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15776577 No.15776577 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw programming languages saved this symbol from oblivion due to cultural degeneration

>> No.15776581


>> No.15776594

tfw it's pretty common in other languages

>> No.15776602
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Was he right?

>> No.15776607

>t. never written code in their entire life
programming languages didn't save the semi-colon, retard.

>> No.15776617

I bet. They taught you. In creative writing classes. To write short sentences. Ending with periods. Because it's the "cleaner" or some bs; and you like a good NPC accepted it religiously.

>> No.15776628

>What is Javascript and C/C++
Python zoomer cuck

>> No.15776634

it's the "right" way/"cleaner" or some bs.

The opposite is true. Also notice how antis don't have any arguments, only opinions.

>> No.15776639

>creative writing
Like clockwork. You are mediocre.

>> No.15776686

Holy based

>> No.15776701

my point to you is that just because programming languages use semi-colons doesn't mean they saved them. fuck off retard.

>> No.15776748

Yes they did because people still use it.

>> No.15776769

>Amazon sells books so Amazon saved the book business
>Nike sells shoes so they saved the shoe business
>Intel says processors so they saved the processing business
>Writers use periods so they saved semi-colons.
Semi-colons are used all the time. You're just some retard who is just learning how to program so you're projecting your lack of knowledge onto the entirety of the English language. Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.15776773

Fuck this faggot.

>> No.15776776

As usual, tourists lowering /lit/'s IQ average with their shitposting.

>> No.15776778

>writers use periods so they saved periods*

>> No.15776785
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>taking writing advice from an amerimutt

>> No.15776800

>transvestite hermaphrodite
Somebody's getting canceled

>> No.15776893

Vonnegut's writing is steadily mediocre quality, with some pretty good verbal flourishes and interesting ideas carrying it along. Taking his advice on writing seems like a good way to produce shitty prose without the qualities that allowed his work to still be decent

>> No.15776955

How contrarian.
A semicolon is just less severe than a full stop and more severe than a comma; don't use one if you don't want to.

>> No.15777014

Python is Mayakovsky

>> No.15777157
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>not one mention of the master of semicolons
Today I will remind them.

>> No.15777213

He was right for his own section of writing; irrelevant advice otherwise. I do not mind; and yes, I am using semicolons intentionally.

>> No.15777230

I think semi-colons are based; what else would I use?

>> No.15777295

I use it all the time in my writings though

>> No.15777326

ain't nuthin' wrong with it; just 'cause y'all don't use it don't mean nobody does

>> No.15777351

OH NONONO my friends at creative writing class are going to hear all about it!

>> No.15777359

I used semicolons all the time when I was in high school. Now I use periods or dashes instead.

>> No.15777529

Based creative writing student.

>> No.15777588
File: 36 KB, 369x467, Corelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A musical equivalent of the semicolon is the relative minor i -> V cadence at the end of individual movements of concerti grossi, etc., after the movement had already finished in the tonic, used quite effectively by Handel and Corelli. Plebs will not get it; plebs don't get semicolons.

>> No.15778063

Okay, this explanation is bullshit. Tell me one good reason why semi-colon should be used over period or comma and no bullshit excuses like its a longer pause than comma but shorter than period.

>> No.15778083


>> No.15778324

The way I see it is this. There are subordinate clauses and independent clauses. The subordinate clause depends on the main clause to make sense, while independent clauses stand alone. In sentences with subordinate clauses I use the comma, like this
>I took my umbrella to work, because it was rainy.
But in sentences with independent clauses I may use period or semicolon. Period, if they are independent and unrelated, like this
>Too much sugar is unhealthy. I like movies.
And semicolon if they are (grammatically) independent, but (thematically) related
>Too much sugar is unhealthy; I prefer my tea with no sugar.
I don't claim this is grammatical a rule; it's just a rule of thumb ;).
I think you could write the last sentence with either one, as long as you're consistent. It comes down to style and preference.

>> No.15778336

I need to brush up on how to use semicolons. I mostly use it for lists where the individual entries in the list have commas but I forget the other rules for using them. I see them a lot in books I read though.

>> No.15778835

I used semicolons a lot due to work emails. I want my ideas to be properly read. Unlike here where I don’t really care

>> No.15778841

Could you post a example of a good semicolon use in poetry? Please.

>> No.15778854

Melville was criticized for his frequent use of semi-colons, and he never went to college.

>> No.15778911

Computing in general with programming at the forefront made many symbols included in ASCII more important than they were historically, because they had to cram their notation into a very limited character set.
The semicolon would have survived anyway, but it's not entirely wrong.

>> No.15778924

Explain to me minor i because I know very little about music technicality.

>> No.15779191

This is how semicolons are defined to be used, aside from the list usage. People use them incorrectly out of ignorance and pseudery but I think using them incorrectly with knowing intent is BASED.

>> No.15779319

>Americans need to go to college to learn to use semicolons

>> No.15779338

So you just go full stop all day every day?

>> No.15779360

Semi colon is essential when making a list that isn't "propositional" and has commas within it: like blah blah, blo; blo, blah, blo; blo blo, blah.

>> No.15779372

Should be a colon after the first 'this'. Tbh

>> No.15779383

Every line break, jump, or whatever it's called when it goes down a line, is almost like an invisible semicolon, except when it's in the middle of a sentence, how do you read that?

>> No.15779519

It's not that simple;

>> No.15779575

Should be a dash between 'this' and 'desu'.

>> No.15779579


>> No.15779899

Based. Only gets hate because he’s not TOO DEEP for autists.

>> No.15779937

Nigger; Faggot

>> No.15780104

>a semi-colon indicates a pause in a sentence but does not end
What doesn't end? The semi-colon? Or the sentence? What retard wrote this ESL-tier garbage?

>> No.15780120

I use it in lists all the time.

>> No.15780123

Maybe it is only semi-colon because it begins but does not end?

>> No.15780160

semi-colon is completely optional in javascript anyways.

>> No.15780182

>Adorno reserves a special pride of place for the semicolon. He claims that “only a person who can perceive the different weights of strong and weak phrasings in musical form” can understand the difference between semicolon and comma. He differentiates between the Greek and German semicolon. And he expresses alarm “that the semicolon is dying out.” This, he claims, is due to a fear of “page-long paragraphs”—the kind he often writes. It is “a fear created by the marketplace—by the consumer who does not want to tax himself.”
Based Adorno

>> No.15780193

chad Adorno vs virgin Vonnegut

>> No.15780237

>Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: do not use semicolons; they are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.

>> No.15780242

AMD saved the processor business.

>> No.15780248

Nah, not completely. They botched it.
Semicolons are only inserted if you'd get a syntax error otherwise. So if your next line starts with a parenthesis then it may get interpreted as a function call argument list anyway if you omit the semicolon.
Python did it better. There it doesn't depend on the surrounding statements.
Go tries it too but it has some unfortunate quirks (not as dangerous as Javascript's, at worst your code won't parse).

>> No.15780266

Intel should choke on an unwashed, uncircumcised cock