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1576349 No.1576349 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most horrific story you've read /lit/. And I mean 'horrific' in a fairly broad sense; it could be something that's so chilling or macabre that it stays with you or something so incredibly disgusting or depraved you can't get it out of your mind, or a particularly awful war account.

I don't really read a lot of horror or sad stories but I suppose recently it would have to be something like palahniuk's 'guts' story in Haunted to gross me out, or Ian McKewan's 'Cement Garden' in the sense it left me feeling sickened for a while.

>> No.1576354

And then a skeleton popped out

>> No.1576355

You didn't use this very well.
Boring answer, but probably American Psycho. Maybe The 120 Days of Sodom.

>> No.1576356

John Dies at the End. So far the only novel to actually scare me. It's also the funniest book I've read, and the juxtaposition of humor and horror magnifies both.

>> No.1576357

Samson and Delila.

I have never read it again since.

>> No.1576358

Cthulu made me puke.

>> No.1576364


"'Yore Skin's Jes's Soft 'n Purdy,' He Said" by Chet Williamson from "Razored Saddles" (edited by Joe R. Lansdale & Pat Lobruto)

>> No.1576367

I was gonna say "guts" too.

Did you read the epilogue in the paperback (or was it a prologue) where he said all those people passed out while he was reading it during the book tour?

I just checked it wikipedia, he said sixty altogether

>> No.1576368

Oh, come on, you can't just say something like that without the story! It makes it seem like you're fibbing.

>> No.1576372

No, after reading like two more stories in it I heard off VW00f and anon that the rest of the book doesn't get as bad as that first story so I couldn't be arsed reading the rest, although no-one said anything about the epilogue

>> No.1576383

Probably this one bit in "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men" by DFW where this guy goes and hooks up with this one chick for a one night stand, then it turns out shes this rape victim with this terribly deep and emotional account of the rape, and how she had to convince herself to be okay with it so she wouldn't be traumatized and killed. Seriously, shits crazy. I'd buy the book just for that story.

>> No.1576394

Read Blood Meridian.

The frankness of the sheer gore of the indian attack scene in the beginning...so chilling I can't even remember what happened, but I felt detached from my body after that chapter.

>> No.1576397

Dark Property

>> No.1576423
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>> No.1576438

The only other one I remember is the one about full size "where-did-he-touch-you" dolls at a police department which, due to an error at the factory or something, had sex organs. It talks about cops borrowing the dolls to use as sexual aids, and this woman who works at the station who tries to protect them.

>For those who haven't read Haunted, its about a group of writers who trap themselves in a warehouse together to write short stories, inspired by the writing of Frankenstein. The book alternates between unrelated short stories by those in the warehouse and the story of those in the warehouse.

The main plot gets pretty silly, towards the end.They all end maiming and each other because they know that'll make the story all the more horrible, so they're more likely to get printed, and also so they can get a reality television deal.

>> No.1576450

Goddammit I fucking loathe Chuckles so mulch.

>> No.1576460

I was in a workshop, and the instructor had us go around the room and read "Where are you going, where have you been?" outloud, as a group. That was pretty intense, actually.

>> No.1576462

I don't hate him, I was in high school and I read half of his books. I liked lullaby and choke at that age. I get now why people don't like him, and I don't really have the inclination to read anything by him again. When I was a kid I thought that his chorus shit (where he repeats a phrase all through a book, a la "so it goes" by Kurt V) was the cat's pajamas, but then I grew a bit and realized that it's bullshit. He's like a girlfriend you had for a summer: totally wrong for you, constantly made you angry, and you never want anything to do with them ever again, but you still wouldn't give up the memory for the world.

>> No.1576471

House of Leaves