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/lit/ - Literature

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1576209 No.1576209 [Reply] [Original]

Explain which medium of art you believe is more effective in expressing ideas emotion and the self

then back up those ideas

>> No.1576211

>any medium in itself being intrinsically better or worse than any other

>> No.1576218


>implying i stated that i was asking for an objective answer on the validity of said mediums

>implying i wasn't asking for logic debates backed up by reason to show why one medium would be more effective than another

>> No.1576235

Probably not music if you want to express a very specific, coherent narrative. Art can do this, but the length has to be short, and there is always going to be a degree of ambiguity.

Written material (wherever the hell it appears) would be the easiest way to tell a narrative. But, by itself it can be very difficult to induce emotion as easy as music or art.

Actually, when you think of it, Film/video games/visual novels should theoretically be the "best" because they blend elements of all three. But really, it's a matter of preference. Sometimes people don't want flashy images to kill their imagination, pre-set emotional cues in music, or even a direct narrative as with writing. Meh

>> No.1576241

>the self

>> No.1576242

>Implying that this is not true.
Enjoy your interpretive dance.

>> No.1576244
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So you don't think any medium is intrinsically better than any other, but you want people to debate over it?

I... oh.

>> No.1576251

high tier medium:
internet image boards with greentext

good tier:
radio, dance

shit tier:
everything else

>> No.1576252

you are a dumbass

>> No.1576254

god tier:

>> No.1576255

>internet image boards with greentext

>> No.1576265


Exactly, Intrinsically means to be objectively, (ex. The Iliad was Greek). It means that something is true

Music and Literature are both subjective, so, a conclusive debate is impossible, however it is possible to debate the quality, albeit it takes a strong knowledge of the items being compared

>> No.1576266

wooden sculpture

>> No.1576270

Undoubtedly the matrix.

>> No.1576288

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.1576289

The novel

The TV Series with a complete and fully realized plot from the beginning

Stage play

TV series without a complete and fully realized plot from the beginning

Not Art:
The vydia

>> No.1576302

Music and literature. Paintings are good as well. Films can be great, but it's a bit harder.

>> No.1576309

>Stage play
Read some Shakespeare.

>> No.1576320

for pure human emotions, nothing beats music

for more abstract ideas, prose literature

a good combination can be achieved on screen, or opera

>> No.1576333

I believe the written word is better in theory.

However, a music can be more effective than a sculpture can be more effective than a painting can be more effective than a novel. It ultimately comes down to the artist, and therefore I don't think it's particularly worth considering.

>> No.1576337
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>> No.1576347

ITT: people dumb enough to discuss this

>> No.1576359

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.1576366


Video games.

>> No.1576376

>derp sculpt is better than paint. no paint are better also some music. no music just a books!
>you dumb

>> No.1576395

The discussion is about whether certain art forms are better at certain things than certain other art forms.. OK?? And I think the art form of Opera beats everyone at everything. It is the ultimate art form

>> No.1576398

what an enlightening thread

let's all make retarded lists that go absolutely nowhere. neat!