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/lit/ - Literature

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15753065 No.15753065 [Reply] [Original]

are you satisfied with your purchase? How many books have you read with it?

>> No.15753071

Yes and about a hundred or so. I’m looking forward to an upgrade

>> No.15753073

Yes, a bunch. Dunno for sure. Like a lot.

>> No.15753077

I have a Kobo. I like it. Only downside is some of the pirated books I read have garbage strings from conversion errors.

>> No.15753143

I bought a Nook and it's ok. I wouldn't try to read anything too dense with it, but if you're traveling it's very convenient/

>> No.15753149

sorry I don't suck bezo's cock

>> No.15753181

yes. around 80

does kobo have the equivalent of send to kindle, email@kindle.com and the amazon cloud? my kindle has a broken screen. if kobo has those features i might buy it

>> No.15753190

very, hundreds

>> No.15753195

>email@kindle.com and the amazon cloud?
Doesn't have the e-mail thing as far as I know. It has its own cloud system OverDrive, but I don't know if that will do what you want it to do. Kobo is great if you have a giant ebook library on a hard drive.

>> No.15753206

Here's my rundown: yes, you'll use it a lot, especially when traveling. No, the annotation function is bullshit, don't read anything you want to mark-up. I usually just read sf/f, like GoT or the Expanse. No, it's not annoying to charge a book, it barely uses any battery anyway.
Don't get one that's basically a tablet, it's just a tablet and you will / willnot use it as such

>> No.15753220

>don't read anything you want to mark-up
what do you mean by that? i'm not sure i understand but if by that you mean highlighting passages that's one of the main reasons i like kindle. i then export the notes and save to read whenever i want

>> No.15753230
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Tons. When I was in undergrad, I got my first one and went crazy reading the $2 complete works of frogs.

>> No.15753238

Why is an e reader superior to a smartphone? Mine has been working just fine for me.

>> No.15753250

Much easier on the eyes.

>> No.15753262

Where did you find all of the complete works sets for Frenchies, anon

>> No.15753278

In my experience, when I used a phone I'd always get distracted and tired my eyes out quite easily.

Getting a kindle is probably one of the best decisions I have made.

>> No.15753297
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type in "œuvre completes" in the amazon search bar and go wild

>> No.15753389

I read over 30 with a shitty Papyre 602 and I'm upgrading to a Kobo Clara this month. There are some "high-end" e-readers that promise annotation and fast refresh but from what I've seen is mostly BS. I'd be more than willing to throw $400+ on a TRUE high-end reader...

>> No.15753394

Why? This is too expensive. Why not get a cover with a notepad?

>> No.15753399


Here is your high end reader bro

>> No.15753408

Got an aura in January, read about ten twelve books on it. Very satisfied

>> No.15753436

I got a kindle for free but it's pretty nice. I've only read a handful of books so far.

>> No.15753461

I've had one for more then a week now and it's pretty good, much better for my eyes then iphone, can hold a lot of books (6000) on even low storage models. And combined with libgen.is gutenberg.org and calibre I don't have to spend a dime on reading.

>> No.15753508
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majority of my books are on my kindle
cookbooks/manga/magazines go on iPad

I don't own any physical books anymore

>> No.15753561

thanks frendy, you know, I considered some of these chink readers at first, but they seemed as cumbersome as the regular ones for notations

>> No.15753580

I haven't kept count, but probably around a dozen.
I'm pretty satisfied with it.

>> No.15754144
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its a subpar reading experience but is good for when the the physical copies are rare or expensive. Basically, if i can get the book for less than 10 dollars i will just buy it but otherwise ill just steal and read it on the kindle

>> No.15754219


>> No.15754260

best purchase I ever did. I download books from internet, some are pretty shit formatted, but its free so

>> No.15754303
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rofl of course you do. AWS hosts literally everything. Bezos doesn't control the world cause he stole walmart's business, he just strait up owns the physical internet. you must be a republican
e-readers are awesome. convenient for honest readers and pirates alike.

>> No.15754315

this is decades old technology, anon.

>> No.15755404

I've used a Kobo Glo HD for years and much prefer it to physical books. Increased font size is a major advantage, plus the ability to have hundreds of books without needing all the shelf space, and the ease of accessing loads of backlist titles. The only exceptions where I prefer physical copies are books with a lot of images. Lots of people dismiss ebooks, but I wonder how many of them have tried an actual e-ink reader. Reading an epub on a phone isn't the same.

>> No.15755409

There are programs for reformatting pdfs so they look good on small ereaders. Look it up. You can comfortably read pretty much any book you want for free on an ereader, provided you know your way around the computer.

>> No.15755427

it's the fucking best purchase I've done in my life

>> No.15755429

literally sits there with ralph waldo emerson's stupid ugly grin

>> No.15755431

i love mine for the most part. it's a little annoying at times when you're using its "tablet" features, as in navigating menus, as it can be a little slow and it often blacks out the screen to refresh it. i'm assuming these are engineering considerations having to do with the use of e-ink. the processor is probably just barely strong enough to run the thing in order to get a good battery life out of it. i kind of wish i'd gone balls deep for the version with the red-tinged backlight just because i do a lot of reading at night, but i didn't want to pay for it at the time. when this one dies however many years down the line i'll probably get that one.

>> No.15755444

Really want to get an e-reader. Which one is the pick /lit/?

>> No.15755477

Happy with the Oasis. Switched to it almost exclusively. Downloaded most of my physical books to it.

>> No.15755546

>the reddit man
>on /lit/
i'm done.
it's been nice, but i think i'm gonna go outside now.

>> No.15755654

Why do you pay for it? These are public domain and available at archive.org.
Here is an epub for the count of Monte Cristo https://archive.org/details/worksofalexandr01duma

>> No.15755751

I got one for Christmas and yes, it was a great gift. I get to pirate everything and probably already saved £40 in books which is maybe 4 or 5 books. It's also more practical to carry during trips rather than 3 or 4 books in my bag.

>> No.15755779

Yes. I have a first gen Oasis and I'm very happy with it. Been reading on it constantly.

>> No.15755787

I have a Paperwhite 32gb and it was a great purchase. Not only can I pirate many books but if I can't find one to pirate it's usually at least on the Amazon Kindle store.

>> No.15756152


What about the Barnes and Noble Nook? Can you buy comic books with it and will they be in color because I think you can purchase comic books with the Nook. But the problem is if I will actually read anything on the Nook. I have downloaded the Calbre program and with it hundreds or thousands of e-books from Gutenberg and I still find it difficult to read on the laptop. I usually just go for a paperback book or actual physical book instead of the electronic stuff.

>> No.15756172

400ish. I only really use it for smaller novels or short monographs, reading big works like Mann novels or Tolstoy become monotonous, and textbooks really lose their power to inform.

>> No.15756207

>What about the Barnes and Noble Nook? Can you buy comic books with it and will they be in color because I think you can purchase comic books with the Nook.
Holy shit you are actually fucking retarded? Google how e ink works

>> No.15756257

>are you satisfied with your purchase?
It is the best purchase I have ever made

>How many books have you read with it?

>> No.15756304

Pff, it is more than the best purchase I have ever made. It is the best purchase ever made. Period.

And I've read at least 2000 books with it.

>> No.15756436

I read most of my novels in it. I fucking hate reading poetry on the Kindle, so I still buy physical poetry books.

>> No.15756446

Really? I used it to read some poetry and plays too. It was fine.

>> No.15756506


Just give a straight answer, will I be able to see the comic books in color or what?

>> No.15756519


I used Calibre to read some poetry on my laptop, like the poems of Phyllis Wheatley. I should actually go back and finish that book.

>> No.15756523

yes, a hundred and something, saved a lot of money, it's a kobo though

>> No.15756621

Fuck off retard

>> No.15756644

The kindle is such a design disaster. It does what it's supposed to well, but that doesn't mean it's not a treasure trove of poor design when trying to do things like translate.

If you download a book in say spanish, and you have a spanish dictionary installed (both bought from amazon). Still you manually have to select the dictionary for to be used with this book to the spanish. Ok, next you want to actually translate some text. Oh, you only selected a single word? Here's the french translation instead of the spanish one, because even if we've done 100 lookups in spanish in this text we still don't automatically assume this one will be!

Oh, and when you select the word the first option will be wikipedia lookups, so you need to slide to the translate part. Why can I not toggle a "language learner mode" to change this behavior?

At least it's excellent to read on, so if you don't care about these features then it doesn't matter.

>> No.15756725

The best purchase I’ve made this decade.

>> No.15756734

Not unless you buy an e-reader with colour e-ink, such as the Pocketbook Colour.

>> No.15756803

Why would you buy something like that instead of a tablet?

>> No.15756816

Because the longer battery life and no glare. Same reason you'd buy a normal Kindle really.

>> No.15757905

Maybe 8 so far. I just got it not too long ago. I’ve been living it (paper white)

I can read for far longer without having to hold a book in an awkward position. Plus the highlighting and word lookup is awesome

>> No.15758695

>Still you manually have to select the dictionary for to be used with this book to the spanish
What the hell are you talking about? Maybe there's a 1 time setup but you don't have to do it for every Spanish book

>> No.15758796
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what is the best e-reader? I have an old kindle and it is ass. works fine but not efficient or easy to use the features.

>> No.15758803

Mine is the non-touch and non-keyboard one. I know your pain.

>> No.15758840


>> No.15758848

Yes. Probably around 400.

>> No.15758868

can you annotate with this shit?

>> No.15758956

You can set one up using dropbox

>> No.15758986

Just bought a kobo libra h2o after a decade of kindle. It is truly a good purchase, kobo is like kindle but for people serious about reading.

>> No.15759098

I have a touch one and it fucking sucks. Keep your paddle one if it works.

>> No.15759149

Yes easily

>> No.15759176

Why? No, I'm going to get another one. Mine is old and I can't use it to read on the sun anymore. It loses all contrast.

>> No.15759241

This thread is full of shills.

>> No.15759351

The touch one i have sucks (7th gen paperwhite). Every 1 in 5 times i switch it on it randomly starts flicking pages and you have to turn it off quick as you can because it will flick through dozens of pages. It occasionally randomly highlights sections so now i have completely stopped using the "my clippings" thing because it is filled with trash because i didnt catch the highlight when it happened. It sometimes doesnt register touch on switching on so you have to turn on and off again.
Its also slow as fuck. You'll be able to type as fast with the 5 button thing than you would with with the touch screen.
I got this two years ago and if it wasnt a gift i'd have gone back to my paddle one.

>> No.15759365

Why you didn't changed for another one? It seems that its touch is broken, anon. You can change it and it will work normally.

>> No.15759493

Yeah I got the same model a few months ago and I love it. Only annoying thing is it makes a small buzz when turning pages, I only hear it at night in bed but if I pay attention to it it gets annoying.

>> No.15760099

bought a kindle paperwhite about 4 months ago and I've read about 20 books using it. My local library has ebooks available which is really convenient since the physical location is closed because of the coronavirus. I prefer it to physical books mostly for the convenience of being able to carry multiple books without worrying about the weight and easily being able to switch between books at any time. If you connect your kindle with goodreads it will make all your notes/highlights available on their website.
In terms of actually reading physical vs digital, I don't really prefer one over the other but I think with 1000 page fantasy novels the functionality of digital(being able to enlarge the font and not having to physically hold a 1000 page tomb) is way better. Amazon also has a lot of classics available for ~free~(with amazon prime) and puts random books on sale every few days.

>> No.15760154
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>buying an ereader
Good decision
>paying for ebooks
You fucking buffoons

>> No.15760164

trading mine in for $25 amazon credit

>> No.15760300

I want an ereader so i no longer have to pay for books but I’m an autistic consoomer and can’t get over wanting to build up my library and the aesthetic satisfaction I get from it. How do I stop this

>> No.15760374

Read the classics first and get good physical volumes. Books you know you will re-read, or lend, or inherit to your children (lmao). Books that mean something to you. Books with cool covers or whatever. The Canon would be a good list to compare your potential collection.

If you only read plebby forgettable shit you're wasting your money in shitty editions. Once you understand how stupid preening yourself over some paperback copy of Vonnegut is, you will read better books and/or make better investments.
I mean, have you never seen a used 30yo copy of a paperback? Why would you waste your money on that shit? Are you really going to re-read Dragonsword #42, Journey of Hero Stu? Do you want to carry that shit through every house you'll inhabit?

>> No.15760445

You got a defective one. Replace it.

>> No.15760632

Sauce? for both the manga and the ereader

>> No.15760902


>> No.15760973

Defeatist cuckold lib

t. commie chad

>> No.15761018

(SC2017 Summer) [HAMMER_HEAD (Makabe Gorou)] Matoba Risa-chan de Manabu Doubutsu no Koubi (THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS) [English] [Mongolfier]

JDRead Venus

>> No.15761066

Oh thanks.

>> No.15761071

What's the best program to download and convert manga?

>> No.15761100

tachiyomi :^)

>> No.15761136

Does that work on PC?

>> No.15761234
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>download 5 books a day
>read 1 book a month
is this a normal kindle ratio?

>> No.15761242

No, I don't read anything anymore.

>> No.15761670

I do the exact same thing. We are truly blessed to have so many options to acquire free books from.

>> No.15761746

>only 5

>> No.15761824

>read about 200 books on it
>all for free

>> No.15761848
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I have over 7,000 ebooks and have read roughly 500 of them.

>> No.15761853

KEK I got 2300

>> No.15761866
File: 24 KB, 482x595, books folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, nevermind, I have 22,000 books. Forgot I merged other books into the master folder and downloaded a bunch of new ones.

>> No.15761875

Do you read them on your PC?

>> No.15761876

how many are epub/mobi?
2400 epub/mobi here
7000 pdfs

>> No.15761880

Wow, do you have a time on your day just to download books? Because I waste a lot of time doing that.

>> No.15761887

holy based....
this anon has the library of Alexandria...
beyond based if 142gbs of hentai

>> No.15761952

You are plyushkin.

>> No.15761970

>the library of Alexandria
That's the intention. They're coming for your obscure 1800s library book scans, anons. Delete your porn folder and hoard more books. I have enough reading material to last me 5 lifetimes.
No idea. Some of them are audiobooks, though, but only maybe 200. Probably 1/2 are pdf and the rest some form of epub/mobi or weird fucking .txt files or god knows what.
I can spend several hours at it, but you make the real bank when you get a pack. Packs with like 400 random books in it, that's the golden bricks you want to build your castle out of. It pains me that bookzz only has a 5/day limit. Sometimes I'll open 30 tabs of books I want to download there and clear it through the week.
The pdfs, yes. Otherwise kindle.

>> No.15761987

>It pains me that bookzz only has a 5/day limit
make an account and you have 10/day. it's also better because it saves the history of downloaded books and makes recommendation based on them. i use b-ok mostly to browse through the recommendations and extension specific/new additions. libgen is better overall for downloading unlimited amounts

i agree about packs. some books you can only find in torrent packs on thepiratebay, not on b-ok, not on libgen. archive.org is also a good source for some old books

>> No.15761988

Is Kindle the preferred e-reader or is there anything just as good/better? Everyone seems to use Kindle but I'm not sure if I want to support Amazon.

>> No.15761996

You better start torrenting that shit son

>> No.15762002
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see this. it marks books that have been downloaded already. very useful

>> No.15762007
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>i agree about packs. some books you can only find in torrent packs on thepiratebay
I got myself a greek/roman pack from there that would be enough to get me a pseud phd

>> No.15762009


>> No.15762027
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More like everyone here is tech illiterate and just get what is easier.
Anyway if you want something good without giving bezos any money get a kobo.
If you feel adventurous you can also get something more weird like those chink ereaders running android.

>> No.15762031

i think even kindles run on android

>> No.15762034

This is one of them. More to learn the language and get the historical context.
Also, one of the few contributions that butterfag has made here.

>> No.15762043

I don't know much about Kobo. How does it compare to Kindle Paperwhite? And where do I buy books from?

>> No.15762047

>some books you can only find in torrent packs on thepiratebay
oh, shit, you weren't kidding
>go there, find obscure topic i like, book pack for it
>no seeds
>description has a link to an archive
>it's up
>tons of shit I couldn't find elsewhere
absolutely based. fuck the police. and yeah, if you mention that, i might make an account for their recommendations then.
if certain interests ever shut down piracy sources, i'm pretty sure /lit/ as a whole functions as a decentralized library of alexandria in itself. we'll just become the hydra.

>> No.15762058
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The shitty kindle fire tablets? Sure
The ereaders run some botnet shit on top of the linux kernel, some autismos have gotten different distros to run on it, but for what I am aware just for the "I did it" creed, nothing useful.
The screens are more of less the same really, I think the only difference is the outside shape.
Kobos have their own store, or do like any rational human being and use libgen and other sources posted on this thread

>> No.15762061

noice, copped it.

>> No.15762092

Cool, thanks.

>> No.15762116

>download limits on b-ok.cc
Most of that stuff is already on IRC and can be easily found in Soulseek btw. There are hundreds of boomers sharing their huge Calibre libraries, and there's always Directory search as a last recourse.

>> No.15762142

thanks for the tip. i'll look into it. never used irc

>> No.15762166

Forgot to add https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/
and https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/Calibre_Libraries
for Open directory Calibre libraries. But needs an account to browse the full list and some trial and error because many shares are password protected.

>> No.15762171

how do i heckin download this IRC hardware into my cpu

>> No.15762173
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forgot pic

>> No.15762184


>> No.15762206

Get a PocketBook. These readers are good.

>> No.15762220

#Bookz and #Ebooks have different DCC bots that send you files according to a few commands.

Download an IRC client with XDCC (e.g., AdiIRC).
Connect to irc.undernet.org or irc.highway.net (a VPN is recommended because your IP will be visible, not that anyone is going to bother doing anything evil to you).
Join #bookz or #ebooks (/j bookz or /j ebooks respectively)
Type @search YOUR_QUERY (ex: @search Faulkner Dying) to get a zipped txt with the list of search results.
Open said txt, copy the line that fits what you were looking for (ex: !Yourmomishot blablabla_example.epub) and paste it in the chat window.
You should see the bot acknowledging your request in the chat window.
Sometimes you have to wait a little for the queue to clear up. If the bot does nothing, it might be dead.
Wait until the file is downloaded. And that's it.

To be honest, Soulseek can be less of a hassle.

>> No.15762233
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wtf this is so much info my universe was libgen and b-ok am i moving out of plato's cave. im installing soulseek never heard of it

>> No.15762479

What fucking font and size do you usually go with?

>> No.15762537

Caecilia, 3rd size from the left, minimal line height and margins. Font size somewhat depends on the ebook's code, though. That same font size may not be scaled the same on different books.
I also found out much later that if the book has an embedded font, you can use that display type.

>> No.15762788

Not a super intense reader doing only an hour or two a day and I've got enough physical books to last me some years, but I am a student and go through a good amount of pdfs and stuff on my PC.

Any recommendation for best E-reader for student purposes and using pirated books and downloaded stuff, not things bought on some e-store?

>> No.15762815

I do own an Aura One which I believe is still the top end of Kobo. They are great if you aren't rich and don't care about pirating stuff, for example, that "recent" translation of Baumgarten's metaphysics goes for around 130€ here and no public library has it so without the ereader (and libgen) I wouldn't have been able to read it
Amasis which I think is the default Kobo font and the size being a bit above the minimum one, haven't done a test but bigger fonts make me feel like I'm reading at a slower rate than I should.

>> No.15762823

Ereaders cannot handle PDFs well so don't ever think about buying one specifically for that purpose. They are good for reading something from cover to cover but they are pretty bad for annotations and anything studying related.

>> No.15762871

i got a kindle but for anything important it's counterintuitive (for me personally). A physical book allows me to flip back and forth to certain passages for cross reference, my memory works way better with physical books as I can instantly find passages based on the layout of the page and its approximate position in the book.

>> No.15762876 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15762910

after looking into soulseek in disappointed when it comes to books. however i found some good albuns i was looking for

>> No.15762967

If you're a poorfag it's the only option
Actually it's objectively the best option, it renders a bookshelf only useful for aesthetics and "muh feel of flipping the pages"
Some really obscure books aren't available on zlib, libgen, or IRC, or if you read extant poorfag authors then you might want to support them, so those are the only acceptable justifications to still buy books
The built in dictionary/wikipedia feature is also a godsend (press and hold a word)

>> No.15763104

>cheap PocketBook reader + IRC + libgen + K2pdf + calibre = more than 200 books

Getting an ereader was probably one of the best decisions of my life.

>> No.15763856

>Actually it's objectively the best option, it renders a bookshelf only useful for aesthetics and "muh feel of flipping the pages"
>Not keeping a physical archive for when the power's out or digital book trading is shut down

>> No.15764303

Where do you live that the powers out for weeks at a time?

>> No.15764367

I've had the power out for days at a time where I grew up in the rural United States, but in the long term I don't have much faith in industrial society and its future.

>> No.15764370
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For me? Its Lexend Deca
Its not that ereader cannot handle pdfs, its that most pdfs are scanned and look like shit on the tiny screen.
Depends on the user connected, try IRC first.

>> No.15764380

It is the best purchase I ever had.
I never paid any books because I could get any book I want to my Kindle through a combination of Calibre and libgen.is
Call me whatever you want but this is literally my free book machine without the eye strain of reading on my phone.

>> No.15764602
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Its insane how a 20 investment covers my one hobby i spend my time on other than language leaner, while there are people on /g/ and /v/ buying 200 to 1000 $ gadgets and still talk of being miserable.

>> No.15764616

Same, i dont know why but reading poetry on a kindle is awful

>> No.15765796

books are free or practically free and nurture the soul and character.
you have to pay to consoom vidya/movies/tv and they destroy your soul and character.

>> No.15765808

shill thread
(I have an old paperwhite thats nice)