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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 467x600, 1555831184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1577278 No.1577278 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1577283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1577289
File: 117 KB, 429x648, Read_Fight_Club_Online_For_Free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577290
File: 97 KB, 480x358, love1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577293

That Hawaiian shirt and mustache scream "Faggot!"

>> No.1577294
File: 105 KB, 480x358, love2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577295

You are not very sensitive.

>> No.1577296

Is it gay that I just got a boner?

>> No.1577297
File: 90 KB, 480x350, love3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like weird gay mustache cliche, amirite

so badass, dude.

>> No.1577298

Does it end with a gay lynching?

>> No.1577299
File: 82 KB, 480x354, love4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that's probably a normal reaction for a children's book

>> No.1577300

From the first page I could tell what the moral would be: homosexuality leads to children being raised in broken homes

>> No.1577301

Then they both get God's favorite disease, lose weight, and die.

>> No.1577302
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>> No.1577304
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>> No.1577306
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>> No.1577308

who the fuck would try to catch a dragon fly in a tiny jar? Use a butterfly net you stupid faggot.

>> No.1577309
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>> No.1577310

"Frank gives me special wine and asks if I know how to keep a secret."

>> No.1577311
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>> No.1577312
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>> No.1577315
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>> No.1577317
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>> No.1577320
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>> No.1577322

so ideal

>> No.1577329

Children hate stepparents, regardless of gender. Also, stepparents are way, way more likely to abuse children.

>> No.1577330

It's amusing because it's just about them being a family.

My mom is a die-hard conservative republican. She hates books that have to do with anything gay in the public school system because she thinks they teach five-year-olds to have gay sex.

I can't believe the shit stations like FoxNews gets away with feeding the masses.

>> No.1577332

I think it's mostly male stepparents abusing their female stepdaughters. But it's the gay ones that are the evil ones according to most of America...

>> No.1577331
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>> No.1577334

They're transferring their disorder to the kid. Look at those faggy shorts he's wearing in the OP.

>> No.1577346

Unsolicited opinion on gay culture and the topic of love in general:

Gayness is just another sexual fetish. Building a relationship on a sexual fetish is silly, as it will not last long. The reason most marriages end in divorce now is because they were built on one form of fetish or another, whether it be gay, anal, or just plain sex. Rarely are relationships built on anything other than a common physical attraction. In the rare event that people do create a relationship based on anything other than sex, it is something temporary, like a common taste in music, or movies. Allowing gay marriage is not the disease, it's a symptom. Marriages don't last because they aren't built on anything serious in the first place.

>> No.1577347

I'm not talking sexually, I'm talking physically. As in hitting.

>> No.1577356

it's proven in studies that step parents are more likely willing to suck up to their step-children/be nicer to them in order to breed offspring with the mother

>> No.1577358

only one of my stepparents hit me and it was never that bad

theory debunked

yeah love is shallow and all that jazz


>> No.1577359

Not even what I said at all, relationships are generally shallow, and lack love.

>> No.1577364



>sex is not the foundation of a strong relationship
>gay sex is just a fetish which dooms a relationship

Gay people are perfectly capable of starting relationships that aren't based on sex, you know. Homosexual relationships aren't based on "Hey, we're both gay, we should be in a relationship." They're based on shared interests, attraction and love the same as any heterosexual relationship.

>> No.1577368

oh i see

here i was mistaking you for a amnesiac of a cynic when you're really just an up tight cunt of a romantic


>> No.1577374

the real nightmare is about to begin little boy.

>> No.1577375 [DELETED] 

People on /lit/ are ant-intellectual morons? Who'd have fucking guessed?


>> No.1577377

People on /lit/ are anti-intellectual morons? Who'd have fucking guessed?


>> No.1577381

Kinda makes me wish I had homosexual parents, lol

>> No.1577392

what's the matter, did someone beat you as a child, douchebag? bitter?

>> No.1577397

you're an asshole

your comments have no place here

>> No.1577398


>> No.1577412


Learn from your mistakes.

>> No.1577431

>oh wowza dem fags get da aids and dye lolz sex with ass randumb!

>> No.1577439

>long spew of pseudoscientific bullshit from an idiot who refuses to look at information that contradicts his worldview
Is it possible to filter anon's posts?

>> No.1577445

too much trolling

you've betrayed me /lit/

>> No.1577468

well way to help things along champ

>> No.1577475

Oh, weird, I forgot that opinions needed science to back them up.

Also, I just finished reading Civil Disobedience, am currently reading Heart of Darkness, have read Doors of Perception, read the Bible, have read The Anti-Christ. Sounds like all one world view to me huh.

>> No.1577479

they aren't opinions when they blatantly contradict the few agreed upon facts we have dipshit

>> No.1577485

You're a crazy person though


>> No.1577518

Well back it up, I'm pretty convinced I'm slightly unstable, seeing as it runs in my family.

Facts like...?

>> No.1577543

oh i fucked things up

replied to the wrong thread completely

you're fine

>> No.1577858

I like Frank's pornstache.

I like how children's picture books can spark idiotic debates on /lit/.

And gay culture is painfully shallow and approaches relationships as a series of check-boxes in regards to common media interests, but so does contemporary Western heterosexual culture in general. This coming from a gay man.

>> No.1578002

I really wish they would make something like that with pedophilia. Pedophilia is just another type of love, but love is the only way to achieve hapiness. Its sad that pedos are the only ones who cannot be with their loved ones.