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15771384 No.15771384 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of anti-leftist anti-bourgeoisie books would you give to 14 year old students?
how would you revert masonic-liberal-subversive school system through literature?

>> No.15771671

Back to /pol/ retard

>> No.15771709


Pick one.

>> No.15771720

I cant read the text in that picture

>> No.15771730

Leftists are anti-bourgeoisie. That's the whole point.

>> No.15771732

this one

>> No.15771748

you are going against the wall champagne socialist scum

>> No.15771816

Junger - Storm of Steel
Nietzsche - Zarathustra
Mishima - Sun & Steel
I wouldn't give a kid an Evola book to start down this road, he references too many other authors/writings that they probably don't know anything about. Although teaching them the Bible, the Gita, Quran, Dhammapada, and Plato might be good anyway.

>> No.15771830

If that’s so, then why is literally every single larping communist I’ve ever met the living embodiment of bourgeois or petty-bourgeois?

>> No.15771846
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>if youre anti-bourgousie youre leftist no matter what

>> No.15771871

Commies and bourgeoisie are both materialist utilitarian hedonist scum.
Imagine wanting to stage a revolution so that you might get slightly better access to luxury goods. Totally unable to imagine any higher ideal. Pathetic.

>> No.15771881

NOT Evola. Junger and Mishima are fine, but honestly, Homer, Virgil, Cicero and Aristotle will teach them the beginnings of a noble, elitist ethos. The Faerie Queene and Dante will give them the next steps. Shakespeare will teach them how to deal with chicks (taming of the shrew) and what great men are (historical plays). The greek tragedies (theban plays) will teach them something, though I'm still not sure what.

Everything up til the enlightenment has the vestiges of the worldview which Evola is trying to impart, and will give the youth their culture and heritage in a less syncretic way that is more by osmosis than by overt synthesis that requires one already know the tradition that one is being taught. One should hold off on evola until they have the requisite background to approach him.

>> No.15771889

>if you are anti-capitalist you can't participate in society
Every fucking time. What a shit argument I'm not going to starve you fucking retard.

>> No.15771892

Ever since the Dreyfus affair the "left" have been the allies and handmaidens of the bourgeoisie. The problem is that socialists and liberals tend to share similar moral prejudices and often unite against "reactionaries" (read Sorel and Bordiga for more information on why Drefyusism and antifascism were mistakes).

>> No.15771902

Consider it at least

>> No.15771978


>> No.15771982


>> No.15772090


>> No.15772361

Don’t worry, your mother and I think you’re the baddest most radical revolutionary out there, I don’t care what those nazis say. You need any money?

>> No.15772408
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>implying most communists aren't trust fund babies

>> No.15772415
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third position stuff

>> No.15772807

Hit a little too close to home, eh champ?

>> No.15772837

Because the working classes are deliberately miseducated into thinking communism isn’t to their benefit.

>> No.15773147

Real world attempts at communism beg to differ

>> No.15773324

So would the old world classes and centers of power that competed with emergent bourgeois for influence in society be leftists by your definition?

>> No.15774644

>living embodiment of bourgeoisie or petty-bourgeois
never met a commie who owns any means of production, fuckface. if they did, they wouldnt be communists and would be bourgeoisie. they dont mix, retard.

>> No.15774879

it isn't

>> No.15774895

You're thinking of capitalists, dumbshit.

>> No.15774907

What the fuck do you think a trustfund is?

>> No.15774913

>larping communist
You just answered your own question, you Western bourgeois degenerate.

>> No.15774926

>What the fuck do you think a trustfund is?
Something held by literal CAPITALISTS, you astonishing retard.

>> No.15774947

so if I own a trustfund it becomes physically impossible for me to claim to be a communist and to throw material support behind other self-proclaimed communists?

>> No.15774986

Stop being a reactionary scum

>> No.15774987

You can claim to be the King of France, for all I care. The reality is, Capitalism JUST IS ownership of the means of production by trustfund kids. That's literally all it means.

>> No.15775051

If someone claims to be the King of France, everyone treats them like the King of France, and they put copious amounts of effort and resources into royal French organizations, it really doesn't matter what one retard on an anal fissure self-help forum says. Point to me a single meaningful individual or organization in the West that fits your retarded definition as being 'real' communists.

>> No.15775113

The Akashic records desu

>> No.15775130

Their something weird about Evola. When I first heard his name I was instantly curious and reading articles about him every few months, so I finally brought myself to read his book. I don’t even agree with everything he says but their is something so fascinating about him.

>> No.15775133

The West is capitalist, dumbshit. Were you dropped on your head?

>> No.15775134

>The greek tragedies (theban plays) will teach them something, though I'm still not sure what.
This made me laugh

>> No.15775147

Yes, and communism can only emerge from the capitalist mode of production. I think you know you're wrong and the fact that you can't answer me is evidence enough of.

>> No.15775152

I know anon there's something weirdly fascinating about Valerie Solanas, Jim Jones and Charles Manson too.

>> No.15775174

Why is it always evolafags? Can't you find some other right-wing thinker instead of some larper you'll never bother to actually understand?

>> No.15775184

>Yes, and communism can only emerge from the capitalist mode of production.
You're not there yet, Copernicus.

>> No.15775201
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Not like that! I meant in how their is something mystical about him

>> No.15775216

What? That's one of the most basic tenets of Marx's analysis. If you don't agree with that then you really have nowhere to comment on who is and is not a communist.

>> No.15775241

>That's one of the most basic tenets of Marx's analysis.
That the West world in 2020 is stateless and classless? You are full of shit. Read Marx.

>> No.15775248

Right-wingers aren't exactly known for their curiosity and open mindedness...

>> No.15775255

why not call it irrelevant position stuff?

>> No.15775268
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What the fuck are you talking about? Communists are people who want to push the capitalist mode of production into the communist mode of production via the abolition of private property. I literally just told you that the West is capitalist you blathering retard. You're not even arguing against what I'm saying just arguing against yourself. Don't reply to me, you lost and it's over. Have a nice day.

>> No.15775281

You are an incoherent moron who's not making any sense. Capitalism just means rule by trustfunders. To call capitalism communism is deeply confused. Read Marx.

>> No.15775293

>Taking what you need instead of taking what you don’t
It’s pretty fucking simple smooth brain.

>> No.15775296

Where did I call capitalism communism? Please quote me.

>> No.15775319

Reread the thread. Start here: >>15774907

Trustfunders = Capitalists, by definition. By claiming they are communists, you are claiming that capitalists are communists.

>> No.15775332

Would you dweebs just shut the fuck up? It's America's birthday, drink a beer and blow something up

>> No.15775340

Communists seek to establish communism. Capitalists own capital. Now answer the question, where did I say capitalism is communism?

>> No.15775447
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>all the asshurt commies ITT

>> No.15775476

>Western capitalist degeneracy only vindicates capitalism!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad

>> No.15775639

Communism is based, communists are cringe.

>> No.15775645

Why don't you shut the fuck up and keep riding that dildo?

>> No.15775763

youre a dumb fuck

>> No.15776566

It definitely doesn’t make leftism look more appealing.
>hay guiz, you know all the things you hate about society? Well let’s try handing the keys of civilization over to the people that embody those values so they can restructure the economy and culture wouldn’t that be radical haha
>btw no, I don’t support western capitalist degeneracy, I’m actually super based like uncle joe

>> No.15776870

>healthcare, food, housing
>luxury goods

At least pretend you know what you mean

>> No.15777013

Back to tumblr, degenerate.

>> No.15777025
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What kind of sicko is going to gift a 14 year old Lenin?

>> No.15777054

Just have them read good books, anything by Sowell, Taleb, Murray, Rothbard, Mises, Hayek, Schiff, Friedman et al.

>> No.15777066
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Remember to fed them more positive examples of elitism and strength than negative examples of rot and decay. Don't be like the academic leftist faggots themselves and spend all your time whining like an effeminate pussy about problems, but not offering any solutions. Show them what solutions look like. They look like great men, and ordinary men standing up for what they believe in.

If you just teach kids their heritage and history like we used to, that does most of the work for you. People naturally want to know who they are, to take an active part in their collective and improve it.

14 is too young to understand why usury rots nations and why all the people claiming to be on the side of the downtrodden are actually rich university-educated trannies who smoke weed for a living while their parents pay their rent. Just tell them that rich, complacent, smug people are trying to fuck them over so they can continue being rich, complacent, and smug, and then show them real examples of people in the past who have freed themselves from that tyranny.

Good example:

>> No.15777088
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Also remember the present education system is going to collapse soon and it is permanently associated with rich douches who put on airs of being the moral vanguard of society while really doing nothing. Don't worry too much about it.

Again, don't focus on the negative. Focus on the positive. Instead of complaining about how a bunch of trannies and mentally ill retards are inventing new forms of Marxism, that somehow involve being the son of a tax dodger and tweeting about black underrepresentation in video game journalism, just create strong young men and women who will go on to have strong kids of their own. Create structures and institutions that can create healthy people. Those will be invaluable in the coming confusion, in a society already run by "analysts" and "event planners" who barely know how to shop for themselves.

>> No.15777105

Jordan (pbuh) Peterson's lectures on the horrors of Communism every time they tried to implement it.

>> No.15777110
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You can read diatribes about Jews controlling the media any time. But the best time to learn not to be a little faggot who can't grow his own food or defend himself is when you're young. The best time to learn three or four languages is when you're young. The best time to learn to avoid social media and to distrust the media is when you're young. The best time to learn the joys of sincere religious feeling and community activism is when you're young.

>> No.15777115

Why do lit commies always say they're against liberals and idpol when in reality all of their activist energy goes into worshipping trannies and brown people and shutting down those who the establishment actually finds threatening?

>> No.15777318

absolute retard

>> No.15777323

How did an illiterate make it onto the literature board?

>> No.15777340

>projecting this hard
Good going, libfag.

>> No.15777373

>The greek tragedies (theban plays) will teach them something,
>though I'm still not sure what
It got me.

>> No.15777382

As I said, exactly.

>> No.15777434
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>> No.15777450

they live in comfort even kings could once only dream of. the current system is absolutely to their benefit, just not as much as it is others, because all men are not created equal.

>> No.15777468

he wrote more than one book

>> No.15777475


>> No.15777482

if it were irrelevant it wouldn't be your boogeyman around every corner in life these days.

>> No.15777562

Why would it be to their benefit to limit their economic freedom of the potential to gain more? To give more power and money to govt.? In such a system that, just like capitalism, cannot avoid or prevent cronyism -- and is just as prone with such control given to the govt.

>> No.15777856

Yeah you totally don't have those now faggot

>> No.15777904


>> No.15778495

Yeah, I love comsuming my luxury product called bread

>> No.15778756
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>what kind of anti-leftist anti-bourgeoisie books would you give to 14 year old students?
>how would you revert masonic-liberal-subversive school system through literature?

>> No.15778823

this except the memes are all long as all fuck and the kid has a nose ring

>> No.15778904

they don't participate, they leech of society, and they want to leech more.

>> No.15779135
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>W-wait! I-I'm n-not a bourgeoisie, you see my name I'm really a revolutionary like y--

Your actions reveal you, corporate dog.

>> No.15779156
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>thats right anon fight the leftist bourgeoisie

>> No.15779161

>the mystery of the grail
>new age mysticism alleging some sort of holy grail conspiracy
fascism lol

>> No.15779162

For real though. LARPing as a revolutionary or anti-capitalist while neutering actual revolutionaries and anti-capitalists, intentionally or unintentionally, is peak bourgeoisie. And peak leftism. Literally every single 'leftist' thing that managed to get anywhere for the working-class was enacted by the working-class, who are not leftists and completely incompatible with leftists. The only leftist thing I can think of is free love, making child fucking legal for a bit (until the people, i.e. the working-class, pushed against it) and later destroying the social fabric of the working-class by destroying their families and meagre capital. It's hard to see leftists as anything but snakes. And certainly today they don't even pretend to care about real issues. They're always mad that the working-class won't go along with their sectioned-off sandpit trendy politics and as a result often the most hostile, status-obsessed, and classist people you will meet.

>> No.15779194
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>literally the same "artist"
(You) are silly

>> No.15779244


People too often forget their hitory in an attempt to prevent those in power from destryoing it. There is a reason why things like the Song of Roland has been a staböe for centuries, known by everybody. They are stories which form character by showing the consequences of inaction or other faults. Without understanding why prior generations thougt so much differently we will never be able to take it back.

I personally collect many children books which have similar intensions to distribut within my families younglings. Once those children grow and start to form their own views, those stories will be their baseline. No matter how much oikophobia they get thrown at, they will prevail. This is why they try to get your kids early, ideally directly after birth to detroy any bonding with their mother and leaving them emotionally and intellectually dependant on the state.

>> No.15779266
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Excellent gets

These three points exactly. The energy spent on building something from your own history is put to much better use than attempting to burn the others down. When the time comes the balance will naturally switch and the corruption can fall off like an old snake skin.

>> No.15779550

It’s worse than that because most who identify as Marxists in the modern day don’t just participate in society, they buy in to the most pathetic and childish forms of consumerism. Almost universally the faggots who post about eating the rich spend most of their time playing video games, one of my housemates at university claimed to be a Marxist and they had walls covered in posters for Star Wars and a bookshelf filled with funkopops, symbols of the most depressing consumerist decay.

>> No.15781043

since when do racists have nose rings?

>> No.15781117

That's an anarchist flag you retard.

>> No.15781124

Very based book collection

>> No.15782307

The man's a real life Bond villain, if that's what you mean. Who wears a fucking monocle after 1914?

>> No.15782872

>The greek tragedies (theban plays) will teach them something, though I'm still not sure what.

the tragedy of living

>> No.15784135

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.15785033

Actually medieval peasants lived better lives than billionaires do today.