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15769118 No.15769118 [Reply] [Original]

Alright anon, how do I get into politics and philosophy?

>> No.15769124

The republic

>> No.15769135

just buy a gun, its quicker

>> No.15769178

Stirner, followed by Foucault, Derrida/Wittgenstein, Baudrillard, and Marx. Deleuze is optional due to his difficultly.

>> No.15769186

Isn't Deleuze the guy that Twitter trannies seem to hate?

>> No.15769196

Read Callicles, Thrasymachus and Machiavelli

>> No.15769198

He didn't ask for pseuds.

>> No.15769205

>how do I get into ... philosophy?
yes he did

>> No.15769209

through backdoor hole

>> No.15769212

The Communist Manifesto
Book by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

>> No.15769214


Consume news media covering politics which are pertinent to your personal life. Do so critically, with some skepticism but also entertaining the ideas presented, for discussion. Think to yourself what you value and why.

Read selected classics of political philosophy as you are inclined. Plato's Republic, Communist Manifesto, The Prince, Declaration/Constitution/Federalist Papers, Rousseau, Hobbes, things along those lines. Write something about what you've read, and make a point of trying to relate the ideas you encounter to your personal life.

Politics has to do with the practical way in which humans decide to structure their societies. Any time there is more than one human (and sometimes even when there is only one), there are differences of opinion, yet the tendency is to try to live together in some sort of society, since humans are naturally social animals (notice that I am making an ontological claim here. Ontology is the sub-field of philosphy which deals with the intrinsic nature, or "being" of things. This view itself could be criticized). So look up things on ontology. Political philosophy also entails ethics, since laws are passed which are generally based on a view of the way that things ought to be. The fact that there can be disagreements on this point itself is part of politics and political philosophy itself.

>> No.15769248
File: 1.06 MB, 1975x2229, litpoliticsguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of

>> No.15769254

how does on his own makes charts?

>> No.15769316
File: 661 KB, 1265x2560, 1592883008222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I actually made that chart a long time ago (that one isn't even the final version), but someone made pic related which is far superior

>> No.15769345

bigger /=/ better, I think your orignal is better since it's more condensed and less lofty. I can picture someone going through all of >>15769248 but who's gonna read everything in >>15769316 ???

>> No.15769382

but How?

>> No.15769399

study political philosophy

>> No.15769411

It just has better suggestions that are more in-depth, and allows for more political exploration than my original list that skews towards Liberalism. I like how it's divided by time period too.
Maybe some day I'll try to condense it into a more accessible list, but it's so comprehensive that I'm not really inclined.

You asked in the Apology thread too right? I replied to you there. It's just basic Photoshop. You just resize images and arrange them to a grid.

>> No.15769460

Start with the Greeks

Ran is the best

>> No.15769526
File: 1.19 MB, 1975x2229, 77FD5551-D2B7-46B7-B3FB-8AE0B1A5F43B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you take those 2 off?

>> No.15769789

Do a big think

>> No.15769820

You would have to learn how to aim and maintain it and have a working understanding of politics community organising for it to matter. So probably not quicker, but definitely buy a gun

>> No.15770022

You should start with the Greeks unironically. At least read Plato's Republic at the minimum. Concept of the Political is also a quick read that demystifies politics considerably.

>> No.15770026

if you didnt read spinozas ethics at age 12 its over.

>> No.15770065

Why has no one mentioned Metaphysics of Morals?
You need to understand fundamental morality before you do anything political.

>> No.15770071

stop trying to make op possessed

>> No.15770110

There is no other way.

>> No.15770974

This and the Statesman

>> No.15770988

this, but

Start with the cable news outlets, they're fun sometimes

Also fun to shoot the shit with other people who watch the stuff, which is a surprising amount

Not many people read Pythongores now

>> No.15770997

Read The four main Socratic dialogues then the republic, the laws and then ciceros response to the republic and the laws