into Infinite Jest

sprinklings of non-fiction throughout

>> No.15785612
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Just started reading Spring Snow. I rocked back and forth for more than a week about which copy to buy--hardcover or paperback? Would it be inappropriate to buy a paperback of this, and then a hardcover of Runaway Horses? Do I have the $35 to spend on a hardcover anyways? Gay shit like that. Strapped myself down and just downloaded a pdf to start reading.
I'm only 100 pages in but the writing is already breathtaking. He's so indulgent, emotionally and verbally. Everything feels so raw, but so graceful. So confessional, but still dishonest. Delicate but ominous, like a mountain slope on the brink of avalanche, a dragonfly caught in a cobweb but not yet devoured. I haven't been hooked by a book this way in years, makes me want to cry.

P.S. any 4chanx users here want to tell me what quick reply does? I just installed this and IDK what's even different.