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File: 2.13 MB, 1502x1199, BURGERPUNK AESTHETIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15769996 No.15769996 [Reply] [Original]

Some questions:
When setting up a burgerpunk world, what lense of critique should we look at the burgerpunk society?
What should be the polar opposite of a burgerpunk world?

>> No.15770018

That's a decent question but the conundrum won't be a loss of words rather than a surplus of answers. Nature will probably come up, then there'll be some debate if a log cabin is a cabin too many. I don't know what the exact opposite of mcdonaldsland would be but I think the essential property is the lying, the constant feeling of being the means to the end of somebody you don't know or like. A commercial's job is to deceive. They're not PSAs.

>> No.15770062

do you think it can be looked at with a marxist lens?

>> No.15770064
File: 2.65 MB, 642x800, 1589225989236.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William Blake
Ted Kaczynski

>> No.15770076

Intersec feminist veganism KEK

>> No.15770097

can you elaborate?

>> No.15770103


>> No.15770113

It is not a bad book though.

>> No.15770130

>What lens should we look through?
A buddhist one

>What is the polar opposite of a burgerpunk world?
Rural India maybe

>> No.15770206
File: 55 KB, 960x960, C454D8CB-224E-4447-AE8B-DB7DE4F0EA65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15770318

This is a lovely image, would you happen to have more like it?

>> No.15770443

Your pic related is a flawed view of the burger world, that is just a highway layover, it offers all that is needed to refule ones self and their vehicle while traversing the large areas of the country that a devoid of cities, it is a truck stop. The town that supports it is very different than that and the limited view of the camera hides the fact that the aesthetic does not extend much beyond the limit of the lense.

They are interesting areas and there have been some movies and books set within the confines of such such areas and the towns that support them, but they are far from representative of anything but themselves. These also exist in Canada and I have even seen photos of very similar aesthetic in Australia. You really need to get your burgerpunk aesthetic right before you worry about finding it's opposite.

If anything could be considered burgerpunk, I would have to say it would be the suburbs, while other countries do have suburbs, the American suburb is unique from what I have seen. They are not neighborhoods or even communities, the people live as one does in a major city, isolated from most of the people that surround them.

>> No.15770450

>They are interesting areas and there have been some movies and books set within the confines of such such areas
I've been looking for movies that take place within the truckstop confines for a long time now. Haven't really found any. Can you show me what you're talking about?

>> No.15770510

Bagdad Cafe is the only one I can think of at the moment, it is set in a much more modest desert truck stop. Interesting in that it is actually by a German director who developed a fondness for the American truck stop. I remember it being an enjoyable movie, and it is fairly accurate in its representation of the people who live in such areas, a sort of odd collection of self sufficient people seperated from the world, who are always taking in strays, as it were. This is true of even the larger truck stops like OP pic, very interesting places.

After I sober up I can probably throw out some more, there are quite a few spanning just about every style.

Errol Morris' Vernon Fl is a documentry of a small town off a major freeway, quite good and one of my favorites, odd little town stuck in time. Went through their a few years back, it has not changed much from when Errol was there, interesting place with an odd collection of people.

>> No.15770527

Oh, another one, book and movie by /lit/'s beloved Stephen King, Maximum Overdrive. Terrible movie but kind of fun. I will keep adding them in as they trickle up through the beer fog.

>> No.15770664
File: 33 KB, 1862x243, Screenshot_2019-12-22 lit - New and improved BurgerPunk(tm) thread - Literature - 4chan(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what lense of critique should we look at the burgerpunk society?

"Burgerpunk society" is real society, burgerpunk is just a change of perspective. Pic related

>> No.15770676

That is a pretty damned accurate deffinition of the American suburb.

>> No.15770925

I'm sort of dodging your question but I think the ideal burgerpunk aesthetic would be one that is completely void of any nature. It's already illegal to collect rainwater in certain states, why not terraform the skies so rain never falls again?

>> No.15770931


What? but a false glory one, bravado for sure



>> No.15770981

it is not that it is "already illegal," in many western states it has been illegal since the early days of the west, old laws that no one ever bothered to get rid of and are slowly getting repealed, Some states do have modern laws against rain water collection, mostly because of there being to many idiots who let their rain barrels turn into bacteria/mosquito farms. The general trend is removal of laws prohibiting rainwater collection.

>> No.15771017


Burgerpunk is the endless whirlpool of shit that the modern working class dwells in. Depressing jobs making depressing food to be eaten by depressed customers who earn thier money at an equally depressing place 5mins down the road. The bourgeoisie are nowhere to be found, they live and extract profit remotely. There’s no ivory tower or gated community in sight, just Globalised Fast Food franchises and gas stations as far as the eye can see.

>> No.15771037

When I think of burgerpunk I think of Gummo

>> No.15771040
File: 545 KB, 1000x808, Robert Adams 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you would definitely love this artistic movement in photography known as "New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape"

>New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape" was an exhibition that epitomized a key moment in American landscape photography.[1] The show was curated by William Jenkins at the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House (Rochester, New York), and remained open to the public from October 1975 until February 1976.
>For "New Topographics" William Jenkins selected eight then-young American photographers: Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Joe Deal,[6] Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott,[7] Stephen Shore, and Henry Wessel, Jr. He also invited the German couple, Bernd and Hilla Becher, then teaching at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in Germany.
>This was illustrated by the subject matter that the New Topographics chose as well as their commitment to casting a somewhat ironic or critical eye on what American society had become. They all depicted urban or suburban realities under changes in an allegedly detached approach. In most cases, they gradually revealed themselves as coming from rather critical vantage points, especially Robert Adams, Baltz, and Deal.

Short intro video of this movement

Conceptual approach of one the photographers explained by himself

Essay on New Topographics

>> No.15771086

IJ is a critique of the Burgerpunk society. So I guess the answer is "new sincerity?"

>> No.15771179

It’s one of a kind. I took it last night out of my friends car

>> No.15771275
File: 3.64 MB, 3110x3110, Burger King Surrealism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can however give you the high res version. That piece of shit I posted was downloaded from my Facebook and they compress the hell out of images

>> No.15771363

Read the passes of Minima Moralia today Adorno wrote while in America

>> No.15771376

OP if you hate convenience so bad, why is your philosophical framework so convenient. not in your mouth, but in your mind. burgermind.

>> No.15771619


> that is just a highway layover

This is true, in that it's a limited area, an organ of a town. Still, it's possible for a person to spend disproportionate time there, or have that place disproportionately influence their lives. The same way that certain stories work fundamentally as stories of and in bars or workplaces or whichever other organ is being used as the face of the unseen greater whole.

His is the name that must not be named, but portions of DFW's not-finished book with the character Toni Ware are very good.

>> No.15771746
File: 377 KB, 1300x1300, mc-donalds-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15771756 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 800x600, Las-Vegas-Nevada-suburban-sprawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your pic related is a flawed view of the burger world, that is just a highway layover
you think the other places are any better?

>> No.15771766

That's not his point

>> No.15771801 [DELETED] 

dont care
america is an ugly shithole

>> No.15773025

none of these movies are about a place like the OP photo, though

>> No.15773096

Gummo isn't commodified enough to be Burgerpunk, and it's not that close. Gummo is about White Trash Culture, they attempt to be Burgerpunk but fail, and their hollow imitation of Burger culture paradoxically becomes more authentic than the real thing.

Burgerpunk is about those that "succeed".

>> No.15773150

Is this burgerpunk?

William Klein - Broadway by Light(1958)

>> No.15773290

The official term for Burgerpunk seems to be K-Mart realism. According to the Wikipedia article, it says:
>These short stories "represent and reproduce the disintegration of public life [and] the colonization of private life by consumer capitalism". A related definition describes the genre as American fiction that is characterized, among other things, by a fascination with consumption venues and brand names.

Perhaps there's more to it than just consumer capitalism like the corporate culture, sex revolution, mass media manipulation, social inequality, etc.

>> No.15773325

Great taste in movies, but I feel like it’s more in the vein of Herzogs Stroszek than Burgerpunk. Unless that aesthetic is prototypical of Burgerpunk.

>> No.15773337

Another example of fantastic taste in this thread that isn’t quite Burgerpunk. But maybe that’s because Burgerpunk as we understand it is a confection of lit.

>> No.15773358
File: 220 KB, 574x320, spunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite of burgerpunk is solarpunk

>> No.15773377

>When setting up a burgerpunk world, what lense of critique should we look at the burgerpunk society?

The insidiousness of the basic proposition of "Coke or Pepsi" is a useful starting point. You can have your choice of item to taste, so long as it is within a range of taste to have some mass appeal. You could even have it at a discount though that will result in more marketshare that in the longrun will be used to bleed you of money. It's looking for answers from managers who have to ask the franchisees who have to check with someone at corporate, who have to play a little game of covering their own asses before they can get back to you with something meaningful. In terms of corporate culture there is a cross section defined by the most puritanical standards of the political Right and the political correctness of the Left. If you want something else then there is the equivalent of a Hot Topic for it.

The basic premise of Coke or Pepsi is completely inescapable in a burgerpunk world.

>> No.15773405
File: 134 KB, 1340x1075, 64526D74-E0E6-4592-855E-93718C05BB3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me pic related is the essence of Burgerpunk - A hyperrealist painting of the Burgerpunk subject by some neoliberal art school artist I found on an art retailer. I’m not sure if there can be a narrative form to burgerpunk, as it’s about the reduction to an image and the immobility of the image as a symbol of the paralysis of mass commodification. The dynamism of the narrative form and its receptivity to interpretation undermines the essence of Burgerpunk. I have a very baudrillard view of what Burgerpunk is though.

>> No.15773433

Who was responsible for this: https://burgerpunk.github.io

The links lead to /lit/ but the threads are expired. The entire thing sounds schizophrenic but still interesting nonetheless except there seems to be many layers missing.
The critical theory of Burgerpunk also seems incomplete with only part 1 complete. I'd like to know more about it.

>> No.15773475

Solarpunk isn't a real genre. It's just sci-fi.

>> No.15773499
File: 153 KB, 684x1024, 1593549936981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opposites while both maintaining the technological progression yes but not true opposites, depressed technological future verses idealised future

>> No.15773509

Burgerpunk isn't real, that hasn't stopped us.

>> No.15773571
File: 747 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-dbfa2ffa833130dc3ec5435534c80d3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a subgenre of sci-fi, numbnuts. It has it's own set of aesthetics, character tropes and ideas.


>> No.15773572

Burgerpunk is real in the sense that it is a distinct concept as a flavor of dystopia with themes that are readily distinguishable from other dystopian "-punk" fiction. I don't know how you would define solarpunk in any sense as dystopian other than through some kind of chick tract.

>> No.15773577

Some hipster "journalist" saying that it's real doesn't make it real.

>> No.15773624

The "-punk" signifies rebellion, not dystopia. Solarpunk's entire philosophy is an act of rebellion against capitalist hegemony.

>> No.15773640

Fuck me where is that place?

>> No.15773648

The original doc was maybe the most active but also the most trolled of all the projects. The first total deletion wiped out a pile of unsaved stuff. Subsequent deletes and their relationship to various anons' back up times resulted in arbitrary losses and plenty of half-altered passages. A spate of Ctrl+F+replace trolling destroyed the coherence of key sections. The website version is a partial salvaging of the project from a late stage at which the trolls had already won. There are, in theory, various earlier docs held by diverse anons which contain whole chapters-worth of almost-good writing. Were it possible to collate and cull from all of those, a complete literary genius might be able to make something which could be at least the basis for something readable.

>> No.15773650

Thanks for this!

>> No.15773668

Rebellion in "-punk" happens within the context of a dystopia that exists within the setting, not a thesis that it is written as a counter-thesis to.

>> No.15773675

Why not?

>> No.15773694

The Vanishing takes place around a place like this. the original is European, though, so even though it's functionally the same thing as op pic, it lacks the American aesthetic. but there was an American remake, I believe.

>> No.15773818

The best answer that I can come up with is that when you write a story as a counter-thesis to real world premise and/or dystopian thesis you are stepping outside of something as narrow as a genre of "-punk" and into something much broader. You can still wind up in "-punk" though. If you're writing a political thriller about the struggles of a tiny country that decided to quit using oil in the near future, or maybe a story about the oil industry trying to deliberately sabotage nuclear generators in order to preserve the grip of fossil fuels on society and being stopped by plucky scientists, activists, and randoms caught up in the mix then you'd be writing what I would consider to be a kind of "-punk", perhaps even solarpunk. Just as easily though solarpunk could be about a dystopia where the Commissars round you up for "crimes against the environment" because you refused to go vegan, which as I said earlier is the equivalent of a chick tract.

I'm not going to say "no you can't do that stop having fun" but I am going to assert that your categorization is ad hoc and not well defined.

>> No.15773880

Would a burgerpunk story work with a lot of action and violence?

>> No.15774007

SubUrbia 1996, an Eric Bogosian/Richard Linklater colab
Suburbia 1983, a Penelope Spheeris fiction (feat. a tweenage Flea) after her doc of LA punk rock Decline of Western Civilization.
she also did a third Decline doc about crust punks living in abandoned spaces among the LA freeways.

>> No.15774168

>When setting up a burgerpunk world, what lense of critique should we look at the burgerpunk society?
Everything Mark Fisher wrote

>> No.15774229

This gave me the inspiration to incorporate burgerpunk into my writing, thanks OP

>> No.15774342 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 2386x3918, Peak Burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15774350 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 393x352, AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one shot at life
>not born in Switzerland

>> No.15774392

This is a masterpiece

>> No.15774440

And they say art is dead

>> No.15774461

>tfw every single 3rd world country have been adopting the burger economics and aesthetics model
this shit give me a nihilistic feeling that I can't cope with

>> No.15774465
File: 401 KB, 2382x638, doing battle with the shooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reminded of this gem from /biz/.

>> No.15774797

Resuming this thought from a more sober, albeit somewhat hung over position. I think the modern American truck stop embodies both burger punk and its antithesis all in one. The town that supports this truck stop which is likely a ways off the interstate on the old highway system is that opposite. It is a town of people who have learned to exploit the commodification but keep it seperate form their lives along with much of modernity, it provides the money needed to fund their town and its people, somewhere for their kids to work and save enough to escape small town America for the big city insuring that the town never becomes a city, never grows large enough to become commodified itself.

>> No.15775123
File: 143 KB, 1850x241, boomboom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That board used to be marvelous

>> No.15775142
File: 2.10 MB, 2700x1990, las vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to play culture critic. Here are a few notes. What are the ideological and aesthetic elements of burgerpunk?

1. Deep-fried, extra cheesy consumerism wrapped in industrially efficient convenience. The defining semiotic visual for burgerpunk is the array of logos jutting out from the freeway exit. A overwhelming and jarring *aesthetic hypertension* that clogs the spiritual arteries. A lurid, racing saturation of optical "empty calories"; a diet (visual or literal) that is meant to appeal to human weakness and obscures its cynical scientific and industrial calculations in bright happy lights . The meaty blood reds of a mcdonald's for instance, is meant to stimulate hunger but to also keep you from wanting to stay there for too long.

2. Multicultural incongruity. Having never congealed into a sustainable and universally shared national identity, various fragments of identity coalesce within the cracks left open by the more universal consumerist atomosphere, and on e is forced to pick and choose what to take and reject ,in effect repeating the consumerist logic (culture as marketplace). Here the cross floats disembodied next to the Mcdonald's sign. Burgerpunk appropriates the original and deforms it into a more mass produced aspect; Olive Garden is the abstraction and reduction of Italian cuisine, just as the faux Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas absorbs the image but not the context of what it copies. This is what gives you such postmodern delights as drive through weddings, the megachurches that deliver the gospel-as-rock-concert.
3. Indefinite expansion of a service economy. Burgerpunk is defined by the homogenous infinite sameness of franchises, big box stores, and parking lots, reproducing its form with inevitable mechanistic logic. Burgerpunk is the logical end result of the prioritization of business efficiency over all else, a society that privileges the construction of Walmarts to infinity.

>> No.15775237

How does one rebel against a burgerpunk world? What would the protagonist in a burgerpunk novel want, and where do they fit in society? How do they see themselves in relation to the system?

>> No.15775325

I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief.

“Bad news, detective. We got a situation.”

“What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?”

“Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.”

The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?”

“Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.”

“Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.”

He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.”

I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside.

“Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t.

“Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up.

“Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?”

It didn’t seem like they did.

“Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.”

Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing.

I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it.

“Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled.

Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him.

“Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen.

I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!”

>> No.15775331

He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.

“All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.”

The Vintage Shop that Captured the New York City Spirit

“Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy.

“Because I was afraid.”


“Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.”

I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head.

“Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.”

He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.

>> No.15775339
File: 119 KB, 615x432, US_fallout_exposure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775345

>get home from work at the Wal-Mart® ofices, want to unwind
>sit down on my Lay Z Boy® recliner, and it automatically Skin-Sync®s to my biometrics
>"High stress levels detected," chair says.
>no shit, I'm burnt out from work
>"Xbox® Game On!®."
>pre-recorded message from Bill Gates comes on Apple® GeniusTV®, and syncs with all other Apple® devices on the iHabitat®
>employer mandates we use Apple® work phones which brick themselves if they detect euquivalent competing products in your home
>unsynced Bill Gates copies inform me from all angles that violent video games and high stress are risk factors for workplace violence
>"Stress levels peaking" says chair, "Alexa® play something from the Netflix® work-com category"
>Netflix® app opens on Amicrozon® Xbox 420®, and The Office® starts playing
>"DISLIKE" I shout at the TV
>"You are out of Dislike Coins® for the month. To get more, complete an Oculus® VR Ad Experience®!"
>hate those things, but anything is better than The Office®
>put on VR headset, begin boot process, BIOS and boot screen sponsored by British Petroleum®
>VR Ad Experience® loads immediately
>"Hello and welcome to the Raytheon-Boeing® Volunteer Soldier® app! Raytheon-Boeing® waives all liability that may be incurred by the use of this act, including but not limited to violation of the Geneva Convention. Use this app at your own risk. Nod your head if you agree to the terms."
>feeling nervous about this
>"Nod your head now if you agree."
>reach up to take the headset off
>Headset shows picture of my neighborhood from Google Earth®

>> No.15775354

>"Thank you for accepting your patriotic duty, soldier.®"
>video feed changes to drone camera
>see some people shapes walking around city streets in who knows where
>red box appears around one of them, targeting reticule sponsored by RedBox®
>"Terrorist identified. Please neutralize this Threat To Your Freedom®."
>don't want to do it, stall
>"This app has been authorized to post as your Facebook account. Now composing message."
>message box appears off to the side, text starts filling up
>false confession to sexually harassing Elizabeth Warren voters on Twitter
>"Do you wish to post this message? Complete the mission to cancel."
>start crying
>use VR controls to aim the weapons
>try to tell myself it's just a dot on a screen
>doesn't work
>decide that if I shoot to miss maybe they will get spooked and run away, but the simulation will be fooled
>aim at open ground and fire a couple of smallest bullets
>when they hit, everybody runs for the hills, including red box guy
>voice clip from Call of Duty® plays: "Mission Failed. We'll gettem next time.®"
>video feed switches to different drone camera
>"Oculus® VR Ad Experience® brought to you by Raytheon-Boeing® will terminate with a mission success."
>start sobbing and shaking
>close my eyes
>hold down the fire button and pray
>and scream
>"Mission success! Thank you for doing your patriotic duty, soldier!® You're a Real Virtual Hero®!"
>take off headset, disgusted with myself
>suicidial thoughts interrupted by Amicrozon® Alexa®. "You have been credited with... one... Netflix Dislike Coins®."
>"Sorry, but this is a Featured Classic Program®. As a Netflix® Bronze member, you are not permitted to Dislike."

>> No.15775500

so burgerpunk is just proto cyberpunk?

>> No.15775584

I'm sure there'll be a children's version out soon, yeah.

>> No.15775615

Not quite but effectively it often is. It's main focus is on the banality of corporate takeover of public life imo rather than the expansion of corporate power over the medium of new technology. While one is often a prelude to the other it doesn't have to be.

>> No.15775637
File: 27 KB, 400x425, sumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A gram uranium is roughly 20 billion calories." Said the teacher on the cyber-classroom screen on the public prison's cafeteria. The enforced learning session was in order,but one man dared to reply"what would YOU know?"
The guards , gorillas with human microchip-brains and football-style armor,quickly formed a circle against the insolent inmate.
"I eat 5 pound of uranium. a DAY" continued to rant the inmate. The gorilla-guards used their shields to try to squish him to a pulp, but he flexed his muscles so quickly, it caused a shockwave that sent them all flying.
"Can't stay here, chaps. the contest is 'bout to begin". Saying this, he made a pose; a bodybuilding contest staple pose, with his arms raised upwards, his stomach in a vacuum. He flexed his muscles. He executed such isometric pressure and contraction of the muscular mass,that he slipt trough the atoms and ,due to the earth rotating at a different speed than his atotmic vibrations, appeard a long,long way away from the prison.
"Now. To the contest!" shouted the man with joy.

The underground anti-WWIV nucelar shelter complex's stadium(formerly a swimming pool to park nuclear submarines) was full, full of the world's richest and most influental men(thats right:no women). Dictators, mafia bosses ,pitbull trainers and vaccine human lab rats. Anyone who was paid a lot was there. Dressed in tracksuits and sweapants with shirts,they waived the flags of their provinces of the United Earth Federation, drank soft drinks and alcohol-free beer, and bet provincial-budget-tier sums.
The announcet, a dwarf with a pot belly, yelled:" Art thou ready for the contests of champions? the showdown of gods?"
YES! yelled the audience
"then, LO! let it begin"

At once, a parade of mankind's Finest entered the stage.

(the names of the provinces are the names of the areas that were formerly independent countries)
from Japan came a bad, dragging rolls of belly fat, a long-haired behemoth whose notorious belly was so big, he had enough space to get a tattoo of all 340 Poke-'em-on
He had a group of helpers carrying a small swimming pool, the ones kids use,full of chanko soup.

>> No.15775982
File: 156 KB, 1200x675, burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

florescence the color of fresh plaster
light as intense as interrogation
plastic sheen on plastic product
plastic chair colored like faded carpeting
days spent maneuvering grids:
aisles, lanes, lines, stars and stripes
the smell is unnatural and familiar
the taste is like you expected: always the same
the comfort is the repetition, go a million miles and you're still here
highway overpass geometry
golden arches over the horizon like homecoming
large hotels in empty fields: monuments
knock on a surface and it rings hollow
in-use, out of order
fly-over, drive-through
high saturation, no expectation

>> No.15776040
File: 312 KB, 900x1199, 1568921157438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say a mixture of Ted Kaczynski and an isolationist approach (not all terrorist like as Kaczynski did)

>> No.15776103

A mix of DFW, Fisher, and Walter Benjamin

>> No.15776106

“Hey Jen, why not log on past midnight and help us develop this cool new Burgerpunk aesthetic?” he whined through the McChatApp as he poured himself another few fingers of bottom shelf margarita mix, his sunglasses adjusting themselves, somehow nerdily. Leftenant Jackson was not his favorite rum, and that was all they had left before the bombardiers came to restock the McBooze Drive-Thru car wash. He didn’t have enough Buddy Bucks to pick up the tequila or tRiple sec to go along with it so he decided on pure vitriolic hate to get through the bottle. He ripped a fat, sick cloud from his Hondo Vape box. “Couuuuuuuuuuuugh pfft huyik,” he coughed pitifully before burping up his margarita mix. His almond tomato cheesy surprise vape juice didn’t mix well with straight margarita mix, who would have guessed.

>> No.15776109

ive eaten a crunchwrap from that taco bell

>> No.15776124

And France claims to like good food.

>> No.15776127

Cruising down the interstate, I'm lulled into a sort of road-hypnosis borne of the endless primary colors whizzing by, logos and adverts and mascots all done up in sun-bleached plastic, supported on beams of steel that they might rise high enough over the coursing rivers of traffic as to bee seen by all passers by.
There's a comfort in it, these endless signs of civilization, of industrialization, of humanity. There's also a slight doubt in the back of my mind as to whether it's good that I find comfort in it. I sip flat, tepid Diet Coke from my Big Gulp and try to put the doubt out of mind; I've needed to stop for a bathroom for an hour and a half, but in that time I haven't seen a single interstate exit, or any sign indicating one's presence. If need be I'll dump the once-carbonated, 4-methylimidazole-dyed contents of my Big Gulp out the window and relieve myself trucker style. I'm not too worried about it. I roll my windows down to let in the humid breeze and crank up the radio, catching the last few mournful strains of Billy Ray lamenting his achy breaky heart's inability to comprehend a failed relationship.
My check engine light his been on for the past 600 miles of my journey; I'm not too worried about it.

>> No.15776294

By finding repose in the sublime majesty of the American landscape. Through reconnection with its divine expanse. The trope of "riding off into the sunset" emblematic of Westerns speaks to this aspect of the burgerpunk psyche. It's the quest for authenticity, of hope in leaving things behind. The promise of America was that you would be able to escape other people. And for all its garishly flashing lights and advertisements, all of the carnivalesque monstrosities fade into silence next to the depths of nature surrounding it. The protagonist wants to get out, but they do so by getting in, by becoming more conscious and in touch with the land. By realizing their ecological embededness and escaping the platonic cave shadow world of consumerist distraction. They leave behind fake America and go into authentic America.

Such a character would come to learn that what they need is peace and equilibrium. They have to become conscious of the need to emancipate themselves from the predatory enticements to indulge and surrender self-discipline. They need to learn the names of rivers and know the geography of the land and how things meet up and connect out there, to step outside the suffocatingly artificial world. They must be conscious and strive for authenticity which is found in strain and effort and not in convenience and indulgence.

>> No.15776312

look for info about the jain monks. they dont use electricity,no modern transport,super vegan, minimalist
if I was a warlord id recruit jains as soldiers if I could convince them to partake in warfare

>> No.15776801


christ how much is the real estate in this place

>> No.15776826

burgerpunk is the eternal sound in the back of your head of an A-10 brrrtting in the distance

>> No.15776872
File: 69 KB, 199x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15777350

probaby not much, likely snowed in for the brutal winters, those high picturesque cliffs pretty much turn such places into wind tunnels. Probably a handful of summer houses and then locals that do not mind staying put for winter. I would bet a good number of smaller houses that regularly get sold for a great price every few years by city folk who think they want the nice quite country life but give up quickly after a winter or two of being shut in and listening to the winter winds howl through the valley. Love that sound.

There are are such places all of the world, even in the US rockies, plenty of small unincorperated towns in moutain passes/valleys, Alaska is riddled with them.

>> No.15778862

I should stop being surprised, but this is such a weird picture. The huge, redundant candelabras on the table look fake too.

>> No.15779047

Mutt rebel spirit against burgerpunk is there. That's why Christopher McCandless(Into the Wild dude) is popular among young people. But lack the balls to do it.

>> No.15779087

>jain monks
Holy fucking shite, these are biggest cuckolds delusional LARPers I have ever seen.

>> No.15779190

Waiting for Godot but set in a McDonalds. Is this burgerpunk?

>> No.15779926

good post

>> No.15780840

I don't where exactly that is in the Alps. If it's Switzerland then it's probably €400k-€2 mil plus depending on various factors like the size, view, etc. If it's somewhere like St.Moriz then it would cost several millions minimum but that's like one of the most luxurious towns in the Alps.

You can't compare the Swiss Alps with remote places in the US. Switzerland has one of the best qualities of life in the world (like top 3 or something) and one of the best cities to live in the world (Zurich which is usually top 3 as well). Also the land is more limited so add that with the desirability factor and it gets fairly expensive.

>> No.15780905

I used to live near that burger joint

>> No.15780944

The Mist

>> No.15781580

Kanye is running for the president with the support of Elon Musk
Fucking burgers man

>> No.15782193

based anon asking the real questions

>> No.15782468

i lived in a place like that in pakistan. that webm gave me some nice ass nostalgia.
dont know how much it costs to live there though

>> No.15782482

I was clearly comparing the scenery, not the social and political climates. That land will be comparatively cheap to the rest of the country, regardless of how limited space is, If you live in a remote mountain pass, your quality of life is not going to be anywhere near the top 3 regardless of where in the world you live, those rankings are very much towards city life. Do you have any real experience in the world?

>> No.15782583

Kis subay mein? GB/Kashmir ya kpk?

>> No.15782623

Please, do not post this retarded meme again.

>> No.15784236
