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15767170 No.15767170 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do when I'm too depressed to read?

>> No.15767174

Get out of 4chan. Quit reading the big latrine.

>> No.15767178

Get meds

>> No.15767185

Not this

go outside.

>> No.15767204

Depression is typical in midwits. You should kill yourself.

>> No.15767331
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Go for a walk. Hit the gym. Set a goal, work to achieve it.

>> No.15767427

Do mindless technical exercises for e.g. the piano.

>> No.15767436

The one thing that irritates me nowadays is "depressed" 20-something year olds.

Yeah, I was depressed too...IN FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL. Cut it out with that teenager shit, and unironically pull yourself up by the boot straps. If you're no longer a teenager and still "DUH PRESSED", maybe you just need to fucking lift some weights and make some friends, Jesus Christ.

You're in your mid fucking 20's and you're literally squandering the prime of your youth because you're too scared to engage life? Fuck off. "Oh, woe is me, I'm almost 30!". Dude, shut the fuck up. I'm barely 24, and 30 years old is STILL fucking young to me.

Hell, even 40 seems somewhat young, in my honest fucking opinion. Middle-age is like fucking 50/55/60. I've seen and drank with 35 and 40 year olds with waaaaaaaaaaaaay more life and vigor than some of my 25 year old "still-stuck-in-highschool" friends.

Wow, you don't have a good degree? Wow, you need to pay rent? Wow, your job sucks? What? You think you're the ONLY FUCKING ONE? What's worse, a lot of you guys have middle class to upper-middle class parents, and have a huge fucking safety net.

People from working class parents don't have that same fucking safety net YOU do, yet it's always the working class kids who learn how to live life to the fullest; having fun, meeting people, dancing, living life.

Grow the FUCK up by staying YOUNG. That's IT. Fuck you. End of story.

t. Guy in his mid 20's

>> No.15767437

basado and /fitlit/ pilled

>> No.15767524

>during the year of corona

>> No.15767596

Most gyms are cleaner now than ever before. My gym has fewer people, closes to disinfect everything every hour, and basically looks like a series of home gyms now. Not the anon you were replying to.

>> No.15767616

in my country gyms won't be opening for a while

>> No.15767625
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Calisthenics are also great.

>> No.15767641

Can you go for a run? It doesn't have to be a gym, you could do couch to 5k even if you have to run in a loop of the same area, once you're allowed outside. Cardio shifts a lot of depression and anxiety for people, even those that aren't meme depressed. It also helps focus and patience which could get you back to reading faster.

>> No.15767712
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Thanks, I'll try.

>> No.15767719

do some elevated push ups pussy

>> No.15767722

Remember to keep trying.

>> No.15767887

Go out on a date with a good looking woman, that always cheers me up

>> No.15768088

okay chad

>> No.15768248

When I get depressed the only thing I can be bothered to do is read. It's actually easier to me than playing video games.

>> No.15768326

write, you bozo

>> No.15768420

Finnegans Wake

>> No.15768510

Dangerously based

>> No.15770434

>bro just stop being lazy xD

>> No.15770448

>bro just do nothing xD

>> No.15770455

Don’t eat anymore junk food either.

>> No.15770531

Cardio is great, I can attest to it. It made me more happy, more energized and more handsome.

>> No.15770537

Just sit around doing nothing until you get bored and pick up a book

>> No.15770684


>> No.15770698

You obviously don't know what being depressed really means retard

>> No.15770748

Will yourself out of bed and go run a few miles. Then go read.

As the great philosopher kendrick lamar once said

Shit dont change till you get up and wash yo ass, nigga

>> No.15770751

Or do jazz. Jazz is always good.

Did i mention jazz?

>> No.15770887


>> No.15770951

Thats what i too said at first
