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File: 15 KB, 474x316, peters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15775230 No.15775230 [Reply] [Original]

>Be desperate because clown world
>Everything crumbling, nothing to fight for
>Resist pic related's book because of healthy distrust of gurus/self-help frauds
>Things he says seem to be sane in a clown world
>He gets flak because lefties call him nazi etc.
>Whatever, let's try
>Get the book expecting it to not be complete self-help shit
>It's complete self-help shit
Literally OK BOOMER the book, he assumes from the get go that you're a useless jerkoff who lives in complete disorder and has no discipline or schedule. Guess what, if you're not some anime watching tard this book is completely useless.
Don't you like eating lobster? I sure do with all the money I get from porn-addicted weeaboo NEETs :^) so rule number 1 have good posture, here's some fluff about animals because that's what you are and this is yet another self-help book that is completely worthless if you're not a parody of a human being.
God fucking DAMN it this is the last time I get memed by this site. Thankfully I refunded.

>> No.15775773

Somebody forgot to clean his penis...

>> No.15775909

His lectures are much better. But then that's because he has so many lectures and thus the time to explore his ideas.
You're a shithead. And you know you're a shithead, deep down. You're just not willing to recognize you're a shithead. The first step is acknowleding you have flaws. At first it seems banal. But that's because you're not taking it seriously. The quest for glory is often inglorious in the beginning.
Make your bed is his way of saying you're not above the small problems and shortcomings in your life. No hero starts his journey facing Vadar. He starts by doing shitty runs with a manlet on his back.
I highly doubt you're so well put together there aren't easily identifiable shortcomings you can address. Instead of immediately jumping the gun for "what I should do" perhaps you should start with "what shouldn't I do."
Everyone has poor habits. Everyone has vices. Everyone has flaws.
Take a long hard look at yourself, you pompous scum.
You're a sinner. I'm a sinner. We are all sinners.
Do you procrastinate? Do you regularly exercise? How is your diet? How well do you manage you personal finances? What are your long term goals for you career and other areas you seen important in your life?
Maybe you're Jesus come back to earth. Or maybe you're just another 4channeler.

>> No.15775981

>You're a shithead. And you know you're a shithead, deep down. You're just not willing to recognize you're a shithead. The first step is acknowleding you have flaws.
Isn't that the plot to "White Fragility"?

>> No.15776029

i dont know. i havent read white fragility. poor attempt at bait though.

>> No.15776682
File: 79 KB, 750x400, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>star wars analogy
consumer amerimutt detected

>> No.15776707

should i have referenced Campbell's hero mythology?

>> No.15776722


>> No.15776730

Is this reddit greentext?

>> No.15776819
File: 53 KB, 700x734, 1566534395913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No hero starts his journey facing Vadar

>> No.15776860

>taking advice from a benzo-addled degenerate
some people are beyond help

>> No.15777259

Yeah he's a professional psychologist, that's his job, his training. Why step out of your training to do vague self help? I guess he wants to sell books. He would be better off writing a book about specific things in his field. Instead he's gone for an extremely broad and confused self help approach that alternates between banal and overly philosophical, attempting to be way too comprehensive.

>> No.15778014


Is there something like Peterson (with regards to the transexual pronouns legislation issue) that approaches that issue from a philosophy of law point of view?

>> No.15778977

>this is the last time I get memed by this site.
I thought the meme here was that he's trash. And it's a true meme.

>> No.15778986

I've read it. It's good advice and totally harmless. Only a seething leftie would find something to dislike about it.

>> No.15779014
File: 12 KB, 323x570, 1583903503294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clown world

>> No.15779036
File: 5 KB, 236x282, 1507750248796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His new interview with his daughter was pretty sad desu. His struggles with anti-anxiety medication really hit home for me.

>> No.15779285

He's good, but be careful, if you keep a level head he is great, especially if you are coming from neetdom. Though many are pulled too far and start worshiping the man as a god. There's a reason he has pragerU videos. Also all the stuff about cultural marxism is wack, but assuming you are a reader you probably won't fall for that.

>> No.15779309


>> No.15779316

Solid advice, and frankly I hate the guy. If you're living your worst life, his self-help stuff is a fine place to start.
But he's not a scientist, and he's not your dad.

>> No.15779934

Peterson's another shitty self help guru, but he is also a gateway to actual good authors like Jung, Dosty, NEETche, etc. who you should actually read instead of his 12 rules junk

>> No.15780048

Why yes I take advice from Kermit the Benzo addict

>> No.15780084

People on the right dislike it very much.

>> No.15780360

>he's not a scientist
Pretty sure he worked on euroscience

>> No.15780368

Yeah I found the book to be uninteresting and inspiring. This very brief video did more for me than the whole book.


>> No.15780375

I'm not a shithead but this charlatan sure is