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/lit/ - Literature

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15764601 No.15764601 [Reply] [Original]

What are some overlooked masterpieces of literature?

>> No.15764611

Is there an edition of this not translated by a wom*n?

>> No.15764613

Beckett - Texts For Nothing
Bernhard - Correction

>> No.15764625

Henry Green’s massively under-read - Party Going feels like an anachronistic mix of Beckett and Carry-On, with a weird revolutionary simmering in the background.

>> No.15764638
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This one's good if you want to read summat a bit spooky and that. Also, I don't know whether his stuff is big in France, but Jean Giono's A King Alone is an absolute scorcher and I don't see it brought almost at all.

>> No.15765189


>> No.15765266
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For my money, it's news from nowhere

>> No.15765313

She won an award for another Krzhizhanovsky translation, you illiterare incel.

>> No.15765468
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>> No.15765486
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cHrIsTiAn ExIsTeNtIaLiSt...

>> No.15765517
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Its kino

>> No.15765539
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I will take every opportunity to shill Bruno Schulz until this board loves him as much as I do.
I haven't read this but I did love Point Counterpoint. I haven't read Brave New World so it may be better than I'm assuming it is, but it makes me sad that Huxley is mostly remembered as high school reading now.

>> No.15765608

It's honestly a tragedy imho. He was such a keen observer of the religious changes taking place in the West. In all honesty his speculative fiction can be very didactic and long-winded, but his realist novels, which really reach their apex with "Eyeless in Gaza," is quite simply one of the most beautiful, underrated coming of age novels I have ever read. I recommend it over every other of his novels. (Point Counterpoint is delightful too, as is Antic Hay.)

>> No.15765709

THIS. it's a fantastic book

>> No.15766116
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>> No.15766344

Based Krzhizhanovsky poster

>> No.15766416

What's your favorite story by him? For me, it's between "the Bookmark" and "Someone else's theme". I can't wait to start reading Autobiography of a Corpse.

>> No.15766460

Which one was it where the guy gets lost in dreamworld and the dreams are getting ready to invade the real world? Loved that one

>> No.15766470

The Branch lane is it's title iirc

>> No.15766490
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idk if it's overlooked broadly speaking but this board seems to never mention pic related or ryu in general.
people on this board just say "murakami" as if only haruki exists.

>> No.15766497
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This one was actually incredible. I've never seen characters that felt real before I read this.

>> No.15766512

pic related is trash but Ryu does have some good books.
Piercing is his best

>> No.15766545

This is the guy who wrote in the miso soup, correct? I enjoyed that book.

>> No.15766548

This is an absolute classic in Germany that nearly every german high school kid has read.
Maybe overlooked in America but not really overlooked since it is Schilelrs Magnum Opus.

>> No.15766569
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Easily one of the masterpieces of the 20th century

>> No.15766576

how is it trash?
read it in 7th grade in my german class. pretty cool desu

>> No.15766590

I dont like these threads. They make the already huge mountain of literature that must be read even greater.

>> No.15766597

But that's a good thing.

>> No.15766600

I love these threads. Just read what interests you the most.

>> No.15766609
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I am always surprised that Donoso is not mentioned in the same conversation as other Latin boom writers. This is his masterpiece, I am not sure how good the English translations are but I should hope they're available.

>> No.15766635
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>> No.15766689
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everyone talks about Evangelion, no talks about the source

>> No.15766743


>> No.15766751

Looks interesting but I've never heard of it, sell me on it anon

>> No.15766770

I just thought it was thematically similar, hits some of the same story beats

>> No.15766783

Only a native English speaker could have come up with such a filmic (kino) title like that, take notes ESLs

>> No.15766805
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Read Lanark.
It's like Portrait of the Artist mixed with 1984 mixed with Dante's Inferno.

>> No.15766836

>how is it trash?

Plot is all over the place. He's trying to cram too much in. A lot of things are weird just for the sake of it, they don't contribute anything else to the book. It feels unfinished and too short

>> No.15766862
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I can't find a free epub of pic related, but Charles Bowden in general.

Murder City and El Sicario are his bettern known works, but what he wrote before that is simply disturbing. You can find Torch Song/While You Were Sleeping on Harper's webiste.

You know the new video of Zizek where he talks about the Joker and coming close to insanity? Well, Bowden was there.

Despite all of that, in The Red Caddy: Into the Unknown with Edward Abbey, his prose left me with a cozy feeling.

>> No.15766936

>take notes ESLs
Why? If you're an ESL you'll never come close to being as good as a native, no matter how hard you try

>> No.15766967

do you speak a second language?

>> No.15767038

hmm I'm at page 260-ish and I love the story so far. It's a bit tiring to read though.

>> No.15767043

Based, have you read Locos?

>> No.15767076

Yes, I'm an ESL

>> No.15767106

À Rebours

>> No.15767478

study harder, you can make it

>> No.15767496
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>> No.15767595

Of course not, I don't read. I'm just trying to show I have respectable but obscure taste.

>> No.15767612

Wow, this is the most based post I have read today.

>> No.15767634

ive been working my way through this on and off for like a month. it's torturous to read desu but i like the premise. not sure if i'll care enough to finish.

>> No.15767774

Added looks like fun

>> No.15767801

The only thing women seem to excel at in literature is translating great works by men

>> No.15767840
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>> No.15767916

I don't think that's necessarily true. Have you ever read anything by Vladimir Nabokov? His work is masterful in English and I've been assured that it's just as masterful in French and his native Russian. To be fair he learned all those languages from a very young age and lived in societies that spoke them but still it's possible.

>> No.15767920
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>> No.15767921 [DELETED] 
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Pic related. I discovered it after watching a Pedro Almodóvar interview where a couple of hack interviewers ask him and pressure him to direct a small scene with them and he goes, "Oh yea? How about that scene in Barry Gifford's Night People where one transexual prostitute pees on the face of another?" or something along those lines, and that shut them up. I've heard of Barry Gifford as the guy who worked with David Lynch on a couple of movies. Anyway, I went to Goodreads to see what people were saying on Night People and one user mentioned A Feast of Snakes by Harry Crews as being better in this kind of thing so I got both books, haven't read Night People yet but Feast of Snakes is pretty damn good and overlooked by many. Would recommend.

>> No.15767931

Randolph Stow's novels. Australian colonial melancholy at its finest

>> No.15767957
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Pic related. I discovered it after watching a Pedro Almodóvar interview where a couple of hack interviewers ask him and pressure him to direct a small scene with them on live television and he goes, "Oh yea? Well, I don't work on demand but how about that scene in Barry Gifford's Night People where one transexual prostitute pees on the face of another? That's what I want to direct right now, are you willing?" or something along those lines, and that shut them up. I've heard of Barry Gifford as the guy who worked with David Lynch on a couple of movies. Anyway, I went to Goodreads to see what people were saying on Night People and one user mentioned A Feast of Snakes by Harry Crews as being better in this kind of thing so I got both books, haven't read Night People yet but Feast of Snakes is pretty damn good and overlooked by many. Would recommend.

>> No.15768568

Could you tell me more about this book? I study Russian at uni and I've always had an interest in Georgian literature so feel free to provide other recs from there as well.

>> No.15768618
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>> No.15769423
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>> No.15769446

These are the only threads worth staying on /lit/ for.

>> No.15769451
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Let threads like this proclaim: I don’t have to read Faulkner

>> No.15769475
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>Brideshead Revisited
Hardly forgotten, but definitely not appreciated on the level it ought to be.

>> No.15769518

Arno Schmidt’s Bottom’s Dream

>> No.15769534
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Pity the man who doesn't know the great American Maximalist novel

>> No.15769669

Cuerpos divinos, Guillermo Cabrera Infante.
I really don't know why people only care about Tres tristes tigres.

>> No.15769784
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>> No.15769798

Faulkner is great.

>> No.15769819

Looked it up, sounds kino. Thanks for the recommendation.

Can you recommend any other Cuban novels?

>> No.15769911
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Sure, but if like Hemingway isn’t your cup of tea, don’t feel guilty.

>> No.15769925

Funny, I posted that cover in the Hamsun thread some days ago. Do you like Scandi lit?

>> No.15769930
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Small but great, one of my favorite books of all time

>> No.15769941

Franz Hellens -- Memoirs from Elsinore

>> No.15769979

My diary tbqh desu

>> No.15770212

this book is actually shit tho

>> No.15770219


>> No.15770226

this book is really criminally underrated on this board

>> No.15770227

women are actually good at translations

except for that stupid lady who "modernised" the epics

>> No.15770235

it's literally just trash soviet writing that's suddenly resurrected to retroactively punish stalin for purging the jews

>> No.15770248

Memories of the Future is such a bullshit reddit title though

>> No.15770263
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nobody i've ever met has read this masterpiece

>> No.15770286

you must not be italian then

>> No.15770287

I've read the english translation by Hardie St. Martin and Leonard Mades. It's very weird and took a bit to get into it because I wasn't very familiar with the folkore elements but it's incredible. I really wish more people read it.

>> No.15770311
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forgot to include my rec. reminded me a lot of Obscene Bird not in terms of prose but they both have a similar feeling to them as well as some thematic similarities.

>> No.15770317

I love this book, Paul is one of the most beautiful and tragic characters I've ever read. Norman's prose is outstanding too.

>> No.15770386
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>Norman's prose is outstanding
I see that you too are a man of culture, it's so hard to find people who appreciate his writing on here.

>> No.15770543

Pretty sure Donoso revised the translated version.

>> No.15770844

but do tell

>> No.15771013


it is truly something

>> No.15771468

Denmark’s greatest writer. Definitely not overlooked here, but lack of proper translation and foreign scholarship means it wasn’t going to spread as fast as it deserves.

>> No.15771510

And that's a good thing. Now go read OP pic.

>> No.15771548

how much of it was preplanned you think?
The 5 books seem pretty fragmented

>> No.15771550

so little secondary texts on it though

>> No.15771577
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I feel that everyone is so overwhelmed by the rest of Mcelroy's bibliography that they ignore his actual masterpiece . He really drained himself out on this one ,his most personal ,his most esoteric(with the literal sense of inward ) and most language penetrating work .

>> No.15771802

cmon now man hahah

i can recommend some yugo lit if anyone is interested

>> No.15771829

recently watched marketa lazarova and loved it. anything similar? i've found folk tale stuff but looking for something more fleshed out

>> No.15771858

bridge on drina seems like an obvious choice
if you are into folk traditions you can try dubravka ugresic - baba yaga laid an egg
also tea obreht writes in english but she's yugo

the movie isn't yugo but czech
folk tales of ivana brlic mazuranic too

i guess all that slavic folk tales are kind of overlooked today by our writers
everyone writes about the war in mostly realist sometime postmodern style

>> No.15771897

i think the fact that yugo lit isn't widely translated is a big shame.
pekic's golden fleece is for me one of the finest novels ever but it's 3.5k pages so yeah

also i'll namedrop a couple of writers

ivo andric - nobel prize - read anything really
aleksandar tisma - nyrb translated his trilogy - great
milorad pavic - khazars obvs
miroslav krleza - anything really

>> No.15771952


>> No.15772077

Choke by Chuck

>> No.15772091

just ordered bridge on drina thanks anon

>> No.15772359

Just finished reading this. I'm now writing my own, better version. Best-seller incoming

>> No.15772365

folk tales are for females and high school kids
there is no such thing as a good folk tale with any literary value
most are kindergarten tier morality bullshit

>> No.15772460

>mfw I threw out boxes of old unread books I’d been carrying for years to accommodate my new reduced apartment right before quarantine
>since the libraries closed, slowly begin to remember some of the titles I gave away
>this was one of them
I can’t even remember which goodwill center I gave it away because I spread them out.

>> No.15772649

you are underage I can guarantee it. When you get more mature you will think different friend :)

>> No.15772675

Love Maclean. He was a master at writing American prose, and though he makes his style and rhythm look effortless, it isn't. He wrote an essay called "The Pure and the Good: On Baseball and Backpacking" where he breaks down the rhythm of the short poem "Lord Randall" and his breakdown of that poem's rhythm is terrific - he knew what he was doing.

>> No.15773256

Isn’t it a line from Samson Agonistes?

>> No.15773412

search on soulseek

>> No.15773948
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>> No.15775044


>> No.15775132

>Ottoman and Balkan history

wow! i mean ..like who the fuck reads this to entertain themselves? why is this even relevant in 2020? just fuck off with this slavshit

>> No.15775140

Yes. Milton penned it.

>> No.15775145

Yeah right... i'm old enough to realise that being a child is the best thing in the world. Sure. We'll talk once you get over your mid 30s crisis. Good Luck. No homo.

>> No.15775997


>> No.15776206

Is it like a day n the life of Ivan Denisovich? I didn't really enjoy it that much

>> No.15776284

>Jean Giono's A King Alone
My fellow disprivileged person of black persuasion.
Giono is very much underrated outside of France (and also a bit inside of it), and the King Alone trilogy is perhaps is best work. I also like Regain and Hussard on the Roof.
In the vein of author known in France but not really outside I'm very fond of Bernanos, especially diary of a country priest, and of Villiers de l'Isle Adam, especially the Future Eve.

These also.

>> No.15776436

Not the guy you're responding to, but that book won the Nobel prize in literature 1961.
Kinda cringe you don't know that but are still spewing shite

>> No.15776551

You French? I heard Les Deux Étendards is a first-rate work, but unknown in and out of France.

>> No.15776648

>lot of Andric in this thread
Is Louis Adamic going to be considered overlooked too?

>> No.15776696

he won nobel prize, he good writer, worth reading,

for everyone reading this, don't get memed into Andric, he is teenage facebook/instagram status level, and he's considered one of their best,

>> No.15776839

Now i am 2000% sure you haven't even read that fucking book.

Even Toni Morrison and Bob Dylan have Nobels. Even fucking Ishiguro has a Nobel. Even that fucking polish cunt who won recently with a genius like Handke has a Nobel. Don't give me this fucking shallow opinions. Deal with your own insecurities in your own fucking thread. Here we're discussing literature not some overlooked garbage that deserves to be garbage in the first place but got a pity Nobel. FUCK OFF.

>> No.15776848

oh yeah and BTW YOU IGNORANT CUNT Books don't win Nobels.

>> No.15776863
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>Don't give me this fucking shallow opinions.
>Here we're discussing literature

>> No.15776879

Where’s your Nobel then bitch boy? Oh wait...

>> No.15776882

and you read obscure Balkan nonsense to entertain yourself?

GOOD LUCK! Newsflash: nobody cares about that.

And btw i've read that book. Not that it matters. And if you respond to me again your mother will die in her sleep tonight by dint a falling tree.

>> No.15776901

wehre's yours?
ask your mother
and check her knees as well

>> No.15776920
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Oh look, a new buffoon is making the rounds.

>> No.15776952

>this much seethe
It’s alright lad, it’s alright

>> No.15776987

irrc he considered them one volume
the different books that make up the thing got published all over the place because the war got in the way though, maybe it also interfered with the writing

>> No.15777215

>Actually claiming that Handke is a genius
Well now I know you're trolling.

>> No.15777221

Compared to the other ones he named, yes.

>> No.15777898

The Nobel is ridiculous, but Ivo Andric has some merit.
Since you dislike him so much, what writers and books would you suggest? Feel free to make a list.

>> No.15778315
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>> No.15778349

the pope tells people he is going to marry to read it.

This is pretty much NYRB classics the thread. A lot of their books are either underrated gems, lesser works by big writers, or books that are deserving of being forgotten like Margery Kempe
by Robert Glück.

>> No.15778371

>Nobel prize in literature

What a fucking laugh. Awards are fucking worthless and nothing but popularity contest. Look at all the people passed because of political reasons and the long forgotten nobodies who won the prize. A good number of those nobodies are from Sweden

>> No.15778386

Why are you still whining about the Nobels?

>> No.15778443
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I want to read this but can't find a copy for sub 100 dollars

>> No.15778851

>wanting to read garbage

>> No.15778891

Waugh was a prose god, but the way to fame these days is via am American audience, and he doesn't exactly flatter those guys.

>> No.15779091

>author is named shota
big think

>> No.15779101

seething american lol
go read the great gatsby

>> No.15779267

Joseph Conrad learnt English at the age of 18 or so.

>> No.15779278

Not all people are interested in burgerheads.

>> No.15779281
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>> No.15779821

I take it so did you? You "learnt" it? Haha.

>> No.15779843
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Everyone who likes transgressive themes and such need to read Guyotat.

>> No.15779912

Fucking brutal. This and Moravagine fucked me up as a teen .

>> No.15780075

Sheit. I'd posted about chromos on this board a year ago. Love that book. Insanely funny. There is this character who's the best friend of the protagonist who's really lecherous who i still think about. That's all that I remember about that book sadly. Really want to revisit it soon.

>> No.15780667
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>> No.15781174

>I take it so did you? You "learnt" it? Haha.
People of Burgerland nad Leafland spell it as "learned", in English it's LEARNT.
It's called English (and not American) for a reason.

>> No.15781202

>Bernhard - Correction
sounds like the book for me desu
I'm afraid of burnout though because I just finished reading woodcutters and didn't like it nearly as much as I did the loser

>> No.15781225

you know what's infuriating?
this is an italian book and I'm italian and yet I can't find any italian version online so I'll have to read it translated when for once I would have been able to read something in its original state in my native language

>> No.15781236


It's like that but much darker there's a chapter where the prisoners skin and eat a puppy

>> No.15781256

>the prisoners skin and eat a puppy
unless it was skinned alive I don't see what's so dark about that

>> No.15781305

Napoleon of Notting Hill. Its avgreat book about having a full appreciation of the world. And the idea of a major city dividing itself up into medieval fortresses is kino af

>> No.15781334
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It's like a Cuban version of Ulysses, except it's actually good.

>> No.15781344

Oh, and Manalive as well. Its a beautiful enigma of a book

>> No.15781626
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Voyage du Bout de la Nuit - Louis Ferdinand Celine

>> No.15781784

>spic author

>> No.15781799

How is it overlooked?

>> No.15781843

t. butthurt brit-bong

>> No.15781859
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One would think a book filled with gay shit from a pedo nobel winner would be more popular here.

>> No.15781913

After Many A Summer Dies The Swan surprised me for how good/weird it is, and for how a certain pathetic plutocrat with a bimbo wife in it must have influenced Welles's portrait of Kane, since the resemblance is uncanny. Not sure how overlooked it is generally.

>> No.15782927
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>> No.15783421

is this real?

>> No.15783455

Jesus’ son, the sleepwalkers, Libra, USA trilogy,sometimes a great notion

>> No.15783459

people here talk a lot about this one

>> No.15783479

Yes, and yes.
To be fair Les Deux Etendard is not that well known even in France, but most people will have heard of its author Barrès at some point.

>> No.15783493

>USA Trilogy
I will never understand why /lit/ doesn't seem to like Dos Passos. He was a pretty big modernist name, but he's never mentioned here at all.

>> No.15783495

I read the Corner That Held Them which is also by her and I liked that a lot

>> No.15783508

Horcynus Orca is one of those towering achievement of literature I could only discover through /lit/.