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/lit/ - Literature

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1576177 No.1576177 [Reply] [Original]

I´m running out of books...The last books I read are: On the road (Jack Kerouac), If this is a man (Primo Levi), The Antichrist (F.Nietzsche), Journey to the end of the world (H.Mankell), Naked Lunch (W.Burroughs), The Picture of Dorian Gray (O.Wilde), A Confederacy of Dunces (J.K. Toole).
Have you something of my taste, /lit/?

>> No.1576193

Gravity's Rainbow? I don't really know

>> No.1576203


Oh...sounds good.

>> No.1576206

could you give a review of naked lunch?

>> No.1576208
File: 35 KB, 327x499, Fear_and_Loathing_in_Las_Vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your list is very heterogeneous, but I’ll recommend you this:
Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.1576238

Well, I´m spanish, so this is going to be hard to explain...It´s a very atypical piece I´ve never read something like these. It´s a mixture of black humor, an acid protest to the northamerican society. All the book is fucking gallant and the most of the time you aren´t going to see any sense in that you are reading...It´s a must have to strong stomachs (and strong minds).
Lot´s of thanks! Someone recommended it to me, but I forgot it...

>> No.1576300

Try Yonqui

>> No.1577949

How the fuck can you run out of books
Your idiocy has brought shame upon our community
Leave this place and never come back