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15774173 No.15774173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does Communism compare to Fascism?

>> No.15774216

Mythical societal stage that must be reached mediately by relinquishing liberty to a violent mob of ideologues

>> No.15774268

Very shitty infographic

>> No.15774311
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In what sense?

>> No.15774316

Fascism is life-affirming.

>> No.15774360

>Leary's Tibetan book of the Dead
>any chart with Blavatsky

that's the most brainlet chart I've seen in a while

>> No.15774369

It has the Dhammapada as related to fascist literature...

>> No.15775221

both are ideologies for industrial revolution which made half of people useless neets, migrants without education and work permit. ideologies justify why things are bad and whom to blame. machines replaced peasants, evolution.

>> No.15775270

Both are wrong but not as wrong as liberalism

>> No.15775427
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Communism was more based, Fascism shot itself in the foot before it even began.

>> No.15775480

yeap. communism was universal, and since communism is a promise of communism in some future it was truly a religion.

>> No.15775741

Centralized retardation that’s supposed to bring about utopia through an egalitarian society
Centralized retardation that’s supposed to bring about utopia through a racially pure society

Basically, one’s for college stoners and the other’s for incel basement dwellers

>> No.15775760

About six letters apart

>> No.15776006

they’re both shit.
the problem is that I don’t know what the correct system is. but I know communism is too idealistic and fascism goes too far in the other direction.

>> No.15776023

>implying communism didn’t shoot itself in the foot by failing over and over every time it was tried

>> No.15776194

How societies existed for hundreds of thousands of years before agriculture created a surplus and warlords started enslaving people and fighting other tribes

A completely inhuman ideology that celebrates brutality and savagery. It considers war to be good and promotes the strong oppressing the weak. The ideology of Thrasymachus. The whole world came together to end it.

>> No.15776209

With communism your family will be killed for not being good comrades and then you will starve for the next three decades.

With fascism your standard of living will increase for 1 - 2 decades, then you will be drafted and die and your nation will be ruined.

>> No.15776214

It's not a promise. It's something we work for and that is achievable. Unlike religion, where people are asked to sit back and be patient, Communism asks that people be engaged and DO something so that something can happen. What is aimed for isn't something unrealistic, like time travel, immortality, or a perfect society.

Communism's aim is far more humble than religion's. And the promise isn't mystical, but real, based on human actions and commitments.

>> No.15776244

Communism is a description of a wide variety of sociopolitical theories usually involving the elimination of the state, wage labor, and private property.
Fascism is ideological pornography built around the sexual and racial neuroses of the middle class.

>> No.15776247

Wow, what world do you live in?
First off most humans aren't smart enough to actually understand concept such as finite resources and that there is no such thing as a free lunch in a proper sense and further most humans are very selfish in the end, even if they claim otherwise.
Communism can't work because human nature is in the way no matter how much propaganda and "re-education" is applied.
Of course "re-education" will be tried in the next communist state and 5% of the population will be killed off in the attempt and then it will fail anyway.

>> No.15776248
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what sort of fucking retarded question is this? what are you even asking? do you know what WORDS MEAN? FUCKING GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD YOU FUCKING MONGOLOID

>> No.15776268

Marx already acknowledged owledged all of Adam Smith's arguments about human nature, in fact to understand Marx you have to also understand Smith. Marx acknowledges labor as a natural condition of existing anyway and doesnt advocate for "free stuff" or whatever.

>> No.15776290

Good troll post.


>> No.15776462

Two sides of the same coin.

>> No.15776600

Shit's fucked, brah. It's the fault of hierarchy.
Shit's fucked, brah. It's the fault of bad hierarchy and lost structure.

>> No.15776606

in what way, nerd

>> No.15776614

>laughs in global superpower taking Berlin

>> No.15776665
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An economic theory based upon dialectical materialism with a strong tendency towards self reflection and the removal of contradictions from society.
Pretty much just edgy aesthetics, some metaphysical stuff as cope and a lack of consistent political or economic theory varying in definition from author to author and regime to regime outside of the support of authoritarian capitalism.

>> No.15776724
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>be anti-communist 4chan poster
>post wikipedia article of book instead of citing passages from the book itself
>book related is by a professor from Chicago
>so much of a nobody he doesn't even have a wikipedia article
>thinks this is a good effort

Talk about a troll post

>> No.15776984

Anything good about communism is unfortunately betrayed by their bad sense of aesthetics, some of the worst perhaps (bar some small things I've seen). From personal experience, communism also attracts some of the least aesthetic, least admirable and least respectable people; not to mention some of the least attractive. How could a self proclaimed 'intelligent' person fall so easily into the ideologue trap? I don't know anything about linguistic theory but even the word 'communism' is ugly.

>> No.15777417

>starves to death in communist China/USSR

>> No.15777525

Have you got better recommendations?

>> No.15777533

>racially pure
That would be Nazism. Fascism lacks the racial element.

>> No.15777536

>through a racially pure society

Didn't Mussolini disavow racial thinking, with regards to people believing it's a core tenet of fascism?

>> No.15777631

Good example of neofascism's lack of anything redeemable outside of a vague sense of "muh aesthetics" based on vaporwave and Roman sculptures.

>> No.15777720

The only things really wrong with the pic are the child beauty contest and Epstein

>> No.15777729

Communism is being told what to do
Fascism is being told what not to do

>> No.15778939

Found the chapocel

>> No.15778947

fascism is just communism for attractive people

>> No.15778948

>The ideology of Thrasymachus
lol you half-baked liar

>> No.15778969

Fascism is just not Marxist socialism.

>> No.15779123

Fascism is a bit more sane as it doesn't outright reject the whole evolutionary development of private property and monetary economy but just directs citizens efforts into some state-defined goals. It is actually what the Western Europe is currently executing, and it clearly beats communism which can basically exist on theoretical level only.
Still shit-tier collectivism obviously.

>> No.15779288

>is this economic system better than this governmental system
>is this apple better than this orange

Good Jesus /lit/posters are the biggest pseuds.

>> No.15779595

>the ideology of Thrasymachus
how is that a drawback of fascism? it's the greatest allure of fascism if anything