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15760981 No.15760981 [Reply] [Original]

>The only people not reproducing are secularists across the world
>the only people with birth rates above replacement level are religious people
>the entire progressive mob are either having 1 child or none at all
>liberal religious people have a 60% chance of becoming conservative
>people who are raised religious have an extremely high rate of retainment for their religion

When did you realize secular liberalism was going to go extinct within 2 generations?

>> No.15761030

It's true. Daddy Spengler told me the second religiousness is coming and is never wrong.

>> No.15761064
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>> No.15761106

ghosts, telepathy, and ufo's are real

>> No.15761109

When I saw how religious people all have 5 kids, but secular people have like one kid when they're 40 that probably has autism and won't reproduce.

>> No.15761117

spengler predicted the second religiousity would be a watered down new-age thing

but he also said russian orthodoxy would bet he new world spirit

>> No.15761127

Russia blew its "world spirit" wad on communism, ain't gonna be world spiriting shit this century.

>> No.15761138

It hasn't. Communism merely delayed it.

>> No.15761140
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>and so is my god

>> No.15761147

Liberals are still in power and even if they don't reproduce sexually, they 'reproduce' by having their ideology as dominant.

>> No.15761182

There will be nobody to continue this ideology

>> No.15761189


Russia just merged the church with the state and unveiled a military cathedral. The ideology is in place they just need the economy to complete it

>> No.15761198

Under His Eye!

>> No.15761201

I just said they reproduce by having their ideology dominant, which means people are 'converted' to liberalism

>> No.15761227

yes and 90% doesn't really believe but just copes

>> No.15761235

According to the book, the mass conversion of liberalism has already maxed out. The liberals we see today are the 1-2 kids that the old liberal families had. The upcoming generation of liberals aren't reproducing

Conservative Christian families have something like an 85% retention rate

>> No.15761255

what i read eric kaufmann's will the religious inherit the earth. it will take longer than 2 generations because the proglib propaganda machine is so strong

>> No.15761264

It doesn't matter if they don't reproduce because their ideology is dominant so it is taught, so a person raised in a christian family might become liberal. I've seen ti happen many times.

>> No.15761275

You are a waste

>> No.15761321

It’s nationalist propaganda. The country still has just as many socialists. Putin can’t live forever.


>> No.15761346
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>thread about how secularists are committing suicide and won't be around in the future
>tranny replies

>> No.15761370

African Catholic Monarchical super power 2500 A.D.!

>> No.15761381

Is it not possible the birth issue is a European issue, and other groups may maintain a high birth rate even if they experience a similar loss of religion?

>> No.15761382
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>and won't be around in the future

>> No.15761385

thank you reddit

>> No.15761393

Stanford University Neurology Department

>> No.15761405 [DELETED] 

Incredibly reddit thing to say

>> No.15761416

"we are permeated by irrationality, nuuu, these people shouldn't be allowed to drive"

Coming from someone who chooses to be the single most active poster on a Welsh spoon carving board. You are irrational too my friend.

>> No.15761426
File: 603 KB, 2100x1723, F9C1F483-C88D-4493-99BC-FE07632B4055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever goober

>> No.15761441

please don't molest any teenagers, thanks

>> No.15761452

Why would anyone care about what the world is like when they are dead?

>> No.15761461

But religious people rule the world right now. The contemporary "evangelical left" believe in equality more fervently than almost all Christians believe in their faith. I don't see Christendom returning.

>> No.15761502

>why do people who believe in an afterlife care about things after they die

>> No.15761521

I know I’ll be dead, but I really care.

Those that think there’s an afterlife don’t worry about the world in the same way. Believing in an escape and all.

>> No.15761564


>> No.15761609

They worry about the souls that come after them, especially their children and grandchildren.

>> No.15761627

Right. Not the world and their condition, just the imaginary shit.

>> No.15761633

you're really goddamn annoying and far more dogmatic than any of the people you criticize. Stirner would be dissapointed in your idealist nonsense that is veiled by your oh so rigorous and rational positivist materialism.

>> No.15761638

Why people who believe in afterlife cry their loved ones when they die?

>> No.15761674

There's 300 million religious (AKA White) people in the world. There's also 7 billion irreligious (AKA Non-White) people in the world. The former are only adopting this whole MUH BENEDICT OPTION OPTION thing because they're being chased down, which is also precisely why the Benedict Option won't work (the non-Whites won't leave you alone, ever, even if you retreat to a monastery, which is why the doctrine's founder has rejected it as it no longer even works).

You can outlast cucky Libs (not really, retention rate is trash except in a SMALL handful of communities so you're just making cucky Libs), you cannot outlast Jews, Negroes, Arabs, and Spics. Not because they outbreed us, but because they've outbred us. There's enough that they can still drown us out even at Liberal reproduction levels because they have such a massive head start.

That IS Christendom. What we're seeing is the beginnings of the Second Religiousness. The call is coming from inside the house. The synthesis of Joel Osteen, Saint George-Floyd, BASED Faggy Fuentes, and redpilled Lady Maga will be done by wrapping them all up in Jesus. Take away Democracy, and all three agree on fucking you over. Catholic Integralism, ala Adrian "wouldn't it be cool if the pope was a CIA agent" Vermeule, but Protestant.

>> No.15761676

Because they miss them? What sort of assburgers do you have anon?

>> No.15761688

>Pretends to know Stirner

You mean why don’t they wish to join them and march right into an early death to do so at times?
It’s natural not to believe it, but the rigidly faithful keep a steely face. Their company will be missed.

>> No.15761740

>Non white are Irreligious
I worked as a missionary in Tanzania for two years and I have seen with my whole heart more sanity and charity from their souls than you could imagine, they're in their own dark age and there's nothing between them and their faith in the poorer parts. Hell and damnation are as real to them as the day and night, they just have no real connection from Rome, the priests they do have are closer to the Canadian Martyrs in that they venture deep into territory ruled by tribal law and basically frontiers that are entirely Anti-Christian in their fervor, they don't expect canonisation, they don't wait for the Church to rain down money for programs and youth initiatives, they work alongside us most of the time they're around, but they're terrifying to see walking down a jungle road in the dead of night alone with nothing but a pack of candles or a hand cranked flashlight.

>> No.15761752

how do i achive this physique?

>> No.15761756

You the living are the one who gets hurt when they part.

>> No.15761790

They should be happy they're in heaven or something. The point is that deep down everyone knows there's no afterlife, and it's just a cope

>> No.15761797

it's just santa claus for grown ups

>> No.15761821

Nice wishful thinking retard. But that's not how it works.

>> No.15761878

Traditional religion

The progressive religion left are the ones not reproducing

>> No.15761898

>le epic nihilistic faggot projecting itself
You're not deep, you're just a faggot.

>> No.15761897

No the Christian retention rate is 85%+ meaning 85% don’t convert to liberalism now

>> No.15761944

Their ideological miasma will still persist by infecting the minds of uni students and adopting brown kids from shithole countries and groom them into the next generation of Marxist professors and faggots. This will keep going on until the academic institutions are purged and immigration is clamped down to zero.

>> No.15761951

Yeah they might still be around but they’re gonna get outnumbered

Marxism will always be around especially

>> No.15761976

Not understanding human emotion is a sign of autism

>> No.15761985

If by around you mean as a buzzword
No one of any real importance to politics today is a Marxist

>> No.15762019

You're hopeless

>> No.15762033

You wish you looked like that. Funny enough that hot piece of ass probably doesnt even care about politics and most certainly has never read Marx or Engels. Yet you profusely pour over the words of some dead retard whose ideology is functionally dead and post about it here and now, long after your eggs have all dried up

>> No.15762035

It really feels like something different is in the air now. Like this is it, the era that will see the return of religion. By that I mean the era of identity politics. LGBT ideology, BLM, self hating whites, all of it is pure nihilism from having a complete lack of confidence in their own identity. The religious know that God created them and they affirm their identity. The prevalence of not being comfortable with your own identity, or looking for it in someone else that has one, is a nihilistic vacuum that only religion can plug. And it's not an isolated event, we've been working towards this since Enlightenment secularism.

>> No.15762039

>There's also 7 billion irreligious
Oh no, the blackpiller with his farts already arrived.

>> No.15762046

>no true Marxist
Who the fuck cares? The fact is, their ideas become more exceedingly inbred, irrational, and insane, and will always be the loudest voices in the room, and the centrists will always capitulate just to make them shut the fuck up until they find something else to bitch and moan over a decade later.

>> No.15762076

Marxism is a spirit that emerges in new ways

>> No.15762095

Marxism is an iteration of an emergent spirit

>> No.15762152
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>> No.15762385

and the kids of the religious internalize the ideas of those secularists and only nominally do they retain their religiousness. and thats aside from how effete and ineffectual are most of the normalcattle forms of "religion" which dominate the west.

>> No.15762393

I like early russian communism because they had the idea that women should be public use. it was absolutely based.

>> No.15762413

Subsahara Africa and Mexico are Christians.

Let's try and make sure there is no Christian revival, please. I don't want to have my skin grinded off.

>> No.15762429

It's fine. He'll be replaced with Sergej Sjojgu.

>> No.15762432

pastor would-let-his-daughter-burn-coal anderson types reproduce more than anyone. based blacks!

>> No.15762440

he better understands it than you, clearly.

>> No.15762611

you always know a book is a giant turd if the author feels the need to put their degree on the front cover

>> No.15762648
File: 248 KB, 750x450, 1588443264704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reproducing is not enough. this is internet age. and end of technological progress. you will all enjoy the future.

>> No.15762670

ahh, it's the trademark 4chan schizo-racism. Shouldn't have expected any less from /lit/

>> No.15762712

His entire church is white and everyone has 5+ kids

>> No.15762753

What would religion have to achieve in order for it to be considered "effectual"?

>> No.15762962

I've seen multiple blacks and Mexicans in there though. And he married a black guy with a white woman not too long ago. Do you think they were strangers that just came knocking looking for someone to make it official?

Not that it is against Christian teachings or whatever though

>> No.15763000

Omg! blacks and mexicans??? KEKED AND BLUEPILLED

Christianity, like all serious religions, is universalist. There is no serious "ethnic religion", even today's pagans claim Jupiter is the god of all.

>> No.15763013

Religion eternally btfo

>> No.15763023

People with a sense of universal values are the healthiest and happiest people

Deranged race tribalists are some of the most unhinged and miserable people out there

>> No.15763043

Yes, study after study shows the superior mental health and general wellbeing of the atomised world citizen urbanites, especially compared to those lousy community oriented rural retards.

Religion and Drumpftards btfo

>> No.15763053

Universal world values doesn't mean urbanite liberals, but because you are a low IQ /pol/ migrant with AIDs cum trickling out of your mouth, you assumed this

World Citizen Urbanites are some of the most unhinged tribalist cunts alive, they are the biggest proponents of micro-identities and race politics. Rural people have a far greater sense of universalist values because they don't live near other tribes of people to compare their values against theirs

>> No.15763056

This thread was moved to >>>/bant/10665449