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/lit/ - Literature

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15754726 No.15754726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She won't stop. She just won't stop shitposting. I'm impressed.

>> No.15754736

There is not a single "she" on /lit/

>> No.15754745


>> No.15754749

Imagine servicing Butterfly orally whole she posts

>> No.15754754

she's never had a penis
i want to take her flower so bad

>> No.15754785

That's gross.

>> No.15754792

Believe me. I would not be posting that night

>> No.15754802
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It’s all so tiresome

>> No.15754809
File: 7 KB, 320x180, 05C5BE37-597E-47A5-88B8-C8C13340271D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When done right, yeah!

>> No.15754810

Disgusting bitch get out of my thread this isn't about you

>> No.15754816

Wow I swear this happened last night as well when you weren't getting enough attention.

>> No.15754818

Hit me up, I'll make you purr~

>> No.15754821

Naw. That was a legit thread

Good good. Carry on

>> No.15754823

No u

>> No.15754824

what did she mean by this

>> No.15754829

ESL or retarded probably

>> No.15754843

i would rather be hanged, drawn, and quartered than forced to imagine being face to face with her bone-dry, putrid, senescent cunt. i would not even allow that decrepit hag to go down on me. i wouldn’t even let her eat my ass, even though she loves eating shitty ass. in earnest, i would rather die. i refuse to perceive butterfly as a sexual being. i hate her.

>> No.15754849

whats achieved by goading strangers into disrespecting and belittling you all day every day? do you worry about it affecting your mental health? it doesnt affect theirs, but it might impact yours.
i visit /lit/ once a week or so, and almost everytime i see you drawn into arguments where you're getting personal attacks. either its a series of coincidences or this is happening every day. why hold to an identity that makes you a magnet for abuse?
i worry i sound cruel typing this. its possible i completely misunderstand the dynamic. maybe theres something im missing. but the dynamic seems absolutely horrid.
i used to spend wayyyy too much time on 4chan. cutting back improved my mental health. you might benefit too.

>> No.15754850

She wouldn't be posting because she would be fucking :3

>> No.15754855

what's up with super horny faggots and mentally ill attention whores on this site?

>> No.15754862

What's it like almost being an abortion? We all know ole Hector B. wanted to smash your head in the womb. HAHAHAHHHAHAHA

>> No.15754867

Now that you've replied to the boys, it's time to reply to the MAN A.K.A. >>15754818

>> No.15754871

Butterfly is even well know on /leftypol/
What's her end game?

>> No.15754874

What's she like on leftypol? The same?

>> No.15754888
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>> No.15754889

butters is based

>> No.15754893

having to raise a kid

>> No.15754896

anon, i think her eggs are well past the best-by date. her motive is likely that she seeks to lick crumbs of shit from anons’ assholes.

>> No.15754897

its ironic that all her posts are one or two short lines yet she at the same time will complain about /lit/ being full of shitposters and not enough literature or substantiatied posts. its boggling levels of hypocrisy and utter lack of self awareness that can only be explained by taking her only motivation to be attention and (you)s.

>> No.15754898

>do you worry about it affecting your mental health? it doesnt affect theirs, but it might impact yours.
I believe you have this backwards.
Under socialized.
Haven’t been to 8 chin in years.