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/lit/ - Literature

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15761456 No.15761456 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, in your view, who is the true intellectual? the man who enjoys only the finest, most sophisticated, top point one percent of literature? or the man who finds joy in nearly all literature?
think carefully. i am responsible for the recruitment for an alphabet soup agency. these questions may determine whether you pass to the next level of the interview process.

>> No.15761465

The true intellectual is NEET.

>> No.15761466

Doesn't matter, anon. The man who does things meaningfully whatever his choice is.

>> No.15761477


>> No.15761478
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an intriguing proposition? care to elucidate? a certain agency in question may have an assignment in mind for you.
ah, i wish it twere that simple.

>> No.15761482

Neither, and also both. The man who enjoys only a very small fraction of literature but doesn’t pay and mind to the critical consensus is the true intellectual

>> No.15761487

Finds joy in nearly all literature.

>> No.15761496

As in why one choose to not read commercial books or why spend time reading everything. People are different, anon. There are reasonable motives to read YA.

And screw you, anon. You are asking a difficult question and yet you want simple answers. I don't care about this anyway.

>> No.15761508

The one who finds joy in all literature.

>> No.15761514

within the next three weeks, you shall receive a call. a man with a deep voice will ask, "Greg's Automatic Repair Shop?" you will say, "yes." he will tell you he has an item in the shop, and ask you when he can have it by. you will tell him a date and a time.
on that date and time, you will proceed to the park nearest your house. by the swing set, a woman in a red coat will be waiting for you. ask her if she knows Veronica.

>> No.15761519

It's not about what you read, it's about the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

>> No.15761531
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>> No.15761945

He is dressed like the frog and the toad

>> No.15762334

The man who both reads and enjoys the best literature.

>> No.15762348

remember us when you're in your new position in an alphabet agency.

>> No.15762369
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>> No.15762612

fuk black people

>> No.15762766

The second - because if focus solely on the refined, top point literature, you may shift into pure snobbism. It`s bad for mental finesse. Only-low-brow literature is bad for that same reason.
It`s like eating either nachos every day or only top-tier dishes consisting of 2 vegetables and one piece of horse dick - it is all very unhealthy

What do you think about this?

>> No.15763877

the man who reads Plato on the bus

>> No.15763905

The man who finds joy in nearly all literature is an emotional and intellectual monster (read as hero). He is the true intellectual for he does not limit himself to any public opinion on what is refined and what isn't, what is good and what isn't. Instead he discovers and creates his own tastes and lives more passionately for it. I say that man is the true intellectual but it is a guess in truth. However I do know this: he is loved by the gods more than the the other type.

>> No.15763915

"High-brow" and "low-brow" are so prewar, stop that nonsense right now

>> No.15764355

"intellectuals" are just a socioeconomic caste, there is no "true" intellectualism beyond what's currently fashionable among its members, and pursuing these fashions as if they were worthwhile principles is a scam. your question is so thoughtless and gullible that i wouldn't be surprised if you actually were from the cia.

>> No.15764363
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>> No.15764384

The true intellectual is anyone who agrees with me.

>> No.15764401

>the critical consensus
but anon , its fun to analyse to get a pulse one the pleb

>> No.15764433

>the man who enjoys only the finest, most sophisticated, top point one percent of literature? or the man who finds joy in nearly all literature?
These are one in the same.

>> No.15764457
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>read wide variety of books
>Watch wide variety of film
>Listen to wide variety of music
>Fully engage with works on their level before critiquing them, "say yes to the text", don't come to a work preemptively agreeing or disagreeing with it
>Always challenge your own thoughts
>Think critically about where you get your thoughts from, what they're based off of, what they might reflect
>Never be complacent with yourself and how you think of yourself
>Talk to others in good faith, not merely to "win arguments"
>Genuinely learn about the subject before forming an opinion about it
>Never allow yourself to fall into passive satisfaction with your worldview and preferences
>Realize that people who aren't as well read as you can still be just as thoughtful

>> No.15764480

>Talk to others in good faith, not merely to "win arguments"
Nobody does that.

>> No.15764492

you do in (good) classroom discussions. It's not hard.
The issue on here is that people come into threads, and create threads, actively asking for arguments, rather than something collaborative, rather than asking open ended questions, or focusing around a subject and genuinely asking "I'd like to hear your thoughts."

>> No.15764506

>you do in (good) classroom discussions.
Kek on so many levels here.

>> No.15764533

Sorry that you went to a shitty school

>> No.15764540

Sorry that the tutor was your only friend.

>> No.15765058

both, just with a major focus in the finest things or whatever they believe it to be

>> No.15765215

le meme alphabetman question.

But to answer the question- first we have to define intellectual. One such definition is; 'An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking and reading, research, writing, and human self-reflection about society'. Using that definition, which you may have meant, the answer is clearly the latter, for he will inevitably be more open to self-reflection and understanding the wider human condition through his interaction with all literature. Through reading (and enjoying) everything, he will have a far greater grasp on the sociological zeitgeist than the man who only reads 'sophisticated' literature.

The man who only enjoys sophisticated literature is the antithesis of an intellectual, for in only engaging with 'sophisticated' literature he receives a limited view of society, merely peeking through the curtains at the world outside. He also might educate his engagement with literature through the recommendations of his peers, in which case he is also being anti-intellectual as he is coloured by the opinions of others.

>> No.15765588

The only thing I know about intellectuals is that they're all suicidally depressed, so enjoying anything is off the table immediately.

>> No.15765601

>the man who enjoys only the finest, most sophisticated, top point one percent of literature?
for a man to do this he needs to let other people decide for him what is good literature. And those men are intellectual cuckolds.

>> No.15766288

you are the only person in this thread who has mentioned high brow and low brow

>> No.15766302

Define literature.
It depends on whether or not that man has a reason to read what he reads and if he's able to hop from book to book using intertextuality. (Lust for knowledge, seeking truth or enjoyment.)
Chartfags are not intellectuals.

>> No.15766304

Someone who has a nice taste regardless of genre. Also fuck niggers and fuck OP.