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File: 405 KB, 1083x634, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.13031 [Reply] [Original]

Does /fitlit/ also hate manlets?

>> No.13114

Manlets are universally hated

>> No.13149
File: 327 KB, 1600x900, manletz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13163

We like Heidegger, but he's so manlet there's reason to believe he was secretly an elf.

>> No.13187
File: 150 KB, 634x699, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13197
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/fitlit/ was embodied by a manlet

>> No.13242
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>> No.13250
File: 2.42 MB, 1072x3096, manlets1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13318
File: 914 KB, 1200x1920, life as 5'11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14538

What do tall girls do anyway? Like let's be honest a lot of tall men like 6'2'' or 6'3'' aren't common. What do those girls do? Almost every women wants a taller man but 180cm+ girls have it hard. Do they settle for men who are the same height?

>> No.14561


>> No.14581

They feel unattractive to men.

>> No.14598

>being taller than 5'4
>calling yourself a man

>> No.14623

>What do those girls do?
From my experience they bitch and moan about wanting tall guys and sometimes they find em but in the other cases they settle for equal or shorter dudes

>> No.14669

tall girls are as insecure as manlets

>> No.14697

Depends on height. Tall girls in the say, 5'10"~5'11" range can still pull a guy over 6 foot.

The problem arises though when they try to wear high heels, almost necessary in a classy event. So if you're trying to wife a girl who's 5'11" you better be at least 6'3" so on your wedding day she can wear nice heels and not tower over you.

Girls over 6 foot? They're the ones having to settle for same height guys. But they're potentially model-tier and usually demure acting to make up for their insecurities over being so big. Short girls are usually bitchier. They deserve tall, /fit/ guys to make perfect offspring.

>> No.15146

Height comes from the father side right?
Shame im not 6'4'' so i could take 6'1'' amazon and make her happy by being bigger spoon at night.

>> No.15764

When will this height meme stop...

>> No.15781
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>> No.15782

When the female meme stops.

>> No.15834

It's here to stay forever bruh
Everyone under 6'2" is fucked lmao

>> No.15864

The Japanese get a pass

>> No.15890
File: 508 KB, 336x720, fuckingmanletsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets will never learn

>> No.15892

6' reporting in. Roughly 182cm in Metric. Sadly quite overweight though; around 250lb, but still strong enough to do push-ups, sit-ups, and legitimately walked about 4 hours with around 50lb or so of equipment on March 14th; less than 3 weeks ago. So it's not all THAT bad, even though I was walking funny for several days afterwards. I've already lost around 25lb, once I lose another 25lb I'll be in truly incredible shape.

This is technically the first time I've been on /fit/, but have been frequenting /lit/ for months, and /k/ for years.

>> No.15900
File: 1.21 MB, 1944x2592, 1452301042431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes stop when man takes a hold of memes, and not let memes take hold of man.

>> No.15906

>there is almost an entire month difference between those tweets

imagine the guy who spend hours searching for those tweets. just imagine his life

>> No.15956
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>> No.15994

Starting to feel bad for them, this kind of thing must drive their sanity against the wall

>> No.16006

lol. Again. The average height of men in the US is 5'7. under that, you're a manlet. but saying retarded shit like "hurr durr 6'5 masterace" is stupid. you look weird and deformed.


>> No.16033

>tfw swole lanklet
All i can do, is laugh at you pathetic cunts

>> No.16034

why would anyone even respect or date a bitch that writes stupid shit like that lol. What can you expect from /fit/. meatheads.

>> No.16089
File: 151 KB, 634x887, 300537EA00000578-0-image-a-11_1452905801938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the high heels meme
>i share a board with these people

no one gives a shit about high heels, most girls hate it anyway and even when it comes to celebrity couples the girl is often taller in high heels.
you got rejected men. hint: its not your height. no girl has a retina scanner in her eyes that would tell the difference between 5'10 and 6'0 when there are so many other factors like frame and clothes you wear and even your fucking posture that can make you appear taller or shorter.
if youre just as tall as her and she is not a midget you get rejected for something else.

>> No.16157

>Do this to a fat woman and everyone loses their minds.

>> No.16189

either they find some 6'7" dude or become cat ladies

>> No.16206
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>> No.16252

>wasting your alpha white genes on a chink

>> No.16264


the only catlady i know is 5'11"

>> No.16313

>is 5'7
I love how manlets always try to lower the average height. 6'0 is average for caucasian males, the millions of underfed mexicans is skewing the average

>> No.16426

>6'0 is average

More like 5'10, for normal whites (British/German/Slavic ancestory)

Meds, Dutch and Scands fuck things up, height-wise

>> No.16430
File: 35 KB, 604x397, tumblr_netre7JrS41tezt7xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am 6' and love 6'+ women

>> No.16470
File: 346 KB, 1016x633, 1kregUA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 5'8 isn't average height

>> No.16475 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move over lanklets, the revolution is upon you

>> No.16480

Shitting on manlets is the only socially acceptable form of discrimination left, and it's one of the most unfair ones. Manlets really can't do shit about their height, unlike fatties and people with other physical issues.

>> No.16484

average for most european countries is around 175cm. there are only a very few countries with the average height of 6'0

>> No.16513

fake and gay

>> No.16537

yeah but manlet in real life has nothing to do with the tumblr-level mental illnes /fit/ has

>> No.16538

its a girl i literally matched with the other day on tinder.

>> No.16573
File: 44 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average white US male height is 5' 10.5". Exclude all the shrunken old guys and you probably have to be 5' 11" to be average.

>> No.16596
File: 645 KB, 642x630, manlets LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16606
File: 311 KB, 1280x720, give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just get used to it after a while, really.

>> No.16612

no no NO
It doesn't matter what the average height is
is it 5'11"? yeah maybe
5'10"? probably yeah
5'9"? could be, yes
5'8"? okay no, that's too fucking short
the point is women don't want AVERAGE, they want TALL
so six foot or above is all they want bro
this is the reality short people have to wake up to, sorry bros

>> No.16625

>who is 5'8" and is average 6' female

Nice touch there.

>> No.16630

>exclude the people who bring the average down to get a real average

>> No.16636

what did he mean by this?

>> No.16640

They can't reach the higher shelves

>> No.16655

>implying anything below 5'9 is average
no way in hell. excluding all ethnics, the average white male height is probably at least 5'10

>> No.16658
File: 36 KB, 582x406, 1479995674852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DESPITE eventually growing to be 5'7"

>> No.16666

lmao you lanklets think its so cut and dry. The fact of the matter is, FACE is what matters most. If youre average height and fucking gorgeous youre gonna be better off than if you were 6'1'' and hideous

>> No.16669
File: 88 KB, 960x807, 1490470918169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting a very important fact, average guys are invisible to girls. They're not even sexual beings to them.

To the tall girl there are plenty of great tall guys out there because average men are invisible to them.

>> No.16703

>despite eventually growing to be 5'7"

>> No.16715

I'm just saying, if you're 20 - 30 years old and trying to get pussy, you're going to have to compare yourself to your peers and not some shrunken old man who got out of the game long ago.

>> No.16723

No can come from either side.
My dad is like 5' 3 and so is my mom. Dad's family full of manlets but mum's has some tall fuckers in it.
Thankfully I end up 6' 2" master race.

>> No.16726
File: 1.44 MB, 3341x2208, manlets when will they learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16727

there was a famous philosopher called mick jagger who once said
>you cant always get what you want

pretty sure everyone want beautiful and smart people as their partner but in reality, everyone will have flaws.

>> No.16757
File: 490 KB, 1336x1764, muh height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16759

manlet here, you just deal with it really. Though i've never placed any emphasis on getting in a relationship or getting super fit either so it's never really been much of an issue for me, other than some people poking fun at it.

>> No.16775

>ignoring the fact that this is obviously photoshopped text and completely fake

>> No.16784

average will be affected by both really short and really tall people. median will be a better measure for your redditor redpill study, which will be around 175cm anyway

>> No.16799

>this manlet cope

>> No.16814

LMAO AT THIS THREAD, you guys must be autistic and ugly im 5'8'' and have never had a problem in my LIFE with girls. Jesus this is sad

>> No.16825

desu his face looks like it was hit by a bulldozer anyway

>> No.16834
File: 349 KB, 1000x985, 1490302963983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, sorry, this is the truth
girls would rather date a 6'2 average joe than a good looking 5'8", like Zac Efron tier good looking
It's okay man, just accept the cold reality of unfair genes

>> No.16837
File: 67 KB, 720x542, jean-paul-sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manlet status doesn't matter to a literary patrician

this goblin was pulling chicks all the time

>> No.16842

>ignoring that this is obviously photoshopped text and completely fake for the second time

>> No.16851

Thats not a problem. Thats a proudly displayed trophy

>> No.16854

>median will be a better measure for your redditor redpill study, which will be around 175cm anyway

For a young white guy? top kek m8, you're coping hard.

>> No.16859

no dude you dont get it if youre shorter than the top 15% its mean youre short xD

>> No.16876


>> No.16883

>manlet coping this hard a second time

>> No.16892


ive never seen this word used outside people who cry about not being able to get laid

>> No.16895
File: 294 KB, 1325x1865, 1490527158889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still a manlet

Just hit the gym asshole

>> No.16910

>lanklets ACTUALLY believe that having a few inches over someone like Efron wills seriously put them ahead of him.

lmao zach efron gets more pussy than every lanklet on fit combined in a day

>> No.16916


doesnt matter whether it fits your anecdotal evidence faggot, the median is a better measure of central tendency for bi-modal data compared to the mean

*OHP 3000kg onto your face*

>> No.16920

That terrible feeling when you are only 5'9". My mom smoked with me. My 3 brothers are at least 6'3".

>>the feels when you are a runt.

>> No.16932

So you avoid using it to dodge the stereotype. Nice thinking my little virgin manlet. :^)

>> No.16955

i know im short? thats the point, i still have never had a problem with women. The real world is completely different than this fit meme thats forced by ugly dyel lanklets

>> No.16963

Having to get a ladder for shit at work sometimes is annoying. It's mostly just inconvenient though.

5'5" here. Most fucked part? I'm taller than both of my parents.

>> No.16969

Those are all low class negroes who cares

also wtf happened to post numbers while I was gone

did we reset?

>> No.16974

oh my god, did he actually do leg length surgery
how fucking desperate and insecure do you have to be to do that

>> No.16987

>doesnt matter whether it fits your anecdotal evidence faggot

kek alright you coping little manlet, prove to me right now 175cm for a young white guy is more than just your own hopeful anecdotal evidence.

>> No.17032
File: 28 KB, 432x388, manletbegone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything it takes!

5% growth in height

Never walk right again


>> No.17033
File: 14 KB, 369x285, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17058

>Slavic ancestory
Uh nah. Same for the Germans actually. And the keltoi have been known for being tall for millenia.

Over 6' average master races in some places.

>> No.17060

>be asian
>5' 5"
>shorter than average in asia but still ok

when I go to europe everyone is taller than me except women, good thing I don't have a taste for white women

>> No.17067

im 6'1 bruh, but i know statistics

top fucking kek

>mean as a measure of central tendency when using bi-modal data
sorry no

*benchpresses you then fucks your girl*

>> No.17085

You can't waste your genes. You're designed to breed all the women and spread your genes around.

>> No.17091

The worst thing is the doctor slouching and bending his knees...

>> No.17094

I'd get angry but they are right, why the fuck did this guy didn't close the roof?

>> No.17131

>that dodge

top kek nice try little manlet, but I'm going to post it again just to humiliate you

>doesnt matter whether it fits your anecdotal evidence faggot

kek alright you coping little manlet, prove to me right now 175cm for a young white guy is more than just your own hopeful anecdotal evidence.

>> No.17139

its hard to avoid you when you rot in a basement all day and dedicate your life to shitpost on this mongolian rice conspiracy imageboard
everytime i check this board, there is a guy like you sperging out in a same tone, giving away the fact he is a sperg in text-based form. hug your mom you failed shit

>> No.17153

lmfao was it necessary to have no pants for these pictures or just personal preference

>> No.17167

The US is full of manlets who inflate their height on their drivers' licenses. No doubt that is where you get that bullshit from. Vast majority there are manlet af regardless of skin color. You're all short af and fat af.

>> No.17182

i feel rn for the manlets, because if i was sub-6 foot tall this might actually feelsbadman.jpg

the scientific literacy on this board is.... sub-par. we should have merged with /sci/ f a m

>> No.17183

>that dodge
>taking internet arguments this seriously

i can imagine your school shooter face sweating while heavily typing on a keyboard and looking for any kind of response and human interaction

>> No.17206
File: 22 KB, 480x360, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17209

I'm short and I fuck girls all the time
you lanklets are virgins that can't find a gf

>> No.17227
File: 222 KB, 2000x971, 59885d68a53225c233d36207a2dc5eb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate heightists. Normies like the idiots they are, are taking these memes seriously.
Lucky thing I have "tall/average" girls hitting on me. 5'8 here.

>> No.17230

>Never walk right again
no fuck that
I wouldn't do that if I were 5'4" or even 5'8"
sounds like i'm shitposting, but no joke, the money and time could be spent on working towards a talent, skill, or hobby
but it's this dude's dosh so whatevs i guess

>> No.17300

What the fuck, are smaller cameras cheaper or something?

>> No.17310

>even more manlet coping


>> No.17313

and heightists hate you too, you strange and absurd little pumpkin boy

>> No.17320

Dany Devito isn't human, he is Dany Devito and if you'd seen pictures of Downy Jr. you'd know that he's always wearing manlet heels + inserts. Just because popular people are manlets it does not mean it's good to be one.

>> No.17323

no one will ever love a guy who is that weak minded and insecure
he will find another flaw in himself anyway. its like watching a car-crash from the outside, its sad and fascinating at the same time

>> No.17333

Interesting projection lil manlet buddy, I feel embarrassed for you desu. :^(

>> No.17338

lmfao this is 3 different people you are talking to

not him but, take a basic stats course mang

>> No.17346

>haha i won this internet argument

simply ebinXD

>> No.17354

>>Never walk right again

Whatever you have to tell yourself manlet.

>> No.17365

Mishima was a deathlet

>> No.17374

probably to distance himself from devito. i am always getting those two confused.

>> No.17380

>b-but together we manlets are strong! ;~;


>> No.17385

bigger heads relative to body looks bigger on the camera

Also height doesn't matter on camera, only acting ability and how good your face looks

>> No.17411

again, 6'1 scientist but this made me audibly kek

>> No.17434
File: 144 KB, 577x1024, JWhUcOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's that "popular men who are short, so it's okay to be short" image again.
Next you're going to give me a Zac Efron talk about how he gets women all the time.
Why is it so hard to just admit that women and other human beings are more attracted to average 6'2" men than little short dudes who are the same height as a middle school girl?

>> No.17449

>when you got bullied for years in school and try to take revange by baiting people on a chinese cartoon site

>> No.17468

just stop replying to them
short people are known for having a short temper

>> No.17476

Sounds rough, sorry lil guy. :^(

>> No.17489

Jesus christ lmao they expec to find somebody that tall? 6'1'' even 6'2'' would be reasonable but 6'3'' are litteral gods that wouldn't waste their time on sluts like that.

>> No.17497

Is this what /r9k/ looks like?

>> No.17524

fucking hell. caitlyn is extremely, extremely unnattractive.

i wouldnt fuck this person based on the ego inflation that would ensue - i wouldnt want a part in it.

jesus christ, g r o s s

>> No.17534

look at the board name

>> No.17537
File: 37 KB, 300x250, 1489373276127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw driving a bunch of manlets nerds from /lit/ to suicide by feeding them too many blackpills too quickly

RIIIIP into pieces

>> No.17554

except that guy isn't too bad looking

>> No.17573
File: 40 KB, 647x261, philo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that manlets still exist shows that women don't care all that much about height when it comes to mate selection. Manlets are still passing on their inferior genes and nogf lanklet autismos from 4chan just can't accept that there is more to attraction than one physical attribute.

>> No.17614

or you know
manlets resorted to rape because they can't get a girlfriend
women resorted to manlets because of their weight and biological clock ticking, and had to settle down at one point

>> No.17617

They didn't really have much choice until fairly recently. Now they can financially support themselves with jobs/gubament welfare and all share Chad's seed instead.

>> No.17621
File: 1.90 MB, 320x320, kermit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am 5'8 and love 6'+ women

>> No.17649
File: 32 KB, 550x550, 1473556896897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW 5'10, it doesnt feel good to be right at the cut off

>> No.17658
File: 104 KB, 803x688, 1491062821870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tall but low testosterone, can't grow facial hair, look 16 despite being 21 and 6'1
>tfw masculine manlets are infinitely times better than me in every way

>> No.17663

Jerma's a fucking midget

>> No.17700

I meant the thread

>> No.17705

>young white guy
"White" is a fucking broad spectrum pal

>> No.17707
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>> No.17732
File: 1.47 MB, 352x217, 1489667883122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>139 replies 59 unique ip
>its an incel who has literally nothing to do with his life replying to everyone episode again
you simply cant out brute-force autism

>> No.17758


>Like let's be honest a lot of tall men like 6'2'' or 6'3'' aren't common.

What kind of endemically malnutritioned thirdworld shithole do you hail from friend?

>> No.17763
File: 14 KB, 608x656, just who is behind all of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17768

>59 IPs

>> No.17782

Wait so only fit and pol got merged with some forgotten dead boards nobody goes to?
What a shitty april fool's. The idea had so much potential, then they quarter-assed it so hard.

>> No.17786

Who the fuck cares about height so much?
Americans are fucking stupid. Also, fuck your non metric system.

>> No.17791

You realize the uglier the girl gets the more she acts like a cunt and the more requirements she lists right?
It's a coping mechanism because they are ugly they act like they deserve the absolute best to protect their self steem
In reality any of those girls would be thrilled by getting attention from someone who isn't fat, ugly or over 60

>> No.17801

celts you fuckwit

do you call japanese people "the nihongo" as well

>> No.17815

I can't believe people fucking laugh at this...

Shitpost your memes all you want but this shit is sad.

>> No.17826

except its one or two guy replying to everyone

>> No.17868
File: 43 KB, 203x209, 1489356735404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17885

Only a shortie would say that, sorry about your genes

>> No.17910

I mean a Slav is not the same as a South Italian and those aren't the same a a Scott

>> No.17940

>Why is it so hard to just admit that women and other human beings are more attracted to average 6'2" men

so youre saying that people are more attracted to the top 3%? wow man. whats the next thing you gonna realise? people are more attracted to good looking people? or rich guys are having it easier? did it really took you 20 fucking years to realise this and now you feel like you have to share it with everyone? are you legally autistic or something? no one said being tall is bad, its just far from the most important trait and not enough in itself. cant wait what obvious thing you gonna realise in the future

>> No.17983


What the fuck man. Its not like this is a relationship app either. Its just for getting laid.

Just goes to show how easy it is for a woman. That you can demand the top 1% of men and still get it.

>> No.18011

Actually, being tall is one of the most important traits when it comes to dating.
It goes like
Height > Face > Body > Status + Wealth > Penis size > Hobbies

>> No.18025

>literally this fucking asshurt over your manlet genes

lmaoing at ur life right now kid

>> No.18048

>as a basement dweller i dont have any important traits besides my height therefore its the most important one

when even a few lines of text gives away the fact youre a virgin you know you have problems

>> No.18101
File: 96 KB, 552x404, 1430078656414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18109

>manlet virgin projecting his own inadequacies AGAIN

Truly sad...

>> No.18112

Tom Cruise will always be more attractive than some guy who looks like Sloth from the Goonies.

Face > all other physical features

>> No.18137

>if i write it down again maybe he will be shorter

im dutch and i would pay to see your face man

>> No.18150
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1489430185027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but tom cruise!!

The last cope of a desperate manlet. The only thing that gives me as much laffs is desperate baldlets pulling the Statham card.

>> No.18153

So, when are you consider a manlet in 2017? Below 6'9"?

>> No.18170
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1490676071831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I'm a big boy now, I swear!


>> No.18185

>pulling the tom cruise card AGAIN

>> No.18187

It's obviously true, though.

>> No.18191

anything below 6'. srs.

6 foot is the new king manlet.

>> No.18197

can i get invited to the reddit incel discord too pls

>> No.18215

Every manlet carrying a Tom Cruise card in their wallet wherever they go is true.

>> No.18219

This is objectively wrong.

Status > Wealth > Face > Body > Height > Penis Size > etc.

A famous fat ugly man can still get laid and married, a wealth person can buy anything he wants, a short model can fuck other short women, and then a 5'8 but perfectly aesthetic guy is better than a slovenly tall person.

You'd have to be retarded otherwise. Look at Dan Blitz, the guy is famous and rich, but aint tall.

>> No.18235

You must be 5'10" or under to enter.

>> No.18270

Replace Tom Cruise with anyone with a handsome face and it's still true. Pewdiepie would still be more attractive than some average looking 6'3" guy even if he weren't rich and famous.

>> No.18281

You have to be insanely wealthy to make up for your height. Disproportionately wealthy, I'd say.

And even then, sometimes even that's not enough.


>> No.18296

Maybe on a photo, but you wouldn't want to walk with them in your heels, you'd tower over them.

>> No.18302

Pretty sure Pewdiepie is like 6'2" and wouldn't have a chance in hell in real life if he weren't famous and stood at 5' 5".

>> No.18304

In the end, the only thing that matters what youve achieved. Nothing else. You can be proud of being tall the same way you can think you're smart but lazy as a college dropout. You can have this beautiful coping mechanism that prevents you from actually looking at reality.
The funny thing is no matter what you think, it won't change reality.

>> No.18310

triggered manlet

>> No.18312

Pewdiepie is 5'9"

>> No.18393

Jesus. What a cunt of a woman. I don't care that she prefers tall guys and says so explicitly (this is Tinder after all, who gives a shit about non-physical factors) but the rest of her bio is just disgusting. Neither one of them is that good looking either

>> No.18394


Manlet detected

>> No.18402

uglier girls usually have higher standards though

>> No.18403
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>> No.18421

So she's into pedophiles?

>> No.18449

this board is more r9k than r9k

>> No.18451


>> No.18483

lol no it's not.

If you made fun of someone for being short in my office they would look at you like your crazy.

And I work in an office that is half women. Most people are very civil.

>> No.18493

keep dreaming, manlet

>> No.18513

>making someone wear things that are literally bad for posture at best and painful at worst

>let this be lesson
>taking pictures of yourselves committing crimes

>> No.18520
File: 622 KB, 480x304, g0erAKtxHY9os.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

god damn you better be supermodel looking unless you wont get away with all this autism

>> No.18587

femanon here,
all my bf were 6'1" or taller, most girls wouldn't even consider going out with someone who isn't at least half a head taller than them with high heels.
So in most cases that's about 6'.
Honestly, one of the very first things I ask guys is how tall they are haha

>> No.18590

why do we let short people reproduce
why let more manlets suffer? like, i don't get it
who wants to be a man and be born like 5'8"?
do you? of course not

>> No.18657

>tfw a cross eyed french midget brainlet fucked more women than I ever will
I don't know how to deal with this feel

>> No.18711

I remember this.

But I had in mind extreme examples.

If you're talking about the difference between 40k and 80k then its not major.

if its more like 50k to 150k though it WILL make a difference.

You're isolating their profession because all they have is the title rather than the status. IRL a teacher versus a banker is little contest since they'll have expensive fashion, a nice car, travel and be worldly, and a good house etc.

The benefits of wealth aren't seen they're experienced.

>> No.18758
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>> No.18766

Yet, it's the richest and most relevant country in the world. Get fucked

>> No.18790
File: 64 KB, 512x427, jesus97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this manlet shaming has gone way too far, this is so brutal. Like I know you guys are joking and having fun but this is really sad. They don't even provoke it, you just are relentless. Imagine you were short. I'm pretty sure you've either a) ran all the below average heigt fellas off this board b) they've all commited suicide or c) they just pretend to not be manlets.

You're creating some serious psychological effects for these guys, please, tone it down.

>> No.18854

im a sperg but i cant even imagine how you guys feel

>> No.18865


That's really extreme, not the >lol 5'10 manlet

you see here

>> No.18898

that's fucking crazy.
just date shorter women.

>> No.18907

>tfw 5'6" in germany

>> No.18927

It's pretty cruel to make fun of something someone can't change. At least fat people can lose weight, but for short Men the only alternative is a painful surgery that will negatively affect them for life.

>inb4 manlet
I know, I'm 177cm.

>> No.18930

fit is quite literally more autistic than r9k. because they're are people who actually take these memes seriously, like people in this thread.


>> No.18955

Funny when pretty much all of the Hollywood actors they cream themselves over are under 6 foot.

>> No.18957

fit has been raided by incels from leddit and sluthate for a lond time
back then it was a good board honestly

>> No.18977

What anatomy book is that?

>> No.18978
File: 25 KB, 292x245, Lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're are people who actually take these memes seriously, like people in this thread

>> No.19027

>my passion is being gorgeous
she'll suicide in 15 years

>> No.19063

Manlets rage everybody, come and look at the manlet rage !

>> No.19066

it probably took like <5 minutes. there is search function on twitter, you could just type "short guys".

>> No.19085

>dad 5'3"
>6'2" master race

Your dad got cucked m8

>> No.19130

How short was Heidegger?

>> No.19158
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>> No.19240

I've literally never looked down on someone (no pun intended) for being short unless it was abnormally short like 5'2'' or something

but I'm also 6'. decent folk do not care about height and should not. You can't control your god given genetics

this does lead to some funny conversation with females. When gfs/ex gfs tell me they wouldn't have dated me if I was, say, six inches shorter, I counter and tell them I wouldn't have dated them if they were below a D cup (i like big tits). they get visibly upset.

>> No.19255

Where did you hear that? The average height male in the US is somewhere around 5'10.5". I'm shorter than this but I don't deny it.

>> No.19269

>hate manlets
>girls only date taller guys
>guys generally only like shorter girls

it's your fault if your son is a manlet

>> No.19311

Maybe it's just the angle, but it looks like the patient is standing on his tip toes on the Right pic

>> No.19360

too bad they dont love you

>> No.19533


>I've literally never looked down on someone (no pun intended) for being short
>unless it was abnormally short like 5'2'' or something


>> No.19547

that's short as fuck. you can't take someone serious at that height

>> No.19574
File: 1009 KB, 500x385, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I will sound like a reddit faggot but I'm a manlet and this shit hurts

>> No.19633

lets hope so

>> No.19674


>> No.19675

Th-thanks, Anon. I hope everything gets better for you. One day you'll put that height to good use.

>> No.19715

>johnny depp

lmao yeah right i saw him in real life he's like 5'7

>> No.19725

kek he is still under 6 ft.

>> No.19743
File: 61 KB, 232x197, 1471131467365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is /fit/ in a nutshell

/lit/ if you want to keep your sanity i suggest never coming back here

or you'll end up with more insecurities like the rest of us

>> No.19782

m8, this is their world, the fact that ours and theirs are close for a day wont make them change their ways
They've been calling people manlets long before john green wrote anything bad

>> No.19810
File: 37 KB, 348x342, 1488279527053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be tall
Wait, why didn't anybody tell me this during my childhood? This was an option? Fuck.

>> No.19823

Yup, looks pretty harsh. In fact there's at least one in there that says 'short men' and I thought "God, that sounds weird to use the word 'men'". It's like saying '17 year old men'. But hey, listen here, there are fetishes for EVERYTHING, and there ARE women out there who prefer shorter dudes. You know that weird fucking porn with MASSIVE women (not necessarily fat but certainly tall and beefy) with short and skinny guys? I guarantee you there are at least SOME women out there who enjoy that porn, similarly they would enjoy you, maybe even PREFER you over someone like me who is 6'. Exceedingly rare, I know, but although it's a cliche it's true; there is someone out there for everyone. Give it time, manlet. You'll find your piece of ass, and hopefully you'll grow old and die happily together with a few kids.

However this poses the question; what if you had some sons who were taller than you? Would that bother you? If not, what if you had some DAUGHTERS who were taller than you? I'm curious as to what the psychology is like of a typical manlet.

>> No.19833
File: 196 KB, 1126x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 15% of the male American population is 6 feet or taller.

>> No.19838

I'm 5'5
In my experience, short girls are waaaaaaaaaaaay more hung up on height than tall girls.

Especially if they're 5'1 or less.
5'7- 5'8 girls are ideal, because they're insecure about their height, but they're not tall enough that I ever even notice.

>> No.19842
File: 142 KB, 719x729, WP_20151216_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its feels bad man

>> No.19874

absolutely disgusting

>> No.19884

>anything above status and wealth

Do you people not understand women?

>> No.19886

shut up manlet
>i know it's joking but my fee fees are still so hurt mananas

>> No.19892

they think that if they find a tall man, they'll have tall kids. in reality, because they're short, they're already having short kids. If you want to remove manlets from the world, you have to do your part and remove womanlets too.

>> No.19903

>tfw short and pug nose

>> No.19907

I'm not the same anon but whatever fuck it, I'll answer as a 5'4'' manlet. No, neither would bother me, I'm already accustomed to be shorter than anyone I meet regardless of the gender.
I even prefer tall women.

>> No.19917

Until the 6'3" dashing english teacher steals their girlfriend, that is

>> No.19923

>tfw 5'10'' manelt
>tfw i'd love to have 6'+ amazon gf to do reverse mating press on me
Just end me.

>> No.19925


lol stupid manlet

>> No.19947
File: 65 KB, 1592x668, chink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And creates 5'6'' Elliot Rodger.

>> No.19953

pretty funny

>> No.19963

Nope. That's clearly a nappy headed prican spicnigger.

>> No.19974
File: 824 KB, 1688x518, 1490759249266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting the haha at the end so people will think its an actual grill

>> No.19983

t. manlet

>> No.20007

Does he even lift?

>> No.20019

Anon why do you post logical shit in this board? It's obvious that masturbating over height is the norm.

>> No.20045
File: 264 KB, 600x900, Female height chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20101
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>> No.20133


Nah, I'm 5'2' it's no problem being taken serious(ly). Maybe not on a kurdish semen milk website, but that's not the real life.

>> No.20168

In primates (which we are) femur length is inversely proportional to aggression
The reason lanklets post these threads online is saying it irl would get their heads bounced off every wall

>> No.20206

>caring about the opinion of these fucking sluts

>> No.20230

Yeah I never get this, I've pulled some girls that are stunning. But when I'm desperate for a gf and willing to settle, these average looking girls act like the biggest entitled cunts.

>> No.20295

I don't really know how to live with being short after seeing this thread. What do I do.

>> No.20305

>be me
>work at a place with fitness club right next to it
>see dozens of fitfags come and go daily
>identified substantial amount of manlets compared to average height
Why are fitfags so manlet tier in comparison to well educated normal people?

>> No.20324

Go to the fitness club like the other manlets

>> No.20372

Goddamn I wish I could afford this
>65 inches tall
>each bones can be lengthened by 3 inches for a final height if 71 inches
>tfw I could be 6'1 if I only had the money
Why does my life have to be so awful

>> No.20403

A girl has to at least be 5'6 to have good legs.

>> No.20416

That guy looks like freak tough, he's body is way out of proportions. He's not attractive, he's just lanklet, to be attractive your body needs to be proportional.

>> No.20772

what the fuck are you saying

>> No.20853
File: 7 KB, 238x243, 1358103674301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a manlet, my victim complex is off the motherfucking charts; it's absolutely insane. You can say that blacks had it worse due to slavery, segregation, and the multitude of problems they still face today. But they get support. Same goes for other minorities, fat people, women, gays, trans, whatever -- it doesn't matter, they all get support.

Nobody supports manlets, nobody at all.

Feed me more hate.

>> No.20910

He's 5'11

>> No.20971


Yeah that 4'11 girl was demanding no less than 6'3 for a guy. I believe 4'10 is legally a midget in usa

>> No.20977

Get fucked manlet

>> No.20995

The average height has increased over the years, though. That shows you that women do care as manlets are less likely to mate.

>> No.21024

Not really,
Emotional understanding > Hobbies > face > wealth > body > penis size > height

>> No.21028

Oh come the fuck on! What the fuck is wrong with these people worrying about the most stupid shit?

>> No.21034

>5'9 and got a cute 5'6 gf

Don't fall for the jewish psy ops

They want you to give up dating, end up masturbating to cartoons or go gay and never have children

It's all part of the plan to exterminate the white race

>> No.21088

>be 6'2"
>5'10" girls in heels are my height
Shits stupid t b h
Then again maybe 6'3" is the new average

>> No.21144

>implying I'm not a blackpilled manlet roleplaying as a chad

>> No.21201
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>> No.21228

Fuck those fucking womanlets they're fucking worse than dumb fucking manlets

>> No.21231

Yeah, just like the guy that bullied you back in school would end up working at mcdonalds rather than high up in business, right?

kek get real manlet.

>> No.21330
File: 67 KB, 400x533, 1491000635122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the FUCK does it seem like I only see 6ft+ white chads walking around my campus?

Do the betas just stay in their dorm all day out of shame or did I just pick the most ruthlessly competitive uni for a male?

>> No.21357

Short on height and vocabulary, disgusting

>> No.21411

Those stats about average height being 5'7'' are old as fuck, nowdays it wouldn't surprise me if 5'10'' would be the new average.

>> No.21416

>father of one
What a fucking disgusting person, he probably would've been a shitty father

>> No.21425

Thing is you'll need further and further disproportionate levels of weath and status to make up for your height the shorter you go.


Like, at 5'5" you need to be pushing 150k+ a year just for a homely 4/10 to even consider you.

>> No.21485
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>> No.21605
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that's a tall order

>> No.21625

Being tall is for girls what boob size is for men.

Its a huge advantage but you can survive without it.

>> No.21636
File: 1.88 MB, 230x250, malc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a manlet behaves in a manner that could be construed in any way as betraying a perception of himself as a human being on equal footing with average height and tall men around me

>> No.21665

Sandnigger detected

>> No.21677

>Implying short men are not the result of tall men going for short women.

>> No.21754
File: 409 KB, 1944x2592, 9fTVB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin, Trotsky, Marx were all manlets.

Meanwhile, the alpha American Capitalist republican males were mostly well above 6 feet tall.

Considering that the entire point of /lit/ is to suck communist cock, they are probably manlets. Although, they do probably hate themselves. Hating yourself is a good way to be "deep" and "introspective".

>> No.21763

>Same for the Germans actually
Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit. The average measured height of Germans as a whole is 5 foot 10 and a half.

>> No.21811

Become bitter and agressive

>> No.21837

Complexes are a good thing. Use it to better yourself. Would you rather be 6'3 and achieve nothing with your life and be a deadbeat. Or be a manlet that did something with his life because of insecurities?

>> No.21858

Dude, you realize that there's always going to be a lower half of the bell curve right?

Caesar was 5'7, that just wasn't short at the time

Even in the future, when we're all genetically engineered, there are going to be manlets, theyll just be 6'3

>> No.21882

Notice they're complaining about how he was some randomer trying to get in with them and pull them and not his height.

>> No.21910

>there are going to be manlets, theyll just be 6'3
There's an inverse correlation between height and lifespan. I'm sure most parents wouldn't wish to doom their children to a premature death.

>> No.21959
File: 87 KB, 639x813, IMG_1354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying lanklets. More lanky puss for me. Pic related it's me

>> No.21980


That's ridiculous

There is no functional purpose in people taller in the modern age, you just take up more space, food, and weigh more and it sucks in older age as your joints get strained.

>> No.21987

How did women get so many advantages over men in jus a few decades? They get to be 5/10s and can pick top 3% whereas as a man you have to be 8/10 just to get a 6/10

>> No.21988

Killed himself before he could make another one :(

>> No.21996

yeah its called being fed alot of good food by your parents and not being a pussy that doesn't eat while his body is trying to grow

>> No.22029

to be fair, she can lose that weight.

on the other hand manlets are fucked.

>> No.22031

>How did women get so many advantages over men in jus a few decades? They get to be 5/10s and can pick top 3% whereas as a man you have to be 8/10 just to get a 6/10


That's bullshit, they can fuck a top % guy yeah, but they won't get his committment lol.

>> No.22051

I'm a 5'10'' manlet. Im happy im chilean so it doesnt really affects me IRL.
Just the other day i saw this forum about american manlets trying to travel to fucking russia for height surgery. Sad af

>> No.22058

i would rather be born retarded than a manlet.

>> No.22072

5"8 /lit/izen here. Should I give up on my quest to become an Übermensch?

>> No.22083

that makes 0 sense.
you do realize theres just as many girls as guys, right?

>> No.22090

Don't worry, you already were.

>> No.22114
File: 191 KB, 1014x1055, 100002932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>height starts with a 5

im sorry, brother.

>> No.22116

You know what I mean. Every single couple you see a 9/10 guy dating an Average girl. Why do we allow women to have such high standards but men can't?

>> No.22157

i spot a manlet

>> No.22176
File: 14 KB, 646x720, 11119999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like a manlet in the thread.


>> No.22195

What is /fit/s bump limit?

>> No.22203
File: 42 KB, 800x593, hereboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna leave these here

>> No.22222

6'3" here and its not that unusual here in croatia

>> No.22223

>lifespans don't continue to increase with better technology

>> No.22237

You guys are giving way too much credit to people.
Look how obssessed everyone in this thread is with height. We're going to keep pushing this until everyone is 9'

>> No.22272

>women don't exist


>> No.22299
File: 415 KB, 552x543, c9999141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year 2200
>open VR /fit/
>first thread is "his height starts with a 7'"

>> No.22336

>handsome actor
>worldwide known
>worth $40,000,000
>nicely built body
>sexiest features

…so I would give it up to get 6'6"? Nah.

>> No.22362
File: 114 KB, 900x1200, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6" 3 but if your height has such an effect on you, why not focus on other things?
Lifting isn't the be all and end all way to acquire chicks. If you're rich/high status, you could be 4 feet tall and it wouldn't matter.

You can't change your height, (it's not even that big of a deal anyway), but you can change status, etc. I know loads of under 6 foot guys that get laid more than most people because they don't give a fuck about height or even let it into their mind.

Why not just focus on becoming wealthy, or well respected in some field? If your successful, chicks will flock to you anyway. I never understand why fags let insecurities ruin their lives. Why not just aim to get to a place where no one can say shit to you?

Women shouldn't be the main focus of your life anyway. Sure, make sure to procreate and pass on your genes, but don't contort your whole life around them, otherwise you become pathetic and women can sense that type of thing in a heartbeat.

Easiest way to get women is to stop giving a fuck about them. They respond to perceived slights and insults more than compliments and flattery anyway. Stop being a fucking faggot and allowing women to rule your life.

>> No.22384

Really cool hypothetical but 99.9% of manlets will never have the opportunity to obtain all that shit, white tallbros get a decent life just by being born on the right half of the average.

>> No.22552

Why do you have a pee spot?