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15763810 No.15763810 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche's writings were only meant to be understood by the chosen ones. Are you among the chosen ones?

>> No.15763819
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We are.

>> No.15763820

No, but I still read him anyway.

>> No.15763869


I am chosen because I understand that I could rape him to death and make him say thank you, and just as much as he'd do nothing but cope with it by saying 'amor fati' I too would only do nothing but cope with my incessant need to prove myself right through the medium of me raping him.

Prove me wrong

>> No.15763899

You have proven yourself to be a vulgar decadent of lower nature full of ressentiment against a higher being such as Nietzsche.

>> No.15763921

I have no ressentiment against him. Quite the opposite I admire his work.

However, am I wrong? If my Will to overcome drives me to be vulgar then surely that is an expression of the highest nature, you fucking pussio you

>> No.15763933

Yet ure still a retard on this board so the best u can give isn't good enough. If you study practice read for a few years then you're not practicing your might makes right unless you're beating math problems and burning your books or at least professors but in any case you'd still not have learned

>> No.15763952


Good thing I'm not into math?

No but seriously, my point originally was: if I do you harm that turns out to be longterm good, then it is good of me to harm you. Indubitably, no?

>> No.15763988

It's not. If you can harm me longterm then I'm either useless generally or useless particularly. Either way harming me would repeatedly would be shorter and shorter lived and harming ppl implies you already have something greater than them so you're swinging down anyways from the particular vantage you are

>> No.15764022

Only masters can harm? Is that what you're saying? Interesting idea

>> No.15764037

If it's in your nature to fantasize about raping Nietzsche, you're simply vulgar. There's nothing to overcome. You are by nature a disgusting pest.

>> No.15764066

I don't fantasize about raping anyone you weakling. I was just making a shitposty point

>> No.15764067

Anonsb like you should be banned from this board for good

>> No.15764076
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>> No.15764086

Effeminate fags. Life is violent and vulgar and it's part of the overcoming of that vulgarity to be playful about it. Get a grip

>> No.15764091

raping to death you is all proof you need.

>> No.15764162

What would you overcome by rape, insect?

>> No.15764172

Blue balls and fear. Pretty self-evident, O my intellectual giant.

>> No.15764179

Fear of what? You fear Nietzsche?

>> No.15764186

Fear of simply taking what I desire. What're you dense?

>> No.15764187 [DELETED] 

Fear of what, you fear Nietzsche?

>> No.15764201

So you desire raping Nietzsche but you fear the act. Overcoming for you would be actually raping him. Is that it?

>> No.15764233

No, I don't desire to rape Nietzsche. We were talking in hypotheticals this whole time you fucking autist. My whole point was that literally any act can be interpreted as life overcoming itself. Hypothetically (!) me raping anyone might be rightfully seen as me overcoming a myriad of things. Of course, and this should be self-evident to anyone with a brain, I cannot overcome without submitting to that which overcomes. Simple as. Hence >>15763869
>I too would only do nothing but cope with my incessant need to prove myself right through the medium of me raping him

Now go fuck yourself you insufferably holier-than-thou deliberately-misinterpreting twat.

>> No.15764268

No, not any act can be interpreted as life overcoming itself because overcoming is related to life increasing in power after undergoing hardship.

>> No.15764287

What does
>must always overcome
Mean to you?

>> No.15764305

Don't leave out the context, birdbrain. I'm curious how it would contradict what I just said.

>> No.15764309
File: 107 KB, 1200x1185, 1580552095218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to oswald spengler, the age of caesarism is nearly upon us and therefore the next caesar has already been born
what do you think he's doing right now?

>> No.15764328

tiktoks, probably

>> No.15764333

General imperatives.
>no not any act
Only an imperative in specific circumstances. You're wrong because Life is always, and not just in those specific circumstances that allow you to cope with being autistic.

Tell me now why you're screeching at my original power-pilled hypothetical.

>> No.15764358

Once more, context please. I don't think you've ever read Nietzsche, much less understood half of his writings. Deliberately cherry picking a sentence and giving it a meaning that suits your misconception of Nietzsche's idea around overcoming isn't helping your point.

>> No.15764373

You haven't even explained how my hypothetical is wrong.

>> No.15764391

Your "hypothetical" (which is more a reflection of you being an inherently vile degenerate) bears no relation with the concept of overcoming as laid out in Nietzsche's book.

>> No.15764393

So life isn't about power?

>> No.15764398

>an inherently vile degenerate
not a very Nietzschean thing to say tbqh

>> No.15764442

Just.. go back to /pol/ or whatever containment abode you belong to.

>> No.15764449

>literally no argument
You still haven't managed to prove my hypothetical wrong anon. I hope you stub your toe today.

>> No.15764456

This is a board for people who read. Leave and make it a better place for those of us who do.

>> No.15764459


>> No.15765314

Retarded take. You've clearly not read his work.

>> No.15765654

Define "rape." Do you mean physical rape? If so, post physique with timestamp to prove it. If you mean rape in a philosophical sense, you have to write something that proves your worth, and your post isn't it.

>> No.15765733

Nietzsche was the most influential writer/thinker of the 19th century. HIs thoughts has been understood and expanded upon by many gifted people. His bold vision continues to inform those who seek wisdom in a world without God.

>> No.15765740

He was incel who coped with fantasies. Got rejected twice. Took a toll on him.

>> No.15765761

He's a Jew-loving masturbating incel freak whose books deserve to be burned and forgotten because he called me names and insulted my religion and that makes me sad and I hate him

>> No.15766157

Ehh, laughing at his zealous followers is good enough for me. The are pretty funny in their unjustified elitism :P

>> No.15766582

replying to you ;)

>> No.15766725

>nietzsche only succeeded in establishing mystery cult
Made me laugh for ten minutes straight

>> No.15766747

The (((chosen ones)))?

>> No.15766830


>> No.15766835

Clearly, he said the Jews were bad, and i agreed wholeheartedly

>> No.15766846

Yes, I'm special too.