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/lit/ - Literature

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15753892 No.15753892 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you doing all this reading, /lit/, really? Is it because you want to get a leg up on your intellectual rivals? Are you entangled in existential problems regarding life and meaning? Is it because it's merely fun to you? Or do you have a reason at all?

Whether your reason (or philosophically convoluted lack thereof) for studying literature is valid or not, you should visit the /sig/ Self Improvement discord!

We of /sig/ believe that reading is a means to an end; that of self improvement. Join us at the /sig/ discord, where we focus on improving ourselves mentally, physically, and morally, through book clubs, productive discussion, existential problem solving, and other things that are guaranteed to help your life to be better and more meaningful than what it is. Our community is engaged at an incredible rate, with almost a million posts predicted total for our group by the end of the summer.

Currently, we're running a book club for Brave New World, with new chapters opening up for discussion every few days. Have you read it? Been looking for an excuse to read it? The discussion is still ongoing and we would love to hear your input. This book is one of the cornerstones of the modern canon, with eerily relevant themes that seem straight out of a news article, and every bit of input counts, because the goal of the readers isn't just to read for its own sake, but to take the lessons within and to live a better life because of it.

>> No.15753902
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>Why are you doing all this reading, /lit/, really? Is it because you want to get a leg up on your intellectual rivals? Are you entangled in existential problems regarding life and meaning? Is it because it's merely fun to you? Or do you have a reason at all?
>Whether your reason (or philosophically convoluted lack thereof) for studying literature is valid or not, you should visit the /sig/ Self Improvement discord!
>We of /sig/ believe that reading is a means to an end; that of self improvement. Join us at the /sig/ discord, where we focus on improving ourselves mentally, physically, and morally, through book clubs, productive discussion, existential problem solving, and other things that are guaranteed to help your life to be better and more meaningful than what it is. Our community is engaged at an incredible rate, with almost a million posts predicted total for our group by the end of the summer.
>Currently, we're running a book club for Brave New World, with new chapters opening up for discussion every few days. Have you read it? Been looking for an excuse to read it? The discussion is still ongoing and we would love to hear your input. This book is one of the cornerstones of the modern canon, with eerily relevant themes that seem straight out of a news article, and every bit of input counts, because the goal of the readers isn't just to read for its own sake, but to take the lessons within and to live a better life because of it.

>> No.15753911
File: 4 KB, 232x217, DA51BFC1-032E-461F-9FBA-E9E266BB8399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just like toread some book

>> No.15753917
File: 152 KB, 481x481, tumblr_82161edd7b7bc6c983ac02866b80a8d6_91da3647_2048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We of /sig/ believe that reading is a means to an end; that of self improvement. Join us at the /sig/ discord, where we focus on improving ourselves mentally, physically, and morally, through book clubs, productive discussion, existential problem solving, and other things that are guaranteed to help your life to be better and more meaningful than what it is. Our community is engaged at an incredible rate, with almost a million posts predicted total for our group by the end of the summer.

>> No.15753919

Brave New World is shit.
>Bro like...it's so profound
No it's fucking not. A baby could've come up made it.

>> No.15753921
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>> No.15753925
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>> No.15753927
File: 35 KB, 341x354, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay what the FUCK is up with the fucking board tonight? OP's stupidity is the third or fourth fucking thread I have seen on /lit/ tonight of people asking "what's the point of reading" or something like that. Are we being raided? Did we just happen to attract a collection of bugmen today, soulless ape people? What's going on?

>> No.15753930

Yikes is this from 2008?

>> No.15753932

reddit banned a lot of shit, so brace yourself.

>> No.15753944


Is the link, since someone forgot it?

>> No.15753954

it started a week ago when discord trannies raided the board to "improve" the posts but it only made the low effort posters become even more indulgent in their shitposts.
It's not even a provocation. People just stopped caring.

>> No.15753955
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Lol didn't they ban the Trump subreddit? Get ready to be colonized by boomer chads.

>> No.15753969

kek based boomers

>> No.15753997

Name 5 books more profound, GO

>> No.15754014

-Harry Potter
-Percy Jackson
These taught me to RESIST Trump!

-White fragility


It touched me on a deep level...it's literally what Trump is doing.

>> No.15754045

The Bible
The Koran
The Torah

Don't care past that.

>> No.15754047

>points out ugly women and says "that's a trap!"
based and wittgenstein-esque hick

>> No.15754049

>Is it because you want to get a leg up on your intellectual rivals?
my only rival is my former self.
>Are you entangled in existential problems regarding life and meaning?
that does sound interesting to read.
though it doesn't seem that valuable wether I do it or not.
>Or do you have a reason at all?
not really. I exist and feel the need to be consumed by a task. reading is simply one, like jerking off or crying yourself to sleep or lifting.
>you should visit the /sig/ Self Improvement discord!
No. I don't think I will.

>> No.15754058


>> No.15754088

Self improvement is just masturbation

>> No.15754309
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self improvement is just masturbation

>> No.15754330

am I supposed to care?

>> No.15754335

That pic looks like an irl pokemon

>> No.15754348
File: 216 KB, 1080x1331, 1587495894671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read the synopses.

>> No.15754357


What is /sign/ about? Sorry I haven't been here in a while

>> No.15754370

It's a shitty board you're just now seeing it.

Nothing against you. I miss browsing lit too and still do sometimes. But this side of the internet is a victim of the polarisation of American identity politics, as much as they like to pretend they're above it. There's still good threads but it gets tedious.

>> No.15754424

This board and /his/ too. It might be time to get off the internet and read, but fuck, I'm too used to wasting my life on 4chan.