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15768355 No.15768355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15768362

Okay, who should I read

>> No.15768369

dw, i'm reading both

>> No.15768373

Shakespeare he's black now.

>> No.15768376

James Baldwin

>> No.15768380

So his name was actually Chuckspear?

>> No.15768393


>tfw live in the middle of Minneapolis and recent events have spurred me to actually read my Greek backlog before it's too late

Feels good man.

>> No.15768406

how do you feel about the dead negro? do you actually care at all? be honest.

>> No.15768414

i feel happy about it

>> No.15768427

How do I help the jews? Anyone know

>> No.15768438


>> No.15768444


I don't care about him even one little bit. I am not the least bit sorry he is dead. What I do care about is all of the property that has been destroyed, all of the livelihood which has been ruined, and for no very good reason at all. All of which was literally worth more than a single low-quality human life, which is what he represented.

>> No.15768452

This is me. Currently buying the most prominent works of the canon and notable books of most fields of discussion before the world stops turning and we can’t get books delivered.

No kindle suggestions please, me no like electronic book

>> No.15768459 [DELETED] 

I want to help exterminate all of you. The chinks, the jews, the arabs, the blacks. I've made up my mind. You're all a plauge. I'm ready.

>> No.15768478

Steal books from a library

>> No.15768481

Based. A whole lot of fuss over some walking bag of fentanyl

>> No.15768506

LOL I see what you did there...

>> No.15768519


What disappointed me once the police started doing their jobs again is that two or three anarchist lives were not taken in retribution; they fucking well had it coming to them. It will be interesting to see exactly what anti-police referendum measure (I expect one) is placed before us on the ballot in the next few months.

>> No.15768529

The greeks are blacks tho...they've lived off of roman welfare for hundreds of years.

>> No.15768532
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The money from the Gofundme campaign is going directly to Israel. “George Floyd” never existed, and the only picture of him the media has been extensively circulating around was AI generated

>> No.15768533

You're all no better than niggers. I'm glad you want a race war bring it on please

>> No.15768563
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>> No.15768572
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Niggers are spooks, goy

>> No.15768577

Based Jew shooting on the /lit/marks

>> No.15768578

Start with Du Bois.

>> No.15768632

Sure, recommend some black readings

>> No.15768639

The Black Hebrew Israelites say the Greeks were black so checkmate

>> No.15768649

why do jews want us to read books my blacks when jews aren’t even black

>> No.15768678

>Socrates was a petrolhuffing abo
At last I see.

>> No.15768679

Chad Blacks
>Du Bois
Cringe Blacks
>any feminist, post-modernist, intersectionalist, ect

>> No.15768762

Negrofication of the European psyche to make them easier to abuse.

>> No.15768781

Redpill me on this thought

>> No.15768902

good link by evola explaing negrofication

>> No.15768922

Possibly the most bugman belief possible, this idea that property and "livelihoods" are worth more than human life. You would think it wouldn't be difficult to see that the only value these things have is supporting and improving human life but then again most of us aren't polfags. Interestingly one of the only other groups that thinks this way is Jews. Get back to whining about multinational corporations having their property looted, these same corporations that promote all kinds of degeneracy.

The main points of the protests was how police should be held accountable for killing people, instead of having some kind of free pass to harass and shoot as many (mostly Black) people as they fancy on any given day. You can't deny the statistics, and you can't justify it by pointing out how Blacks have higher rates of criminal activity- even if every single Black person was a criminal that wouldn't justify just letting cops murder people on the streets without trials or any form of legal procedures. Kindly fuck off back to /pol/ now would ya.

>> No.15768941

The greeks where black my nigga.

>> No.15768952

A life of sin is a life where you risk death every time you walk out the door. These accidents with cops are a long-time coming.

>> No.15768965

>even if every single Black person was a criminal that wouldn't justify just letting cops murder people on the streets without trials or any form of legal procedures
But that's happened plenty of times over history, or have you never heard of a pogrom or lynching or inquisition or...

>> No.15768974

Okay prof. Schlomo Shekelgruber

>> No.15768980

It's not about them being criminals it's about them being criminals that pose either a real danger of a danger at least in the mind of the cop there requiring the use of deadly force. Floyd died while in a hold by the police but he was also apparently on a cocktail of drugs (like fentanyl, which is really fucking dangerous) that could have turned an otherwise harmless arrest deadly for him. 90% of these police shootings (or killings) that trigger riots were completely justified.

>> No.15768984

Ah yes, the goths. The most devastating group of black people to ever destroy Rome. Are white nationalists retarded? There isn't even a White nation to call yourself a "WHITE nationalist"

>> No.15769009

lol floyd was a drug addict with meth and fentanyl in his system and had a huge criminal record including impersonating a city worker to perform a robbery and a busting down a womans home with a bunch of other black men and holding a gun to her pregnant belly and threatening the life of her unborn son while looting her house. he was scum of the earth. he wasn't murdered either by the way. he died of a heart attack. he was dangerously high on fentanyl (cops all said he was high and the store owner came out to vouch that floyd was probably ODing) while he had terrible cardiovascular health from being a dirty nigger who couldn't take care of himself and, and combined the stress of arrest and stress of actively resisting arrest it all culiminated in a heart attack that may have happened had he not been arrested. Floyd was visibly unhealthy and showed signs of OD, which why the cops called an ambulance. He was complaining that he couldn't breathe before the cops put him on the ground. Not being able to breath is a symptom of both fentanyl and heart attack. the restraint was for floyd's and everyone's safety, because if floyd was high on cocaine he could have "excited delerium" in which he has violent outbursts. Floyd wouldn't sit in the car so they had to put him on the ground. The particular restraint they used is literally of no importance. I'm rambling a bit now, but the point is that Floyd's death was his own fault. The cops didn't kill him. if floyd didn't resist he might have lived, but then again he might have OD'd anyways.

tldr floyd's death was his own fault, he deserves no sympathy, the protests and riots are uncalled for (systemic racism doesn't exist), and all rioters deserve to have charges brought against them.

>> No.15769030
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>> No.15769035

You're disgusting.

>> No.15769050
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>> No.15769060

i'm right. this was the finding of the official autopsy. it was heart attack. he was not choked out. if you can speak you aren't choking. the restraint they used isn't dangerous unless you have specific and serious health issues. its actually a good position to keep someone from drowning in their own saliva. The cops did everything they could to keep floyd alive.

>> No.15769062
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>> No.15769064

based and truthpilled

>> No.15769152
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I really hope a police officer shoves his boot on your face while you gently attempt to lick it after he has a bad night out. All the while, you squirm on the floor and beg for the sweet officers delicious cummies, proud to accept your life's occupational responsibility as a pavement boot sucker and die of an eventual aggravated heart attack that no one will remember. For it will have been the officers duty to put whomever he pleases down. Your family immediately accepts and applauds the brave officers heroic deeds of putting down an incel, even your mother and sister offer themselves to be stepped on as well for all his trouble. And at the end of the day, it shouldn't have even been news. Your weak heart could have easily gone at any moment, due to your history of veracious masturbation and alt right racist 4chan posts. I really hope that happens to you man. I really really do.

>> No.15769155

>that chart
now do the per capita violent crime

>> No.15769162

Has absolutely nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.15769168

then why'd you post that chart? It's dishonest because the reason they get shot by cops more is because they commit more crime. Look at how often they shoot cops ffs

>> No.15769169

When controlled for the amount of crime these two populations take part in, this chart actually goes directly against what you're trying to use it to imply. Filthy niggers aren't human, and cops should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want to them with no repercussion Try living around them for a few years, you'll learn.

>> No.15769175

misleading image. blacks commit more violent crime per capita, which is why they are in situations where police are likely to shoot you more often. if you compare rates of violent crime to rates of death in police encounters, you will see that there is no systemic racism.

>> No.15769181

If state armed thugs killing a civilian thug justifies the total financial ruin of already struggling small businesses then this country is already done. Blacks being unfairly targeted by police is a lie. A lie which is the central dogma of BLM, and a lie used to justify chaos and consolidation of powers.

>> No.15769188

Thankfully I'm not a violent criminal or a drug addict so I don't have to worry about it. Even if a cop does put his knee on my neck I won't be ODing on fentanyl and so won't die.

>> No.15769218

>no no it doesn't mean THAT stop iT!!! its NOT based! You're NOT an expert is ancient greek like me you couldn't possible understand what that name actually means

>> No.15769234


>> No.15769253
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All I can say is wow. You've impressed me tonight lit. I thought people here read. Let me explain to you retards
It is, people killed BY the police. Do you understand children? Is there anything else I should explain about this chart I posted, need help with the math? I'll post one more up to your speed. /lit/ don't worry
Thankfully you can't read why do I bother here? >after he has a bad night out.
I really hope you're shot dead by a cop. You're an idiot.

>> No.15769257

and the reason they're killed more by police is because they have more police encounters because they commit more crime. They also act like absolute retards while being arrested

>> No.15769267

Whites do not commit more crime. Learn to read retard

>> No.15769268

where are the jannies

>> No.15769276

the guy posted a chart of blacks being killed by cops at a higher rate. The reason they're killed at a higher rate is because they have more encounters, because they commit more crime.

>> No.15769291

Honestly if you're such a faggot that you can't arrest an unarmed man without getting so afraid you lose it and start spraying bullets you shouldn't be a fucking cop. The fact that cops in our country are so needlessly violent and end up escalating situations because of fear is a real problem. That was supposed to be the main grievance of BLM, and it IS a legitimate grievance because Blacks receive so much of that violence. Some random unarmed guy like Floyd in no way posed a legitimate threat to armed and trained police officers. They were in no real danger, especially when they had him pinned to the ground, but their actions still led directly to his death. If police having essentially a free pass to kill whoever doesn't worry you now, just wait a couple years when having "misgendered" someone (whatever the fuck that means) could mean cops think you "pose a real danger" and be legally clear in a shooting.

Even if Floyd was worst scumbag in the world, the police weren't justified in just killing him on the street. Certain phrases like "right to trial by jury" and "due process" come to mind, but that isn't all. Even if he did "resist arrest", hell even if he came at them kicking and punching that still wouldn't justify a summary execution, which is essentially what happened. Like i pointed out earlier, there is no way some random unarmed man like Floyd should pose a threat to officers armed and trained in combat. And unless fentanyl somehow grants its users superhuman strength, one man's drug fueled outburst shouln't overwhelm multiple officers to the point where their only option to avoid injury is lethal. The actions of those cops did kill him, clear and simple. The restraint they used has been proven deadly before (why else would the fucking israelis use it) and even if that somehow didn't kill him the officers pinning him to the ground while he was experiencing deadly symptoms instead of helping him certainly did.

>> No.15769294

Care to try looking at the chart one more time?