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15774474 No.15774474 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15774508
File: 143 KB, 824x873, nathan-robinson_obnov7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NJR is a fucking loser who chased away every good writer he ever had. Current Affairs is literally just his shitty blog now.

On an episode of Red Scare Amber talks about how she didn't want him to hire a guy who had been abusive to her, and NJR said he wouldn't bring it up because the guy "scared him"

>> No.15774548

If you want the true egomaniacal stuff, here's his "memoir" about creating Current Affairs and electing Bernie Sanders president: https://images.currentaffairs.org/2019/12/myaffairs-manuscript-free.pdf

Who writes stuff like this?

>> No.15774566
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>Who writes stuff like this?
The Riddler does.

>> No.15774569

my favourite socialist , is as adolf hitler

>> No.15774683
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Based but National Socialists should convert to Mosley's superior Fascist democratic corporatism model.

>> No.15774776

theres little difference

>> No.15774795
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This is now a Mosley thread.
Reminder: The best way to understand fascism is to read Mosley.
100 Questions Asked and Answered
The Greater Britain
Fascism for the Million
Tomorrow We Live
The Alternative

>> No.15774823
File: 241 KB, 712x545, 20200323_122554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooo authoritarian capitalism sounds like a blast but wait... It comes with added metaphysical bullshit. You really sold me anon.

>> No.15774855
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Also just because your marxist bugman brain can't comprehend non material concepts does not make them invalid.

>> No.15774887

how does being a loser faggot feel like? like, what does it feel like that you cant voice your opinion in public without everyone immediately ostracizing you because they realize you are a loser faggot?

>> No.15774941

I call myself a Democratic Corporatist all the time. The ladies are usually pretty interested when i explain it to them and they usually compare it to socialism. I then explain the difference and they usually comment on my intelligence and vast knowledge. Maybe its just because of my chiseled jawline or huge vascular biceps though haha. Anyway start arguing any time

>> No.15774946

Please feel free to explain the difference? I'm genuinely interested. Does it solve the issues of labor expropriation or the tendency of the rate of profit to fall?
>marxist bugman brain can't comprehend non material concepts
I simply do not believe in things that are not material because to do so would be blind faith and simply beliving in things that are not real and thus material is borderline mental illness. If you can prove to me these things exist then they would be material and thus I would accept them and fact. It's pretty basic really.

>> No.15774972
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>chiseled jawline or huge vascular biceps
I'd love for you to post that anon, just so we know it's not insecure cope

>> No.15774982

post cock

>> No.15775003

>all those manlets
Okay Im starting to believe fascism is for manlets

>> No.15775023

>homofascism or death
If that means killing homophobic fascists then it's based

>> No.15775029

Notice the lack of blonde hair or blue eyes. The potato fueled out of shape bodies and faced. The poorly designed uniforms it's a classic example of incel rage

>> No.15775063

Don't think "corporations" as in big companies, the term refers to an incorporated body like a guild or a massive trade union governing each industry. The idea is that the workers, employers and relevant government ministries could all have a direct say in the handling of industry regulations, it's essentially a less argumentative form of guild socialism since it abandons the core notion of class conflict in favour of national competition, though in practice it just led to the government ministries strongarming the workers into compliance. Peronism and Italian fascism both did the same thing, if you want further reading material those are easy enough to look into.

>> No.15775099

And what would the benefits of this be vs lets say the workers joining a trade union?

>> No.15775190

The great corporations of state essentially eat up the unions, so the workers and employers both get a seat at the table to resolve disputes, with the state having the final say on anything that won't get resolved quickly enough. That way, compromises would be reached more easily in the workplace, without either side needing to resort to firing anyone or going on strike to resolve anything.
Of course, this is somewhat idealistic, since the implementation of such a system would require a state that has everyone's best interests in mind, but in theory it would lead to a less antagonistic way for workers to resolve their differences with their employers, since the workers themselves get a direct vote in industry legislation.

>> No.15775229

I think his law school education shows through in some of the better stuff he's written on supreme court decisions. I remember his article on Janus was very good.

But yes he is sometimes incredibly stupid. Ezra Klein made him sound like an idiot on his podcast.

>> No.15775452

He literally said socialists would be better off if Marx had never been born. He's a goddamn nitwit.

>> No.15775551

Moralistic garbage. Socialism isn't better because it's the morally right thing, it's better because it's historical necessity and in the class interest of the working class. Morality is bourgeois non-sense.

>> No.15775569

How would socialism benefit me as a straight white man? Wouldn't fascism be more beneficial?

>> No.15775573

im sure le working class will rise up any day

>> No.15775579
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>> No.15775602

>stalin being a dictator
>the working class rising up
выбиpaй oдин

>> No.15775607

Please be the good guy, youre on the right side of history right?

>> No.15775614

"Th-that wasn't REAL socialism" but from the right, top kek

>> No.15775620

If what you want is USSR then don't define socialism as 'workers owning the means of production'

>> No.15775630

>he doesn't know about the dictatorship of the proletariat

>> No.15775634

Less of the workers' wages were stolen from them, proportionately, and were instead invested in public spending.

>> No.15775641

kek, when did he say this?

>> No.15775643

>if I say my dictatorship is 'for the workers' then it means they're emancipated
Are socialists the most naive people to have ever existed?

>> No.15775654

Given that workers in Russia had the best lives they ever did under the Soviet Union, then yes.

>> No.15775657

why do fascists all look so gay?

>> No.15775672

apart from all the workers they killed lel. If you just want a dictator though then say so, I agree there are many advantages to a strong authority, in fact we could just bypass this silliness and go back to having kings.

>> No.15775688
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Ah, yes, capitalism, a system which famously does not kill workers.

>> No.15775887

Yes, that is exactly the same thing as Khrushchev sending writers to die in gulags because he didn't like their material
Face it, socialism doesn't work, it's been nothing but trash every time it's been tried
Stick to Scandinavian social democracy or Georgism or some other meme ideology, not the one that the world spent most of the last century testing as a failed experiment

>> No.15775941

How would that be in any way preferential to the workers directly controlling the means of production through the state or cooperatives?

>> No.15775958

lol this nigga spent half an hour looking for evidence the USSR was cruel to workers but he couldn't find any so he had to default to "muh dissidents"

>> No.15776018

As with everything the U.S produces, that book is simply a commodity for middle class consumers. It has the same function as a top brand sneaker or an Apple Iphone, people spend money on it because they want to feel good about themselves, or because they want to fit into a subculture.

Either way, there is no real political project in whatever NJR or whatever Current Affairs does.

>> No.15776034

that wasn't me, I would have just said the Holodomor but I had grown bored of the conversation

>> No.15776043

Corporatism still allows for private enterprise, it just brings it into far tighter regulation and control, so you still get the advantages of multiple firms in competition driving prices down for the end consumer. It's an attempt to compromise the socialist desire for good working conditions and the capitalist spirit of competition and rewarding business acumen, where socialism tends to stifle competition pretty badly and can stagnate economic growth.

>> No.15776052

Political subversives and bureaucrats aren't workers lmao.

>> No.15776062
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>bypass this silliness and go back to having kings.
>bypass this silliness
>going back to something discredited two centuries ago

>> No.15776066
File: 916 KB, 862x650, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So essentially like Dengism? Or modern China in practice.

>> No.15776098

they just changed the title, Stalin was a king. If he had instituted hereditary monarchy and had a son things would probably have gone better tbqh

>> No.15776105

I dislike (current year) political schlock, no matter what it's arguing for/against.

>> No.15776160
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It's not like a deeply complex Soviet government existed with various tiers of members voting on the appointment of General Secretary down to the level of the worker existed. It's much easier to deny the existence of the politburo, central committee and lower chambers or the fact that rival groups within government made up separate bodies that voted on political issues passing them into law. Nah he was just a big meanie who ate all the grain and starved all those trillions of Ukrainians.

>> No.15776172
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>> No.15776181

Yes, in many ways, though broken up a bit more according to different industries. You can almost imagine each sector of industry as being its own Dengist body, each one being called a great corporation.

>> No.15776187

I’m not gonna trust statistics that comes from a literal communist site

>> No.15776212

So why would you affiliate yourself with the poison chalice of 20th century fascism when you could simply appropriate contemporary Chinese economic theory to the material conditions of your own country and avoid all the added stigma?

>> No.15776249

The second image I posted also gives the sources for the data used. Feel free to investigate this in your own time. Most of what you read about the era is based upon German wartime propaganda or later American cold war propaganda aimed at demonizing Stalin.

I can provide a full in-depth analysis of the holodomor and supposed famines bellow if you like I have sources to all points and claims.

>> No.15776257

would you agree that the evidence for the Holocaust is similarly suspect on account of having been collected by the Allies and the USSR

>> No.15776265

Why would I care about that? It's not relevant to my argument.

>> No.15776269

Well corporatism doesn't necessarily lead to fascism, though that certainly was the ideology that most prominently espoused it. The UK's Blue Labour group espouses corporatist economic views, as well as a rather conservative outlook on culture with an emphasis on "family, faith and flag" which certainly calls to mind some fascist rhetoric, but it isn't fascist as much as it is reminiscent of interwar Labour politics.

>> No.15776272


1. The holodomor (the 1932-33 "famine-genocide" allegedly engineered by Stalin) as a concept that was first disseminated by the Nazi Press (tottle 1987,2).

2. Propagandists such as Robert Conquest use outdated, unreliable and contradictory data to conclude that the famine in the Ukraine was man-made (Taugar 1991, 70=71).

3. In 1932, A Soviet decree reintroduced some free market policies in the agriculture realm and lowered the grain procurement quotas, leading some to term this as a "new NEP". The reduction of the procurement quota for 1932 and the return of produced grain to the villages are inconsistent with famine. Considerably more grain should have been left for the peasants after the procurement from the 1932 harvest then was left from those of 1931, 33 or 34. Yet no famine occurred in 1933 or 34 (Tauger 1991, 72-73).
The great "purges":
1. Many regular soviet citizens applauded the targeting of social marginals and kulaks (wealthier peasants) although propaganda did have a role to play in this, it chimed with public perceptions: the terror had saved the USSR from defeat (Kuromiya 2013,126).

2. Local officials had a large role in perpetrating the terror - perhaps a larger role than Stalin himself. They are responsible for the thrust of repressive policy (sMITH, ED. 2014, 83).

3. Estimates promulgated by "scholars" such as Ovseenko and Medvedev vary too widely for them to be trusted (Parenti 1997, 77). Total executions numbered 800,000 (including those killed for non political crimes and those who collaborated with the nazis and capitalists) (Ibid.,80). Even if that happened, it was not as bad as everyone thinks.





>> No.15776279

>Harvard study shows that collectivized areas in 1930s Ukraine had less famine
>Map of famine affected areas, included overlays for oblast collectivization percentages; shows no correlation between collectivization and famine.
>No correlation between ethnicity and famine, according to Harvard


>Collectivization and the “Ukrainian holocaust” (from Another View of Stalin)

>On the Holodomor – Compilation of Sources

Also the Holodomor was caused out of bad weather conditions, the famine didn't only strike Ukraine but even outside of Ukraine too. I got sources doing distinctions between human and non-human actions in famine. Also kulaks started burning food production to hurt the USSR more. (Sanctions and embargoes existed).
Map of famine affected areas, included overlays for oblast collectivization percentages; shows no correlation between collectivization and famine.

1946-47 soviet famine (Furr, Bloodlies pp.480-81)

1931-33 Famine Mortality

>> No.15776289

A spacial map of the ukranian famine of 1932-33 by harvard. There's a lot of information and generally it helps debunk a lot of myths about the holodomor. the map shows, among other things, that there is no correlation between ethnicity and famine (some of the hardest hit areas had the largest Russian minority), raw procurement per capita was lower in areas with famine (although plan fulfillment was higher because the plan targets were lowered), and more collectivization was linked to lower famine rates


The famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine the eyes of historians, the language of documents (Soviet Archives)

A page containing the download and a preview of Professor Mark B. Tauger's 2001 paper titled Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933, which outlines natural factors during the 1931-33 period, touching on late-NEP figures as well




A document ordering to increase food production in an area that voluntarily promised extra but did not even reach the original quota.

A document showing the quota was lowered when it could not be reached on the condition that the new lower quota was mandatory

A document showing that the information the CC had was not lining up with the claims being made that were reasons to reduce quotas

A document from a regional committee showing that grain was stored in unfavourable conditions
full sized document

A document showing there was insufficient grain production, and the CC sent representatives to check the situation as a result. Also shows that requests to lower quotas were denied (probably due to already low output of grain)

A document showing regions had failed to implement decisions of the CC, and that there was a question of replacing leadership in these areas in order to increase grain production
full sized document

>> No.15776295

>. Many regular soviet citizens applauded the targeting of social marginals and kulaks (wealthier peasants)
Is this supposed to make it look better lol

>> No.15776320
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>Socialism isn't better because it's the morally right thing
This is your brain on class reductionism.

>> No.15776321

A document showing the CC lightened up quotas again but wanted to recieving 100% of the set amount, or they would need to take harsh action

A letter showing soviet authority had stopped existing in Ukraine, and Stalin was unaware of mass starvation at this time but tried to relieve the situation when informed

the letter it was in response too for context

A document showing that the regional committees appeared to be pulling the wool over the CC's eyes and were not managing things properly
full sized document

A document showing that due to the famine elsewhere they couldn't reduce quotas, but did send back some grain lent to them

A document showing that there had been a lot of mismanagement and that those who were behind these failures lied about what was happening and how much they were producing, and as a result they were to be punished
full sized document

A document showing quotas had been lowered as much as possible but areas still under produced. Also shows kulak sabotage was an issue
full sized document

A document showing that the punishment of aggravated failure (sabotage) of crops was to be punished to a greater extent
full sized document

A document showing that their was extreme sabotage from kulaks in many ways.
full sized document

>> No.15776331

A document showing a regional committee requesting to take repressive measures to stop the famine
full sized document

A document showing the CC accepted this request

A document stopping the mass migration into the urban areas

A spacial map of the ukranian famine of 1932-33 by harvard. There's a lot of information and generally it helps debunk a lot of myths about the holodomor. the map shows, among other things, that there is no correlation between ethnicity and famine (some of the hardest hit areas had the largest Russian minority), raw procurement per capita was lower in areas with famine (although plan fulfillment was higher because the plan targets were lowered), and more collectivization was linked to lower famine rates


7 page reddit post on the famine










>> No.15776338

>After this resolution, which announced the end of capitalist relations in the countryside, the kulaks threw themselves into a struggle to the end. To sabotage collectivization, they burnt crops, set barns, houses and other buildings on fire and killed militant Bolsheviks.

Most importantly, the kulaks wanted to prevent collective farms from starting up, by killing an essential part of the productive forces in the countryside, horses and oxen. All the work on the land was done with draft animals. The kulaks killed half of them. Rather than cede their cattle to the collectives, they butchered them and incited the middle peasants to do the same.

Of the 34 million horses in the country in 1928, there remained only 15 million in 1932. Aterse Bolshevik spoke of the liquidation of the horses as a class. Of the 70.5 million head of cattle, there only remained 40.7 million in 1932. Only 11.6 million pigs out of 26 million survived the collectivization period.

This destruction of the productive forces had, of course, disastrous consequences: in 1932, there was a great famine, caused in part by the sabotage and destruction done by the kulaks. But anti-Communists blame Stalin and the `forced collectivization' for the deaths caused by the criminal actions of the kulaks.










>> No.15776347

During the famine they canceled some of export deals and imported grain from Iran, in the middle of exporting tonns of grain to the West, which is completely incompatible with the idea that the famine was engineered. If the Soviet government presumably organised the famine, they wouldn’t have to resort to contradictory trade policies and cancel trade deals. It makes no sense to plan export and import of the grain at the same time.

-Why didn't the Soviets keep track of a manufactured genocide when the Germans did?
-Why didn't all Ukrainians get purged from government positions?
-Why wasn't the Communist Party of Ukraine purged?
-Why weren't Ukrainians in other SSRs killed?
-Why wasn't Ukrainian suppressed as a language/why weren't people killed for speaking Ukrainian?
-Why didn't Khrushchev acknowledge it on the Secret Speech?
-Why weren't monuments built to the victims in the 80s alongside Yezhovshina monuments?
-Why wasn't it spoken about alongside tragedies like Nazino in Soviet journals?
-Why Russia didn't immediately started asking for forgiveness/pay reparations when CIS integrity and Crimea access was important to them?
-Why didn't Gorbachev, a half-Ukrainian Ukrainian, speak of the Holodomor during Glasnost or even speak of it today when he was personally affected?
-Why weren't non-Russians moved en masse to Ukraine?
-Why would they carry out an act that would affect their economic plans?


April 11, 1933

Issue an additional food loan to the Boguslavsky District in the amount of 75 tons for children and for hospitalization purposes.

Secretary of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party (b) At Demchenko

PA IIP at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. F. I. Op. 1. Ref. 2190. Ark. 47.
March 29, 1933

>> No.15776353

According to the GPU, information from party secretaries and according to the authorized PKK, hunger strikes occur especially in such village councils: Chabanovka, Marinovka, N. Pokrovka, Borovenka, Epifanovka and N. Astrakhan.

These village councils unite 14 collective farms. Most of these village councils were tested by us in various ways and methods. Approximately according to the latest data, about 50 families are in especially bad condition in these village councils, as for the remaining village councils, until such an acuteness is felt with the exception of individuals.

In the most affected villages, we released 10 tons of food products from local funds and, in addition, 10 tons of different vegetables.

For reading, all the secretaries of the party members and the chairmen of village councils were presented with the strictest directive on taking urgent measures on the spot to provide assistance in each individual case by mobilizing internal resources.

In connection with the beginning of early sowing, they gave a directive to introduce the distribution of hot food to collective farmers at work.

Secretary of the PKK

Party archives of the Donetsk Regional Communist Party of Ukraine F. 326. Op. I. Spr. 130. Ark. 35.



January 14, 1933

a) Reduce the procurement plan:

in the Dnipropetrovsk region - by 12 million pounds
in Odessa region - by 12 million pounds
in the Kharkiv region - by 3.4 million pounds
in the Donetsk region - by 2.0 million pound(edited)
PA IIP at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. F. 1. Op. 16. Ref. 9. Ark. 108-109.

>> No.15776354

You mean midwit.

>> No.15776361

April 15, 1933

Having received significant food assistance from you for the district (4,592 tons of corn, 5,100 pounds of flour and 2 thousand pounds of mahar) - we were able to provide the extremely needy, well-working collective farmers who were in extremely difficult conditions due to lack of bread.

Thanks to the help we received, we were able to almost stop the significant cases of mortality and swelling of collective farmers, especially in the northern part of the district (collective farms of Khoroshevsky, Ivanovsky No. 2, Petrovsky No. 2, Petropavlovsky, Slavyansky and other village councils).

As a result of the assistance given, the collective farmers are now largely able to work in the field and receive food in the order of already earned workdays along with other collective farmers. Moreover, the assistance provided by the district, especially received and distributed corn - 33 thousand pounds created a great mood for the collective farmers of the entire region and increased activity in the labor processes of collective farms, especially participation in the spring sowing campaign.

Throughout the time of sowing, that is, from March 22 to April 15, we had only 4-5 days in which it was possible to sow. The rest of the days it rained and snowed continuously.

Despite the fact that little work has been done in the field, the extremely needy collective farmers had to be fed in order to prevent mass deaths and swelling in some collective farms due to systematic malnutrition. Today, some collective farms have a two-week food supply, but most collective farms, where they were in poor condition from the very beginning, especially in the northern part of the region, have only one week's supply of bread. Moreover, we no longer have any funds at our disposal.

Currently, the district is in serious condition. Cases of mortality and swelling, if not to the same extent as before, then still exist (collective farms: - "Giant", "Progress", "Bolshevik" - Petropavlovsk Village Council, Red October commune "and the name" Petrovsky "- Khoroshevsky village council, collective farm: -" Paris Commune "and" Leninsky Way "- Petrovsky No. 2 village council, etc.).

We cannot fulfill your directive, Comrade Khataevich, that collective farmers working in the field in the spring sowing be given a bread norm of up to 600 g because of extremely limited resources.

We now need to provide food assistance to 43 collective farms, in which there are 13,935 able-bodied eaters. In order to ensure the work of spring sowing, at least 15 thousand pounds of grain crops are needed.

Comrade Khataevich, we with all Bolshevik consciousness take into account the difficult food situation in our region, but having an extremely difficult condition in the region, we insist on providing us with food assistance, in the amount indicated above.

With the communist greetings of the Chuvers, Romanesians

>> No.15776371

Send a copy for information to the CC CP (b) Kosior, Postyshev and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - Comrade Kaganovich M. Khataevich

PA IIP at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine F. I. Op 1. Spr 2190 Ark 55-57.

From: https://archives.gov.ua/Sections/Famine/Publicat/Senpai-Pyrig-1933.php

>> No.15776384
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that is modern stupid history. maps, statistics, propaganda, but not the real cause: means of production replaced people, freed them from stupid manual work and made jobless neets, migrants via vaginas without work permit, education. no industrial country needs 85% peasants in population. neets fought for power, survival, resources, and revolutions, wars, famine was just a consequence, consequence of mindless breeding.

>> No.15776425
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I hope this is substantial enough to back up my claims, if you require more sources I have a whole folder on the issue and would be happy to continue posting but out of respect for the OP and the users of this board I shall re-frame from turning this into the Soviet 1933 grain convention.

>> No.15776427

Morality is a bourgeois bugaboo. Either the proletarianization resulting from capitalism combined with the internal contradictions within the capitalist system will lead to a proletarian revolution, or it won't and fascism will end the arc of history altogether.

>> No.15776466

Based armchair chad simply reclining and waiting for socialism to happen

>> No.15776482

>that is modern stupid history. maps, statistics, propaganda
It's called reason and evidence and is part of the foundations of a rational argument. If you simply don't like the subject matter don't involve yourself in the conversation.

>> No.15776610
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>> No.15776669

Congratulations bro

>> No.15776705

"he" hasn't replied yet so I think I've failed

>> No.15776712

I'm not a socialist because I'm too rich.

>> No.15776751

>not realizing that your wealth is dependent on stolen labor and that therefore it is in your own interest to bribe the workers with welfare so as to forestall a socialist revolution

>> No.15776758

fuck you. I involve myself in any conversation I want here. command your mom, general of chair special forces.

>> No.15777167

On his podcast

>> No.15777191

You know the internet isn't real life, right?

>> No.15777200

being a pussy who repeats the party line doesn't make you not a loser faggot

>> No.15777244
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It would be somewhat interesting to read an article that details all the strange spats between the online socialist podcasts and periodicals. They all seem to agree on the broad picture of what they want, but attack and degrade each other viciously both in private and public.

>> No.15777310
File: 273 KB, 414x419, 1535241384_1534031174591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left-liberals believe that it's possible to reform the ruling class into a form which extends enough welfare benefits to the proletariat that it will raise them out of poverty and misery. This idealistic belief is in complete and total contradiction with a materialistic understanding of history which without vaguery explains outright that every economic class will always strive to implement the policies which directly benefit itself, and not any other class. It is only by abandoning the premise of class struggle that the left-liberal maintains their position that socialism is achievable through electoralism rather than violent revolution.

>> No.15777334

and here we have anon, pretending like his gay little pussy leftist friends would allow him to say “faggot.” how does it feel that you can’t voice this post out loud in public without everyone immediately ostracizing you because you said the words “loser faggot?”

>> No.15777347

>every economic class will always strive to implement the policies which directly benefit itself, a
by this token only the working class can do the revolution then right? The middle class commies will only revolt in a way that benefits middle class interests

>> No.15777371
File: 125 KB, 844x750, e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, comrade, you have it exactly right, which is why the revolution is inevitable, because the capitalist means of production continues to reduce more and more intellectuals to the level of the proletariat. The only question is how much proletarianization must take place before a true revolution of the working class becomes feasible.

>> No.15777400

what if instead we just get eternal serfdom or culled?

>> No.15777416
File: 148 KB, 648x748, 9d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we're all fucked

>> No.15777446

i admire your optimism anyway, hopefully the future doesnt suck

>> No.15779581
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>ACHKSHUALLY only 800,000 people were executed after you dismiss the work of all the scholars I disagree with and even though it happened under Stalin he personally didn't have anything to do with it and the filthy kulaks had it coming anyway as evidenced by popular opinion at the time
>please see these discord channels for my sources

>> No.15779839

wet incels dreams. the only thing that's going to revolve is your anus. you are just sold endless talks about revolution, Marxism, so you are occupied while your mom feeds you.

>> No.15779860
File: 247 KB, 1851x1797, E293FEED-06A4-43D2-B51A-3567D840DE81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly based

>> No.15780044
File: 96 KB, 1401x998, W170619_SQUIRES_THEFORTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, 800,000 people, that's a lot.

Good thing we liberated them from the evils of communism.

>> No.15780062

Do you actually have an argument?

>> No.15780095
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>> No.15780326

Why does it look like Turner Diaries?

>> No.15780344

They also didn't spend it on shitskinned Lumpenproles

>> No.15780374

Because red, white and black and common cheap printing colors widely used in the publishing industry. Hundreds of books have this style of cover it's just clear what type of books you read to make that pattern recognition.

>> No.15780547

NJR is unironically what made me stop believing in the organised "Left".

>> No.15780942

If you're interested, I recommend reading "The Coming Corporate State" by Alexander Raven Thompson

>> No.15781325

equally insane as pol niggas that say the kike population grew in the early 40s

>> No.15781402


I don't understand how this resolves the issue of low wages and sometimes unlivable working conditions for people of lower economic social order.

In other words, say we get rid of the idea of class warfare existing. Ideologically we ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist or it's gone, whichever you prefer.

Wage laborers in many parts of the world today do not make enough money to afford paying their rent, saving up for their futures, and paying all of their bills in order or on time on a regular, consistent basis. The left will usually point to unchecked, reckless corporate greed, stealing wealth from the working class at an unprecedented rate.

How would your corporatism resolve this issue? Is poverty existing something you would even attempt to eliminate in your ideological fantasy?

>> No.15782697

You might like this article by Mosley himself:

>> No.15783194
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, (b)eter 3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mosley's superior Fascist democratic corporatism model.


>> No.15783444

Hierarchy is a naturally occurring phenomenon, meaning even if the laborers control the production, eventually some chad laborers will have more influence than others.
It’s better to give these “leaders” an official (yet regulated) seat at the table instead of pretending hierarchy doesn’t exist.

>> No.15784660

What does it mean to "be" a socialist? Just vote for democrats?

>> No.15784692
File: 63 KB, 460x499, fdr-on-fascism-e1347476867301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means to support measures and policies that give working people control over their own lives, including but not limited to:
>Minimum wage laws
>Rent control
>Nationalization of utilities
>Initiatives which make it easier for people to vote (because the working poor have less free time to go out and vote, making mail-in voting particularly important for them)
>A high tax rate for the wealthy, ensuring that they are not allowed to exploit workers for their own benefit but are instead forced to contribute to the public good

>> No.15784698

Why do people even read garbage like Marx when Stirner owned him decades ago? Nobody has an obligation to give a fuck about the problems of the "poor wage slaves." If wage labor so exploitative to them - then learn how to fucking adapt.

>> No.15784704

>It means to support measures and policies
How is that done? Voting?

>> No.15784825

Rather pointless because more, and more, work is automated, temporary, or even collaborationist. Because of this is less, and less, of a reason to form unions.
>Minimum wage laws
Ironically, Marx was against minimal wage because was the type of reactionary demand put forth by the trade unions - he explicitly called for the abolition of wage labor; which would in turn abolish both the bourgeois and proletariat as a class i.g. communism.
>Rent control
Garbage, doesn't work - and why even go that far? How about no rent?
>Nationalization of utilities
Why? Why would you give a government so much power? You could easily municipalization utilities, or manage them co-operatively, and receive better, yet faster, results
>Initiatives which make it easier for people to vote
What difference would this even make in a two party system? Most people don't vote not because they can't - they don't vote because no party represents them. Plus, parliamentary takes too fucking long.
>A high tax rate for the wealthy
Utopian - they will just avoid paying the tax rate. If you're exploited by your boss - find another job or find a way to live without wage working. That's the only realistic choices you have

>> No.15784836

>Democratic Corporatist
Larper shit

>> No.15785798

Why not just say you're an oldschool socdem?

>> No.15786089

western 'socialists' are unwitting agents of global capital and neoliberal cultural values

>> No.15786114
File: 28 KB, 500x262, 1593339503346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a stupid faggot
>post vapid bullshit
ecть дepьмo и yмepeть

>> No.15786130

>it's historical necessity
>Morality is bourgeois non-sense.
history and progress are bourgeois nonsense

>> No.15786148

jewish and gay

>> No.15786161

lol they scared