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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 816 KB, 640x1136, 14697CBB-978F-42BB-8A78-2D0C5C5F45EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15752797 No.15752797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do I swipe /lit/?

>> No.15752804


>> No.15752807

young looking 45. how old are you?

>> No.15752810

>5 miles away from LA
no, come hang out with me

>> No.15752819


>> No.15752836

Do it for the fire crotch.

>> No.15752847

in front of Lueders, next to that Church's Chicken

>> No.15752873

Dear God
i'm fully erect now

>> No.15752882


>> No.15752885


>> No.15752908

How does this 'swipe' thing work, OP? I ask because it's a hard "fuck no" to anyone who READS WITH THE FUCKING DUST COVER ON.

>> No.15752928

Yes, especially if you are under 25

>> No.15752940

older women are cute but you can't reproduce with them so no

>> No.15752952

even better, droppin warm loads in her carefree

>> No.15752978

>banged up feet (the first thing that I noticed)
>reads with the dust cover on
>5/5 face
>8/10 hair

Would still fuck just because she's older and available.

>> No.15752989

she’s lovely looking and if she genuinely likes Wilde, at the very least you have a conversational topic. if she doesn’t like Wilde, you can discuss her HUGE LONG FEET or her dress pattern, or her true crime book. i suppose it depends on how old you are and whether you want to expose yourself to what could be a nice relationship or (even worse than standard thottery) OLD THOTTERY. i think she looks nice, in any case.

>> No.15752991

You shouldn’t breed anyway.

>> No.15752993

Women 40 and over should be banned from using hookup apps. Its embarrassing to them, the app makers, and society.

>> No.15752995

says the dyke spinster kek

>> No.15752999

Butterfag took that one personally lol

>> No.15753007


more like


and yes

>> No.15753010

Yeah? Like since you're posting it as a thread you're obviously attracted to her at some level physically. Give it a shot, maybe you fuck. If you're young you for to bang an older gal. If you're older, still had some romantic fun with someone.

Worst case, she's insane and you just unmatch.

>> No.15753020
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too old

>> No.15753034

butter don't be rude. come on, i will have a wife and children, and i will love them very much. death and infertility are unfortunate biological limitations, so someone one's own age is best.

>> No.15753035
File: 48 KB, 305x343, 20200701_212408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminists also happen to be anti-natalist
So this is the power of...

>> No.15753046

she seems like a wilde one

>> No.15753061

Sure. Your name is anonymous though.

I am not.

>> No.15753067

Why are lesbians so bitter? I’ve noticed this in real life as well, they are the most bitter and insecure people in our society. I can scarcely comprehend being bitter enough to deny the most basic function and purpose of life out of one’s own negative experience

>> No.15753076

Actually women under 35 should be banned from using hookup apps because only women who’ve already had their children should be promiscuous

>> No.15753093

rejection of reason (problematic psyche over intellect) leads to sexual degeneracy and longing for death, hostility to all that is pure and belongs to life

>> No.15753101

And you can't. Not in a way that matters.

>> No.15753103

That's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.15753112

many of these girls are "lesbians" because they are asexual or have stunted sex drives for various reasons, they're afraid of men or male intimacy, etc., but they still want some kind of companionship.

99.9% of lesbians are lesbians in the same way that a woman who owns multiple cats is speaking the truth when she says they are her "fur babies." it's true in a sense.

you can actually look up statistics for this, in most "lesbian" relationships, there is little to no sex. on the one hand this is because the women have sexual trauma or are sexually uninitiated as just described (surprising fact: it's normal for women to discuss openly that they've literally never had an orgasm with a partner, including their life partners; normal for women to say they enjoy sex for the "general feel" of it, of the man desiring them and being close to them, but not for the mysterious and nonexistent climax; and finally, normal for women to say they only have sex as an obligation to their husband, who essentially uses them as a masturbatory aid). on the other hand, even when one or both parties desire to be sexually active, if both girls are effectively straight women dabbling in lesbianism, they have the problem of "Who initiates?" where does the sexual energy come from? both parties want to be passive, to release all the pent-up insanity of being a paradoxically infinitely valuable and infinitely worthless and weak woman by being "Taken" by a man (this is incidentally why female orgasms are completely acognitive, obliterating all discursive thought for their duration).

so they end up doing nothing -- they can't break through to their primeval womanly mode of being taken sexually, so they remain stick-shifted into Neutral, which for a woman is Social mode, in which discursive thought is still switched on and they are miserable and petty. two lesbians who can't decide who knucklefucks the other are basically just two catty broads staring daggers at eachother for fifty years.

eventually they forget what sex is and just become dumpy roommates.

some rare lesbians also give up on finding the other woman attractive and go for a butch linebacker with knuckles aplenty but this is a concession in other ways.

>> No.15753113

Women do not deserve sexual freedom beyond a loving marriage

>> No.15753126

Nah man, it’s a pass for me just based on those feet

>> No.15753133

You’re projecting. I was being sour here for humor’s sake. Anonymous? Breed?

Anonymous is always bitter.

Never wanted to. Personally anyway

Fuck you. Talk about bitter.

>> No.15753144

Women can't be sexually happy outside of a loving marriage anyway. Women hate being sluts, they just don't realize it as it destroys them psychologically for years.

>> No.15753153

Lol i think we found butterfags sore spot bros

>> No.15753156

you are basically a virgin, women having sex with each-other is not real sex. sorry, but you going to heaven.

>> No.15753163

Yes, think of the footjobs

>> No.15753165

She's cute for a 45 yo AND she reads. Swipe right.

>> No.15753166

Why does butters care about this? She harasses girls in their teens and twenties on /lit/, she is all for age gaps in dating

>> No.15753168
File: 974 KB, 1440x1790, C311F6EA-FF30-461F-B4F4-D818A4FEEDCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay gloomer

>> No.15753175
File: 1.42 MB, 1753x1311, 1584120960761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting her without makeup

>> No.15753176

Wondering if those on the post that voted no could in reality pull that? Think they would be scared to approach and conversate. They would go home and kick themselves in the proverbial ass for being weak and angrily engage in some sort of self harm, either physical, sexual or psychological.

>> No.15753177

I don’t harass anyone.
I’m pro OP/Heather

>> No.15753182

I bet those feet were cute when she was 10 pounds lighter and 20 years younger.

>> No.15753184

Swipe right and meet

>> No.15753185

Hahah. Seriously? That’s a picture of her with makeup to make her look old. Are you blind or trolling.

>> No.15753197
File: 144 KB, 1200x675, neekolul-age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another sore spot. What's the matter Buttershit, you don't like that the 20 year old girls you creepily obsess over are aging like normal women?

>> No.15753205

>ywn watch buttercunt swell up as she carries your child
Why even live bros

>> No.15753207
File: 50 KB, 696x392, 9A1F44B6-D451-4DB4-93DC-E139DE4D96A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ok...boomer,” she whispers to herself in the mirror, her voice heavy with sadness

>> No.15753208

Fuck yes I guarantee she would let you stick it in her butt

>> No.15753210

>No really. I am a blind fool!

>> No.15753225
File: 107 KB, 1000x600, 3ca9aabd5c3b1909b24d653d9cc9d2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy old lady.

>> No.15753226

they got no male attention growing up.
It's very sad actually

>> No.15753231

I am by LA, where are we meeting and when

>> No.15753233


>> No.15753239

These are the people complaining about the lack of quality posts in /lit/

>> No.15753246

You’re in the wrong thread, mac. We’re not here to obsess over makeup

>> No.15753255

Its funny knowing you simp for ethots

>> No.15753265
File: 84 KB, 419x238, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15753274
File: 218 KB, 942x1920, BCE090F7-BB8A-43F3-A22B-C0A20AC4C196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does one “simp” on a painting?
Did Scruton “simp” for a living.

>> No.15753290

5/10. Face looks too boyish. Her stomach is too fat. Not enough curves. She looks like she would bruise easily. Is that the best you got?

>> No.15753307

How much for the hymen?

>> No.15753333

In the last few weeks I tried making threads about interesting parts of the books I'm reading but the threads either got very few replies or they turned into shitposting contests. It's clear very few people actually read in this godforsaken hellhole.

>> No.15753335
File: 28 KB, 542x670, 3E98FCEB-19BA-499D-A214-AE05AB94360C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay bud post your naked body too and let’s see how you compare

>> No.15753336

Lmao dont try to equate your collection of tiktok whore jpegs to artists rendering nude figures fag

>> No.15753341

Simping for 2D is much more different than simping for a dirty 3D hooer
I still luv u tho

>> No.15753345

what books are you reading right now, anon?

>> No.15753356
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1280, 0CE274AA-5BB9-43E6-B4E6-44210B532430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is all around

Answer the question

>> No.15753357

I'm going through Jung right now. Starting his Personality Types in a few days.

>> No.15753367

oh, i haven’t read much jung yet. rn i really should not be on 4channel because i should be reading, but i’m working through rilke, pasternak, and tsvetaeva’s 1926 letters tonight. what is your most favorite book? and what is your most favorite recent read?

>> No.15753370

Nice quads.
4chan is designed so that the most controversial take gets the most attention. Its why toxic people like butterfag hang around, she loves the attention and gets a perverse high off of the (you)s.
There will always be faggots looking to game the system with attention seeking shitposts.

>> No.15753375

cewt trap

>> No.15753377
File: 324 KB, 1923x1934, 9226F31D-4A24-43A1-A14A-59BE1EDF82BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no short hair qt3.14 to offer me flowers
Closing in on the rope necklace for sure

>> No.15753380

Could I hop in and read his Red Book with no background in Jung?

>> No.15753383

>answer the question
Comparing your collection of thot jpegs to nude renderings in acrylic is much like comparing a bred housewife to a sexless lesbian. Only the former has any value to society.

>> No.15753396
File: 19 KB, 480x640, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15753414

You’ve got no business criticizing that painting

>> No.15753422

I haven't read those yet but I'll definitely check them out. My most favorite book so far is probably Goethe's Wilhelm Meister.
Yeah man it sucks. On rare occasions I've spoken with some very educated anons that I could not have found in any other site, but still the quality of the board very much sucks.

>> No.15753430

oh, i’m about 2/3 through elective affinities right now! i really appreciate goethe’s style—i’ll definitely read more. i strongly recommend the 1926 letters. i recently finished rilke on love and other difficulties, and if you’re diving into rilke do give that a look too.

>> No.15753433

Haven't read the Red Book yet. Based on what I've heard (and don't quote me on that) you could do that but you wouldn't learn much about his theoretical models. It has more literary value.

>> No.15753437

She is our beloved queen from booktube after 20 years. He aged beautifully.

>> No.15753446

Checked. And thanks, that’s more what I was looking for. I’m familiar with Lacan and other psychoanalysts after Jung so I’ll be alright.

>> No.15753456

Nice, Elective Affinities is the actually the next book on my list. I've grown to really like Goethe. Thanks for the recs, I'll check them out.

>> No.15753458

I can do whatever I please inkcell. Like how I will refuse to post anymore pictures even though I know you want to see them.

>> No.15753462
File: 62 KB, 801x527, bleh 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be the ugliest feet ive ever seen. uglier than man feet. 0/10.

>> No.15753464

>without makeup
Dog... you do realize she has makeup on here right

>> No.15753470


>> No.15753482

Brah you’re clearly talking to an incel who’s probably never seen a woman without makeup. Of course he doesn’t know that.

>> No.15753485

Tall women have it bad

>> No.15753490
File: 15 KB, 150x387, 4CE17E3A-58F4-464B-9741-CEB25C373280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15753491
File: 74 KB, 497x614, 8A52C1DE-3EE5-4B00-B5AA-9A2DD0222D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bleh 3
Can u post 1 and 2 fren

>> No.15753538

good post

>> No.15753554

>Exposed feet
Jesus OP, if that isn't a hint I don't know what is.

>> No.15753648

>Comforting lies iz güd poast

A hint that she doesn’t mind footfags obsessions

>> No.15753658

How are you not only unmarried by then but on Tinder? Do Americans really?

>> No.15753687

They want a penis

>> No.15753706

We have strap-ons.

>> No.15753724

Human beauty is the lower level of beauty

>> No.15753731

Based Platon

>> No.15753753

In the past yes but now amazon women can go online and attract all kind of fetishists. No women have it bad because of online dating/social media that capitalize way too well on male horniness and sexual variety.

>> No.15753757
File: 40 KB, 625x455, F2656294-87E4-4C5F-8E4A-36EA5EC359B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15753759

Kinda looks like my mom.

>> No.15753775

woah I thought I was on /lit/ or something

>> No.15753797

Watch the lecture linked.

>> No.15753829
File: 226 KB, 877x841, Screenshot_20200702-124027_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15753836


>> No.15753844

Dunno, anon. Tinder is full of bs like that. I usually don't care about it. Says nothing about her.

>> No.15753846

can't tell you how common cropping and blurring feet from pics are now

>> No.15753860

Nope, huge feet, were cute only when she was a teen.

>> No.15753871


>> No.15753897

bed death

>> No.15753924


>> No.15754046

why not just play the video game

>> No.15754054
File: 196 KB, 509x423, 1593599653337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15754056

Hey Butterfly, you still here?

You're a piece of shit!

>> No.15754062

Lesbians are inherently unnatural, like all degenerates. Which means that they're constantly battling their own instincts, which leads to unhappiness.

>> No.15754064

>a /pol/tard AND a /v/tard
wow way to ruin 4chan

>> No.15754071
File: 544 KB, 1280x720, 1564445080562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My bad"

>> No.15754086

Nah they're lesbians because they're jealous that they'll never be as good as men kek
Mind body and SOUL

>> No.15754100
File: 140 KB, 900x900, 1588729140665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way, I don't even date women my own age- let alone 15 years older than me. Plus this one is giving me "failed actress" vibe. The dyed red hair and cat lady look in her eye is pretty obvious. Failure is contagious.

No eggs., no dice.

>> No.15754111

I'll watch it for you babe ;)

>> No.15754147

VERY cool.

>> No.15754165

Please... please madam may i have a humble foot pic.

>> No.15754224

don't worry butters i'll inseminate a strong aryan women and you can be the surrogate mother

>> No.15754241

butters said recently she used to have a boyfriend way back when and ate his ass. so you could probably cuck her.

>> No.15754256

>she used to have a boyfriend
I knew she was a dumb thot this whole time

>> No.15754261

mi dios, la creatura de las americas

>> No.15754268

Look at those feet and legs anon. I am not convinced that this human is without a Y chromosome. But if you're into that good luck to you and have fun I guess.

>> No.15754291

is this his leg, folded arm, ass or his side?

>> No.15754300


>> No.15754304


>> No.15754308

Looks like Lon Chaney in Phantom of the Opera lol

>> No.15754314
File: 22 KB, 474x412, 14747287127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me gentlemen, let us take the chance to congratulate the 21st ce Shakespeare.

>> No.15754319

look at that shiny, oily forehead. i like that she wears a dress but he probably doesn't shave her armpits and smells

>> No.15754320

this. Bonus business as a photographer. People pay extra to keep their feet out of pics, pretty funny

>> No.15754336
File: 20 KB, 480x360, B9CD9BFC-F2D4-489A-913F-63E730693691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15754338

Lol this is true, nice post

>> No.15754374

Lesbians don't actually exist, it's just women who hate men for some reason

>> No.15754389

Maybe you haven't noticed but modern women are not very happy. They seem to take to junk food values through their fertile years then smash into the wall, become desperate, then quietly become irrelevant. This is a meme for a reason. As an oldfag I've seen this among my friends and family members. It doesn't get media attention because anything that smells of traditionalism or non Globohomo conservative goes against the orthodoxy.

>> No.15754390

lol why do they even care?

As that guy said, most girls wear makeup, revealing clothes, etc. If they want no one turned on then just wear Amish girl clothes and no makeup

>> No.15754396

Naw. That was some dude posing as me. Or you’re just now making it up.

I’ve had sex partners though. Keep me dropped.

No, it’s not lol

Cock. And the rest of the male body. Not at all appealing. Like I understand why breeders gotta breed, but at the same time, women are all I can consider. Just the way my brain was wired.

>> No.15754420

>I’ve had sex partners though
Kek you're a whore. How pathetic.

>> No.15754427

>Maybe you haven't noticed but modern women are not very happy.
OH, I’VE NOTICED. I was one of them. There seems no future in burgerpunk world, and the sixth extinction looms ever closer. Who wants to raise a kid (with a video game addict) only to hear them curse you for bringing them into a dying world?
Your diagnosis is stupid though.

Haven’t had nearly enough. Oh well.

>> No.15754432

Gem of a post

>> No.15754438


>> No.15754442

LA /lit/ thread

>> No.15754447
File: 54 KB, 1080x1175, 1573586750496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the rest of the male body. Not at all appealing.
Someone's jealous.

>> No.15754448


>> No.15754450


>> No.15754451

>The comforting lie pleases!

>> No.15754461

If it's a lie then why don't you refute it, sweet cheeks?

>> No.15754467

>la noir
wtf? A novelization of the game? or what desu?

>> No.15754468
File: 237 KB, 1226x2048, 86329B21-E3B1-455F-B3B1-6103C6079152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Relieved that I’m not a man or have to have one of those on top of me. I traumatized myself as a teen just thinking about it

>> No.15754472

Butters is losing her grip lately, I'm worried about the old bat.

>> No.15754474

West side reporting in

>> No.15754475

>Her stomach is too fat
>too fat
tummy fat is peak femininity. shut up nigger.

>> No.15754479

I specifically like the part where he remarks in the idea of women being simultaneously valuable and worthless. A lot of the world would be easier if the male and female libidos were averaged. I don't interpret this post as being inherently sexist or homophobic in its reasoning or observations.

>> No.15754483
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1591730022715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15754486
File: 456 KB, 500x500, 1592122321233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are just inherently better than women in every way. There's nothing you can do about it.
>I traumatized myself as a teen just thinking about it
Maybe that's why you're emotionally stunted and never matured.

>> No.15754487

Is that Megan Boyle?

>> No.15754489

I ain’t losing anything, I’m telling off these know nothings.

And what do you mean “lately”? You see that thread yesterday with the guy trying to remember a book I mentioned years ago? That was neat.

>> No.15754492

>Haven’t had nearly enough. Oh well.
We can make love until the robins sing and the sun rises, my sweet little bunny

>> No.15754493

The biggest difference between men and women is that men can overcome their inherent weaknesses, while women cannot.

>> No.15754494
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>> No.15754501
File: 624 KB, 1650x2531, 91VymzUEz-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>west coast lit

>> No.15754506
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x1200, A4F2C68E-43AE-416D-A6B9-E6EFA899D0F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe that's why you're emotionally stunted and never matured.

Aubrey? Yes, come over asap!

>> No.15754508
File: 42 KB, 330x499, 61trxlZ-EKL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15754512

I disagree, they should be allowed as long as part of the user license has an additional requirement that they agree to be available for casual sex, and cannot harass you about a relationship.

>> No.15754518

How much do the joggers pay you?

>> No.15754520

>I traumatized myself as a teen just thinking about it
but >>15753112 is a comforting lie.
Keep posting neurotic ''cute'' girls to justify your presence here saying nothing.

>> No.15754525

What a boring response. Where's the do-over button like in AI Dungeon?

>> No.15754526

The reason that one particular post >>15753112 butt hurts you so is because on some level you know there is more than a hint of truth to it and that scares you. But I understand why you would be revolted by modern "men".

I think most people shitposting who claim to be female are actually males. My guess it that you are an actual female. Based on what I believe to be your posts, tonight and other nights, I could believe that you are on the autistic female spectrum giving you a more "masculine" brain which could also conceivably lead to a legit sexual preference for other females. But most "lesbians" are damaged and jaded heterosexual woman. Bisexual women are just hyper sexualized. Gay men really do exist though.

No hate so don't get offended if you think I'm way off.

>> No.15754529
File: 61 KB, 992x558, 160702_ntl_aubrey_1254_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's 36 now, almost half your age. Already got massive facial sag.

>> No.15754533

>autistic female spectrum
Girls can't be autistic, only "quirky."

>> No.15754538

The only cute thing about these girls ,is how brattiness demand correction.

>> No.15754541
File: 287 KB, 912x1333, 44809210-D6B0-4CDC-9564-87778447F480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wherein does he mention teenaged christian lesbians trying to think themselves straight? Missed it.

I don’t get it.

Maybe I’m just saying that I’m an exception to theses as rules. Touchy touchy.

Eleven years younger sounds rather ideal
Natalia can come over too

>> No.15754543

Yeah that guy is smarter than me and definitely is correct. He gets it.

>> No.15754545

>Missed it.
of course you did

>> No.15754546

How much do the joggers pay you?

>> No.15754548

Remind her of that when she tries to get you to define the relationship.

>> No.15754554


>> No.15754555

>christian lesbians trying to think themselves straight?
Sounds like a good thing. Like a fat person trying to lose weight. Such people deserve to be admired, attempting to overcome their vices like that. Perhaps you should too. Have you ever even attempted to improve yourself in any way?

>> No.15754564


>> No.15754567

When people try to dismiss me as mythical, I can only dismiss them.

“Incel”? They’re all volcels. Agreed?
Are you trying to force a meme? It doesn’t make sense

>> No.15754570

>Eleven years younger
wow pedo much?
get canceled

>> No.15754573
File: 137 KB, 874x507, 1592443753920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew you were a pathetic attention whore but goddamn this thread is your magnum opus.

Could you PLEASE stop because it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.15754574

Reported this thread. And you should too, anon, if you wish to make /lit/ a better place.

>> No.15754576
File: 54 KB, 860x860, 1581928503365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer wincel.